Concept of Unitive and Procreative Health

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Concept of unitive and procreative health

• A unique being that is different from every human being with different genetic make-up,
life expectancies and environmental interactions.
• A person’s identify encompasses the way the person interprets the environment or
situation, directly affecting how the person thinks, feels and acts in any given situation.

• These are people who consult at the health center and receive health services
• Considered as the entry point in working with the whole family
• Procreation is the creation of a new human person, by the act of sexual intercourse, by a
man and a woman.
• Creation is the making of all things from nothing, by an act of God, at some time in the
past. God's action could have taken a second, or 6 days, or a million years.

• Evolutionary theory is the theory that all things came about by the repeated random actions
of natural selection, whereby:
– Life came into existence, and then
– Primitive life evolved into more and more complex organisms, and eventually
producing mankind.

• Evolutionary theory requires the assumption of billions of years for its processes
The Concept of Family
• A family is defined by the US Census Bureau as “a holder and one or more other people
living in the same household who are related by birth, marriage, or adoption.”
• Allender (2013) defines family “two or more people who live in the same household, share
a common emotional bond, and perform certain interrelated social tasks.”

Family types:
• A childfree or childless family is composed of two people living together without children.
• This category refers to a growing
• trend of a voluntary choice to not have children and be child-free.
• With the many opportunities that are offered to women, there may be a delay in marriage
and in planning for a family.


• Cohabitation families are composed of couples, perhaps with children, who live together
but remain unmarried.
• Couples may choose cohabitation for a variety of personal or financial reasons.
• It does not always provide for long-term financial security or additional legal benefits if the
couple ends the relationship.
• When children are involved in the relationship, determining custody and financial care may
be an issue.


• The traditional nuclear family is composed of two parents and children.
• In the past, it was the most common family structure worldwide.
• The biggest advantage of a nuclear family is its ability to provide support to family
members because, with its small size, people know each other well and can feel genuine
affection and support for and from each other.


• An extended Family includes not only a nuclear family but also other family members such
as grandmothers, grandfathers, aunts, uncles, cousins and grandchildren.
• An advantage of such a family is it contains more people to serve as resources during crisis
and provides more role models for behaviour or values.


• Single-parent families play a large role in childrearing.
• Unfortunately, low income is often a problem encountered.


• a divorced or widowed person with children marries someone who also has children.
• Positive: increased security and resources
• negative: rivalry or competition among children.


• Lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender couples lives together as partners for
companionship, financial security, and sexual fulfilment, or form the same structures as
nuclear family.


• children whose parents can no longer care for them may be placed in a foster or substitute
home by a child protection agency.
• Positive: prevents children from being raised in large orphanage settings.
• Negative: insecurity and inability to establish meaningful relationship because of frequent
• No matter what the family structures is, adopting brings joy and fulfilment to a family.
• Adoption can also offer a number of challenges for both the adopting parents and the child
as well as for any other children in the family.

What is responsible parenthood?

• Responsibility parenthood is an ability of parents to detect the need of happiness and desire
of children and helping them to become responsible and responsible children.
• It is the shared responsibility of husband and wife to determine and achieve the desired
number, spacing, and timing of their children according to their own family life aspirations,
and concerns.

• Responsible parenthood doesn’t limit only on fulfilling the demand of children and rearing
them up properly but goes beyond that

Qualities of responsible parenthood:

• Marriage should be done at the right age as right age at marriage helps to start a new life
and new family in a right time.
• The size of a family should be decided by both parents together.

• Being responsible parents also refers to becoming parents at the right age where both of
them are physically and mentally mature to start a family.
• Proper spacing between the births of children is also necessary for health of a mother and
child. This also assures that every child receives the attention and care they deserve.

10 principles of the responsible parenting:

1. What you do matters
• This is one of the most important principles
• Children learn from the parents
• They see, observe, imitate and adapt the behavior of the parents
• One needs to act the same way that they want their children to be

2. You cannot be too loving

• Everybody loves their child
• But the love of parents should never spoil them
• In fact it’s the things like leniency, material possession that spoils them
• Parents need to be careful on that matters

3. Be involved in your child’s life

• It is necessary for parents to be involved in child’s life in both physical way and mental way
• Parents needs to talk to them and also listen them carefully
• Patents should manage to provide at least 15 minutes of undivided attention towards children
every day.
4. Adapt your parenting to fit your child
• Parents needs to keep the track and pace with the child’s development
• Parents need to understand the children milestone as per the age

5. Establish and set rules

• Parent need to maintain and regulate the child’s behavior.
• Strict actions and punishment may also be required.
• Parents can set up the rules and make children follow them.
• Rules can simply vary from table rules to curfew rules.

6. Foster your child’s independence

• A responsible parent needs to teach their children self-control and encourage independence.
• Parents should teach them to make responsible decisions and shouldn’t frequently intervene in
their choices.

7. Be consistent
• Consistency is the key to disciplines.
• Rules for children shouldn’t change from day to day. This makes the children confuse.
• Before that, the parents need to make sure that the rules made are logical and based on valid
reason and are not just imposition of power

8. Avoid harsh discipline

• Parents should never adopt the harsh way.
• They should never hit a child, under any circumstances.
• This has negative impacts on child.
• Punishment should be mild and used carefully.

9. Explain your rules and decisions

• Good parents have clear expectations
• They communicate this to their children in clear way and explain them as per their age
10. Treat your child with respect
• Children should be treated with equal respect.
• Their views, opinions should be listened and valued.
• Speak politely.
• Treat him kindly.
• This is the best way to teach them how to treat and respect others
Necessities of Responsible parenthood:
a) Maintain healthy family size
⮚ Responsible parenting is concerned with the maintaining the desired size of family, maintaining
the spacing and having desired family size
⮚ The decision is made based on the health status, social and economic concerns

⮚ This will further help parents in responsibly handling the situation in the future and also
prepares them to face challenge
b) Support
• Children require the support of the parents
• Responsible parenting will help in building the supportive relation between children and parents
• Parents would be able to support their children in every steps of their life

c) Morality
⮚ Children learns from the parents
⮚ They become what their parents are
⮚ Responsible parenting is necessary to teach children the right behavior, culture the healthy habits
and morals and also to guide in right direction throughout

d) Others
⮚ Encouraging independent thought. It is duty of parents for better controlling over the children.
⮚ Responsible parenting is also necessary to avoid the financial burden and stay prepared.

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