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Assignment/Tugasan MPU3313 - V2 Health and Wellness 2 January Semester 2022

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1. Answer in ENGLISH or MALAY.


2. Number of words :2500 – 3000 words excluding references.

Jumlahpatahperkataan :2500 – 3000 patahperkataantidaktermasukrujukan.

3. Submit your assignment ONCE only in a SINGLE file.

HantartugasanSEKALI sahajadalamSATU fail.

4. Submit your assignment ONLINE.

HantartugasanandasecaraATAS TALIAN.

5. Submission date: 1 APRIL 2022.

Tarikh penghantaran:1 APRIL 2022.

6. This assignment accounts for 60% of the total marks for the course.

Tugasaninimenyumbangsebanyak60% darijumlahmarkahkursus.


This assignment is to evaluate learners’ analytical and reflective skills in addressing issues
related to health and wellness promotion for individual, families and communities.


Synopsis 1:

There is an extensive list of benefits that one can gain by maintaining a high degree of
wellness. Many activities will improve physical fitness and your cardiorespiratory system.


Express specifically the six benefits of a comprehensive health and wellness lifestyle and
discuss the four areas to achieve cardiorespiratory fitness as recommended by the
American College of Sport Medicinefor better quality of life.

(Marks /Markah: 30)


Question 2:

Recallyourlearningexperiencerelatedtothebenefitsof a
hyourreadinganddiscussions in therespective tutorial sessionsand e-Forums.

Basedontheexperience, develop a
healthreflectivejournalonyourownviewsrelatedtothebenefitsof a
comprehensivehealthandwellnesslifestyleandcardiorespiratoryfitnessachievement in
ordertoensure a moremeaningfullife.

(Marks: 20)

[Total Marks: 50]

Task 3


Discuss the following topic(s) in the forum and submit proof of your participation in the
online discussions:

1. Discuss the FOUR factors that contribute to excess body fat accumulation.

**Assignment 3, is not included in the word counts.

[Total: 10 marks]


Tugasan ini adalah untuk menilai kemahiran analitikal dan reflektIf pelajar dalam
membincangkan isu-isu berkaitan dengan promosi kesihatan dan kesejahteraan individu,
keluarga dan komuniti.


Sinopsis 1:

Terdapat senarai yang banyak faedah-faedah yang seseorang boleh perolehi dengan
mengekalkan tahap kesihatan yang tinggi.Pelbagai aktiviti akan meningkatkan kecergasan
fizikal dan sistem kardiorespiratori anda.

Soalan 1:

Nyatakan secara khusus enam faedah gaya hidup kesihatan dan kesejahteraan yang
menyeluruh dan bincangkan empat bidang untuk mencapai kecergasan kardiorespiratori
seperti yang disyorkan oleh American College of Sport Medicine.

(Markah: 30)


Soalan 2:

Ingatkembalipengalamanpembelajarananda yang berkaitan dengan faedah gaya hidup

kesihatan dan kesejahteraan yang komprehensif dan pencapaian kecergasan
kardiorespiratori melalui pembacaan dan perbincangan anda dalam sesi tutorial dan e-
Forum masing-masing.

bangunkanjurnalreflektifkesihatanmengenaipandanganandasendiri yang
berkaitandenganfaedahgayahidupkesihatan dan kesejahteraan yang komprehensif dan
pencapaiankecergasankardiorespiratoriuntukmemastikankehidupan yang lebihbermakna.
(Markah: 20)
[JumlahMarkah: 50]
Tugasan 3


Bincangkantopikberkenaan di dalam forum dan hantarbuktipenglibatan forum


1. BincangkanEMPAT faktor yang menyumbang kepada pengumpulan lemak badan yang


**Tugasan 3, tidaktermasukdalamjumlahpatahperkataan.

[Jumlah: 10 markah]


