Directorate of Town and Country Planning, Madhya Pradesh

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Directorate of Town and Country Planning,

Madhya Pradesh



1.1 Introduction

The“Development Control and Promotion Regulations” shall be applicable to regulate an orderly

growth of the receiving & influence zone in accordance with the TDR & TOD development
policies and land use proposals as contained in the Development Plan
2021.Itisasetofsystematicapproach of regulations to decide the true interpretation of the plan
proposals, Parking Norms, Commercial, PSP and residential areas development, NMV zones, TOD
principles. The other detailed regulations which are not covered under these regulations,
provisions of MP Town & Country Planning Act 2012,Indore Master Plan2021, MP TDR RULES
2018 M.P.Bhumi Vikas Niyam2012 shall be applicable.

1.2 Applicability

These regulations shall be called as“ Special Development Control Regulation”

(SDCR)to facilitate the TDR &TOD Policies notified by Government of MP in development plan
are and shall apply to

a. All development of land, Redevelopment, construction, alteration and demolition of building

in the Development plan Area, maximum buffer of 2 times of road width from the ROW.
b. These regulation will not be applicable on Metro Rail Zone

c. All Redevelopment parcels notified as receiving areas.

Note: The building permission shall be granted by the Competent Authority.

1.3 Jurisdiction

a) The SDCPR prescribed in this chapter shall be applicable within development plan Area.

b)These DCPR for notified receiving area shall prevail over the DCR mentioned
inchapter-6 of Indore Development Plan-2021/Bhumi Vikas Niyam 2012 for issuing building
permission in such areas.

b) The competent authority referred in this regulation means the Joint director, Town and
country planning Indore as declared by the State Government &as said in the relevant points
of these regulations to grant the permission for permissible uses in various use zones.

d) No Building permission for Redevelopment parcels shall be granted by Indore Municipal

Corporation, on any plot or Land of any size, which is not approved by the Town& Country
Planning Department.

1.4 Definitions

In these Regulations, unless the context otherwise requires, the terms and expressions shall have
meaning indicated against each of them.

Terms and expression not defined in these regulations shall have the same meaning as assigned
to them in,

a) Indore development plan 2021 as amended up to date

b) MP Bhumi Vikas Niyam 2012 as amended up to date

c) TDR rules 2018 notified vide dated- 19-09-2018

d) Removal of difficulties – If any difficulty arises in giving effect to these rules, the state
Government may by order published in the official Gazette, make such provision not
inconsistent with the purposes of these rules, as appear to it to be necessary or expedient for
removing the difficulty.

1.4.1 Amalgamation

Combining two or more plots as a single plot.

1.4.2 Basement

Means the lower storey of a building having at least half of the clear floor height of the basement
or cellar below average ground level.

1.4.3 Building

A Building means all types of permanent building, but structure of temporary nature like tents,
hutment as well as shamianas erected for temporary purposes or ceremonial occasions, shall not
be considered to be "buildings".

1.4.4 Building Line

Means the control line up to which the plinth of a building adjoining an existing, proposed or
extended street may lawfully extend and includes the lines described in any TP Schemes and/or
Development Plan.

Figure 1 building Line

1.4.5 Building height or height of the building

Means the vertical length of the building which shall be measured from a ground or reference
level. Such ground or reference level would be at the centre point of frontage of the plot or land
from which the access is being taken. If the site is sloping, the reference level will be taken at
the centre line of the existing or proposed approach road or street in front of the plot or land from
which the access is being taken or the average level of the plot, whichever is higher. The height
of the Machine rooms, mumptee, stilt floors, podiums, service floors, parking floors shall
not be included in the calculation of building height.

The following appurtenant structures shall not be included in the calculation of the height of
a building.If the aggregate area of such structures does not exceed one-third of the area of
roof of the building upon which they are erected,- water tanks and their supports; chimneys,
ventilating pipes, air-conditioning, lift rooms and similar service equipment; temporary shade
for plants; and parapet walls and architectural features not exceeding 1.5 meter in height.

