Civil Technical Specification
Civil Technical Specification
Civil Technical Specification
10.1 General
Under this Section the Contractor will be responsible for the design and construction of all
civil engineering and building for works and services for new / upgradation indoor GIS
The contractor shall identify the borrow area locations in consultation with the owners, after
assessing the suitability of the material, whether it is contaminated or not. The suitable sites
shall be selected and finalized in consultation with PGCB and based on the confirmation that
the quarry material is non-contaminated.
The Tender must cover all requirements of the tender documents and any other items not
specifically mentioned but which are necessary for the satisfactory design, construction,
operation and maintenance of all equipment to the satisfaction of the Employer. No additional
costs will be considered for any items which have been overlooked but which are essential
for the proper completion of the project in every respect.
Included in the scope of work is the detailing, construction and maintenance of the following
items which shall generally be constructed to the Employer's standards but full working
drawings shall be prepared by the Bidder:
(a) Guardhouses
(b) Boundary wall and entrance gate
(c) Septic tank and soakway
(d) Water supply tubewell and plumbing installations
(e) Underground water storage tank
(f) Surface water, foul and storm drainage
(g) Air conditioning and ventilation
(h) Lighting, small power, external floodlighting, emergency lighting and fire protection
For all substations and for individual rooms in substations suitable nameplates, signs and
labels shall be provided to ensure identification, safe operation of plant and warning of
danger. The text, which shall be both in Bangla and English, shall be approved by the
Employer. The substation sign board(s) shall be 3 mm, Aluminum sheet powder coated and
the text (Bangla & English) shall be UV resistant, PGCB logo on a separate circular plate to
be fixed at the centre of sign board. The inscriptions shall be engraved with colored lettering.
All name-plates, signs and labels shall be non-deteriorating and non-warping under
aggressive weather conditions and shall be guaranteed for a minimum period of 10 years.
Plates, etc., will be securely attached using bolts and nuts or screws; adhesive will not be
The Employer will be responsible for the purchase of all land within the permanent site
boundary and the purchase of all land required to the base of the fill of any batter slopes. The
Employer will also be responsible for obtaining land to provide a permanent single access to
each site from a nearby road or waterway.
During the construction period the Bidder shall be responsible for maintaining this access in a
reasonable condition by reinstating damage caused by his construction traffic and Employer
Should the Bidder require more than one single access to a site or require additional land for
construction activities outside the permanent site boundary, he shall be responsible for the
purchase or way leave of the required land.
The Employer will be responsible for applying for planning permission. The Bidder shall be
responsible for completing the approved site survey and the approved site layout plan,
together with the approved architectural elevations of all facades of any buildings, by the key
date given in the programme for each site so that the Employer may use these drawings to
apply for planning permission.
The Bidder shall prepare a survey at 1:200 scale showing existing ground levels on a
minimum 10 metre grid and details of all features above and below the ground within the site
boundary and up to 15 metres beyond it by the key date stated in the programme. Levels shall
be related to bench marks clearly indicated on the plan. The plan shall be submit to approval
by the Engineer and the agreed substation building floor levels shall be given on each site
plan. The Bidder shall propose the building floor level to the Engineer. The final
ground/formation level of the site will be 3 m above the crown of the nearest public road or
the highest flood level whichever is greater. All building plinth level will be 450mm above
the final ground/formation level.
Cut and fill where required shall be carried out by the Bidder. Source of fill material and
retaining wall shall be planned and approved by the Employer. The Bidder shall be
responsible for providing a level or uniform sloping site to suit his substation layout design.
The final soil levels (i.e. the level below the brick surfacing) shall be stated on the site survey
plan to be prepared by the Bidder.
Earth works to make the substation land suitable for installation of supporting structures and
equipment, for extinction of the control building and related dependencies, with drainage to
evacuate water in all conditions and of sufficient size to allow access to maintenance
equipment and gravelling of switchyard surface.
Access road and switchyard internal circulation ways shall be extended. Extend drainage
network made of perimeter trenches, switchyard internal sub soil drainage trenches or pipes.
On each major site the Bidder shall provide an office of approx. size 5 × 8m equipped with
desk, 2 chairs, light and fan for the sole use of the consultant engineer and his inspectors.
Similar facilities are to be provided for the supervision consultant of the Employer.
The Bidder shall also provide in the Engineer's site office one set of personal computer. The
PC shall be fully equipped with all peripherals.
The Bidder shall loan his surveying instruments to the Engineer and his staff when required.
Instrument checks shall be carried out at monthly intervals.
10.1.7 Programme
The Bidder's programme shall at Bid stage define the following key dates for each site.
