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Crash Course Electronics

Analogue Electronics Notes

© André LaMothe

Peter Colls Review

Version 1.1 12/07/2020

Notes from Crash Course Electronics v1.1 Confidential Page 1 of 69

Notes from Crash Course Electronics v1.1 Confidential Page 2 of 69
of Contents
Table of Figures ................................................................................................................................... 6
Bibliography ............................................................................................................................................ 8
Prologue .................................................................................................................................................. 8
Tables and Laws ...................................................................................................................................... 9
OHM’s Law L2 ..................................................................................................................................... 9
Rules to Remember............................................................................................................................. 9
Common Prefixes ................................................................................................................................ 9
Electronic Terms and Symbols .......................................................................................................... 10
Mathematical Equations ................................................................................................................... 10
Resisters in Parallel ........................................................................................................................... 10
Voltage Divider.................................................................................................................................. 10
Reactance .......................................................................................................................................... 10
Impedance ........................................................................................................................................ 10
Phase Angle ....................................................................................................................................... 10
Calculate β......................................................................................................................................... 10
Inductor in series .............................................................................................................................. 10
Inductor in Parallel ............................................................................................................................ 10
Resisters ................................................................................................................................................ 11
Resisters in Series.............................................................................................................................. 11
Resisters in Parallel ........................................................................................................................... 11
KCL & KVL .......................................................................................................................................... 11
Calc the Voltage from the Resistance: .......................................................................................... 12
Calculate all Voltages and Currents for each of the 4 Nodes: ...................................................... 12
Voltage Divider.................................................................................................................................. 13
RC Circuit ............................................................................................................................................... 15
Cap Discharging................................................................................................................................. 15
Energising .......................................................................................................................................... 16
Time Domain ..................................................................................................................................... 16
LC Circuit ............................................................................................................................................... 16
Frequency Domain ............................................................................................................................ 17
Phase Diagram .................................................................................................................................. 18

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Phases ................................................................................................................................................... 19
Reactance (X) .................................................................................................................................... 19
Impedance (Z) ................................................................................................................................... 20
Polar / Phaser Format ....................................................................................................................... 22
Polar Phaser Method ........................................................................................................................ 22
Capacitive Reactance ........................................................................................................................ 25
Some Impedances (Rectangular form) ......................................................................................... 25
Polar Form......................................................................................................................................... 25
Inductor Reactance (X) .................................................................................................................. 27
Complex Impedance (Z) .................................................................................................................... 27
Decibels ................................................................................................................................................. 28
To Recap Filters ................................................................................................................................. 29
To compute Gain ........................................................................................................................... 29
Logarithms ........................................................................................................................................ 29
CAPACITORS .......................................................................................................................................... 30
Mr Carlson Comments ...................................................................................................................... 30
What is power decoupling ............................................................................................................ 31
Why is decoupling necessary? ...................................................................................................... 31
Capacitor Charging and Discharging ................................................................................................. 31
ESR – Equivalent Series Resistance ............................................................................................... 32
Parallel Capacitors............................................................................................................................. 32
Series Capacitors ............................................................................................................................... 32
RC Filters ............................................................................................................................................... 33
Low Pass Filter................................................................................................................................... 33
High pass filter L51 ............................................................................................................................ 35
Band Pass Filter ................................................................................................................................. 36
Inductors ............................................................................................................................................... 36
Inductive reactance....................................................................................................................... 37
Capacitive ...................................................................................................................................... 37
Inductors in Series............................................................................................................................. 38
Inductors in Parallel .......................................................................................................................... 38
LC Filters ................................................................................................................................................ 39
Low pass filter L52............................................................................................................................. 39
High pass filter L53 ............................................................................................................................ 40
Diodes L55 ............................................................................................................................................. 41

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Flyback Diodes and Voltage Spike Suppression ................................................................................ 42
Switching Signal ................................................................................................................................ 42
Reverse Current Protection .............................................................................................................. 42
Rectifier ............................................................................................................................................. 43
Zener ................................................................................................................................................. 43
Light Emitting .................................................................................................................................... 44
Schottky ............................................................................................................................................ 44
In Summary ....................................................................................................................................... 45
Voltage Regulators and Power Supply Design L60 ........................................................................... 45
A basic design Linear power supply using the 7812 Voltage regulator. ........................................... 46
Power supply smoothing capacitors ................................................................................................. 47
Robust Power Supply Design L65 .................................................................................................. 48
Power Supply Noise .......................................................................................................................... 49
Capacitance Multiplier ...................................................................................................................... 49
Transistors L67 ...................................................................................................................................... 50
Transistor Modelling Equations ........................................................................................................ 51
Set Current ........................................................................................................................................ 52
Current Source .................................................................................................................................. 54
Current Source Single Resister ...................................................................................................... 54
Current Source Voltage Divider .................................................................................................... 56
Current Source – Zener Diode....................................................................................................... 57
Current & Voltage Regulator......................................................................................................... 58
Emitter Follower Current Amplifier .................................................................................................. 59
Common Emitter Transistor Voltage Amplifier ................................................................................ 61
Equations: ..................................................................................................................................... 63
Transistor Motor Driver and Noise Reduction L47 ............................................................................... 63
Oscillators.............................................................................................................................................. 64
ac Small Signal ................................................................................................................................... 64
Colpitts Crystal Sinusoidal Oscillator................................................................................................. 65
Colpitts Square Wave Oscillator ....................................................................................................... 66
Square Wave and Filter Oscillator .................................................................................................... 67

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Table of Figures
Figure 1 – Resisters in Series ................................................................................................................. 11
Figure 2 - Resisters in Parallel ............................................................................................................... 11
Figure 3 - Resisters in Parallel 2 ............................................................................................................ 11
Figure 4 – Voltage Divider ..................................................................................................................... 12
Figure 5 – Node Current Flow ............................................................................................................... 12
Figure 6 - Voltage Divider 2 ................................................................................................................... 13
Figure 7 - Voltage Divider 3 ................................................................................................................... 14
Figure 8 – Cap Discharge 1 .................................................................................................................... 15
Figure 9 - Cap Discharge 2..................................................................................................................... 15
Figure 10 – Phase Circuit 1 .................................................................................................................... 17
Figure 11 – Phase Shift .......................................................................................................................... 17
Figure 12 – Phase Diag 1 ....................................................................................................................... 18
Figure 13 - Phase Diag 2 ........................................................................................................................ 18
Figure 14 - Phase Diag 3 ........................................................................................................................ 19
Figure 15 - Phase Diag 4 ........................................................................................................................ 19
Figure 16 - Impedance Circuit ............................................................................................................... 20
Figure 17 - Phase Diag 5 ........................................................................................................................ 20
Figure 18 - Phase Diag 6 ........................................................................................................................ 21
Figure 19 - Phase Diag7 ......................................................................................................................... 22
Figure 20 – Polar / Phasor Circuit ......................................................................................................... 24
Figure 21 - Phase Diag 8 ........................................................................................................................ 24
Figure 22 – Inductor Reactance Circuit ................................................................................................. 26
Figure 23 – Decibel Table ...................................................................................................................... 28
Figure 24 – Current Flow Circuits .......................................................................................................... 31
Figure 25 – Parallel Capacitors .............................................................................................................. 32
Figure 26 – Serial Capacitors ................................................................................................................. 32
Figure 27 - Frequency noise bypass circuit ........................................................................................... 33
Figure 28 – Low Pass Filter Circuit ........................................................................................................ 33
Figure 29 - Low Pass Filter Circuit 2 ...................................................................................................... 34
Figure 30 - High Pass Filter Circuit ........................................................................................................ 35
Figure 31 - Inductors in Series............................................................................................................... 38
Figure 32 - Inductors in Parallel ............................................................................................................ 38
Figure 33 – LC Low Pass Filter Circuit.................................................................................................... 39
Figure 34 – LC High Pass Filter Circuit ................................................................................................... 40
Figure 35 – Diode Identification............................................................................................................ 41
Figure 36 – Diode as a Volt Regulator Circuit ....................................................................................... 41
Figure 37 – Zener Regulator.................................................................................................................. 43
Figure 38 - polarity protection 1 ........................................................................................................... 44
Figure 39 - polarity protection 2 ........................................................................................................... 44
Figure 40 – Zener Voltage Clamp .......................................................................................................... 45
Figure 41 - Schottky diode power regulator ......................................................................................... 45
Figure 42 – Basic Linear Power Supply ................................................................................................. 46
Figure 43 – AC Power Flow ................................................................................................................... 47
Figure 44 – Robust Power Supply ......................................................................................................... 49
Figure 45 – Capacitance Multiplier ....................................................................................................... 50
Figure 46 - NPN Transistor .................................................................................................................... 51

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Figure 47 - Set Current Transistor ......................................................................................................... 52
Figure 48 - Reset Current Transistor ..................................................................................................... 53
Figure 49 - Current Source .................................................................................................................... 54
Figure 50 - Current Source Simulations ................................................................................................ 55
Figure 51- Current Source Voltage Divider ........................................................................................... 56
Figure 52 - Current Source – Zener Diode ............................................................................................ 57
Figure 53 - Current & Voltage Regulator .............................................................................................. 58
Figure 54- Emitter Follower Current Amplifier ..................................................................................... 59
Figure 55 - Emitter Follower Current Amplifier2 .................................................................................. 59
Figure 56 - Common Emitter Transistor Voltage Amplifier .................................................................. 61
Figure 57-Colpitts Crystal Sinusoidal Oscillator .................................................................................... 65
Figure 58-Colpitts Square Wave Oscillator ........................................................................................... 66
Figure 59- Square Wave and Filter Oscillator ....................................................................................... 67

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André LaMothe “Crash Course Electronics” -

André LaMothe “Design Your Own Video Game”
André LaMothe “Common Prefixes”
Mr Carlson Lab “Types of Capacitors”
Mr Carlson Lab “Mr Carlson Comments”
David Jones “Power supply smoothing capacitors
Wikipedia “Decibels “Table of db Values“

This document summarises my study notes of the Analogue component of André LaMothe
“Crash Course Electronics”, it primarily my own work and not for publication.
To assist with clarity, some headings include a reference to the course lecture number (Lnn),
e.g. “Low Pass Filter L52”.

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Tables and Laws
OHM’s Law L2
Volts : V=I.R
Current: 𝐶=𝑅
Resistance: R =
𝑉 𝑉2
Power: P = V . I Or P = 𝑅
Or P = 𝐼

Rules to Remember
a. Resistor Wattage – Calculate the Power and then X 2 for safety
b. Milli Amps – Volts / K ohms always results in Milli Amps
c. Heat – Devices should be able to dissipate twice the amount of power
d. Parallel Resistance Calculation - is the product over the sum, and the result is
always less than the smallest resistor.