1.4.6 Covered Area or Ground Coverage

Means the ground area covered by the plinth of the building at ground floor level, This shall
exclude the area of plinth not covered by roof at top like cut-out (open-to-sky) if any. The areas
covered by the porch, on ground floor, podium, stilt, staircase, fire escapes, ramps, mechanized
parking areas, refuse chutes, two watchmen huts and one pump room each not exceeding 6
sq meters, atrium if not used for commercial activities shall not be included in the covered

1.4.7 "Floor"

Means the lower surface in a storey on which one normally walks in a building, and does not
include a mezzanine floor. The floor at ground level with a direct access to a street or open space
shall be called the ground floor, the floor above it shall be termed as floor 1, with the next higher
floor being termed as floor 2, and so on upwards.

1.4.8 "Floor Area Ratio (FAR)" means the quotient of the ratio of the combined gross floor area
of all total covered area on all floors combined gross floor area of all floors, excepting areas
specifically exempted under these Regulations, to the gross area of the plot, viz.:

Total covered area on all floors

Floor Space Index (FSI) = ---------------------------------------

Gross Plot area

1.4.9 Permissible F.A.R

Means the basic F.A.R permitted by the Competent Authority as a matter of right.

1.4.10 Base F.A.R

Means the base F.A.R permitted in a Base Zone by the Competent Authority as a matter of right.

1.4.11 Chargeable F.A.R

Means the F.A.R available by payment


1.4.12 Fire separation

Means the distance in meters measured from any other building on the site or from other site,
or from the opposite side of a street or other public space to the building

1.4.13 Front

Means the main frontage of a Building-unit on the road-side. For

Building-units abutting two or more roads, the side along the
wider road shall be considered as the front.

1.4.14 Front open space or front marginal open space (FMOS)

Means an open space across the front of a plot;

1.4.15 Side Open Space or Side Marginal Open Space (SMOS)

Means an open space across the side of the plot between the side of the building and the side
boundary of the plot.

1.5 Development of Land

1.5.1 Amalgamation of Land-parcel

Amalgamation of Land-Parcel shall be permitted if depth of the resultant land- parcel does not
exceed three times the frontage of the resultant land-parcel abutting on road.
1.5.2 Permissible Floor Area Ratio (FAR) For R, RC, C& PSP

The following regulations are applicable for the following zones: Residential Zone (R); Residential-
Commercial Zone (R-C); Commercial Zone (C); Public-Semi-Public (PSP).

1. The base FAR s h a l l b e 1 . 2 5 for zones R, RC & C a n d f o r P S P shall beAs 1.00 for receiving
2. Additional FAR purchasable Shall beaspertable1 below.

3. The Permissible F.A.R shall comprise Base F.A.R, TDR and Premium F.A.Ras prescribed in table
1 below:

Table1: FAR Table - for Residential , Residential cum Commercial &Commercial uses

FAR Table as Per Road Width Road Base Plot area Maximum Permissible FAR
Width F.A.R. (In Sq.M.) Additional F.A.R.

(ROW) (50% TDR* &

50% Premium)
1 30.0 mts 1.25 1000 & above 1.75 3.0

2 30.0 mts 1.25 701 up to 999 1.25 2.5

3 30.0 mts 1.25 500 up to 699 0.75 2.0

4 36.0 mts 1.25 1000 & above 1.75 3.0

5 36.0 mts 1.25 701 up to 999 1.25 2.5

6 36.0 mts 1.25 500 up to 699 0.75 2.0

7 40.0 mts 1.25 1500 & above 2.25 3.5

8 40.0 mts 1.25 1000 up to 1499 1.75 3.0

10 45.0 mts 1.25 1500 & above 2.25 3.5

11 45.0 mts 1.25 1000 up to 1499 1.75 3.0

13 60.0 mts 1.25 2000 & above 3.25 4.5

14 60.0 mts 1.25 1500 up to 1999 2.75 4.0

16 75.0 mts 1.25 2000 & above 3.75 5.0

17 75.0 mts 1.25 1500 up to 1999 3.25 4.5

Table2 : FAR Table - for P S P uses

FAR Table as Per Road Width Road Base Plot area Maximum Permissible
Width F.A.R. (In Sq.M.) Additional F.A.R. FAR

(ROW) (50% TDR* &

50% Premium)
1 30.0 mts 1.0 1000 & above 2.0 3.0

2 30.0 mts 1.0 701 up to 999 1.5 2.5

3 30.0 mts 1.0 500 up to 699 1.0 2.0


4 36.0 mts 1.0 1000 & above 2.0 3.0

5 36.0 mts 1.0 701 up to 999 1.5 2.5

6 36.0 mts 1.0 500 up to 699 1.0 2.0

7 40.0 mts 1.0 1500 & above 2.5 3.5

8 40.0 mts 1.0 1000 up to 1499 2.0 3.0

10 45.0 mts 1.0 1500 & above 2.5 3.5

11 45.0 mts 1.0 1000 up to 1499 2.0 3.0

13 60.0 mts 1.0 2000 & above 3.5 4.5

14 60.0 mts 1.0 1500 up to 1999 3.0 4.0

16 75.0 mts 1.0 2000 & above 4.5 5.0

17 75.0 mts 1.0 1500 up to 1999 3.5 4.5

a) In cases where building proposal approved prior to these Regulations are proposed to avail
the balance development rights not exceeding the Total permissible FAR as per these
regulations shall be permitted by utilizing the TDR and by payment of Premium.

b)In case of land parcels affected by the road widening or land acquisition for public purpose
uses, the owner shall have right to use TDR provided in form of compensation as additional
F.A.R. of the surrendered land, on the same land/building parcel or shall be allowed to sell the
F.A.R. as per TDR rules 2018.

c) In case if TDR is not available through private owner then plot owner will have an option to
avail additional FAR through FAR premium provided by Implementing Agency.

1.5.3 Relaxation in Floor Area Ratio (FAR)

In case of Building‐units affected by road widening or construction of new road, the owner may
claim TDR from the Competent Authority as a compensation for the surrendered land. Than the,
the Competent Authority shall permit the Extra FAR, received from TDR FAR of any such land /
plot or Building‐unit on the basis of the left over plot area.
This is subject to conformity with all other requirements mentioned in these Regulations as per
the new boundary. Before securing Development Permission on any such Building‐units, owner
shall have to surrender the affected land which shall be calculated as follows;

1.5.4 Compensation as TDR =Surrendered Land (sqm) x3.

Areas not counted towards computation of FAR

Following are as shall not be counted towards computation of FAR:

1. The area under lift wells, service ducts, machine room for lifts, water tanks, escalator, refuse
chutes and service ducts,

2. Mezzanine floor, parking areas, parking floors, mechanized parking areas, porch, service
floors, podiums.

3. Private garage (not exceeding 25 sq. mtrs.)

5. Mumptee, staircases, pump room and two watchmen hut each not exceeding 6 sq.meters.

6. Provided that in commercial use premises, the area of foyer(s) or entrance lobby(s) located on
the ground floor which exceeds 10%of permissible ground coverage shall be counted in the
1.5.5 Building Height
Maximum Permissible Height

The Maximum Permissible Building Height shall be as per provisions in table 3 and regulated
according to the width of the road on which it abuts as prescribed below:

Table3 : Maximum Permissible Height

S.No. Road Width Maximum Minimum Minimum
Permissible Building Frontage of Plot
Height plot Area
(In Mt.) (In Sq.M.)