Excellent/ Good/ Fair/ Poor/ Unsatisfactory/
*QN/ Criteria/ Weight/ Cemerlang Baik Sederhana Lemah Tidakmemuaskan Max
*NS Kriteria Pemberat Marks
4 3 2 1 0
Introduction The introduction on The introduction on The introduction on The introduction on No introduction.
the topic of the topic of the topic of the topic of
discussion is discussion is good; discussion is fair; the discussion is poor;
excellent; ideas ideas to be discussed ideas to be discussed ideas discussed are
discussed are very are relatively clear are vague and very vague and
clear and well and organized but disorganised. disorganised.
organised. The intent inadequate
of the work is explanation.
explicitly explained.
1 Pengenalan 1.5 Pengenalanmengenai Pengenalanmengenai Pengenalanmengenai Pengenalanmengen Tiadapengenalan 6
topikperbincanganad topikperbincanganad topikperbincanganad aitopikperbincangan
alahamatbaik; idea alahamatbaik; idea alahsederhanabaik; adalahlemah; idea
yang yang idea yang yang
akandibincangkanada akandibincangkanada akandibincangkanada akandibincangkanad
lah sangat jelas dan lah sangat jelas dan lahkabur dan alah sangat kabur
amatteratur. amatteraturtetapipen tidakteratur. dan tidakteratur.
Tujuanpenulisanditer erangantidakmencuk
angkandengantepat upi.
dan jelas.
1 CLO2 Expression specifically of the six benefits 3.5 Demonstrates Demonstrates Demonstrates Demonstrates Does not express 14
of a comprehensive health and wellness thorough and significant expression reasonable vague of the six specificallyof the of
lifestyle and discussionof the four areas perceptive specificallyof the six expression benefits of a the six benefits of a
to achieve cardiorespiratory fitness as expression benefits of a specificallyof the six comprehensive comprehensive
recommended by the American College of specifically of the six comprehensive benefits of a health and wellness health and wellness
Sport Medicinefor better quality of life. benefits of a health and wellness comprehensive lifestyle and lifestyle and
comprehensive lifestyle and health and wellness discussionof the discussionof the
health and wellness discussionof the four lifestyle and four areas to four areas to
lifestyle and areas to achieve discussionof the four achieve achieve
discussionof the four cardiorespiratory areas to achieve cardiorespiratory cardiorespiratory
areas to achieve fitness as cardiorespiratory fitness as fitness as
cardiorespiratory recommended by the fitness as recommended by recommended by
fitness as American College of recommended by the the American the American
recommended by the Sport Medicinefor American College of College of Sport College of Sport
American College of better quality of life Sport Medicinefor Medicinefor better Medicinefor better
Sport Medicinefor Relevant and specific better quality of life quality of life quality of life
better quality of life supportive evidence
Creatively includes included.
relevant and specific

Memberipenjelasansecarakhususenamfae Memberipenjelasanse Memberipenjelasanse Memberipenjelasanse Memberipenjelasans TidakMemberipenjel

dahgayahidupkesihatan dan kesejahteraan carakhususyang carakhususyang carakhususyangmuna ecarakhususyang asansecarakhususte
yang menyeluruh dan meluas dan signifikantentangena sabahtentangenamfa kaburtentangenamf ntangenamfaedahga
membincangkanempatbidanguntukmenca mendalamtentangen mfaedahgayahidupke edahgayahidupkesiha aedahgayahidupkesi yahidupkesihatan
paikecergasankardiorespiratoriseperti amfaedahgayahidupk sihatan dan tan dan hatan dan dan kesejahteraan
yang disyorkan oleh American College of esihatan dan kesejahteraan yang kesejahteraan yang kesejahteraan yang yang menyeluruh
Sport Medicine. kesejahteraan yang menyeluruh dan menyeluruh dan menyeluruh dan dan
menyeluruh dan membincangkanemp membincangkanemp membincangkanemp tidakmembincangka
membincangkanemp atbidanguntukmenca atbidanguntukmenca atbidanguntukmenc nempatbidanguntuk
atbidanguntukmenca paikecergasankardior paikecergasankardior apaikecergasankardi mencapaikecergasa
paikecergasankardior espiratoriseperti yang espiratoriseperti yang orespiratoriseperti nkardiorespiratorise
espiratoriseperti yang disyorkan oleh disyorkan oleh yang disyorkan oleh perti yang disyorkan
disyorkan oleh American College of American College of American College of oleh American
American College of Sport Medicine. Sport Medicine. Sport Medicine. College of Sport
Sport Medicine. Bukti relevan dan Medicine.
Memberikanbuktirele spesifik sebagai
van dan sokongan disertakan.