Common Prefixes
Symbol Prefix Scaling Factor 10 to the Minus
a atto 10-18th
f femto 10-15th
p pico 10-12th
n nano 10-9th
µ micro 10-6th
m milli 10-3rd
k kilo 10-3rd
M mega 10-6th
G giga 10-9th
T tera 10-12th
P peta 10-15th
E exa 10-18th


 Other prefixes are based on multiples of 100, but most commonly in electronics, the
multiples of 1000 or 103 are used.
 In pure scientific notation = 3.0x10-4th watts
 Using the kilo (10-3rd) prefix = 30k watts or 30kW
 Using the mega (10-6th) prefix = .03M watts or .03MW
 005 amps In pure scientific notation = 5.0x10-3rd amps

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 Using the milli (10-3rd) prefix = 5.0m amps or 5ma
 Using the micro (10-6th) prefix = 5000µ amps or 5000µa

Electronic Terms and Symbols

V = Volts Measured in V. mV
R = Resistance Measured in Ohm’s
I = Current Measured in Amps
C = Capacitance Measured in Farad’s
L = Inductance Measured in Henry’s
X = Reactance Measured in Ohm’s
Q = Capacitor Charge Measured in Coulomb’s
Z = Impedance Measured in Ohm’s Φ(Phi = Flux) = Induction Flux

Mathematical Equations
(𝑅1 . 𝑅2)
Resisters in Parallel PR = = 3.33 Ω The result is always less than the smallest
resistor in the parallel circuit. – Refer Fig 3 & Fig 5
Voltage Dividers V1 = R1 * 𝑅1+𝑅2 = 1.899v
V2 + R2 * = 3.100v - Refer Fig 4 & Fig 6

Reactance (X) As frequency goes up, Reactance (Xc) goes down. ∴ As

frequency goes down, reactance (Xc) goes up. Xc = 2π.F.C Refer
Fig 14
Impedance (Z) V1 = 10v RMS ∴ Xc = = 72.34Ω
Z = √R2 + Xc 2 = √1002 + 72.342 = Z = 123.42Ω - Refer Fig
Phase Angle - φ = Tan-1 (inverse tan “Tan-1” is the opposite over the
adjacent, e.g. Vc over Va - Refer fig 19
𝐼𝑒 56.8
Calculate β β = 𝐼𝑏 = 0.42 = 135 ∴ β = 135 - Refer Fig 48
Inductor in series Ltot = L1 + L2 + L3 - Refer Fig 31
Inductor in Parallel LToT = 1 1 1 - Refer Fig 32
+ +
𝐿1 𝐿2 𝐿3

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Resisters in Series
R1 R2 R3

1kΩ 1kΩ 1kΩ

Figure 1 – Resisters in Series

Resisters in Parallel
R1 R2 R3
1kΩ 1kΩ 1kΩ

Figure 2 - Resisters in Parallel

Figure 3 - Resisters in Parallel 2


KCL = current into node = 0

KVL = Voltage drops around a loop = 0
5𝑣 5𝑣
∴ i1 = 5𝑟 i2 = 10𝑟 ∴ ptot = 1.5 Amps

1A + 0.5A = 1.5A
Resistance in Parallel – The result is always less than the smallest resistor in the parallel circuit.
(𝑅1 . 𝑅2)
PR = 𝑅1+𝑅2
= 3.33 Ω

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Calc the Voltage from the Resistance:

Vin 5v 50kΩ Vout 3.1v


Figure 4 – Voltage Divider

V1 = R1 * 𝑅1+𝑅2 = 1.899v

V2 + R2 * = 3.100v

Calculate all Voltages and Currents for each of the 4 Nodes:

Figure 5 – Node Current Flow

Vs = 18v
R1 + R2 =30 Ω ohms
R3 + R4 = 1.2k Note: These values should be added together when calculating parallel resistance.
Refer below.
R5 100 Ω
R6 = 10 Ω
(R3+R4).R5 (200Ω+1k).100Ω
Resistance over R3 + R4 II R5 ( Product over the Sum) = (R3+R4)+R5 = (200Ω+1k)+100Ω = 92.3 Ω
∴ Rtot = 30 + 10 + 92.3 = a total circuit resistance of 132.3 Ω

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Node A
𝑉 18
Current = I1 = = = 136mA
𝑅 132.3
Volts = V1 = I . R = 136.3 . 10 = 1.36v
V2 = = 136.3 . 20 = 2.72v

Node “B”
Current at “B” = 136.6ma
Volts = Vs – (V1 + V2) = 13.92v

Node “C”
Current = 136.6ma
Volts = V6 = I . R +136ma * 10 Ω = 1.36v
Note The other reference of R6 is the ground reference ∴ it is 0v (KVL)

Node “D”
Voltage – The voltage differential between Node B & C is 13.92v – 1.36v = 12.56v
𝑉 12.56𝑣
Current – I5 = current over R5 = 𝑅 = 100 Ω = 125.6mA
Current - I3,4 = 136 – (I3,4 +125.6) = 136 – 125.6 = 10.4
∴ I3,4 = 10.4ma

Voltage Divider
Voltage Dividers are constructed by having two resistors in series with the second connected to
ground. The junction between the two resisters is the reduced voltage value because of the
resistance values of the individual two resisters.

Figure 6 - Voltage Divider 2

Vout = ( R1+R2 ) . Vin

Voltage divider circuit 3.3v with a 10mA current. – How to work out the R1 and R2 Values.

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Figure 7 - Voltage Divider 3

1. Work out the current required at S2

2. We want to set the circuit up for 10mA
3. What is the total resistance needed to get 10mA?
𝑉 5𝑣
a. RTot = 𝐼
∴ 10𝑚𝑎 = 500 Ω

4. Voltage divider equations

a. V1 = R1 * ( 𝑅1+𝑅2 )
𝑉 )
b. V2 = R2 * (

5. What do we know?
a. S1 = V = 5v
b. S2 = = 3.3v
c. Total Resistance 500mA

6. Use the equation that has R2 in it?

a. 3.3v = R2 .
b. Do the Algebra and figure out R2
1 5
c. 3.3v * 5 = 500 = 0 .0 X-1 = 100
( )
d. 100 * 3.3 = 330 Ω
e. R2 = 330 Ω
f. R1 = 500 Ω 330 Ω = 170 Ω
g. R1 = 170 Ω

7. Future Parallel Resistance

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a. If the load (resistance) on S2 is 10 X larger than R2, it will not make a significant
difference to R2 (the voltage on S2 may drop 0.02v)
b. What is the parallel combination of 330 Ω and 3.3k = 330 II 3.3k. The parallel
330 .3.3𝑘
calculation is the product over the sum ∴ 330+3.3𝑘 = 300 Ω
c. This will now change R2 to 300 Ω that will reduce the voltage on s2 to (V=I.R) S2
= 10ma . 300 Ω = 3 volts.
d. If we needed the voltage to stay at 3.3v then we could change the R2 resistance to
compensate or change the current to allow a lower the total resistance on R1 and
R2 thus stiffing the circuit.

RC Circuit

Figure 8 – Cap Discharge 1

Figure 9 - Cap Discharge 2

Cap Discharging
Vc of (τ) = Vs . e – τ/rc
Note: Vs may not be the same voltage as Vc
V=L. the change in time

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I of τ = I not . (I – e -τ/l/r)
I of τ = I not . e -τ/l/r)
Note: “Not” = Current at any time

Time Domain
Current Voltage


Current leads voltage by 900

Current i

Volts V or E

ICE – Current is always at its maximum when it’s on the zero plane

LC Circuit
Voltage Current


Voltage leads Current by 900

Volts V or E

Current i

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Frequency Domain
The frequency-domain relates to the Sinusoidal Signals for both frequency and amplitude.

A =Amplitude
F = Frequency
T = Time ( in Sec)
Φ= Phase Angle (Phi)
ω = Omega
Volts as a function of time =
V(t) = A . Sin (2π. F. T ) + Φ
OR we could use Omega ω = 2π F T
∴ A . Sin . ω + Φ
As we only care about Frequency and Amplitude so we can remove time and proceed as follows:
We require 10v RMS (Root Mean Squared). The Peak voltage from 10v rms is V1 = =

14.144PK(peak) = 28.28v PP (point to point)

Figure 10 – Phase Circuit 1

Note1: The TVS value is always 0.707 of the peak value.

Note2: Over the resister, both the current and the voltage are in phase.

Peak v

Volts & current i
Figure 11 – Phase Shift

Vs =100 hz , 10v rms

𝑉𝑠 10𝑣
I= 𝑅
=I= 2𝑟
= 5A rms

Vs(t) = 140144 . Sin (2π. 100. T + φ)

𝑉 14.144
Rms Current = 𝑅 = 2
= 7.07mA

I(t) = 7.07mA . Sin (2π. 100. T + φ)

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Phase Diagram
Phaser Diag for Resistance


Figure 12 – Phase Diag 1

With Capacitor and Inductor, Current and Voltage are not in phase.

Capacitor – I C E Current leads voltage by 90deg

Figure 13 - Phase Diag 2

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Inductor – E L I – Voltage leads current by 90deg

Figure 14 - Phase Diag 3

Reactance (X)
Reactance is the term for the AC resistance within a capacitor and Inductor.

As frequency goes up, Reactance (Xc) goes down. ∴ As frequency goes down, reactance (Xc) goes
up. Xc = 2π.F.C

Phaser Diag All Together - Reactance

+90 ͦ

Figure 15 - Phase Diag 4

-90 ͦ

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Impedance (Z)
The definition of Impedance is for a component to resist current flow which has both a resistive and
a reactive component. The term is used to cover both resistance and reactance components, the
resistor is purely resistive, and the Capacitor and the Inductor is strictly reactive. Both are
impedances they just happen to be 100% resistive in the resister and 100% reactive in the Capacitor
and Inductor. Impedance is referred to when discussing AC signals, although this can include DC
when the frequency gets down to 0. Thus:

 Resister is resistive
 Inductor and Capacitor are reactive
 Both are known as Impedances for AC circuits
 Impedance does cover the full frequency spectrum, which includes 0hz (DC) but is referred
to in AC circuits.
When considering Impedance, there are always two parts.