1. 30 m 45 30.0 1000

2 30 m 45 25.0 700

3 30 m 45 20.0 500

4. 36 m 51 30.0 1000

5. 36 m 51 25.0 700

6. 36 m 51 20.0 500

7. 40 m 60 30.0 1500

8. 40 m 60 25.0 1000

9. 45 m 66 40.0 1500

10. 45 m 66 25.0 1000

11. 60 m 75 40.0 2000

12. 60 m 75 30.0 1500

13. 75 m 90 40.0 2000

14. 75 m 90 30.0 1500

1.5.6 Marginal Open space

Road Side Margins for Residential and Non-Residential Uses

The margins for any building development shall be as per table below:

Table 4: Marginal open space as per plot & Road Widths

Road width/ROW Minimum Open Space (MOS)

In Meter Front Side Side Rear
(Road Side) (In Mt.) (In Mt.) (In Mt.)

30 m 4.5mt 4.5 4.5 4.5

36 m 4.5mt 6.0 6.0 4.5

40 m 4.5mt 6.0 6.0 4.5

45 m 6.00mt 7.5 7.5 7.5

60.0 mt 9.00 mt 9.0 9.0 7.5

75.0 mt 9.00 mt 9.0 9.0 7.5

1. Road Side Margin in a land-Parcel shall be regulated by the Road width it Abuts on as
mentioned in the table no. 4 above(subject to other Regulations):

2. For Land-Parcel with two or more abutting roads, the wider Road-side margin shall be
treated as front of plot
3. For Land-Parcel with two or more abutting roads, the Road-side margin shall be applicable on
all such abutting sides as illustrated below:

1.5.7 Restricted Use in Margins

1. The r e q u ire d margin al o p e n s p ace s sh all be kept permanently open to sky.
2. This space shall not be used for stocking materials or loose articles for the purpose of trade
or otherwise, putting up fixed or movable platforms.
3. Parking shall not be allowed in the marginal space provided as approach road.
4. Vehicular ramp leading to parking in floors above ground level shall not be permitted in the
5. Pedestrian ramps connecting ground floor with upper floors shall not be permitted in the
marginal spaces.
6. Any type of balcony, overhanging & projection shall not be permitted in the MOS

1.5.8 Side and Rear Margins

The minimum Side and Rear (all other than Road side) Margins on a Land-Parcel shall be regulated
on the basis of the plot width and proposed road widths as indicated in Regulation above
1.5.9 Permissible Ground Coverage
For R, R-C,C& PSP Zones, the permissiblegroundcoverageshallbeasperMoSmentionedinTable-4
a) The same coverage will be allowed on first& Second floor only, Maximum up to 50% of the
reconstituted Plot area. For other floors, the floor plate shall reduce by 40%ofgroundcoverage.
1.5.10 Parking
Private Parking ( On the plot )

General Requirements for Parking

1. Parking requirement for a Mixed-Use development shall be calculated on prorate basis of the
FAR consumed specific to the different uses.

2. Parking is permitted at any floor level above ground and at more levels or basement as per
required parking; with provision of vehicular ramp/mechanized means/car lifts. Parking is also
permitted in a separate tower on a plot, planned only for parking
3. R equired visitors parking shall be provided additionally in the building.

4. Parking area includes parking space, drive way and aisles but excludes approach road,
vehicular lift.

5. Parking layouts with minimum size requirements for parking space, driveways and access
lanes shall be provided as prescribed in Bhumi Vikas Niyam2012/National Building Code

6. Parking area should be retained as effective parking space and shall be maintained with light
and ventilation system if provided in an enclosed area.

7. In cases where miss-use of parking space is noticed, the use of the entire building shall be
discontinued by the Competent Authority. Building use shall be permitted only after the
required parking spaces are provided. High penalty shall be levied considering the period of
misuse of the parking space and the benefit derived out of misuse as decided by the
Competent Authority from time to time.

8. If parking is provided on a terrace with vehicular elevator, vehicular ramp is not necessary if
parking space is provided with provision of floor sprinklers.
9.At the time of approval an agreement /affidavit regarding the areas in basement/stilts/open
shown for parking shall be furnished by the applicant to Town and Country Planning and/or
Indore Municipal Corporation mentioning that aforesaid part(parking) shall not be used for
other than parking use and it shall remain for parking only, this area shall remain in joint
possession of the occupants of the building. In case of violation, Municipal Corporation will be
authorized to demolish any such construction with or without prior notice.

