Chemistry Unit 7 6CH07 January 2010 ER
Chemistry Unit 7 6CH07 January 2010 ER
Chemistry Unit 7 6CH07 January 2010 ER
January 2010
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January 2010
Publications Code US022682
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The examiners were privileged to see some candidates who had been very well prepared by their centres.
Both teachers and candidates are deserving of commendation. Of course there were, as always, candidates
who had not prepared sufficiently and performance was often weakened by failure to read the question.
Chemistry 6CH07_01
Question 1
Candidates were led to determine the identity of an inorganic salt.
In part (a)(i) the best candidates named nichrome or platinum as the material for the wire, and went on
to suggest the reason for use as the material’s unreactivity. Other reasons were acceptable, but physical
properties like high melting temperature should not be given if a chemical property is available.
Examiner Comments
In (a)(ii) the name sodium or the formula Na+ was needed. Notice that the single positive charge on the
sodium ion was required.
In (b) the first part was usually correctly answered as silver bromide. In (b)(ii) some did not read the
question fully and gave AgBr, rather than Br-. The darkening of the precipitate in sunlight was not well
known, despite its importance in photography.
Chemistry 6CH07_01
Examiner Comments
Part (c)(i) was usually correctly answered. Hydrogen was the common wrong answer.
The test expected in (c)(ii) was ammonia solution on a glass rod, or the stopper from an ammonia bottle,
forming dense smoke. This is a good test for a hydrogen halide. It was important that a result of a test can
be seen, so ammonium bromide forms is insufficient.
By far the most popular response was moist blue litmus paper turning red, which is only a test for an acidic
gas, so only gained 1 mark.
Examiner Tip
In giving a test try to give a test which will either uniquely identify the product, or as in this case, with
ammonia, limit the identification to as small a group as possible (in this case the hydrogen halides).
Bromine was usually given correctly in (c)(iii). It was pleasing to see most candidates naming sulfur dioxide
in (c)(iv) and recognising that it was formed in a reduction reaction. It was acceptable to classify the
reaction as oxidation if the answer made it clear that bromide ion or hydrogen bromide was oxidized.
Chemistry 6CH07_01
Question 2
Candidates were faced with two organic unknowns. This was well within the ability of most. Most seemed
to know the tests for the products of alcohol oxidations. Nearly everyone gave the displayed formula of
propanal in part (a), though structural formulae were accepted on this occasion. Naming the alcohols
proved more challenging. Candidates are advised to make their letters and numbers clear. There were many
examples of indistinguishable ‘a’ from an ‘o’ at the end of their name. Similarly ‘1’s and ‘2’s must be quite
clear. One candidate made it totally clear by drawing a line to the ‘1’ saying this is a one! Part (b) was
similarly accessible, with similar problems of writing the names. A minority of candidates did not read or
take into account the molar mass, so gave other consistent combinations of carbonyls and alcohols and
could gain 1 of the 2 marks.
Examiner Comments
Question 3
In part (a) some misread the question and thought they were making a standard solution using a graduated
or volumetric flask.
In (b)(i) most gave pipette some including the 10 cm3 as a prefix. In (ii) most selected an appropriate
titration indicator, avoiding litmus and universal indicator which do not work as they have no sharp end
point colour change. However the colour change was often not known or the alkaline and acid colours were
confused. Answers like methyl orange from yellow to colourless, and phenolphthalein from colourless to
pink were very common.
Examiner Tip
It is a good idea to state the conditions for the colours of acid base
indicators like ‘from pink in alkali colourless in acid’.
Part (c) was generally done successfully. Very few could not get the subtraction right in (c)(i). There were a
number of acceptable answers to (c)(ii). The most popular was the results were outside the 0-.2 cm3 range of
the accurate titrations. Despite getting this right some still averaged all three results in (c)(iii). A few weaker
candidates forgot the factor of 1000 in (c)(iv). Most divided their answer to (c)(iv) by two in (c)(v) and went
on to multiply by 1000 divided by 10 in (c)(vi). Part (c)(vii) proved the most taxing but was still correctly or
consistently answered by the majority. Candidates were only penalised once per error, so there were many
transferred errors from earlier parts keeping the examiners busy on their calculators.