 The Real part (ℜ) and

 The imaginary part (j)
 Z = ℜ + Xj

Figure 16 - Impedance Circuit

Polar Diag – Resistance - Magnitude

Figure 17 - Phase Diag 5

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V1 = 10v RMS ∴ Xc = 2π.F.C = 72.34Ω
Z = √R2 + Xc 2 = √1002 + 72.342 = Z = 123.42Ω

𝑉 10𝑣
I= 𝑍
=123.42Ω = 81.0mA


V = I.R ∴ V = I . Z
VR = I.Z = 0.081A . 100 Ω = 8.1v
Vc = I.Xc = 0.081A . 72.34 Ω = 5.85v
Note: Vr + Vc does not add up to 10v due to the phase shift.

Polar Diag – Volts - Magnitude

Figure 18 - Phase Diag 6

𝑉𝑐 5.85𝑣 =
φ = Tan-1 𝑉𝑟 = Tan-1 8.1𝐴
35.8 ͦ

𝑉𝑐 5.85𝑣 =
φ = Sin 𝑉𝑠 = Tan-1 10𝑣
35.8 ͦ
𝑉𝑟 8.1𝐴
φ = Cos 𝑉𝑠 = Tan-1 10𝑣 = 35.8 ͦ

Inductor Note: All the above math is the same for Inductors except XL = 2π . F. L

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Polar / Phaser Format

Figure 19 - Phase Diag7

Refer to Wikipedia Imaginary Unit to refer to Imaginary numbers.

i-1 = -I , 𝑖
= -I, i2 = -1

Impedance Z = ℜ . (X . j) the “ℜ” is the real number and the “x.j” is the imaginary number.

Complex numbers are a combination of real and imaginary numbers and defined by using an “*”
superscript. E.g. A*

A* = a + (b.j)
B* = c + (d.j)
Magnitude – “II” is used to represent a magnitude variable, eg IC*I = √e2 + f 2 = Length
Angle of φ - φ = Tan-1 𝑉𝑟 (inverse tan “Tan-1” is the opposite over the adjacent e.g. Vc over Va
Length of A (the length of the hypotenuse) - IAI = √e2 + f 2

Polar Phaser Method

A* = IaI ∠ φ1
B* = IbI ∠ φ2
ℜ J “ℜ” real and “J” imaginary parts

To add using Rectangle version, A* + B* = (a+b) + (b+d) . J

To multiply using Polar form multiply the magnitude and add the angles
A* X B* = (IAI . IBI) ( ∠φ1 + φ2 )

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To divide using Polar form divide the magnitude and minus the angles A* / B* = 𝐼𝐵𝐼…… ( ∠φ1 - φ2 )

Calculating the diagram above, we see that A = a magnitude of 3 on the ℜ axis and B has a
magnitude of -5 and on the “J” axis A = 2 and B=10.
A= 3 + 2j
B = -5 + 10j
---- ----
ℜ Imaginary No.
To calculate all phase angles and voltages for the dig above - We require:

Requirement Variable Answer

Add A & B A+B
Length of A IAI
Length of B IBI
Angle of A φa
Angle of B φb
Multiply A.B using A.B
Phaser format

A = 3 + 2j so on the ℜ line 3 graduations and the imaginary line 2 graduations.

B = -5 + 10j – same as above but on the imaginary line.

Length of A – IAI = √32 + 22

9 + 4 = 13
Square Root of 13 = 3.60

Length of B – IBI = √(−5)2 + 102 = 11.180

Note1: Drop the minus sign
Note2: Using the Casio calculator, it’s easier to calculate the numbers, then the square root. E.g. A2 +
B2 = then SquRoot Ans.

Calculate φa The opposite over the adjacent = 2 over 3.

∴ φa = Tan-1 3 = 33.69 ͦ

Calculate φb φb = Tan-1 −5 = -63.4 ͦ
Note:3 Use the minus 5 in this case as the phase angle is on the negative side.
Note:4 Because φb is on the negative side, we need the plus side angle, so 180 ͦ- 63.4 =ͦ 116.56 ͦ
refer diag above.
A* = 3.6 ∠ 33.69 ͦ

B* = 11.8 ∠ 116.56 ͦ

A . B = (3.6 . 11.18) ∠ 33.69 + 116.56 = 40.2 ∠ 150.25

A/B = (11.18) ∠ 33.69 - 116.56 = 40.2 ∠ 150.25

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Polar Calc 2

Figure 20 – Polar / Phasor Circuit

Figure 21 - Phase Diag 8

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Capacitive Reactance
1 1
Xc = 2π.F.C = Xc = 2π.50.10μF = 318.3Ω

Some Impedances (Rectangular form)

Zc = 0 -j . Xc = 0 -j . 318 = -j318.3Ω
Zr = 100 + j0 = 100Ω (Resistances do not have an imaginary number)

Polar Form
To convert Rectangular to Polar form, take the square root of the sum of the squared values.

Zr = √Zr 2 + 02 = Zr = 100 Ω ∠ 0 ͦ (Resistances do not have an imaginary number)

Zc = √02 + Xc 2 = Zc = √02 + 318.3Ω2 = Zc = 0 ∠ 318.3 Ω at -90 ͦ

Now work out Volts and Current

V = I . R = I . Z for impedance.

Total Impedance = Zt = Zc + Zr = 0 -j318 + 100 j0

Because Zc does not have a real part and Zr does not have an imaginary part – Then:

Zt = 100 -j318

The voltage source Vs has a phase angle of 0 ͦ as the reference point for the circuit.

∴ Vs = 10v ∠ 0 ͦ or 10 +j0
𝑉 10𝑣 ∠ 0 ͦ 10
I = 𝑍𝑡 = 333Ω ∠−72.5 ͦ
= 333
= 30mA ∠ 0 – (-72.5) = 72.5

∴ I = 30mA ∠ 72.5 ͦ

To calculate the magnitude (II) of Zt = I ZtI = √Zr 2 + (Zc 2) = I ZtI = √1002 + (−3182) = 333Ω

Note: forget the minus as -318 becomes +318 or 318Ω.

Now the phase angle. The imaginary part over the real part = Tan-1 100
= -72.5 ͦ

∴ I ZtI = 333Ω ∠ -72.5 ͦ

The voltage and impedance angle over the capacitor = (multiply the real numbers and add the
imaginary numbers)

Vc = I . Zc (i∠ + Zc ∠) = Vc = (30mA ∠ 72.5 ͦ) . (318Ω ∠ -90 ͦ)

∴ (30mA . 318Ω) (∠ 72.5 ͦ + ∠ -90 ͦ) = Vc = 9.54v ∠ -17.5 ͦ

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Vr = I . Zr (i∠ + Zr ∠) = Vr = (30mA ∠ 72.5 ͦ) . (100Ω ∠ 0 ͦ)

∴ (30mA . 100Ω) (∠ 72.5 ͦ + ∠ 0 ͦ) = Vr = 3v ∠ 72.5 ͦ

Power – via the resistor = I. Vr = 30mA . 3v = 0.09w or 90mW

Note: Real power is not dissipated, but reactive power is.

Note: There is zero power being dissipated over the Capacitor because the current and the voltage
are 90 ͦ out of phase, and therefore no power can be dissipated – impossible.

Note: look up Phasor on Wikipedia.

In summary:
I = 30mA ∠ 72.5 ͦ - Blue

Vr = 3v ∠ 72.5 ͦ - Red

Vc = 9.54v ∠ -17.5 ͦ - Purple

Zc = 0 ∠ 318.3 Ω at -90 ͦ -

Zr = 100 Ω ∠ 0 ͦ - on the zero line

I ZtI = 333Ω ∠ -72.5 ͦ - Yellow

Vs = 10v ∠ 0 ͦ - Red

Note: the angles are turned around because we have mixed the components e.g. both a Resister and
a Capacitor.

Figure 22 – Inductor Reactance Circuit

Vs = 7.07v RMS – 100 Htz

If we look at the above circuits from the Impedance point of view, they could be considered a
Voltage Divider, e.g. V2 = V1 .

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Inductor Reactance (X)

Inductors are mostly measured in Micro “µ” or Milli “m” Henry’s and it’s difficult to design circuits
that do anything at low frequencies. The 200 Ω resister was picked because at a frequency of 100
Hz the calculated inductance will be acceptable for low frequencies, but useless for higher
Inductor Reactance Calculations

XL = 2π . F . L = XL = 2π.100Hz . 2.2mH = 1.31 Ω

@ 1k Hz = 13.8 Ω
@ 10k Hz = 138 Ω
@20k Hz = 276 Ω

Complex Impedance (Z)

Zr = 200 Ω + 0j OR 200 ∠ 0 ͦ
ZL = 0 + XL . j = 0 + 1.38j OR 1.38 Ω ∠ +90 ͦ

Calculate Current and Voltage

V = I . R OR I . Z
𝑉 7.07𝑣 ∠ 0 ͦ
= 𝑍𝑡 = 200Ω ∠0.4 ͦ
= 35.35mA ∠ 0.4 ͦ

Note: 0.03535 = 35.35mA

Zt = Zr + ZL = 200 + 0j + 0 + 1.38j
= 200 + 1.38j
=200 ∠ 1.38 Ω

Find the length

Len = √Zr 2 + ZL2 = √2002 + 1.382 = 200.004

φ1 = Tan-1 = 0.39

The above result indicates that due to the low frequency, the Inductor is not doing anything
because the Inductor at this frequency has an Impedance of 1.38 Ω. Remember, the Inductor is a
frequency dependant Resister, and its Impedance goes up linearly with the increase in
Voltage over the Resister

Vr = I . Zr = (35 ∠ -0.4) . (200 ∠ 0)

VL = I . ZL = (35 ∠ -0.4) . (1.38 ∠ 90)

Vr = (35mA . 200 Ω ) (-0.4 + 0) = 7v ∠ 0 ͦ

VL = (35mA . 138 Ω) (-0.4 + 90) = 48.3mv ∠ 89.6 ͦ)

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The tables below describe the db levels from 100db to -100db and display the significant
differences in power and amplitude ratios between the two 100 and -100db levels.
The second table describes the power and voltage gain equations.

DBM = Power 1mw

DBV = Voltage 1v rms
DB = The Ratio

The 20 log rule below states that the voltage gain and the power gain are the same if (and only if)
the input and output impedances are the same. This means that if the output impedance of one
electronic circuit section has the same Impedance of the input section, then the power will be at
“Maximum Power Transfer”.

To compute power, use the 10 Log db scale and for voltage use the 20 Log db scale (detailed below).