1.5.11 General Space Requirement

1. Location
a.The parking spaces can be provided in basement or on a floor supported by stilts or on upper
floors/podium and uncovered spaces in a plot. However, no parking spaces will be permitted in
the marginal open spaces as required to be provided as per Regulation.

b. Area of Parking Space: The area of parking spaces shall be provided as given below:
Table 5 : Parking requirements use Parking requirement Additional
Visitor parking
(On basic
1 Residential i.25 – 50 sqmt– 0.5ECS 20%
ii.50 – 100 sqmt– 1 ECS
iii.Above100.00 sqmt-2 ECS per100
2. Education
Primary / 1. For the Administrative & public Area 10%
of the School 1.5 ECS per 100 Sqmt
built up area or part thereof
2.For Every3 Class Room -1 LCV
College 1.For the Administrative & public Area 10%
of the School 1.5 ECS per 100 Sqmt
built up area or part thereof
2.For Every 3 ClassRoom-1 LCV &1ECS

Coaching For every 20 Student -1ECS 10%

3. Health 1. For every 2 beds 1 ECS or 1 ECS 10%
for 150 Sq.M. built up area
4. Govt./Semi 1. 1.0ECSper75Sqmt built up area 20%
Govt. or part
&Private offices thereof
5 Commercial 1. 1.0 ECS per 75 Sqmt built up 30%
area or part thereof

In case if it Is not feasible to provide the required parking as per above Table due to any
constraint, the Competent Authority may recover fees for deficit parking& regulation below
shall be applicable. The fee shall be decided by the Competent Authority and revised from time
to time
ECS value shall be taken as:
S On Basement Stilts Podium Mechanized Rotating
N Ground
Without With Without With Without With
Stack Stack Stack Stack Stack Stack

1 25Sqmt 35Sqmt 16Sqmt 30Sqmt 16Sqmt 35 Sqmt 16 Sqmt 16 Sqmt 5 sqmt

1.5.12 Basement parking For Four-wheeler

i. Basement parking shall be permitted on plot with lift and through ramp

ii. Basement parking shall be permitted on plot having minimum plot Width 30 mt or more
&minimum plot depth 20 mt or more.
iii. Front, side & Rear Margins for Basement parking shall be as per Regulation.

iv. For Traditional parking Minimum two ramps(separate ramps for entry and exit) should be
provided with width 4mt one way & minimum Ramp slope 1:8 for straight type ramp,1:10 for
ramp with turns.
For mechanized parking Minimum one ramps(separate ramps for entry and exit) should be
provided with width 4mt one way & minimum Ramp slope 1:8 for straight type ramp,1:10 for
ramp with turns
v. Minimum drive way 4.5 mt for one-way circulation, 6mt for two way Circulation.

vi. Minimum Four-wheeler bay size shall be2.5 m x 5m.

vii. The height of basements from floor to ceiling shall be as per Regulation

vii. Adequate fire safety, light and ventilation and air change through mechanical means shall
be provided as per provisions in National Building Code,2016.
ix. Permissible uses in basements shall be as per Regulation

xi. Basement parking can also be mechanized instead of conventional ramps With at least one

xii. Combination o f t w o -wheeler & f o u r -wheeler v e h i c l e p a r k i n g s h a l l b e allowed.

