Recommended Otoacoustic Emissions (OAE) Screening & Follow-Up Protocol (Education Setting)

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Recommended Otoacoustic Emissions (OAE)

Screening & Follow-up Protocol

(Education Setting)

A good way to get an

overall understanding
of the OAE screening
and follow-up protocol
is to visualize the
steps as a Flowchart.  

It is important to note that the majority of children will need only an OAE 1 screening. The
approximate percentages of children who are likely to need subsequent steps in the protocol are as

100% Receive an initial OAE screening on both ears  

25% Will not pass the OAE 1 on one or both ears and will
need a second OAE screening within 2 weeks  

Will not pass the OAE 2 screening and will:

8% a) be referred to a health care provider for a middle ear evaluation.
b) need to receive an OAE (3) Rescreening after health care provider clearance.  

Will not pass the OAE (3) Rescreening. These children MUST be
referred to audiologist ASAP for a complete diagnostic evaluation.  

ECHO Initiative -- 1

A more detailed understanding of the protocol is illustrated below. It shows how the OAE probe
is sending a signal into the ear and the ear’s response under a variety of conditions.

If you get a PASS on the OAE screening, it

means that the sound stimulus traveled from
the probe to the inner ear and that the inner
ear responded by sending an otoacoustic
emission back to the probe.

Screening is complete for that ear.

If an ear does NOT PASS, further

investigation is needed:

§ SCREEN again (OAE 2) in two weeks in

case the first result was due to screener
error or a temporary condition (like a head

If the ear still does NOT PASS:

§ REFER the child to a Health Care Provider

who can check whether a common
problem, such as blockage in the outer ear
or fluid in the middle ear (otitis media) is
present. These conditions may block the
sound stimulus from reaching the inner ear
or the OAE response from returning to the
probe. Medication or treatment may be

§ RESCREEN (OAE 3) the ear after medical


If you get another NOT PASS:

§ REFER the child to a pediatric audiologist

who can evaluate whether a permanent
hearing loss is present.

The OAE screening and follow-up process is COMPLETE ONLY when:

§ Both ears PASS the OAE Screening, or

§ An AUDIOLOGICAL EVALUATION has been completed and you have

received the diagnostic results.

ECHO Initiative -- 2

As a quick “next step” reference for any individual child, refer to the tables below:

Visual Inspection and Case History

If the ear: The next step is to:

PASSES the visual

inspection… Document the outcome and proceed with the OAE screening.

Has pits, skin tags or

other minimal Proceed with the OAE screening. If the ear does not pass the OAE
malformations, which do screening, make a direct referral to a health care provider. Otherwise, note
not affect the ear canal the abnormality in the child’s health record and share this with the health care
opening… provider along with the OAE results.
Has a blockage of the
ear canal, signs of an
infection or a significant Refer to medical follow-up. Proceed with the OAE screening only after
malformation of the obtaining medical clearance from the health care provider.
Adjust screening equipment, if your model of equipment requires this,
Has a PE Tube… and proceed with the OAE Screening. The ear should pass if tubes are
functioning properly.

OAE (1 and 2) Screening in Detail

Each ear is screened independently; whenever one does not pass, proceed to the next step for
that ear.

If the ear: The next step is to:

PASSES the OAE Assume that the middle ear and inner ear are functioning properly (also
screening… true for children with PE tubes). Unless there are additional concerns about
the child’s hearing or language development, no further action needed until
the next periodic screening.
DOES NOT PASS Check the probe tip and opening to make sure it is not blocked with wax;
on the first attempt during a select a different size tip, if needed, refit the probe and try the OAE
screening session… screening again, making sure the environment and child remain
relatively quiet.
Conduct 2nd OAE Screening session within 2 weeks.
DOES NOT PASS after  If the ear PASSES during the 2nd OAE screening session, assume
multiple attempts during that both the middle and inner ear are functioning properly. No further
the 1st OAE screening action is necessary until the next periodic screening.
session…  If the ear DOES NOT PASS after multiple attempts during the 2nd OAE
screening session, refer the child to a health care provider for
middle ear evaluation.

ECHO Initiative -- 3

OAE (3) Rescreening After Medical Referral in Detail

Programs should communicate with medical providers and work together to determine the optimal
time to rescreen as per the provider’s diagnosis and treatment plan. Rescreening after medical
clearance is extremely important. The OAE equipment is able to screen the inner ear ONLY
when the pathway through the outer and middle ear is clear.

If the ear: The next step is to:

Is medically “cleared” (infection,
fluid or blockage not present or Conduct the OAE Rescreen immediately.
Conduct the OAE Rescreen approximately 2 - 3 weeks after
Is treated for otitis
antibiotic treatment has been completed, allowing time for the fluid
to dissipate. If the child is referred to an Ear Nose and Throat
ear fluid…
(ENT) specialist, receives PE tubes, etc., discuss with the ENT
whether a hearing test (Visual Reinforcement Audiometry [VRA],
Auditory Brainstem Response [ABR], Conditioned Play
Audiometry [CPA] or OAE) was conducted at the conclusion of
treatment and if the child passed. If not, discuss with ENT when
to conduct an OAE Rescreen (usually about 1 week after PE tube
placement, for example).
Is not examined by provider
because parents do not follow Conduct OAE Rescreen in 2 weeks.

If the ear: The next step is to:

Assume that the middle ear and inner ear are functioning
properly (also true for children with PE tubes). Unless there are
PASSES the OAE Rescreen (or additional concerns about the child’s hearing or language
other hearing test)… development, no further action is needed until the next periodic
screening. If a child has chronic otitis media, more frequent
monitoring may be needed.


Refer to a pediatric audiologist for a complete evaluation.

ECHO Initiative -- 4


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