Figure 23 – Decibel Table

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To Recap Filters
To compute Gain
Transfer Function: H(f) =
1+𝑗 (2𝜋.𝐹.𝑅.𝐶)

Magnitude: IH(f)I =
√12+j2 (R2 +Xc)2

Cut-off Frequency: F = of 2π.R.C
If we make R=1 then we get = 0.707 = -3db

Basic info for Logs and Exponents

- 103 where 10 = the base and 3 = the exponent = 10.10.10, 28 = 256, 20 = 1

1 1 1
- 10-3 = 10↑3
= 1000
= 2-1 = 2

- Add: 103 + 105 = 108 Add the exponents.

- Divide: 109 / 105 = 10(9-5) = 104 Subtract the exponents.


103 = 1000 Log (base 10) 1000 = 3 ∴ Log y = x = 6x = y

Voltage gain: db = 20Log 𝑉𝑖𝑛

20db of gain = db 20 Log 𝑉𝑖𝑛
= 20db

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20 𝑉𝑜𝑢𝑡 20 𝑉𝑜𝑢𝑡
= 20
Log 𝑉𝑖𝑛
= 20
= Log 𝑉𝑖𝑛
= 1db

𝑉𝑜𝑢𝑡 𝑉𝑜𝑢𝑡
= Log (base 10) 𝑉𝑖𝑛
= 1db = 101 = 10 = 𝑉𝑖𝑛

From above: 1 db ≡ X and ≡ Y and 10 ≡ Base ∴ 101 = 10 ∴ the voltage gain =10

For -3 db

𝑉𝑜𝑢𝑡 −3𝑑𝑏 𝑉𝑜𝑢𝑡 −3 𝑉𝑜𝑢𝑡

Gain db = -3db = 20 Log 𝑉𝑖𝑛
= 20
Log 𝑉𝑖𝑛 = 20
Log (base 10) 𝑉𝑖𝑛

10(-3/20) = Voltage gain of 𝑉𝑖𝑛
= 10(-3/20) = 0.707

1 1
≡G= = (−0.707) same as the gain of the Low Pass Filter =
√2 (2𝜋.𝑅.𝐶)

Mr Carlson Comments
Name +/- PPM/0C Temp
NP0 (zero) Negative Extremely Stable found in Oscillators, RF and 0-30 -55c +125c
Positive (or C0G) Coupling circuits – Does not move with temp
Mica Very Stable over a wide temp range, same circuits as 50 Really good
above, they rarely fail. temp
Polystyrene OK if Stable, found in Tuners, not good for RF Temp
oscillators – Very poor with temp. They will change Sensitive
when hot and the stay at the changed setting
Ceramic – X5R Disc Type - Great for Bypass, Never use for Oscillator -55 - +85
or tuned circuits, or Audio signal path – Very poor
with temp.
Ceramic – X7R Ditto – Not good if vibrations e.g. Audio -55 - +125
Ceramic – Y5V Ditto -30 - +85
Ceramic – Z5U Ditto +10 - +85
Polypropylene Good for Audio and RF stage coupling – Not as Reasonably
Stable as above. Never use for Oscillator or tuned good for
circuits. Good vibration tolerance. heat
Tantalum Bad for Audio (Non-Linear) very good for bypass or Temp Stable
timing e.g. 555 circuits
Paper No good at all

Notes: Tantalum – Tantalum Caps would be better than Electric if you could afford them.

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What is power decoupling

A decoupling capacitor's job is to suppress high-frequency noise in power supply signals. They take
tiny voltage ripples, which could otherwise be harmful to delicate ICs out of the voltage supply. ...
Decoupling capacitors are used to connect between the power source (5V, 3.3V, etc.) and ground.

Coupling and decoupling

While decoupling capacitors are connected in parallel to the signal path and are used to filter out the
AC component.
Coupling capacitors, on the other hand, are connected in series to the signal path and are used to
filter out the DC component of a signal. They are used in both analogue and digital circuit

Why is decoupling necessary?

Decoupling capacitors help to provide a local instantaneous charge source that prevents the voltage
source from dipping and a bypass path that dampens ringing. Noise on the PCB is also locally
damped, helping the local circuit remain unaffected by ripple on the power plane that could
otherwise disturb the circuit.

Capacitor Charging and Discharging

Current: I = C. - 𝑑𝑡 Where dv = small voltage charge and dt = small change in time.
If C = 100uF, V = 1v. 𝜏 = 1mSec Then I = 100uF . 1𝑢𝑆 ∴ I = 100A

Note: 𝜏 = Tau 𝑜𝑟 𝑅𝐶 𝑅𝑎𝑡𝑒 𝑜𝑓 𝐶ℎ𝑎𝑟𝑔𝑒 𝑖𝑛 𝑟𝑒𝑙𝑎𝑡𝑖𝑜𝑛 𝑡𝑜 𝑡𝑖𝑚𝑒.

In most cases, 1 x 𝜏 = 63% of the charge relating to time. Therefore 5 x 𝜏 would = 99.99% of
the charge.

𝜏 = 2.2 . 10−3 Sec = 1 x RC time = approx. 63%

For charging = v = vi x (1 -e - 𝜏 /RC)
Note: Caps can pull a high current (Current Rush) if there is not a resister to limit the input
current in place, above 10A.

Figure 24 – Current Flow Circuits

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When charging current flows from Positive to negative But when discharging current flows from
negative to positive.

ESR – Equivalent Series Resistance

ESR is always an AC resistance, it is measured at specified frequencies, 100 kHz for switched-mode
power supply components, 120 Hz for linear power-supply components, and at its self-resonant
frequency for general-application components. Additionally, audio components may report a "Q
factor", incorporating ESR among other things, at 1000 Hz. – DC Voltage has a frequency of 0 hz.

Parallel Capacitors

Figure 25 – Parallel Capacitors

The math for parallel capacitors is the same as series resistors.

Total C = C1 + C2+ C3

Series Capacitors

Figure 26 – Serial Capacitors

The math for series capacitors is the same as parallel resistors.

C= 1 1 1
100 + 47 +100

OR (1/100) + (1/47) + (1/100) x −1

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Typical Frequency noise bypass circuit

Figure 27 - Frequency noise bypass circuit

RC Filters
Filter tools

Filter design and analysis -

Also held under “Calculators.”

The impedance and Reactance Symbols

ZR = Resister Complex Impedance

ZC = Capacitor Complex Impedance
XL = Inductor Complex Impedance
XC = Capacitor Complex Reactance
XL = Inductor Complex Reactance
H = Transfer Function

Low Pass Filter

Figure 28 – Low Pass Filter Circuit

The impedance for R1 = Zr = R1 + 0j

The impedance for C1 = Zc = 0 – Xc . j

Where Xc = 2π.F.C

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Note Capacitor reactance
With Capacitors, as the frequency goes up, the reactance goes down.
F ↓0 Then Xc ↑∞
F ↑∞Then Xc ↓0

Compute the voltages

From a mathematical point of view, the filter circuit is very similar to a voltage divider circuit. This is
also known as a Transfer function. Hence:
Vout = ( Zc+Zr ) . Vin

Figure 29 - Low Pass Filter Circuit 2

Low pass filter data

Vin = 2v p-p 16k Htz

R = 1k Ω
C = 0.01mF
Xc = 2π.F.C

Resistors are real and do not have an imaginary part. Complex impedance Zr = R + 0j
Capacitors and Inductors are reactive and only have an imaginary part and do not have a real
part. Complex impedance Zc = 0 Xc .j

XL = 2π. F. L. (for reference only)

1 Zc
As above Xc = and Vout = Vout = ( ) . Vin . Vin Then to calculate the Transfer Function:
2π.F.C Zc+Zr
Zc 𝑉𝑜𝑢𝑡 Zc
Vout = ( Zc+Zr ) . Vin = 𝑉𝑖𝑛
= ( Zc+Zr ) = H(f) - The only variable in the impedance calculation is
Frequency ∴ H(f) = The Transfer Function. After some Algebra, we have H(f) = 1+𝑗 (2𝜋.𝐹.𝑅.𝐶)
∴ Can we get rid of the “j” and calculate the magnitude (the square root of the real and imaginary
parts) IH(f)I = Z = √R2 + Xc 2
1 1
∴ IH(f)I = at the frequency of 2π.R.C
then the output of this IH(f)I function = 0.707 or
√12+j2 (R2 +Xc)2

70%. This is known as the cut off frequency when the magnitude of H(f) is at 70%.

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Set Filter for a specific frequency
1 1
F= We need to make a filter that cut in at 2khz ∴ 2kHtz = but as “R” and “C” are
2π.R.C 2π.R.C
two variable numbers, we should pick one. As Resister values are plentiful, we will choose the
value of the Capacitor and calculate the Resister. The Capacitor value will be 0.01mF. So now
1 1
2kHtz = 2π.R.0.01mF ∴ R = 2π.2khz.0.01mF = 795 Ω. But if we only have a 1k Ω Resister, then the
frequency would be F = 2π.1k.0.01 = 1591 Htz.

Passive filters can have 1,2 or 3 poles to make them stiffer (rate of drop off), if more poles are
required, they would need to be Active Filters.

High pass filter L51

Figure 30 - High Pass Filter Circuit

Cap Reactance Xc = 2π.F.C
Cap Impedance Zc = 0 -Xc J Note: -J = 𝑗
Complex Impedance for R = ZR = 0 + 0J
voltage - Vout = Vin . (𝑍𝑟+𝑍𝑐 ) Just like a Voltage Divider.
𝑍𝑟 𝑅 𝐽.2𝜋.𝑅.𝐶
Transfer Function - H(f) = (𝑍𝑟+𝑍𝑐 ) = 𝑅+(−𝑋𝑐 .𝑗) ∴ H(f) = 1= 𝐽.2𝜋.𝑅.𝐶

Magnitude or Gain – real part = Rp & imaginary part Jp = IH(f)I = √Rp2 + Jp2
∴ JpIH(f)I =
√1+ (2π.F.R.C)2
High Pass Cut off Frequency – F(hp) = 2π.R.C

Note: Both High and Low pass filters have the same Cut Off formula. This is the charging
constant of the circuit; an RC circuit does not care about the “R” and “C”. The charge is going to
happen the same way. However, the action of the Current is going to be different depending on
where you take the Voltage. If we take the Voltage reading from Vout in the High Pass Filter, it
will be different to the Voltage reading from Vout in the Low Pass Filter, because the “C’s” are
changing as a function of frequency.
At a frequency of 0hz the gain for the High Pass Filter is 0 and for a Low Pass Filter it is 1.0. As F
goes to ∞ then, the gain goes to 1.

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Note: R – 1k and C = 0.1uF
1 1
The frequency for the High Pass Filter = F(hp) = 2π.R.C = F(hp) = 2π.1k.0.1uF = 1591Hz

Band Pass Filter

The combination of both the High and Low pass filters will result in a Band Pass Filter, and
when placed in series, their filter curves become multiplied.

Inductors are the opposite of capacitors, as the frequency goes up the reactance goes up, and as
the frequency goes down, the reactance goes down. Inductors can be thought of as a linear
frequency resister. XL = 2π . F . L
An Inductor also called a coil, choke, or reactor. It is a passive two-terminal electrical
component that stores energy in a magnetic field when electric current flows through it.[1] An
inductor typically consists of an insulated wire wound into a coil around a core.
When the current flowing through an Inductor, the change in the time-varying magnetic field
induces an electromotive force (e.m.f.) (voltage) in the conductor. Described by Faraday's law of
induction. According to Lenz's law, the induced voltage has a polarity (direction) which opposes
the change in current that created it. As a result, inductors oppose any changes in current
through them.
An inductor is characterised by its inductance, which is the ratio of the voltage to the rate of
change of current. In the International System of Units (SI), the unit of inductance is the “Henry”
(H) named for 19th century American scientist Joseph Henry. In the measurement of magnetic
The Capacitor pushes back current, and the Inductor pushes back voltage. For Lenz’s law and
Faraday’s law of Induction refer Wikipedia. Note the Induction Right Hand Rule, check this out
on Wikipedia and why we need to know?
The symbol for Inductance is Φ(Phi = Flux) Φ = L * I or Inductance * Current.
Capacitor Charge (Coulomb’s) – The symbol for charge is Q = Q = C . V

Voltage and current used to charge the Inductor and Capacitor – Transient Response (time

𝑑𝑖 𝑑𝑣
Inductor = V = -( L . 𝑑𝑡 ) Capacitor = I = ( C . 𝑑𝑡 )

Inductor Capacitor
Energise = Inductance * Current Φ = L * i Charge = Capacitance * Volts Q = C . V
The Derivative The Derivative
𝑑Φ 𝑑𝑖 ΔΦ Δi 𝑑𝑞 𝑑𝑣
V= = L . 𝑑𝑡 OR = L . Δt i = 𝑑𝑡 = C . 𝑑𝑡
𝑑𝑡 Δt

Inductor current change in unit by time Capacitor voltage change in unit by time

- Inductors Block high frequency

- Capacitors block Low Frequencies

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Inductive reactance is the name given to the opposition to changing current flow. This
Impedance is measured in ohms, just like resistance. In Inductors, voltage leads current by
90 degrees.

Capacitive reactance (in ohms) decreases with increasing AC frequency. Conversely,

inductive reactance (in ohms) increases with increasing AC frequency. Inductors oppose fast-
changing currents by producing higher voltage drops; capacitors oppose faster changing voltage
drops by allowing greater currents.
Reactance = Xl = 2𝜋. 𝐹. 𝐿

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Inductors in Series

Figure 31 - Inductors in Series

Ltot = L1 + L2 + L3

Inductors in Parallel

Figure 32 - Inductors in Parallel

LToT = 1 1 1
+ +
𝐿1 𝐿2 𝐿3

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LC Filters
Low pass filter L52

Figure 33 – LC Low Pass Filter Circuit

RC and RL circuits both for Capacitance and Inductance are the opposites of each other. Looking at
the transfer function, or the reactance of the Inductor, compared to the Capacitor for each circuit.
They are the inverse of each other:
Eg Reactance - XL = 2π . F. L and Xc =
Impedance – ZL = 0 + l.XL and ZR = R + 0J
Volts - Vout = Vin .
Frequency – H(f) = 𝑅+(𝐽.𝑋𝐿) =
𝑅/𝑅 1
Divide by R - H(f) = 𝑅/𝑅+(𝐽.𝑋𝐿) = H(f) = 1+(2𝜋.𝐹.𝐿)/𝑅 =
Transfer Function = H(f) = 1+(2𝜋.𝐹.𝐿)/𝑅
Magnitude - IH(f)I = - At DC or F – 0hz – At F = 0 then IH(f)I = 1
√1+ (2π.F.R.L/R)2
Cut of Frequency = = ? = (2π. F. R. L/R)2 =1
√ 1+ ?
Take the square root of both sides = (2π. F. R. L/R) = 1 =
F= - R = 1k , L = 330uH note: 330uH = 330e-6
𝐿 .2𝜋
Frequency Low pass = F(LP) = 330𝑢𝐻 .2𝜋 = 482.28Hz

Inductors have an extremely high “Q” (quality factor) which makes the Inductor very pure.
Capacitors have a lot of extraneous components. E.g. resistance, capacitance and inductance and
a small amount of reactance, Therefore the Inductor is a much purer part.

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High pass filter L53

Figure 34 – LC High Pass Filter Circuit

Inductors have an extremely high “Q” (quality factor) which makes the inductor very pure.
Capacitors have a lot of extraneous components

E.g. Reactance - XL = 2π . F. L
Impedance – ZL = 0 + l.XL and ZR = R + 0J
Note: RC section above, with Xc the :J” is -J because the inductive reactance are in opposite
𝑍𝐿 𝑉𝑜𝑢𝑡 𝐽.2𝜇.𝐹.𝐿
Volts - Vout = Vin . 𝑍𝑟+𝑍𝐿 This can also be expressed as : 𝑉𝑖𝑛
= 𝑅+𝐽.2𝜋.𝐹.𝐿
1 1
Divide by j.2μ.f.L - H(f) = H(f) = = H(f) =
1+𝑅/(2𝜋.𝐹.𝐿) 1−𝐽.𝑅/(2𝜋.𝐹.𝐿)
Transfer Function = H(f) = 1+(2𝜋.𝐹.𝐿)/𝑅
Magnitude - IH(f)I =
√1+ (R/(2π.F.R.L))2
We now need to make the term “(R/(2π. F. R. L))2" = 1
1- (2𝜇.𝐹.𝐿)2 = √1
2- 2𝜋.𝐹.𝐿
3- 𝑅
4- 𝐹 = 2𝜋.𝐿
= Cut Off Frequency
Note: To have multiple filter poles, you would need to calculate the transfer function of each one
and then compute their magnitude and phase angle. When using numerous poles, the transfer
functions are multiplied together e.g. TF1 + TF2 + TF3 Etc. This will allow the extra pols to be added,
resulting in a steeper curve. But Active filters would be more efficient for more than two poles.
𝑅 1𝑘
Frequency – F = 𝐿 = 2𝜋.2.2𝑚𝐻 = 72.343 kHz

For more reading refer RC Circuits in Wikipedia.

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Diodes L55

Figure 35 – Diode Identification

LEDs – In most cases, the longer lead connects to the Anode. If a round LED has a flange around its
base, a flat spot on the base will be closest to the cathode side of the component.

Diodes allow current to flow in one direction.

Figure 36 – Diode as a Volt Regulator Circuit

The silicone diodes total forward voltage of 2.1v and the diodes will maintain this voltage droppage
subject to the amount of forward current available. Diodes use a different forward voltage drop
depending on the current output; this should be verified in the datasheet.

R2 is a current limiter, and R3 is the load for 100Ω, 1k and 10k

When calculating current in this type of circuit, it is difficult to manually calculate an accrete
amperage because the diode voltage and current needs to stabilise before an accurate value can
be calculated. This is best done using Circuit Simulation. However, we can get close:
𝑉 5𝑣−2.1𝑣
I=𝑅= 100Ω
= 29mA when there is no load and the current is only going over the diodes
𝑉 5𝑣−2.1𝑣
At 100 Ω Load. = I = 𝑅 = 100Ω
= 29mA
𝑉 5𝑣−2.1𝑣
At 1k Ω Load. = I = = = 2.1mA = 29-2.1 =26.9mA
𝑅 1000Ω
𝑉 5𝑣−2.1𝑣
At 10k Ω Load. = I = 𝑅 = 10000Ω = 0.21mA = 29 – 0.21 = 28.79mA

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Flyback Diodes and Voltage Spike Suppression
Diodes are very often used to limit potential damage from unexpected large spikes in voltage.
Transient-voltage-suppression (TVS) diodes are speciality diodes, kind of like Zener diodes --
lowish breakdown voltages (often around 20V) -- but with very large power ratings (usually in
the range of kilowatts). They're designed to shunt currents and absorb energy when voltages
exceed their breakdown voltage.
Flyback diodes do a similar job of suppressing voltage spikes, specifically those induced by an
inductive component, like a motor. When the current through an inductor suddenly changes, a
voltage spike is created, possibly a very large, negative spike. A flyback diode placed across the
inductive load, will give that negative voltage signal a safe path to discharge, actually looping
over-and-over through the Inductor and diode until it eventually dies out.

Switching Signal Diode – Switching diodes are just like standard diodes except that
they are designed around the premise that they must change from conduction to non-conduction
very quickly for use in switching circuits such as digital electronics.
The 1N4148 is a standard silicon switching signal diode. It is one of the most popular and long-lived
switching diodes because of its dependable specifications and low cost. Its name follows the
JEDEC nomenclature. The 1N4148 is useful in switching applications up to about 100 MHz with
a reverse-recovery time of no more than 4 ns.

Reverse Current Protection

Ever stick a battery in the wrong way? Or switch up the red and black power wires? If so, a diode
might be to thank for your circuit still being alive. A diode placed in series with the positive side of
the power supply is called a reverse protection diode. It ensures that current can only flow in a
positive direction, and the power supply only applies a positive voltage to your circuit.

This diode application is useful when a power supply connector is not polarised, making it easy to
mess up and accidentally connect the negative supply to the positive of the input circuit.
The drawback of a reverse protection diode is that it'll induce some voltage loss because of the
forward voltage drop. Therefore, the Schottky diode is an excellent choice for reverse protection

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Rectifier Diode – The standard rectifier diode is what you will use most of the time you
use a diode. You will design the diode to operate as a “switch” in the forward bias direction. There
isn’t a colour code or anything for diodes; you just need to know the number of the part and what its
characteristics are.
The standard garden variety diode is the 1N400X series. Various versions that can handle more
current, higher breakdown voltages and current ratings, have incrementing numbers like 1N4001,
1N4002, etc. Also, the packaging changes based on power absorption; hence, a power diode might
be in a larger package.