1.6 Circumstances Under Which Existing Non-Conforming Uses/ EXTRA F.A.R. Will
Be Allowed to Continue.
Existing non-conforming uses & FAR may continue in the following circumstances
a) Any lawful FAR of land in building premises existing before coming in to force of these
Regulations may be allowed to continue up to the prescribed in new rules. In this case extra
FAR used by the land owner will be regularized as per the provision of these rules. But the
owner should give the certification of the structural stability of the structure
b) If any change was done in reference to Prevailing rule and provision of Development plan,
than the premium as per new norms shall be applicable & payable


Following are the Value Capture Finance Methods & Regulations respectively.
1.7.1Value Capture Fund
a) Value Capture Fund is applicable on receiving Zone. Receiving Zone will be 2 times of ROW or
parallel road near to two times of ROW developed for public transport system and the roads
must be with RoW30m and above.
b) For the properties abutting to the road as prescribed above, the Value Capture Fund
should be at the rate of 5% on Collector Guideline Rate.
c) For the properties which are not abutting the road and backside of the road facing
properties, the fees shall be at the rate of 2.5% on Collector Guideline Rate.
d) The above fees shall be charged at the time of building permission by Implementing

1.8 Commercial Use Charges

e) These are the charges for the Commercial use, shall be taken as premium on FAR and shall be
payable once.
f) These charges shall be applicable for R-C Zone & C Zone. g) Commercial use charges will be
calculated as :-
Total payable Fee = (Plot/Land area) x (Consumed FAR) x (land value, Prevailing collector rate) x

1.9 Premium on additional F.A.R.

a) These are the charges for additional Floor Area Ratio (FAR) and shall be payable once.
b) These charges shall be applicable for R, R-C zone, C zone, PSP Zone.
c) The additional FAR permitted shall not exceed the FAR in ABD area already permissible in the
Smart City Master Plan.
d) The additional FAR permitted shall be purchased First 50% through Premium on FAR by
Implementing Agency and 50% through TDR.
e) In case if TDR is not available then plot owner can avail 100 % additional FAR through FAR
premium provided by Implementing Agency.
f) An application for availing additional floor area ratio (FAR) shall be made to the competent
authority implementing agency. Such application shall be accompanied by the documents
mentioned in the TDR rules 2018. The Competent authority after examination the application
may allow additional floor area ratio to the applicant to the extent permitted in rule
g) The application for grant of additional FAR shall be considered only in case the plot in
questions is a part of a layout plan duly approved by the
Competent authority.
h) Premium on Additional FAR will be calculated as follows:
= (Purchased Additional FAR in Sqm.) x (50% of the prevailing collector Guideline rate)
i) The Sale/Purchase of Transfer of development rights shall be as per the Govt. Policy&
j) After purchase of additional FAR, Authority will issue the certificate of extra FAR purchased
from the Authority. Only after getting the certificate, the property owner will get the building
permission for additional FAR.

1.10 Premium on Mixed use.

a) These are the charges for the Mixed use (non-residential use) in the residential use
and shall be payable at the time of building permission.
b) These charges shall be applicable for R Zone.
c) Premium on Mixed Use will be calculated as follows:
Total payable amount: (Prevailing collector guidelines rate (per Sqm) x0.05 x(Total Area
used as non-residential).
d) As per the mixed-use policy, use of non-residential activity in residential building shall pay
the above prescribed charges before building permission. These charges shall be paid before
building permission
e) Any mixed use which is in existence in residential area, the owner shall get the revised
approval from competent authority within 2 years from the date of notification of Special
Development control regulations. If the owner fails to get the revised permission then, owner
will be penalized 10 times the additional charges for the mixed use for the period after the date
of notification.
f) These mixed-use charges which will be deposited with the implementing agency, the
particular amount will be used for infrastructure development and parking development.
g) The ULB has a right to inspect, penalize the properties which are under mixed use category.

1.11 Premium on Plot amalgamation.

These charges shall be applicable for R-Zone, R-C zone, C zone, PSP Zone. Plot amalgamation
charges will be calculated as
a) For R- Zone
Premium = (Total amalgamated land in Sqm) x Rs 100/- per Sq.M. of total plot area
b)For RC-Zone & C-Zone
Premium = (Total amalgamated land in Sqm) x Rs 200/- per Sq.M. of total plot area
c) For PSP-Zone
Premium = (Total amalgamated land in Sqm) x Rs 50/- per Sq.M. of total plot area

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