Manajemen Operasi Week 2 Prsentasi

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Disusun oleh :
Alfi syukri 1401204306
Cici Siti Barkah 1401202092
Nurisna Nissa 1401204342
Syifa Nurul Arzaaq 1401203536
1. Quality Concept
2. Quality Gurus
3. Philosophy of TQM
4. Quality Improvement Tools
5. TQM in Service
6. TQM Program
7. Six Sigma

01 02
Quality of
Quality of design

Quality of

01 02
Organizational Process level

The performer or
job level or the
task design level
The Five Paradigms of Quality
01 02
The Customer-craft The
Paradigm Mass-production
03 Paradigm
The Statistical
Quality Control
04 Paradigm 05
The Total Quality The Techno-craft
Management Paradigm
Dimension of Product Quality

1. Performance
2. Features
3. Reliability
4. Conformance
5. Durability
6. Serviceability
7. Aesthetics
8. Perceived quality
Dimension of Service Quality

1. Reliability
2. Assurance
3. Tangibles
4. Empathy
5. Responsiveness
Principles of TQM

1. Customer - focused organization

2. Leadership
3. Involvement of people
4. Process approach
5. System approach to management
6. Continuous improvement
7. Factual approach to decision making
8. Mutually beneficial supplier relationship
Key Elements of TQM

Sources ; Charantimat (71:2017)

Total Quality Management Excellence Model (TQMEX)
A. The Japanese 5-S Practice (5 S)
B. Business Process Management (BPM)
C. Quality Control Circles (QCC)
D. The Seven Quality Control Tools
E. Quality Management System
F. Total Productive Maintenance
Challenge and Benefit of TQM
Quality Improvement Tools
Generating Ideas Tools

1. Check Sheet
2. Scatter Diagram
3. Cause-and-Effect Diagram
Organize Data Tools

4. Pareto Chart:

5. Flowchart (Process Diagram)

Identifying Problem Tools

6. Histogram

7. Statistical Process Control Chart

Klasifikasi Jasa

Metode servqual adalah suatu kuesioner yang digunakan untuk mengukur

kualitas jasa. Cara ini mulai dikembangkan pada tahun 1980-an oleh Zeithaml,
Parasuraman & Berry, dan telah digunakan dalam mengukur berbagai kualitas
jasa. Dengan kuesioner ini, kita bisa mengetahui seberapa besar celah (gap)
yang ada di antara persepsi pelanggan dan ekspektasi pelanggan terhadap
suatu perusahaan jasa. Kuesioner servqual dapat diubah-ubah (disesuaikan)
agar cocok dengan industri jasa yang berbeda-beda pula (misalnya bank,
restoran, atau perusahaan telekomunikasi).
Meeting Objectives

Lanjutin yaa gais 2 bahasn terakhir :)

● Definition of Six Sigma
● Definition of Lean
● Lean Six Sigma
● Key Cincept Six Sigma
● Six Sigma Quality Level
● Defects Per Millon Opportunities
● Implementing Six Sigma
Six Sigma is a disciplined,

Definition of Six Sigma

data-driven approach and
methodology for
eliminating defects (driving
toward six standard
deviations between the
mean and the nearest
specification limit) in any
process – from
manufacturing to
transactional and from
product to service.
Definition of lean
Lean Six Sigma
Key Concept Six Sigma

At its core, Six Sigma revolves around the following key concepts:

1. Critical to quality (CTQ): Attributes most crucial for the customer

2. Defect: Failing to deliver what the customer wants

3. Process capability: What one’s process can deliver

4. Variation: What the customer sees and feels

5. Stable operations: Ensuring consistent, predictable processes to improve what the customer
sees and feels

6. Design for Six Sigma: Designing to meet customer needs and process capability
Six Sigma Quality Level
Defects Per Million Opportunities (DPMO)

• Defects per million opportunities (DPMO) is the average number of defects per unit observed
during an average production run divided by the number of opportunities to make a defect on the
product under study during that run normalized to one million.