Zener Diodes – Zener diodes are fascinating devices. The symbol is shown in Figure 35.
They are designed to operate in the reverse bias direction or in breakdown mode portion of the
operational curve, that is you purposely reverse bias a Zener diode into the breakdown region and
then it becomes a constant voltage drop with variable current. Hence, they are beneficial as voltage
regulators (devices that supply varying current at a consistent voltage level). Of course, Zeners
wouldn’t be very useful if you had to apply a breakdown of 100-200V, so they have much smaller
reverse voltages on the order of a fraction of a volt to many volts.
Zener's are designed to have an exact breakdown voltage, called the Zener breakdown or Zener
voltage. When enough current runs in reverse through the Zener, the voltage drop across it will hold
steady at the breakdown voltage.
Taking advantage of their breakdown property, Zener diodes are often used to create a known
reference voltage at exactly their Zener voltage. They can be used as a voltage regulator for small
loads, but they're not made to regulate the voltage to circuits that will pull significant amounts of
Zeners are special enough to get their circuit symbol, with wavy ends on the cathode-line. The
symbol might even define what, exactly, the diode's Zener voltage is. Here's a 3.3V Zener diode
acting to create a reliable 3.3V voltage reference:

Zener’s are also used to clamp voltages and as above always used in the reverse direction.
Zener as a Regulator L56

Figure 37 – Zener Regulator

Vin = 12v, Zener = 9.1v, Vout = 9.1v, R = 1k

𝑉1−𝑉2 12−9.1
Current = I = 100Ω = 100 = 29mA – the minimum current for the Zenner is 25mA which is high,
this is not an efficient circuit.

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Light Emitting Diodes – LEDs are diodes that are enclosed in a transparent plastic
package so that the P-N junction is open for view. LEDs are a diode that has been doped and
designed so that some of the electrons that pass through the depletion region cause photons of light
to be emitted. LEDs come in various sizes, power ratings, and colours such as red, green, yellow,
orange, blue, and even white! LEDs are the indicators of choice in digital electronics and computer
front panels. The more, the better. Their forward voltage is 1,7v for Red and Yellow, and 3v for Blue
and Green.

Schottky Diodes – Very similar to silicone diodes but only use one semiconductor
Junction “P” or “N”, the “N” type is very typical, The forward voltage is low 0,2 – 0.3 volts and is very
fast, but they can’t tolerate high reverse voltages. They stop the current from flowing back to
sensitive components.
The semiconductor composition of a Schottky diode is slightly different from a standard diode,
and this results in a much smaller forward voltage drop, which is usually between 0.15V and
0.45V. They'll still have a substantial breakdown voltage though.
Schottky diodes are especially useful in limiting losses when every last bit of voltage must be
spared. They're unique enough to get a circuit symbol of their own, with a couple of bends on
the end of the cathode-line.

Schottky's are used in switching circuits, Boost & Buck converters, and for polarity protection. Refer

Figure 38 - polarity protection 1

Figure 39 - polarity protection 2

 Both the rectifier and the Schottky diodes provide a similar function but with different
voltage drops.

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 Zener Diodes are used in a reverse direction for voltage clamping
 The 5.1v Zenner is clamping the line voltage to 5.1 volts. Note the db is reverse Biased.

Figure 40 – Zener Voltage Clamp

In Summary
If you want to:

1- Make current go in one direction – use a Schottky

2- Rectify, and you don’t care about the voltage drop – use a Silicone.
3- Regulate or clamp a voltage – use a Zenner.

Voltage Regulators and Power Supply Design L60

The 5v Schottky diode power regulator is a simple way of regulating the voltage but depending on
the load can be expensive on current

Figure 41 - Schottky diode power regulator

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A basic design Linear power supply using the 7812
Voltage regulator.
The 7812 voltage regulator requires an input voltage which is several volts higher than 12 in order to
function properly (see data sheet). The difference between that minimum voltage and 12V is called
"dropout". The 7812 is a reasonably high dropout regulator. As long as the input voltage is sufficient
(the minimum dropout current is supplied), the regulator can provide a smooth DC supply, in which
the input ripple from the bridge rectifier is reduced by around 80 dB (check the exact ripple
reduction decibel figure in the data sheet).
If you measure the voltage on the Capacitor you will see that it charges to a higher voltage than 12v.
The secondary winding of the transformer is 12V, but that's a nominal RMS AC voltage. The peak
voltage is higher, and the peak voltage is what charges the Capacitor. If the secondary windings
operate at 12V RMS, then the capacitor will charge to a peak of about 17V. Thus, at the peak, there
is 5V of dropout.

Figure 42 – Basic Linear Power Supply

As the AC cycle changes the polarity changes through the Bridge Rectifier the circuits below detail
the voltage flow for each of the two cycles.

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Figure 43 – AC Power Flow

Power supply smoothing capacitors

On each cycle, the Capacitor charges to the peak voltage. Then, it discharges as the regulator draws
current from it. The Capacitor must be large enough that when the regulator draws current from it
between the charge cycles, the voltage will not drop below the minimum voltage specified for that

The minimum voltage must be maintained under the worst-case load for the regulator when it
draws the most current. Beyond satisfying the worst-case current draw, if you further increase the
Capacitor to a larger value, the only benefit it provides is that it reduces the peak-to-peak ripple. This
is a minor benefit since the regulator is actively reducing that ripple by 80 to 90 decibels. If the ripple
is 0.5V peak to peak at the input of the regulator and is reduced to 80 dB, it becomes 50 μV peak to
peak at the output. If you reduce the input to 0.3V peak to peak with a larger capacitor, the output
ripple goes from 50 μV to 30 μV. Both these values are small and possibly insignificant to the circuit.

If the circuit needs less ripple, by far a better way to get it is to use a better regulator with more
decibels of ripple rejection, rather than making the Capacitor larger. A regulator that improves
rejection from 85 dB to 110 dB will make the same difference as a huge and impractical capacitor

A Capacitor which is too large stresses the transformer and rectifier diodes when power is applied.
Because the bigger the Capacitor, the bigger and more sustained is the inrush current.

The equation to calculate the size of the Capacitor is: C=I*(∆V)/(∆T) Where I is the current you want
to output ∆V is the Maximum amount of Voltage Ripple (Peak to Peak Ripple of the Capacitor
Voltage) that your circuit can safely handle. The minimum peak should be above your voltage
regulators Desired input which is usually 3-volts above your regulated voltage. ∆T can be calculated

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taking the Minimum Peak To Peak Voltage and dividing it by the maximum Peak Voltage and that
value being = X and the solving arcsin(x). The angle you get in degrees must have 90° subtracted
from it. 360° occurs in ∆t=1/(50-hertz) =.02 so ∆T=(arcsin(x)-90°)*.02/360°

If I=1Amp, ∆V=5% and Vmax=15-volts then Vmin=14.25 and x=14.25/15=0.95 So

ARCSIN(0.95)*.02/360=3,989uF and the nearest standard capacitor value would be 4,700uF for the
Filter Capacitor size.

A safe rating for components (such as the 25V on the Capacitor) is two times the working value (12V
in this case). This part is serving as a bulk capacitor, and other values such as 100uF or 1000uF would
work as well.

A second method for capacitor size calculation:

HCT = Half Cycle Time

AVD = Accepted Voltage Drop
50Hz AC = HCT = 10mS
60Hz AC = HCT = 8.3mS
Peak Voltage after rectification = 70.5v DC
Minimum acceptable voltage (AVD or Ripple) 65v DC
Required Current = 10A
Current x Half Cycle Time / Accepted Voltage Drop = Capacitor Microfarads
𝐼.𝐻𝐶𝑇 10 .8.3
Cap uF = 𝐴𝑉𝐷
= 5.5
= 15090uF

Robust Power Supply Design L65

The two circuits below detail the design for a 5v and 3v power supply where the 3v supply is
powered by the 5v supply. Some of the primary design efficiencies from the above circuits are as

1- The voltage Regulator – Low Drop Out (LDO) regulators are used. (LD29150 and MC33269).
LDO’s are more efficient than the old linear regulators and can provide a drop out voltage
between 0.2 – 0.5v
2- Circuit Protection – The modern LDO regulators have inbuilt circuit protection, but the
circuits below also offer:
a. TVS (Transient Voltage Suppressor) this diode is like a Zenner that can stand high
voltage and works in the Nano or Picosecond range.
b. PTC Fuse (Positive Thermal Coefficient) this fuse will melt at the cut off amperage
and then cool and reconnect providing the amperage is below its limit.
3- Noise – Extra filter capacitors and ferrite beads have been used.

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Figure 44 – Robust Power Supply

Power Supply Noise

One of the noisiest components is a motor attached to the power supply. The above circuit has been
modified with capacitors C10, C11 and Ferrite Beads L5, L6 to help reduce the noise.
To reduce large amounts of noise (300 – 500 mV) a capacitor multiplier can be used. (Refer to Figure
45 – Capacitance Multiplier)

Capacitance Multiplier

The Multiplier used a combination of a RC Filter and an Emitter Follower to amplify the current and
the filtering effect of the Capacitor.
The circuit uses a standard NPN BJT transistor and a small capacitor. The current will bypass R1
allowing the small Capacitor to be used.

For a reduction of -3db = 2π.F.C

With a 1k Resistor and a 10nF Capacitor the cut-off frequency should be 59kHz, but because the
circuit generates a β or Gain value of 100, the cut off frequency will be:
1kΩ + (100nF x 100) = 10uF ∴ at -3db F = 15.9Hz
If a higher current gain is required a Darlington pair of MOSFET transistor could be used.

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Figure 45 – Capacitance Multiplier

Transistors L67

NPN Opposite PNP

Arrow → Out Arrow ← In

Positive Volts at Base Negative Volts at Base
Current flows from Current flows from the
the collector to the emitter to the
emitter. collector

Voltage drop – 0.6 – 0.7v over the emitter and the voltage on the collector needs to be 0.2. or > than
the emitter.

Impedance Reflection

Looking from E to B the resistance can be large

Looking from B to E the resistance is low.
Looking from E to C the Impedance is ∞

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NPN Transistor

Figure 46 - NPN Transistor

Note: The Eber-Moll This model is more accurate.

Transistor Modelling Equations

HFE = β or Gain
H(FE) = DC voltage
H(fe) = small AC voltage
β (Beta) or Gain = 50 – 250 fold average 100
Ic = H(FE) . Ib ∴ Ic = β . Ib
Ie = IC + Ib = β . Ib + Ib = Ib = Ib . (1 + β)
∴ Ie = Ib (1 + β)
I C = Ib . β

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Set Current

Figure 47 - Set Current Transistor

Set Current

We want Ie to equal 100mA with a transistor voltage drop of 0.6v

The voltage over Rb = 5v – 0.6v = 4.4 v
Ic = β . Ib and we want Ic to = 100mA
How much base current do we need to turn this on?
100 100
∴ 100mA = 100 . Ib Divide by 100 = 𝛽 (100) = Ib = 100 = 1mA

Now figure out the resistance for R to get 1mA?

