S3018E Manual-Mycobacterium Tuberculosis DNA Fluorescence Diagnostic Kit (PCR-Fluorescence Probing) V03-20190929
S3018E Manual-Mycobacterium Tuberculosis DNA Fluorescence Diagnostic Kit (PCR-Fluorescence Probing) V03-20190929
S3018E Manual-Mycobacterium Tuberculosis DNA Fluorescence Diagnostic Kit (PCR-Fluorescence Probing) V03-20190929
Mycobacterium Tuberculosis DNA Fluorescence Diagnostic Kit 8 TB-Negative Control 50 μL/tube × 1 tube Normal saline
(PCR-Fluorescence Probing) 9 TB-Positive Control 50 μL/tube × 1 tube Quantitative TB positive specimen (inactivated)
Mycobacterium tuberculosis virus (TB) is a pathogenic bacterium that causes tuberculosis. It is likely to infect all human tissues and Multiple freeze/thaw cycles should be avoided.
organs, especially the lungs to cause pulmonary tuberculosis. Early diagnosis and treatment are important for effective control of 【 Compatible Instrument 】
tuberculosis. In recent years, with the development of molecular biology, nucleic acid fluorescence quantitative PCR method based The diagnostic kit is applicable to fluorescence PCR instruments such as ABI7500, Stratagene Mx3000P.
on the mycobacterium tuberculosis nucleic acid has drawn more and more attention from researchers. 【 Specimen Requirements 】
The diagnostic kit uses a nucleic acid lysis buffer to allow rapid lysis and release of TB-DNA from a sputum specimen. By applying 2. Collection of specimen:
real-time fluorescence quantitative PCR technology, this test uses a pair of specific primers which are designed to target a It is recommended to collect the first sputum in the morning. First rinse mouth with water. Make a hard cough and collect the sputum
conserved sequence of TB-DNA and a specific fluorescence probe, accompanied with other ingredients in PCR mix, to achieve fast in the deep and keep it in a sterile collection tube. Seal it and send it for detection.
detection of TB-DNA through fluorescent signal changes. 3. Storage and delivery of specimens:
The PCR detection system uses UNG enzyme + dUTP contamination-proof system, which can fully degrade possible unwanted Specimens collected via the above-mentioned method can be used for immediate detection, or stored at 2-8°C for up to 24 hours, or
side-products, to avoid a false positive result. below -20°C for a longer term of storage. Caution should be taken to avoid re-freezing and re-thawing. Specimens should be
【 Components of the Diagnostic Kit 】 transported in a sealed frozen pitcher with ice or in a sealed foam box with ice.
【 Test Method 】
No. Reagent Name Specification & Qty. Main Ingredients
1. Preparation of reagent (performed at “reagent preparation region”)
1 TB-Lysis Buffer 2.5 mL/tube × 1 tube KCl, SDS, surfactin 1.1 Take out each component from the detection kit and place them at room temperature. When the components’ temperature has
2 DNA polymerase, uracil, DNA glycosylase reached room temperature, mix them for later.
TB-Enzyme Mix 96 μL/tube × 1 tube
1.2 Refer to quantities of test specimens, TB-Negative Control, TB-Positive Control, and TB-Positive References A-D, pipette
3 TB-PCR Mix 912 μL/tube × 2 tubes primer, probe, dNTPs, Mg2+, PCR buffer solution
appropriate quantities of TB-PCR Mix, TB-Enzyme Mix and TB-Internal Control (TB-PCR Mixx 38 μL/test + TB-Enzyme Mix 2
TB-Positive Reference A μL/test + TB-Internal Control 1 μL/test), fully mix them to make a PCR-Mastermix and then centrifuge it instantaneously for later.
4 50 μL/tube × 1 tube Cloning plasmid with target gene fragment
(4.00E+07 copies/mL) 1 sample 10 samples 24 samples 48 samples
TB-PCR Mix (μL) 38 380 912 1824
TB-Positive Reference B
5 50 μL/tube × 1 tube Cloning plasmid with target gene fragment TB-Enzyme Mix (μL) 2 20 48 96
(4.00E+06 copies/mL)
TB-Internal Control (μL) 1 10 24 48
TB-Positive Reference C Note: The above configuration is just for your reference and to ensure enough volume of
6 50 μL/tube × 1 tube Cloning plasmid with target gene fragment
(4.00E+05 copies/mL) the PCR-Mastermix, more volume of the actual pipetting may be required.
2. Processing and Loading of specimens (performed at “specimen processing region”)
TB-Positive Reference D
7 50 μL/tube × 1 tube Cloning plasmid with target gene fragment 2.1 Processing of specimen
(4.00E+04 copies/mL)
Add 4% NaOH solution into specimen with the solution volume of 2-3 times to specimen. Vortex it and hold it for 30 minutes to allow
Date of Manufacture
In Vitro Diagnostic Medical Device
For Professional Use Only
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Number of Tests
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