1 CLO2 Conclusion 1.0 An excellent A good conclusion A fair conclusion A poor conclusion No conclusion. 4
conclusion which is which indicates which indicates which does not
concisely and significant analysis reasonable analysis indicate an attempt
precisely written. It and synthesis of and synthesis of to synthesise the
provides concluding ideas. ideas. discussion.
remarks that shows
an analysis and
synthesis of ideas.

Kesimpulan Kesimpulan yang Kesimpulan yang baik Kesimpulan yang Kesimpulan yang Tiadakesimpulan.
sangat baik yang yang sederhana yang lemah yang
ringkaslagipadat dan menunjukkananalisis menunjukkananalisis tidakmenunjukkanus
tepat. dan sintesisidea-idea dan sintesis idea-idea ahauntukmerumusk
Memberikansatukeny yang signifikan. yang munasabah. anperbincangan.
ataanrumusan yang
dan sintesis idea-idea.
References and Citations All citations are Most citations are Some citations for Citations for There is no
included in the included in the statements included statements included reference or
discussion and discussion and most in the discussion orin the discussion are citation; or
references match the references match references which arenot present or references are
citations according to with the citations included are not references which outdated / wrong
the APA format. according to the APA found in the text. are included are not format.
format. found in the text.
Rujukan dan Petikan Semuapetikanuntukp Sebahagianbesarpetik Terdapathanyabeber Tiadapetikan
1 1.5 ernyataandimasukka anuntukpernyataandi apapetikanuntukpern untukpernyataan Tiadarujukanataupe 6
ndidalamperbincanga masukkan di yataan yang yang tikan; ataurujukan
n dan semuarujukan dalamperbincangan digunakandalam digunakandalam yang ketinggalan
sepadandenganpetika dan perbincanganatau perbincanganatauruj zaman / salah
nmengikut format sebahagianbesarrujuk rujukan yang ukan yang format.
APA. ansepadandenganpe tersenarai tersenaraitidakterda
tikanmengikut format tidakterdapat di pat di dalamteks.
APA. dalamteks.

Total 7.5 30
*QN = Question Number / *NS = NomborSoalan
ReflectiveJournal / Jurnal Reflektif

Excellent/ Good/ Fair/ Poor/ Unsatisfactory/

*QN/ Criteria/ Weight/ Cemerlang Baik Sederhana Lemah Tidakmemuaskan Max
*NS Kriteria Pemberat Marks
4 3 2 1 0
Task CLO2 Illustration: 2.0 Comprehensively and Significantly Reasonably Imprecisely Does not exemplify 8
2 Ability to exemplify on thebenefitsof a excellently exemplifies on exemplifies on exemplifies on on thebenefitsof a
comprehensivehealthandwellnesslifestyle exemplifies on thebenefitsof a thebenefitsof a thebenefitsof a comprehensivehealt
andcardiorespiratoryfitnessachievement thebenefitsof a comprehensivehealt comprehensivehealt comprehensivehealt handwellnesslifestyl
in ordertoensure a moremeaningfullife. comprehensivehealt handwellnesslifestyle handwellnesslifestyle handwellnesslifestyl eandcardiorespirato
handwellnesslifestyle andcardiorespiratory andcardiorespiratory eandcardiorespirato ryfitnessachieveme
andcardiorespiratory fitnessachievementin fitnessachievementin ryfitnessachieveme nt in ordertoensure
fitnessachievement ordertoensure a ordertoensure a ntin ordertoensure a
in ordertoensure a moremeaningfullife. moremeaningfullife. a moremeaningfullife.
moremeaningfullife. moremeaningfullife.
Paparan: Secarakomprehensif Secarasignifikanmem Secararasionalmemap Memaparkandengan Tidak memaparkan
Kebolehan memaparkan dan aparkanmengenaifae arkanmengenaifaeda kurangjelas, mengenaifaedahgay
mengenaifaedahgayahidupkesihatan dan cemerlangmemapark dahgayahidupkesihat hgayahidupkesihatan mengenaifaedahgay ahidupkesihatan dan
kesejahteraan yang komprehensif dan anmengenaifaedahga an dan kesejahteraan dan kesejahteraan ahidupkesihatan dan kesejahteraan yang
pencapaiankecergasankardiorespiratoriunt yahidupkesihatan dan yang komprehensif yang komprehensif kesejahteraan yang komprehensif dan
ukmemastikankehidupan yang kesejahteraan yang dan dan komprehensif dan pencapaiankecergas
lebihbermakna. komprehensif dan pencapaiankecergasa pencapaiankecergasa pencapaiankecergas ankardiorespiratoriu
pencapaiankecergasa nkardiorespiratoriunt nkardiorespiratoriunt ankardiorespiratoriu ntukmemastikankehi
nkardiorespiratoriunt ukmemastikankehidu ukmemastikankehidu ntukmemastikankehi dupan yang
ukmemastikankehidu pan yang pan yang dupan yang lebihbermakna.
pan yang lebihbermakna. lebihbermakna. lebihbermakna.

Presentation: Demonstrates a well- Demonstrates clear Demonstrates vague Does not show any Demonstrates a
Articulation and organization of ideas and focused writing; arguments or arguments or original thinking or very bad entry; the
perspectives arguments or perspectives; perspectives; the perspectives; work is completely
perspectives are organized flow in writing lacked an chaotic in not original.
precisely defined and writing but not deep organized flow and organization and
explained; enough to be very the ideas were hard presentation of
demonstrates perceptive. to follow. ideas.
coherent flow in
developing an
insightful idea.
CLO2 Presentasi: 1.0 Menunjukkansatupen Menunjukkanperbinc Menunjukkanperbinc Tidakmenunjukkans Menunjukkancatata 4
Artikulasi / ekspresi dan organisasi idea ulisan yang sangat anganatauperspektif anganatauperspektif ebarangpemikiranat n / penulisan yang
dan perspektif fokus; yang jelas; yang kabur; auperspektif yang sangat teruk;
perbincanganatauper aliranpenulisan yang aliranpenulisan yang asli; bercelaru di keseluruhanhasilkerj
spektifditerangkande teraturtetapitidakcuk kurangteratur dan dalamorganisasi dan atidakasli.
nganjelas dan tepat; upmendalamuntukm idea yang presentasi idea.
menunjukkanaliran enjadi sangat sukaruntukdifahami.
yang perseptif.
angunkan idea yang
Task CLO2 Completeness / Comprehensiveness: 1.0 Demonstrates Demonstrates Demonstrates weak Demonstrates no Does not 4
Incorporation of the journal entries into a concrete connections journal entries that connections between connections demonstrate any
whole; demonstration of the learning between journal are generally journal entries; between journal feature of journal
process entries into a whole; connected; still able development gained entries. The entries entry.
signifying clear steps to observe how it from the learning are mere
in the developmental develops during the process is hardly descriptions of
learning process. learning process. observed. events rather than
showing a sequence
of learning steps.
Kelengkapan / Komprehensifan: Menunjukkan Menunjukkanpengisia Menunjukkan Tidak menunjukkan Tidak menunjukkan
Gabunganpengisianjurnalkepadasatu yang perkaitan yang njurnal yang perkaitan yang lemah perkaitan dalam sebarang bentuk
lengkap; menunjukkan proses konkrit di antara mempunyai di antara pengisian jurnal. pengisian jurnal.
pembelajaran pengisian jurnal perkaitansecaraumu pengisianjurnal; Pengisian adalah
kepada satu yang m; perkembangan yang semata-mata
lengkap; bolehdilihatbagaiman dicapaidaripada keterangan tentang
menunjukkan langkah aiaberkembangsemas proses peristiwa dan tidak
yang jelas dalam aproses pembelajarantidakjel mempamerkan
perkembangan pembelajaran. as. turutan langkah
proses pembelajaran. pembelajaran.
References and Citations All citations are Most citations are Some citations for Citations for There is no
included in the included in the statements included statements included reference or
discussion and discussion and most in the discussion or in the discussion are citation; or
references match the references match references which are not present or references are
citations according to with the citations included are not references which outdated / wrong
the APA format. according to the APA found in the text. are included are not format.
format. found in the text.
Task CLO2 Rujukan dan Petikan Semuapetikanuntukp Sebahagianbesarpetik Terdapathanyabebera Tiadapetikanuntukp Tiadarujukanataupe
1.0 4
2 ernyataandimasukkan anuntukpernyataandi papetikanuntukperny ernyataan yang tikan; ataurujukan
di masukkan di ataan yang digunakandalamper yang ketinggalan
dalamperbincangan dalamperbincangan digunakandalamperbi bincanganataurujuk zaman / salah
dan dan ncanganataurujukan an yang format.
semuarujukansepada sebahagianbesarrujuk yang tersenaraitidakterda
ndenganpetikanmeng ansepadandenganpe tersenaraitidakterdap patdalamteks.
ikut format APA. tikanmengikut format atdalamteks.
Total 5.0 20
Grand Total 12.5 50
*QN = Question Number / *NS = NomborSoalan

