New Year Di Beberapa Dunia
New Year Di Beberapa Dunia
New Year Di Beberapa Dunia
The first day of January marks the beginning of the new year in the USA.
It is the time to make new resolutions and celebrate the federal holiday
with a lot of pomp and show. The celebrations at Time Square, New
York City are particularly watched out worldwide to see how grand new
year gala can get around the world!
All New Year parties here, big or small, have a theme or dress code. All
attendees have to wear a mask, which they must uncover only once the
clock strikes midnight. Not to mention, the fresh arrival is given a roaring
welcome with opening of champagne bottles, which is an absolute must.
The following New Year day is generally celebrated with family at home.
It is also made special by either visiting loved ones or going out for a
picnic or playing football.
Though Pope Gregory III started the Gregorian Calendar in 1582, it was officially adopted in the UK only on the
first of January 1752. Ever since, it’s a much awaited festival in Britain, when people honor ancient traditions
hand in hand with contemporary ideas of celebrating new year around the world.
Among the popular ancient customs in UK practiced even today, “First-footing” is one that suggests that after
midnight, only a dark-haired male visitor should first enter the house carrying coal, bread and salt for good luck
and prosperity. In some parts of UK, it is considered ideal to give holy or mistletoe on New Year’s Eve to wish
Giving gifts is a prominent tradition that lives on. Then there is a custom of being noisy in the new year. So the
parties are kept as noisy and dazzling as possible with bonfires, fire crackers, ringing bells and blowing
whistles, horns & trumpets.
Keeping details aside, people in UK like to party pretty much like everyone else enjoy themselves during new
year around the world. People here also attend themed parties, salsa dances and live performances to make
celebrations memorable. In addition, cruises to England are getting increasingly popular among citizens to
enter the new year partying away on the sea, watching the dazzling city skyline from a distance.
How is New Year celebrated in your country? What do you eat and
drink? What games do you play? Any special activities to celebrate the
last day of the year? Any traditions?
Hi! My name is James 1. Choose True(T) or
Transom. I’m eleven years old and False(F) statements:
I live with my parents and our funny 1. The boy’s name is
cat called Sunny. I love my cat very James.
much. 2. He lives with his
But I’d like to tell you about my mother and a cat.
worst New Year in my life. My mother asked me 3. The cat is called
to go to my grandparents with the presents she Briny.
had prepared for them. My grandparents lived at 4. James went to visit
the other end of our city and it usually took me his grandparents.
about an hour to get to them. That’s why I 5. He went to them by
decided to go there immediately in order to taxi.
return home quickly. 6. He fell asleep and
I took the bag with the presents and went to lost the presents.
the bus station. There I took the right bus and 7. His grandparents gave
sat at the window. The road was rather monotony him a lot of presents.
and I fell asleep. Suddenly I woke up and saw 8. On the way home he
that my bag with the presents had disappeared fell asleep.
and I had to get off at the next bus stop. Of 9. He slipped and
course, I got off and went to my grandparents. tore his jeans.
They were glad to see me even without any 10. It was a nice New
presents. I explained that I had lost their Year.
presents. They didn’t punish me but I was very
unhappy. They gave me a lot of presents for me 2. Answer the questions:
and my parents and I went home. 1. What’s the boy’s
On my way home I was very attentive and surname?
careful in the bus. I didn’t sleep; I counted the 2. Who does he live
trees and admired the decorated houses and with?
streets. I got off at my bus stop and went home. 3. Who did his mother
Suddenly I slipped and fell down. When I got up ask to visit?
I saw that my jeans were torn on my knees. It 4. What did he do in the
was awful! bus?
At last I came home. My parents asked me 5. What did his
about my grandparents, how they liked our grandparents give him?
presents. I told them everything. They were 6. When did he fall
really upset but they didn’t scold me. It was a down?
horrible day! “What a bad day!”-I thought. - 7. Why was this day
“Why has it happened to me?” horrible?
Greatest lesson Hardest thing this Favourite memory
learned year
learn 1.
to be better at 2.
to stop 3.
to try 4.
to learn ...............