𝑉 4.4𝑣
R= 𝐼
= 1𝑚𝐴 = 4.4k Ω

With Ie = 100mA, what’s the voltage drop over RC ?

VRC = I . R = 100mA . 100 Ω = 10V
Note: The above Emitter Follower transistor circuit allows us to input a voltage and get the
same voltage out with current amplification.
However, as Vin is 5v the circuit does not have 10v, so the above design will not work. The circuit
needs to be changed as follows:

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Reset Current Transistor

Figure 48 - Reset Current Transistor

Reset Current

We want Ie to equal 10mA with a transistor voltage drop of 0.6v

The voltage over Rb = 5v – 0.6v = 4.4 v
Ic = β . Ib and we want Ic to = 10mA
How much base current do we need to turn this on?
10 10
∴ 10mA = 10 . Ib Divide by 10 = = Ib = = 0.1mA
𝛽 (100) 100

Now figure out the resistance for R to get 0.1mA?

𝑉 4.4𝑣
R= 𝐼
= 0.1𝑚𝐴 = 44k Ω

With Ie = 10mA, what’s the voltage drop over RC ?

VRC = I . R = 10mA . 100 Ω = 1V
Result = VRC – 1 v, Ib = 0.1mA and Rb goes up to 44kΩ

So, by changing the required Ie to be 10mA we can reduce the VRC voltage demand to 1v. and the
circuit will now work.

To Calculate β

Beta is calculated by dividing the emitter current over the base current =
Ie = 56.8mA and Ib = 0.42mA - Refer Error! Reference source not found.

𝐼𝑒 56.8
β= = = 135 ∴ β = 135
𝐼𝑏 0.42

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Current Source
Current Source Single Resister

Figure 49 - Current Source

The circuit above (Figure 49 - Current Source) uses the transistor as a Current Source were we can
program transistor always to deliver the same current.

How do we get 1mA at RE? What we know:

𝑉 1𝑣
1- The transistor uses 0.6v, so if we make VRB 1.6v then VRE will = 1v. Then, RE = 𝐼
= 1𝑚𝑣 = 1k ∴
VRB = 1k Ω.
1 𝐼𝑒
2- We know IB must be 100 of IE, so IE = β . IB ∴ IB = β
+ 1 = 0.01mA
V 8.6
3- VRB = 10-0.6 = 9.4v Rb = 𝐼
= 0.1 = 940k Ω

If we set the load RCLOAD to 10Ω, 100Ω, 1kΩ and 5kΩ and test IE stays at 1.mA – What’s the
voltage drop over the load for the above loads. Using the Proteus and Multisim simulations
(refer Fig 50 Current Source Simulations) below, the Simulations demand RB to have a much
higher resistance.

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Figure 50 - Current Source Simulations

R2 represents the circuit load and can vary from 0 – 4kΩ without changing the 1A current at R3. R2
at 5k will lower the current to 0.78mA.

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Current Source Voltage Divider

Figure 51- Current Source Voltage Divider

A voltage Divider is a step more stable to provide the transistor bias voltage than using a single
Resister. To work out the resister values, we can use a percentage value between the Vin and the
voltage required at VB . Referring to fig 51 above, we know that VB needs to be 1.6v, the typical
voltage divider formula is RB2 = 𝑅𝑏2 + 𝑅𝑏1
. Vin, however, a quick estimation can be used by
calculating the percentage of VB from Vin. RB2 = 5𝑣
= .32 or 32%. That makes RB2 = 32% and RB1 =
10𝑘 10𝑘
68%. ∴ 𝑖𝑓 𝑤𝑒 𝑢𝑠𝑒 𝑎 𝑡𝑜𝑡𝑎𝑙 𝑜𝑓 10𝑘Ω then, = 6.8 = RB1 = 6.8kΩ and RB2 = 32%. ∴ = 3.2 = RB2
.68 .32
= 3.2kΩ.
The Proof:

𝑅2 3.2
VB = (𝑅1+𝑅2) . Vin = VB = (6.8+3.2) . 5v = 1.6v

As RB2 is in parallel with RE due to the Impedance on the transistor. Then the value of RB2 the will
change as a result of the resistance in parallel rule. RB2 II RC * (*=RE as seen through the base
known as the Reflective Impedance) = RB2 II (RE . β) where β = 100 or 100kΩ ∴ RB2 * = 3.2kΩ II
3.2𝑘 . 100𝑘
100kΩ = Parallel Resistance = “The product over the Sum” = 3.2𝑘+100𝑘 = 3.1kΩ , thus the effect of

the Reflective Impedance reduces RB2 by 100Ω . If the resisters are small, we will use more current,

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but the circuit will be stiffer and not subject to much change due to other resistance or Impedance.
So, it is suggested to change the resisters from 6.8k and 3.1k to 680Ω and 330Ω.

Current Source – Zener Diode

Figure 52 - Current Source – Zener Diode

To set the transistor bias by using a Zener Diode (refer fig 50 above), we will change IE from 1mA to
3mA and use a 3.6v Zener diode to set the voltage on VB.

The resistance on RB1 must be set small enough to all the current to maintain Zener regulation. If RB1
is set to 1k them = 5 mA, (note volts / k – mA). This 5mA needs power both the Zener regulation
and the transistor bias. If we use a 3.6 Zener then VE will 3v and for IE to have 3mA we need to
𝑉 3𝑣
calculate a resistance. RE = 𝐼
= RE = 3𝑚𝐴
= 1kΩ.

Using simulation VB was shown to 3.54v, as this is low we could lower RB1 to 470Ω or change the
Zener to be 3.9v. However, if we also chance RB1 to 470Ω we can get more current on the circuit.

Refer fig 52 above for live data.

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Current & Voltage Regulator

Figure 53 - Current & Voltage Regulator

We could make some small changes to the fig 53 circuit and include a 5v voltage regulator as well as
providing a 3mA current source. The 5v supply should be maintained irrespective of the current

The circuit changes: Change RC to Rc Limit of 1Ω, add a 5v junction at Ve, Change Vin to 9v. (refer to
figure 53 above.

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Emitter Follower Current Amplifier

Figure 54- Emitter Follower Current Amplifier

Figure 55 - Emitter Follower Current Amplifier2

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The above circuits (fig 54 – 55) describe a Transistor Emitter Follower Current Amplifier. The term
“Transistor Emitter Follower” Because of this behaviour, the common-collector amplifier circuit is
also known as the voltage-follower or emitter-follower amplifier, because the emitter load voltage
follows the input so closely. ... The output is the same peak-to-peak amplitude as the input.

By placing a small AC signal at Vin ( Amplitude = 1v Freq = 50Hz) and receiving the AC signal at Vout,
the frequency “Wiggles” the transistor that assists with the amplification of the current. The AC
ground signal is raised the by 2.5v and sits on top of the DC supply, with an 2.5v off set. There is also
a 0.6v drop from Vin to Vout due to the bias requirement of the transistor.

The circuit is set up to get the maximum amount of output swing. Given Vout = 2.5v (half of the
𝑉𝑒 2.5𝑣
5vDC supply) and use a 1kΩ for RE then IE = 𝑅𝑒 = 1𝑘Ω = 2.5mA. this 2.5mA is the quiescent or steady-
state current supply from the circuit.

As Vin is set to 2.5 via the voltage divider and VB need to be (2.5 + 0.6) = 3.2v.

Input Impedance (Z)

What is the input impedance om Vin? Note: Whenever we have an output, we want to input the
signal with a high impedance so that we that the circuit does not drag a lot of current and drop the
voltage and sag the circuit. We would like ∞ Impedance unless we are concerned about Maximum
Power Transfer when the signal passes between several stages, which we are not in this case.

To calculate the Impedance using RB1 at 10kΩ and RB2 at 20kΩ for the voltage divider, looking
through Vin we can see the reflective Impedance of β. If β = 100 and RE = 1kΩ then the reflective
impedance is 100kΩ.

With RB2 at 20kΩ so the Impedance now = 20kΩ II 100kΩ = 20kΩ in Parallel with 100kΩ ( II = Product
20𝑘Ω .100kΩ
over the sum) ∴ Z = 20𝑘Ω+100kΩ
= 16.64kΩ Note: we know that when calculating parallel resistance
the result is always less than the value of the smallest resistor in the calculation. So if we get a result
bigger than this, we have made a mistake.

We need to take into account RB1 at 10kΩ as this affects the reflective impedance calculation, ∴
16.64𝑘Ω . 10kΩ
10kΩ II 16.64kΩ = 16.64𝑘Ω +10kΩ = 6.24kΩ so Z = 6.24kΩ.
𝑅𝑏1 20𝑘Ω
The voltage at VB = VB = (𝑅𝑏1=𝑅𝑏2 ) . Vcc = ( 20𝑘Ω+10KΩ) . 5𝑣 = 3.3v. This is a little more than the 3.2v
required, but as we have not taken into account the parallel effect of Z (6.24kΩ) the actual vE voltage
should be slightly less.

The AC signal is coupled in by using the two capacitors C1 and C2. The inclusion of the two capacitors
is called capacitor coupling. If we look at C1 and RB2 we have a High Pass Filter and we want to design
the circuit to pass an AC signal close to 20Hz. To calculate this F = 2𝜋 .𝑍 .𝐶1 Note: we are using Z and
not RB2 as it is the impedance resistance that is required in this case. ∴ if we use an estimated
capacitor value of 1μF and the Impedance on RB2 then F = 2𝜋 .6.24𝑘Ω .1μF = 25Hz. If we made C1 10 X
bigger the F value would fall to 2.5Hz, and if we made C1 smaller, the F value would increase.

Very important note: – The resistance of RB2 in the case of the High Pass Filter is the parallel
impedance value of 6.24kΩ not 20kΩ the actual value of the resistor. The voltage divider recognises
the 20kΩ but the high pass filter does not.

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To calculate C2 we also have a high pass filter in the circuit between RE and C2 as RE is going to earth.
∴ F = 2𝜋 .𝑅𝑒 .𝐶2 Parallel Impedance does not affect this calculation, we know RE is 1kΩ, and we used
1μF for C1, but as RB1 is 6.24k we should compensate by setting C2 to 10μF, now we have F =
2𝜋 .1𝑘Ω .10μF
= 15.9Hz.

