Calculations and Modelling

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a. Wind Load Computation

Data Input
Location Songco, Lantapan, Bukidnon
Length Parallel to Wind (L) 30 m
Length Perpendicular to Wind (B) 23 m
First Storey Height 3m
Second Storey Heigth 3.5 m
Roof Heigth 1.5 m
z 6.5 m
h 7.25 m

1) Occupancy Category of Building or Other Structure IV - Standard

Occupancy Category
2) The Basic Wind Speed, V
V = 150 kph
V = 41.67 m/s

3) Wind Load Parameters

Kd = 0.85
Exposure = C
Kzt = 1.0
Gust effect = 0.85
GC pi = 0.55
Surface Roughness C Building Low Rise, Partiallly enclosed

4) Velocity Pressure Exposure Coefficient

α = 9.5
Zg = 274.32
z = 6.5
h = 7.25

By Interpolation
Kz (6.5) = 0.914
Kh (7.25) = 0.933

5) Velocity Pressure (qz or qh) qz = 0.613

Kz Kzt Kd V^2

qz = 0.8269
qh = 0.844
6) External Pressure Coefficient (Cp or Cn)

For Walls

L = 30 m
B = 23 m
L/B = 1.304347826 or 1
Windward Wall Cp = 0.8
Leeward Wall Cp = -0.5
Side Wall Cp = -0.7

For Roof

h/L = 0.241666667
θ = 10
Winward Roof Cp = -0.7
Leeward Roof Cp = -0.3

7) Wind Pressure p for Each Buildings

Surface P = q G Cp - qi (GCpi)

For Wall

Windward Wall
Load (+) kPa (-) kPa
P (0-4.5) 0.0587 0.9872
P (6) 0.0894 1.0180
P (6.5) 0.0980 1.0266

Leeward Wall
Load (+) kPa (-) kPa
P -0.8230 0.1055

Side Wall
Load (+) kPa (-) kPa
P -0.9665 -0.0380

For Roof
Windward Roof
Load (+) kPa (-) kPa
P -0.9665 -0.0380
Leeward Roof
Load (+) kPa (-) kPa
P -0.6795 0.2490

b. Building Weights

1. Roofing (Includes Roof, Purlins, Truss and Ceiling)

Upper Roof
Area of plan 660 sq.m
0.7(Area of Plan) 462 kN

2. Reinforced Concrete Beams

3. Reinforced Concrete Columns

4. Concrete Slab
(upper storey)
Area of Plan 739 sq.m
Thickness (h) 0.2 m
Unit Wt. 23.56 kN/cu.m
Weight 3482.168 kN

5. Wall Loading

6. Total Building Weight

c. Seismic Load
d. Roof Live Loads
Slab Type 1
150-mm thick concrete fill 3.45 kPa
0.023 * 150
Electrical and Plumbing Materials 0.3 kPa
Roof Beam
250 mm X 400 mm, reinforced stone concrete 2.36 kN/m
0.25 * 0.40 * 23.6
Slab Type 1
200-mm thick concrete fill 4.6 kPa
0.023 * 200
Electrical and Plumbing Materials 0.3 kPa
250 mm X 400 mm, reinforced stone concrete 2.36 kN/m
0.25 * 0.40 * 23.6
Walls and Partitions
200-mm CHB, fully grouted using 19.6 kN/m3 density of unit, 34.88kN/m
plastered in both sides, 8 m high (interior and exterior)
[3.88 + 2(0.24)] * 8
300 mm X 300 mm reinforced stone concrete columns,
8 m high 16.992 kN
0.300 * 0.300 * 8 * 23.6

Type of Structure: Commercial

ROOF Roof Slab: From NSCP, 2.9 kPa
and additional 1 kPa from rain load 3.9 kPa
Live loads for each Office (From NSCP) 2.9 kPa
Lobbies 4.8 kPa
The building located at Songco, Lantapan, Bukidnon has a length parallel to
wind of 30-meters, length perpendicular to wind of 23-meters, first storey height of 3
meters, second storey height of 3.5 meters and a roof height of 1.5 meters. The
building falls under the Category IV which is the Standard Occupancy Category.

a.) Basic Wind Speed, V

The basic wind speed, V used in the determination of design wind loads on
buildings and other structures shall be determined from Figure 207A.5-1. Since the
building falls under category IV, Figure 207A.5-1A shall be used.

