Request For Quotation ISO 27001 Information Security Management Systems
Request For Quotation ISO 27001 Information Security Management Systems
Request For Quotation ISO 27001 Information Security Management Systems
ISO 27001
Telephone: Email:
Number of full-time personnel within the scope of the Information security management system:
Note: Normally the scope will cover the processes, products and locations that are to fall under the
ISMS certification. If your organization is already certified to other management system, e.g. ISO
9001, you may be able to develop the scope from that scope while keeping information security
requirements in mind. The agreed scope statement will appear on any certificate(s) issued.
List exclusions and justification for exclusion: (As recorded on your Statement of Applicability)
Is the scope under ISMS covering only part of the organisation’s activities? YES: NO:
How many permanent sites are to be included in the scope of your management system:
The term ‘site’ refers to different geographical locations included in the scope.
Does your organization operate from any temporary sites? YES: NO:
What specific Legal, Regulatory and Contractual requirements relate to your organizations
List the processes (that have been included within the 'scope') to which your organization follows:
What technology, including software and applications; and/or equipment is used to conduct your
organizations activity(ies):
(e.g. Sage for Accounts, Act etc.)
Number of IT platforms:
(A computer platform generally means the operating system and computer hardware only)
Number of servers used to conduct the scope activity(ies):
Of which, identify the volume (%) of sensitive and critical information handled and processed:
Do you have remote users, specify YES: NO: If Yes, please give numbers:
If the scope of your certification involves international locations, please answer the following
questions: -
Is the documentation available in English?
Are you using the services of a Consultant? YES: NO:
Category Answer
Critical business sectors are sectors that may affect critical public services that will cause risk to
health, security, economy, image and government ability to function that may have a very large
negative impact to the country.
Original certification
issue date:
*Please attach a copy of your current Management System certificate(s) if you wish to
receive a quotation for certification transfer.
Site Number:
(1, 2, 3 etc.)
Site Address:
Total Number of Employees for this site (please provide an organization chart)
Full Time: Part Time:
Work Pattern
Day Work (e.g. 9am – 5pm) Number of Shifts:
If you have multiple sites, is the same management system used for all sites or are they managed
independently under individual systems:
Do you feel that the Information Management System is ready for certification audit? YES: NO:
Are there any ISMS records that contain confidential or sensitive information that will not be available
for review by the audit team YES: NO:
If you are applying for more than one standard to be audited, are they created as an integrated
management system? YES NO
Please state which other standard(s) you are applying for, if any:
We may contact you for further information relating to this.
I confirm that to the best of my knowledge the above information is a true account:
Signed: Date: