Release R20: Design Studio (DS) Release Notes

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Release R20

Design Studio (DS)

Release Notes

Information in this document is subject to change without notice.

No part of this document may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means,
for any purpose, without the express written permission of TEMENOS HEADQUARTERS SA.

© 2016 Temenos Headquarters SA - all rights reserved.

Contents 2
1. Introduction 3
2. Release Highlights 3
2.1 Enhancements............................................................................................................................3
2.1.1 Documentation on GOD....................................................................................................3
2.1.2 L3 Templates for Modular Implementation....................................................................3
2.1.3 Folder level validation ignore...........................................................................................5
2.1.4 COS Designer......................................................................................................................6
2.1.5 Extract Temenos libraries from T24-binaries zip............................................................7
2.1.6 Version Designer: Support new field “Default Routine”...............................................7
2.2 Defects........................................................................................................................................8
3. Changes incorporated in DS R20.1 8
3.1 DS R20.21....................................................................................................................................9
4. Migration 9

Information in this document is subject to change without notice.

No part of this document may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means,
for any purpose, without the express written permission of TEMENOS HEADQUARTERS SA.

© 2016 Temenos Headquarters SA - all rights reserved.

Design Studio Release Notes R20

1. Introduction
The Design Studio (DS) Workbench application is an integrated graphical environment that
enables business and IT professionals to design elements for T24 Model Bank. The application
provides his own "designers" using editors and text-based tools for developing elements
called: models.

Design Studio is the Integrated Development Environment (IDE) for realizing T24 design time
tasks. It provides import and edition of resources (local ref, versions, enquiries...). All items
edited in DS intend to be packaged and deployed on T24 runtime environment

2. Release Highlights
This section provides an overview of any new DS components or features and advice
regarding any components which have been replaced, deprecated or modified.

DS version is R20

2.1 Enhancements
2.1.1 Documentation on GOD
The Design Studio syntax models for both Version, Enquiry and Composite
Screen resources include various “UXPB-specific” elements that are not currently
represented in the T24 models of those resources.

With the move away from pre-generation of UXPB runtime artefacts relating to
these resources in favour of a “Generation On Demand” (GOD) approach (i.e. the
dynamic generation of these artefacts on an “as needed” basis at runtime based on
the resource definitions held in T24), it becomes essential that:

The additional UXPB-specific attributes accommodated in the T24 representations of

these resources.
The existing T24 “pushback” processes (triggered when “Generate Code” invoked on
a resource in Design Studio) updated to populate the new T24 fields introduced to
capture these additional UXPB-specific attributes.

With this approach, the Generation time will be much shorter and within less than 1
sec we can immediately view the change in new browser.
The new browser will get the metadata out of t24 and create on the fly the .ifp with
a caching mechanism.

2.1.2 L3 Templates for Modular Implementation

Design Studio provides three new templates to build projects, which are stream
specific to work on L3 model designing for clients. Previous templates expected all
the T24 models from different teams to be handled and versioned at one single
location for both core and L3. This kind of setup might have cost highly for
segregated development process followed by clients who want stream specific build
and deployment. Therefore, this new template creates projects for holding core
models, which handled centrally. In addition, option to create L3 projects that
depend on this core projects. Idea here is to make different teams work
independently and deliver their work without any delays.

Design Studio Release Notes R20

 l3-t4-base-projects

This template creates two base projects domain-models and core-

models for maintaining T24 applications and T24 core models respectively.

 l3-t24-stream-independent-projects

This template is provided for creating a stream specific independent projects

used to deliver a stream specific package. This project depends on only
domain-models and core-models. Here core-models is optional, we can
remove the dependency to make the packager build faster

Design Studio Release Notes R20

 l3-t24-stream-withdependency-projects

Template “l3-t24-stream-withdependency-projects” is provided for creating

a stream specific projects with dependency on another stream to deliver a
single package for stream. This project depends on only domain-models,
core-models and another stream models project.

Design Studio Release Notes R20

For detailed documentation, Help Contents in Design studio can be referred.

2.1.3 Folder level validation ignore

Design Studio provided previously an option to mark certain folders to be ignored
for validation errors during build process. This marking was enabled using a feature
switch flag

Design Studio Release Notes R20

The value provided for this flag was kept to be case insensitive which means both
Core and coRe was treated same. This led to some constraints to users.

Now it has been changed to make value provided case sensitive.

2.1.4 COS Designer

Design studio recently added few enhancements in COS designer as mentioned
 To have the ability to add a property to the top level Composite Screen as
seen below.

 Once in the properties, we would need the ability to define a new invokables
array. There’s no need for more than 1 array in each composite screen so I’d
propose to have a check box to “Enable Invokable” which would then define
a new array in the tree above.