1. Select the best FIVE (5) discussion responses of Part II that YOU have posted in the forum.
2. Do screenshots of the postings and include them as images in your assignment.
3. The screenshots should be in an image file (either in JPG or PNG format). Refer to the sample of Screen
Grab below
4. The screenshots should contain the following details:
Your Name, Title of the discussion, Day, Date, and Time.

Arahan bagaimana untuk menghantar buktiaktivitiOnline Forum Participation – BahagianII (10%)

1. Pilih LIMA (5) responterbaikdariBahagian II yang telahANDA pos kedalam forum.

2. Laksanakanscreen shotposting dan masukkankedalamtugasanandasebagai failimej.
3. Imejscreen shotmestidalam format imej (samaada JPG atau PNG). Rujuk pada contohscreen
shot di bawah.
4. Screen shottersebutmestilahmengandungibutiranberikut:
Nama Anda, TajukPerbincangan, Hari, Tarikh dan Masa.

Example of Screenshot/ContohScreenshot:
Marks for the forum will be given based on the following rubric:
Excellent Good Fair Poor Unsatisfactory
QN Weight
Criteria marks
age 4 3 2 1 0

3 CLO Quality of 2.5 All five comments are Four of the comments are Three of the comments are None of the comments are No postings given as proof 10
Discuss the 2 Postings good, appropriate, good, appropriate, relevant, somewhat good, appropriate, good and relevant. / of participation in
FOUR factors relevant, meaningful, meaningful,and meaningful,and respectful Comments are short discussion
that contribute Kualiti and respectful responses that are not
to excess body Postings respectful substantial nor meaningful.
fat Minimum effort (e.g. “I agree
accumulation. with Tina”)
3 Domain
BincangkanEM (A3) Kelima-lima Empat Tigakomenbaik, sesuai, Tiadakomen yang baik dan TiadaPostings
PAT faktor komenbaik, sesuai, komenbaik, sesuai, relevan,bermakna dan relevan./ Komen diberisebagaibuktipenyerta
yang relevan, bermakna dan relevan, bermakna dan berhemah hanyarespon yang ringkas andalamperbincangan
menyumbang berhemah berhemah dan tidakmeluas dan
kepada tidakbermakna.Usaha
pengumpulan minimum (Cth: “Saya
lemak badan bersetujudengan Tina”)

2.5 10

*QN = Question Number

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