• To achieve Six Sigma quality, a process must produce no more that 3.4 defects per million

• An opportunity is defined as a chance for non-conformance or not meeting the required

specifications. • A defect is defined as any part of a product or service that does not meet
customer -specifications or requirements or causes customer dissatisfaction or does not fulfill
the functional or physical requirements.
Defects Per Million Opportunities (DPMO)
Defects Per Million Opportunities (DPMO)
Defects Per Million Opportunities (DPMO)
Implementing Six Sigma
Implementing Six Sigma
Define the goals of the improvement activity. At the top level, the goals will be the strategic
objectives of the organization such as a higher ROI or market share. At the operations level, a
goal might be to increase the throughput of the production department. At the project level,
goals might be to reduce the defect level and increase throughput. Apply data mining
methods to identify potential improvement opportunities.

Measure the existing system. Establish valid and reliable metrics to help monitor progress
towards the goal(s) defined in the previous step. Begin by determining the current baseline.
Use exploratory and descriptive data analysis to help you understand the data.

Analyse the system to identify ways to eliminate the gap between the current performance of
the system or process and the desired goal. Apply statistical tools to guide the analysis.
Improve the system. Be creative in finding new ways to do things better, cheaper or faster.
Use project management and other planning and management tools to implement the new
approach. Use statistical methods to validate the improvement.
Implementing Six Sigma

Control the new system. Institutionalize the improved system by modifying compensation
and incentive systems, policies, procedures, MRP, budgets, operating instructions and other
management systems. You may wish to utilize systems such as ISO 9000 to ensure that
documentation is correct.
Implementing Six Sigma
Implementing Six Sigma
Define, measure, analyse, design and verify (DMADV)

The Six Sigma processes that look at the customer service aspects of a business are
outlined in the acronym “DMADV” hich refers to Define, Measure, Analyze, Design, and

The DMADV methodology should be applied:

1. When a non-existent product or process needs to be developed at a company and

2. When an existing process or product already exists but still needs to meet a Six Sigma
level or customer specification.
Similarity between DMAIC and DMADV are:

1. The two approaches used in Six Sigma

2. Both methodologies are used to decrease the number of defects to

3.4 for every one million opportunities

3. Both methodologies use facts and statistical tools for finding solutions to common

4. the methodologies are similar in that they both focus on increasing the objectives of an
organization, both financially and in business.
Differences between DMAIC and DMADV are:

1. DMADV helps clarify client needs as it relates to services or products. It also assists in
matching the requests of the client by creating business models. DMAIC is utilized to
clarify the work processes and how they fit with the organizational goals. In addition, it
creates work process enhancement to lessen or completely eliminate defects.

2. The contrast shows that DMADV generally comes into the picture when the product is in
the initial stages and requires a maturing process in order to develop into what the
customer desires. DMAIC is useful when there is a service or commodity already
established but not rising to customerdemands.
Quality Improvement Tool
Seven QC Tools

Check Sheet Scatter Diagram

An organized method of A graph of the value of one
recording data variable vs another variable

Cause-and-effect Pareto Chart

Diagram A graph to identify and plot
problems or defects in
A tool that identifies process descending order of
elements (causes) that might frequency
effect an outcome
Seven QC Tools

Flowchart Histogram Statistical Process

A distribution showing the
Control Chart
A chart that describes the
frequency of occurrences A chart with time on the
steps in a process
of a variable horizontal axis to plot
values of a statistic
● Service Industry & Quality

● Classification of Services

● Defining Service Quality

● The SERVQUAL Model


Service can be defined as “any primary or complementary

activity that does not directly produce a physical
product, i.e. the non-goods part of the transaction between the
buyer (customer) and seller (provider).”

Service Quality can thus be defined as the

difference between customer expectations; of
the service and the perceived service. If
expectations are greater than performance,
then perceived quality is less than satisfactory
and; hence, customer dissatisfaction occurs.

Despite being red,

Mars is cold

Mercury is the
smallest planet

Saturn is a gas
giant and has rings

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