Some candidates have problems with significant figures. As a general rule it is best to work to three unless
otherwise instructed. One significant figure is usually unacceptable.
Chemistry 6CH07_01
Examiner Comments
This candidate chose to give answers to two significant figures, which was not penalised on this
occasion, but they failed to give the correct rounding in part (v) which should be 0.00023.
In (d)(i) the energy was usually correctly calculated, by realising that the volume of the solution in cm3 is
equal to the mass in g.
To find the enthalpy change it was necessary to divide by the number of moles, 0.0100 mol which were
given in the question, and at this stage get the sign right.
Common errors were to divide by another amount, omit the sign or omit the units.
Combining uncertainties by addition for each reading was less well known in (d)(iii). Some found the error in
each separate reading rather than the temperature change.
Chemistry 6CH07_01
The last three parts of the question were more demanding. The best candidates realised that the reactions
were the same neutralisation of oxonium ions by hydroxide ions in (d)(iv). Failure to read the question
lost the mark in (d)(v) when candidates answered the temperature change increases, when asked to
predict the temperature change which requires a numerical response. The answer to (d)(v) made different
answers acceptable in (d)(vi) providing the reasoning was correct but there were many feeble answers in
terms of heat losses. A lower temperature change would give rise to a greater error, a higher change to a
lower error, and the same change would give the reaction with the greater volume a lower error in volume
Examiner Comments
Question 4
Candidates seemed to understand the principles involved in the preparation of an organic liquid examined in
question 4.
Calculation of the volume of a liquid from the number of moles and the density was achieved by most in
Separating funnels in (b) were also familiar though some omitted an opening top and/or a tap. The density
data was needed to label the layer correctly see example below.
Chemistry 6CH07_01
The reason for washing with sodium hydrogen carbonate was less well known. To remove 2-methylpropan-
2-ol was a common mistake in (c)(i). Though the lack of gas coming off was usually recognised in part (ii).
Good candidates gave an appropriate anhydrous salt (calcium chloride, sodium sulfate or magnesium
sulfate) in (d). The word ‘anhydrous’ is important and may be required in future.
Examiner Comments
There were many good diagrams in (e). Common errors were to use a flat bottomed flask for heating, to
wrongly position the thermometer bulb, to leave an air gap round the thermometer, to fail to draw a jacket
around the condenser, and to seal the apparatus at the collection vessel.
Examiner Comments
Notice the wrong position of the thermometer bulb and the air gap around its
entry to the still head. Also see how a Petri dish appears to be the collecting
vessel from which the halogenoalkane would quickly evaporate.
In (f) though other methods give the correct answer, the best method of calculating yield is:
actual amount of product in moles divided by expected amount of product in moles multiplied by 100.
Chemistry 6CH07_01
Examiner Comments
The candidate could not manage the calculation but has gained half the marks
by showing that they know how to get to the key part.
In the last section, (g), the role of ethanol was not always clear, ‘to make the reaction work’ was not
sufficient. The formation of a white precipitate was well known in part (ii) though some did not give an
observable result saying silver chloride would form.
Advice to candidates
• TQ3 Read the question three times, twice before you answer it and once after to make sure you
have answered it.
• Be familiar with the various practical preparation techniques you have used in the course:
preparation of a standard solution
preparation of a saturated solution
preparation of dry crystals of a salt
preparation and purification of an organic liquid.
• e familiar with titrations from the course including knowledge of appropriate indicators and their
colour changes.
• P ractise calculations involving moles and masses, volumes of liquids, volumes of gases, volumes of
solutions of known concentration and yields of reactions.
• Know the tests for common cations and anions in the course.
• F or the organic chemicals you have met in the course, know their tests, and the tests for the
products formed in their reactions.
Chemistry 6CH07_01
Grade Max. Mark A B C D E
Raw boundary mark 50 32 27 23 19 15
Uniform boundary mark 60 48 42 36 30 24
Maximum Mark (Raw): the mark corresponding to the sum total of the marks shown on
the mark scheme.
Boundary Mark: the minimum mark required by a candidate to qualify for a given grade.
Chemistry 6CH07_01
Further copies of this publication are available from
Edexcel Publications, Adamsway, Mansfield, Notts, NG18 4FN