When wind interacts with a building, both positive and negative (i.e., suction)
pressures occur simultaneously. A building must have sufficient strength to resist the
applied loads in order to prevent wind-induced building failure. The magnitude of the
pressures is a function of the many primary factors as defined in the introduction of
this subject.
The computed wind load parameters are as follows:

Kd = 0.85
Exposure = C
Kzt = 1.0
Gust effect = 0.85
GCpi = 0.55
Surface Roughness C
Building Low Rise, Partiallly enclosed

b.) Wind Directionality, Kd

The computed wind directionality factor of the building is equal to 0.85 and has
a gust effect of 0.85.
c.) Exposure Category
Also, the building falls under Exposure C which shall apply for all cases which
Exposure B or D do not apply.

The building falls under Surface Roughness C in which it is located at open

terrain with scattered obstructions having heights generally less than 9 meters. This
category includes flat open country and grasslands.

d.) Velocity Pressure Exposure Coefficient

Velocity Pressure
α = 9.5 z Kz qz qh
(kPa) (kPa)
Zg = 274.32 0- 0.85 0.7690 0.7690
z = 6.5 6 0.9 0.8143 0.8143
h = 7.25 6.5 0.914 0.8269 0.8269
7.25 0.933 0.8441
By Interpolation 7.5 0.94 0.8505 0.8505
Kz (6.5) = 0.914
Kh (7.25) = 0.933
e.) Enclosure Classification
Since the mean roof height h is equal to 7.25 meters which is less than 18
meters, the building is low rise and partially enclosed according to the NSCP 2015

f.) Velocity Pressure Exposure Coefficient

h. Velocity Pressure

qz = 0.613 Kz Kzt Kd V^2

z Kz qz (kPa) qh (kPa)
qz = 0.8269 0 - 4.5 0.85 0.7690 0.7690
qh = 0.8441 6 0.9 0.8143 0.8143
6.5 0.914 0.8269 0.8269
7.25 0.933 0.8441
7.5 0.94 0.8505 0.8505

i.) External Pressure Coefficient

L = 30 m
B = 23 m
L/B = 1.304347826 or 1

Windward Wall Cp = 0.8

Leeward Wall Cp = -0.5
Side Wall Cp = -0.7

For Roof
h/L = 0.2416666667
θ = 10

Winward Roof Cp = -0.7

Leeward Roof Cp = -0.3

As we have seen in figure below, the wind pressure in the windward wall varies
and is a function of height z.

There are three components to an effective seismic design. To begin, the

design team must use a multi-hazard approach to design, taking into account the
possible impacts of seismic forces as well as all of the other hazards to which an area
is exposed. Second, performance-based requirements must be devised to respond
effectively to the threats and risks posed by natural hazards to the building's mission
and inhabitants, which may exceed the minimal life safety requirements of current
seismic codes. Because earthquake forces are dynamic and each building responds
differently depending on its design complexity, it is critical that the design team
collaborate and have a consistent knowledge of the concepts and procedures utilized
in the seismic design process.
Seismic Importance Factor, I = 1

Seismic Zone Factor, z = 0.4

Near Source Factor, Na = 1

Near Source Factor, Nv = 1

Framing System, R = 8.5

Seismic Coefficient, Ca = 0.44

Seismic Coefficient, Cv = 0.64

Ct = RCMRF 0.0731
Height of frame from footing, hn = 6
T = 0.2802404
Total Building Weight, W = 8807.1995

Seismic design is a critical structural analysis method used when constructing

a structure that will be subjected to Earthquake ground vibrations and will continue to
function and fulfill its purpose even after an earthquake. In a major earthquake, an
earthquake (or seismic) engineer seeks to build structures that will not be damaged
by small shaking and will avoid significant damage or collapse. One of the most critical
aspects determining building performance is ductility. As a result, earthquake-resistant
design aims to predict where damage will occur and then provide good detailing at
these spots to ensure the building's ductile behavior.

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