Video Project Rubrics (Individual)
Video Project Rubrics (Individual)
Video Project Rubrics (Individual)
Content/ Organization The content includes a clear Information is presented as a The content does not present a Content lacks a central theme,
statement of purpose or theme connected theme with accurate, clearly stated theme, is vague, clear point of view and logical
and is creative, compelling, and current supporting information and some of the supporting sequence of information. Much
clearly written. A rich variety of that contributes to information does not seem to fit of the supporting information is
supporting information in the understanding the project’s main the main idea or appears as a irrelevant to the overall message.
video contributes to the idea. Details are logical and disconnected series of scenes The viewer is unsure what the
understanding of the project’s persuasive information is with no unifying main idea. message is because there is little
main idea. Events and messages effectively used. The content Includes few citations and few persuasive information and only
are presented in a logical order. includes a clear point of view facts. one or two facts about the topic
Includes properly cited sources. with a progression of ideas and are articulated. Information is
supporting information. Includes incorrect, out of date, or