 Once in the properties, you should be able to define multiple invokables

within that array, so we’d need something similar to the Child Panels

Design Studio Release Notes R20

 Finally, within each child panel, the user would define the invokable similar
to how to do it in the enquiry as seen below.

2.1.5 Extract Temenos libraries from T24-binaries zip

Few clients have maven central which contain some of the jar shared as part of During upload of this zip into their maven repo failed due to
duplicate check. Most of the components in the ZIP file is coming from Maven
Central ( Client has access to this
maven repository. It was recommended by client to deliver only the binaries
which are created/customized by Temenos are uploaded.
To aid clients, Python script was provided as part of Design studio delivery to
achieve t24-binaries with only Temenos artifacts.

Readme.txt documents on usage of python script on how to extract temenos

artifacts and upload into nexus for a given t24-binaries zip file.

2.1.6 Version Designer: Support new field “Default Routine”

In the latest T24 Version we have a new field introduced called “Default Routine”.
This was not supported in Design Studio Version designer.
In this release DS has provided the support for new field. Now through version
designer we can add default routines to the T24 Screen.

Design Studio Release Notes R20

In the Version Designer inside API tab , an option to add Default Routines is

On adding and performing code generation, we will be able to default routine in

the generated xml as shown below.

2.2 Defects

3. Changes incorporated in DS R20.1

 DS - Upgrading Version of Contributor components
 DS-15568: CLONE 202004- DS-PAT Failure: org.eclipse.swt.SWTError: No more
 Backport202004-BSGWorkspacePreferencesGOD-UXPBCOS to 202004
 DS Version Upgrade
 DS-15494: Require only Temenos artefacts as part of the t24-binaries - Script
 DS-15523: DS-Primary PAT and PAT-UXPB-DS failures - Add wait for failing scenarios

Design Studio Release Notes R20

 DS-15521: Defect 3448169 - Retail Defect - R18_MG_ModelBank_3

 DS-15507: NBK T24 Upgrade - PreSIT - Difference in COMPONENT folder structure
when importing using Bulk import with CSV
 DS-15522: DFR: Log4j upgradation OSL defect 3553357
 DS-15491: RTC-3565679: Local field import failure in Design studio
 DS-15503: Update DS Helptext for Delta Packaging

No Client defects

3.1 DS R20.21
POM version is 20.21

 DS-15572: CLONE R20 - Incorrect mapping of newly added fields (via ETD) after
exporting the java jar created via EDS - 202001
 DS-15565: CLONE R20 - NBK minor improvement - “Bulk Import T24 Objects” wizard
does not provide option to select folder structure based on Component, Product or
 DS-15605: RTC-3794637: Unable to publish IF events if the existing flow is used with
browse option

4. Migration
Update DS T24-binaries
POM referencing old t24-binaries versions must be updated to the new version: 20.21

Source code / continuous integration

 Upload the t24-binaries to Nexus (or their maven repository)
 Update all the relevant POMs (see POMs migration guide below)

POM migration upgrade guide

To update to the latest version all POMs must be updated to version 20.21

Sample projects to be updated:

- xxxx-models\pom.xml
- xxxx-models-gen\pom.xml
- xxxx-packager\pom.xml
- xxxx-packager\module\pom.xml
- xxxx-data-code\pom.xml
- xxxx-iris\pom.xml

Design Studio Release Notes R20

- xxxx-iris-parent\pom.xml
- xxxx-embedded-server-tafj\pom.xml

Migration path is described below: replace NEW_VERSION by 20.21

Original POM New POM

<groupId>com.temenos.maven</groupId> <groupId>com.temenos.maven</groupId>
<artifactId>t24-core</artifactId> <artifactId>t24-core</artifactId>
<version>OLD_VERSION</version> <version>NEW_VERSION</version>

<groupId>com.temenos.maven</groupId> <groupId>com.temenos.maven</groupId>
<artifactId>t24-core-tafj</artifactId> <artifactId>t24-core-tafj</artifactId>
<version> OLD_VERSION</version> <version>NEW_VERSION</version>

If you reference any other internal t24-binairies  

artefact then you also need to update it  
<groupId>xxx.yyy.zzz</groupId> <artifactId>aaa-bbb</artifactId>
<artifactId>aaa-bbb</artifactId> <version>NEW_VERSION</version>
<version> OLD_VERSION</version>

In xxxx-embedded-server-tafj\
pom.xml ,xxxx-iris\pom.xml , xxxx-iris-
<version> NEW_VERSION </version>
<version> OLD_VERSION</version>

API Designer update

No Change in API Designer.


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