Common Emitter Transistor Voltage Amplifier

Figure 56 - Common Emitter Transistor Voltage Amplifier

The above circuit is powered by a DC 10v source (Vcc) and a small-signal AC source 10mV amplitude
with a frequency of 10kHz (Vin).

The circuit is designed to provide a constant 5v supply at Vout irrespective of the current load on IE.
IC = β . IB *
IE = IB + IC
IE = IB . (1 + β) *
IC and IE are always very close
 * = Important equations

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We have set EB to 2KΩ as a starting point; therefore, the current on IE is as follows:
IE = 2𝑘 = 0.5mA If 0.5mA is going through IE then 0.5mA is also going through IC.
To get 5v on Vout we have 10v at Vcc and 0.5mA on IE ∴ RC = = 10kΩ ∴ RC = 10kΩ.

Now figure the voltage divider resistance for R1 and R2. In order to get 1v at VE and we have a 0.6v
bias on the transistor, then the voltage on VB must be 1.6v. ∴ VB = (𝑅2+𝑅1) . Vcc = 1.6v

One way to estimate the R1 and R2 resistance values is to calculate their percentage values first then
transpose the percentage values to resistance. If we start by setting R1 to 100kΩ and calculate the
percentage values between VB = 1.6v and Vcc = 10v then we get R2 = 10 = 16% R2 = 16% ∴ 100% -
16% = 84% ∴ R1 resistance of 100kΩ must = 84% of the total voltage divider resistance. ∴ R2 = 84
16 = 19.047kΩ ∴ R2 = 19.047kΩ The Proof = VB = (19.047+100) . 10v = 1.599v

Due to the reflected Impedance from RE and β, we know the total will be 200kΩ due to β at 100. ∴
19𝑘Ω . 200kΩ
19kΩ II 200kΩ = 19𝑘Ω +200kΩ = 17.35kΩ so Z = 17.35kΩ If we set R2 a little higher say 22kΩ then this
22𝑘Ω . 200kΩ
will compensate for the reflective Impedance. The proof 22kΩ II 200kΩ = 22𝑘Ω +200kΩ = 19.81kΩ.

We need to take into account RB1 at 100kΩ as this affects the reflective impedance calculation, ∴
19.81𝑘Ω . 100kΩ
100kΩ II 19.81kΩ = = 16.53kΩ so Ztotal = 16.53kΩ.
19.81𝑘Ω +100kΩ

The AC signal is coupled in by using the two capacitors C1 and C2. The inclusion of the two capacitors
is called capacitor coupling. If we look at C1 and R1 we have a High Pass Filter, and we want to
design the circuit to pass an AC signal. To calculate the Frequency, F = Note: we are using Z
2𝜋 .𝑍 .𝐶1
and not R1 as it is the impedance resistance that is required in this case. ∴ if we use an estimated
capacitor value of 1μF on C1 and the Impedance on R2 then F = = 9.62Hz ∴ FC1 = 3db
2𝜋 . 16.53𝑘Ω .1μF
at 9.62Hz.

Very important Note: – The resistance of R2 in the case of a High Pass Filter is the parallel impedance
value of 6.24kΩ not 20kΩ the actual value of the resistor. The voltage divider recognises the 20kΩ,
but the high pass filter does not.

To calculate C2 we also have a high pass filter in the circuit between RE and C2 as RE is going to earth.
∴ F = 2𝜋 .𝑅𝑒 .𝐶2 Parallel Impedance does not affect this calculation; we know RE is 1kΩ and if we use a
1μF for C1 now we have F = = 15.9Hz. ∴ FC2 = 3db at 15.9Hz.
2𝜋 .10𝑘Ω .1μF

Compute the Gain

The gain is the amount of AC small-signal amplification between V2 and Vout.

Objective: Gain = 𝑉𝑖𝑛
-(IC . RC)
 DC objects are denoted in uppercase e.g. VB
 AC (Small Signal) objects are denoted in Lowercase e.g. vB

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VC = Vcc – (IC . RC)

IE = 𝑅𝑒

Taking VE = BB – 0.6v then looking at the AC small signal, what happens when we put the small
wiggle on VB?
If we are talking about ΔVE and ΔVB and we are only looking at the difference, then Ve is following
VB – 0.6v. Then the small signals of vE and vB are effectively the same. So, we have:
vE = vB (Result 1), iE = 𝑅𝐸 (Result 2), vC = -iC . RC (Result 3) ∴
𝑣𝑐 𝑅𝑐 10
= -𝑅𝑒 = Gain = - 2
= an Inverse Gain of 5.

Transistor Motor Driver and Noise

Reduction L47

This circuit uses a transistor switch with a PN222A PNP transistor (“P” stands for plastic) to study and
eliminate the transient noise. The maximum current through the transistor (Ic) is 500mA. The
following is a set of circuits and oscilloscope images that show the circuit and the motor running
noise and on /off transients.

Other circuits are presented with extra filtration components added and corresponding scope

The scope is set to 200mV without any filtering; there is substantial running noise and a large turn
off spike.

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Changing the scope to 100mv and using the diode and small caps as a filter, the running noise has
diminished, but the on / off spikes remain.

The scope is set to 500mv and using a 2200mF electrolytic cap for smoothing we are now getting
smaller spikes and killed the noise.

If we use a FET the switch would give us a very small “On” resistance, they are just like mechanical
switches. Further reading, look at Motor Driver Circuits and Snubber Circuit Design Calculators.

ac Small Signal

In order to use the Small ac Signal without using a signal generator refer Fig 56 above, an Oscillator
circuit needs to be developed. The three basic circuits below have been included as suggestions. As
there are many ways to generate an Oscillation signal, the reader should only use the circuits below
as a reference and research other circuits to solve specific needs.

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Colpitts Crystal Sinusoidal Oscillator

Figure 57-Colpitts Crystal Sinusoidal Oscillator

Quartz Crystals are often used to set the frequency of an oscillator because of their precise
frequency and stability. The above circuit is very stable with a frequency range of approx—100kHz to
40MHz. The output is a sine wave with a slight distortion.

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Colpitts Square Wave Oscillator

Figure 58-Colpitts Square Wave Oscillator

The Colpitts Oscillator was developed by Edwin H. Colpitts in the year of 1918. This oscillator is a
combination of both inductors and capacitor. The features of the Colpitts Oscillator are the feedback
for the active devices, and they are taken from the voltage divider and made up of two capacitors
which are in series across the inductor.

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Square Wave and Filter Oscillator

Figure 59- Square Wave and Filter Oscillator

A CMOS 555 IC produces a 50% duty cycle square wave. Its output is sent to the Low Pass Filter that
filters out most of the harmonics, leaving the fundamental sine wave. If required, the reader may
design a more selective filter to improve the sine wave quality.

Notes from Crash Course Electronics v1.1 Confidential Page 67 of 69

Band Pass Filter, 38 Diode
Beta, 55 calculating current, 43
Calculate β, 55 Diode Overview, 43
Flyback, 44
In Summary, 47
Capacitor LEDs, 43
AC signal, 63 Light Emitting, 46
Carlson Comments, 32 Rectifier, 45
Ceramic, 32 Reverse Current Protection, 44
Charge, 38 Schottky, 46
Charging, 33 silicone, 43
Coupling, 33 Switching Signal, 44
decoupling, 32 TVS, 44
Discharging, 16 Voltage Regulator, 43
Energising, 17 Zener, 45
ESR, 33
High pass filter, 37
Impedance, 21 E L I, 17
In parallel, 34 Frequency Domain, 18
In series, 34 Heat, 9
Low Pass Filter, 35 I C E, 17
Mica, 32
Multiplier, 51
not in phase, 19 Impedance
NP0, 32 always two parts, 21
Paper, 32 Complex, 28
Pass an AC signal, 65 imaginary number, 23
Polypropylene, 32 Impedance Overview, 21
Polystyrene, 32 Input Impedance, 62
Power Supply Design, 48 reactive, 21
reactance, 39 real number, 23
Reactance, 26 resistive, 21
Remove Noise, 50
Remove transient noise, 66 Inductor
smoothing, 49 choke, 38
Tantalum, 32 Energise, 38
Faraday's law, 38
Common Prefixes, 9 Henry, 38
Cut of Frequency, 41 High pass filter, 42
In Parallel, 40
In Series, 40
Decibel Inductor Overview, 38
20 log rule, 29 LC Filters, 41
Decibels Overview, 29 Lenz's law, 38
Filters, 31 Low pass filter, 41
Logarithms, 31 reactance, 39

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KCL, 3, 12 Power Supply Noise, 51
KVL, 3, 12, 14 PTC Fuse, 50
LC Circuit, 17 RC Circuit, 16
Magnitude, 19, 21, 22, 23, 31, 37, 41, 42 Reactance, 20
Resisters in Series, 11

Mathematical Equations
Calculate β, 11 Resistor
Impedance, 11 Calc the Voltage, 12
Inductor in Parallel, 11 circuit will be stiffer, 59
Inductor in series, 11 parallel impedance, 63
Phase Angle, 11 Resistors are real, 36
Reactance, 11 to get 10mA, 15
Resisters in Parallel, 11
Voltage Divider, 11
RMS, 11, 18, 22, 28, 48
Time Domain, 17
Milli Amps, 9 Transfer Function, 31, 35, 36, 37, 41, 42

OHM’s Law Transistor

Current, 9 ac Small Signal, 67
Power, 9 Current & Voltage Regulator, 60
Resistance, 9 Current Source, 56
Volts, 9 Current Source 2, 58
Current Source 3, 59
Emitter Follower Current Amplifier, 61
Oscillator Equations, 66
Colpitts Crystal Sinusoidal Oscillator, 68 Impedance Reflection, 52
Colpitts Square Wave Oscillator, 69 Modelling Equations, 53
Motor Driver, 66
Parallel Resistance Reset Current, 55
Added togeather, 13 Set Current, 54
Calc 2, 11 Transistors Overview, 52
Calculation, 9
Circuit, 12 Voltage Divider, 14, 58
Future Resistance, 16 Active divices, 70
Impedance, 62 How to work out, 15
Impedance on the Tranistor, 58 reflective Impedance, 62
Less than the Smallest, 12 Voltage Divider Calc, 11
Voltage Divider Calc 2, 13
Phase Diagram, 19 Voltage Divider Resistance, 65
Phases, 20
Polar / Phaser Format, 23 Voltage Regulators, 48
Polar Phaser Method, 23 Wattage, 9
Power Supply Design, 48

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