EE Bonds
EE Bonds
EE Bonds
If you cash an EE bond before it is five years old, you will lose the last
three months of interest.
EE bonds earn interest for 30 years if you don't cash the bonds before they
mature. So the longer you hold the bond (up to 30 years), the more it is worth.
If you've been affected by a disaster, special provisions may apply.
All E bonds and some EE bonds have stopped earning interest.
If you hold an electronic bond in TreasuryDirect, you can find the bond's current
value there. Use the "Current Holdings" tab inside your account.
If you hold an account at a local bank and it cashes savings bonds, ask the
bank if it will cash yours. The answer may depend on how long you've held an
account there. If the bank will cash for you, find out what dollar limit, if any,
it has on redemptions and what identification and other documents you need.
Send them to Treasury Retail Securities Services along with FS Form 1522
(download or order). You don't need to sign the bonds. You will have to validate
your identity. FS Form 1522 tells how; see the "Certification" section of the form.
The form also gives our address.
For electronic bonds in TreasuryDirect, you can cash a minimum of $25 or any amount
above that in 1-cent increments. If you cash only a portion of the bond's value,
you must leave at least $25 in the TreasuryDirect account. Redemptions are
comprised of principal and interest. (In a partial redemption, we pay interest
only on the partial amount you cash.)
For paper bonds, local banks have varying policies on how much they will cash in
one transaction and some banks don't cash savings bonds at all. If you send your
bonds to Treasury Retail Securities Services, we cash them regardless of value if
you meet requirements for cashing.
Note: Individual paper bonds may not be split and must be cashed in full.
What will I need to cash a paper bond?
Regardless of where you cash your bonds, if you are not listed as the owner or co-
owner on the bond, you have to submit legal evidence or other documentation to show
you are entitled to cash the bond. (We don't return legal evidence.)
Note: Savings bonds cannot be transferred. If you find a bond that belongs to
someone else or buy a bond on an online auction site, you cannot cash it. (If you
inherit a bond through the death of the bond owner, see Death of a Savings Bond
Will I get a form for my taxes?
Start with your local financial institution. It may be able to tell you if the bond
is eligible for redemption. If the bank can't help, you may contact us. If you are
the owner or co-owner, send a signed request to the address below. Be sure to
include the serial number of the bond.
If the owner or both co-owners have died, you must provide proof such as a copy of
the death certificate for each deceased person. Send this with your request.
Start with a quick search of our Treasury Hunt search engine to see if any bonds
you own appear in the database. If so, you’ll get information on how to claim and
cash them. Treasury Hunt is updated monthly.
An HH bond is worth its face value. If the bond says $500, it was bought for $500
and is now worth $500.
Note: If you find a savings bond that belongs to someone else or buy a savings bond
on an online auction site, you cannot cash it. Savings bonds cannot be transferred,
sold, or traded.
Note: If you inherit a bond through the death of the bond owner, see "Death of a
Savings Bond Owner."
What if my bond is still earning interest?
HH bonds earn interest for up to 20 years. Interest is paid every six months. To
see in which months we pay interest on your HH bond, see "Rates and Terms for
Series HH Savings Bonds."
When you cash an HH bond, we do not pay interest for part of a six-month interest
earning period. Therefore, it is wise to cash an HH bond shortly after its
interest-paying time.
If you send your HH bond in for redemption so that the bond is received in the
month before interest is due, we will hold your bond until the following month. For
example, if you have HH bonds that pay interest in June and you send them in for
redemption in May, Treasury Retail Securities Services will hold your bonds and
your request until June so that you receive the June interest. They will cash your
bonds after the June interest has been paid.
How do I cash my HH bonds?
You must complete and sign FS Form 1522 (download or order). Your signature may
need to be certified (see instructions on the form).
Send the bonds, FS Form 1522, and any supporting documents (if needed), to Treasury
Retail Securities Services, P.O. Box 2186, Minneapolis, MN 55480-2186.
If you are not listed as the owner or co-owner on the bond, you must provide legal
evidence or other documentation to show you are entitled to cash the bond. (We
don't return legal evidence.)
Note: Individual savings bonds may not be split and must be distributed in full.
How do I authorize an attorney-in-fact to cash my bonds?
For instructions, please see FS Publication 0105, "Power of Attorney: United States
Savings Bonds & Notes."
Will I get a form for my taxes?
Yes. We mail an IRS Form 1099-INT by January 31 of the year following any year in
which we paid interest.
Also, if your bond carries deferred interest, we mail you an IRS Form 1099-INT
after you cash the bond or it matures, whichever comes first.
For information on deferred interest and other tax matters, see Tax Considerations
for Series HH Savings Bonds.
Can I find out if an HH bond has already been replaced or cashed?
If you have the serial numbers for HH bonds, we can look up the status for you.
If you are the owner or co-owner of the bonds, send a signed request to the address
below. Include the serial numbers of the bonds you are asking about.
If the owner or both co-owners have died, you must provide proof such as a copy of
the death certificate(s), with your letter and explain in the letter how you are
entitled to information about the bonds. (We don't return a death certificate or
other legal evidence.)
(Note: Before Series HH savings bonds, we issued Series H savings bonds. All H
bonds have matured.)