Where drawings are to be submitted for approval, they shall be submitted at least 6 weeks
before the key dates to allow for the Engineer to comment and his comments to be
incorporated in the drawings:
(a) Issue of approved site survey drawing complete with soil levels and floor levels
(b) Issue of approved electrical layout drawings
(c) Completion of site investigation field work
(d) Issue of approved Site Investigation Final report
(e) Completion of loading tests on a foundation on each fill site and any other site where
settlement is likely to be a problem
(f) Issue of approved drawings required for planning permission
(g) Issue of a full complete set of civil building drawings
(h) Construction start date
(i) Date access will be given for:
i) Installation of equipment in buildings
ii) Installation of outdoor plant
(j) Construction finish date
and shall show the order of completion of sites and how crews will move from site to site.
This information shall be used to establish the number of expatriate site supervisors required.
The drawing programme shall ensure that complete set of approved civil building drawings
will be issued at least 21 days before construction start at any site, in accordance with the
Project Requirements.
The Construction programme shall be expressed in an 'S' curve for the whole project, with the
percentage (of the total value of work in the schedules) given for each site each month. The
overall percentage completion of the project each month shall also be given.
In accordance with the Project Requirements the Bidder shall submit agreed progress
certificates for each site before the seventh day of the next month. These certificates shall
state the percentage completion of each item in the schedules and shall state the overall
The Bidder shall provide all temporary buildings, workshops, cement and lime stores and
latrines required for his use. The Bidder shall agree the location of these buildings with the
Engineer, after submitting a drawing showing their proposed location.
When a Bidder is placed in possession of a site, or part of a site, he shall erect temporary
fencing immediately to protect the site until the boundary wall shall be erected.
Although the civil and building works may be let as a sub-contract to an approved local
Contractor, the main Contractor shall ensure that an expatriate supervisor in his direct employ
is continuously available at each site during construction. This supervisor shall have at least a
working command of spoken English and be able to read, understand and discuss
specifications and drawings.
The Bidder shall notify the Employer and Engineer in writing of every concrete pour and
foundation casting the day before the work starts, which is one of important Holding Point.
The Bidder shall obtain the Engineer's approval for the use of all design codes and standards
Engineer. If non-English equivalent National codes are adopted, the Bidder shall supply
English translations of these Codes to the Engineer.
One copy of calculations along with all soft (software) copies shall be submitted together
with drawings. To avoid possible misunderstandings, calculations will not be approved
separately from drawings.
The Bidder shall generally submit a complete set of drawings of each item sequentially for
approval after initially getting the electrical layout and section approved. Where possible,
drawings shall be standardized and general drawings shall be issued covering several sheets.
The Bidder shall provide a coordination plan at scale 1:200 showing busbar sizes, structure
types, foundation types, cable trenches, roads, ducts, buildings, boundary walls, earthing,
drainage, Landscape facility and all services in this Contract.
10.2 References
10.2.1 General
The design and construction shall conform to the latest edition of the relevant Codes and
Standards. Any proposed substitution for the listed Standards by an equivalent Standard will
be subject to approval by the Engineer. Relevant Standards include, but are not limited to,
those listed in sub section 10.2.2 below.
10.3 Design
Architectural plan and all elevations of buildings shall be agreed before other detail plans are
The general layouts of buildings are to be maintained as per enclosed drawing, but minor
modifications may be made to provide buildings wholly suitable for the equipment being
provided by the contractor to satisfy the requirements of other parts of the Specification.
All buildings shall be reinforced by a reinforced concrete frame which shall be capable of
resisting a horizontal earthquake force of 0.15G. An external concrete open staircase shall
be provided up to panel room floor. An internal concrete staircase shall be provided up to
the roof. The roof shall be a flat in situ concrete slab designed for 2.5 kN/m 2 live load.
The roof shall be waterproofed with lime terracing 2:2:7 lime, shurki (powdered brick) and
brick chips 0.75" down, which shall be beaten in accordance with local practice or with any
other approved water proofing system. The entire roof area shall be laid in one continuous
operation. For lime terracing waterproofing system the minimum compacted thickness of
terracing shall be 25mm at the low points of the roof with a 1: 150 slope to those points
formed by a layer of terracing of increasing thickness. Once laid, the terracing shall be
covered with a layer of bitumen emulsion and the edge of the terracing shall be protected
against erosion into the downpipes. Downpipes shall be of 100mm diameter cast iron pipe
placed outside the wall but shall be enclosed in a facing brick buttress. There shall be at
least one downpipe per 100m2 of roof. The Bidder shall guarantee the roof against leaks for
a period of 3 years from the Taking Over Certificate date. The roof shall project at least
450mm beyond the face of all walls to form a sunshade and rain shelter to the walls below.
The upper surface of this projection shall be sloped and a drip provided.
The main entrance to all buildings shall be shaded, either by a projection of the roof over
the entrance veranda or by a separate roof at a lower level. This area of roof shall also be
lime terraced and drained by rainwater pipes.
The roof parapet wall shall be about 0.8 metre high with an in situ concrete coping with
DPC below it. Where facing bricks are used below the roof level, they shall also be used
above roof level. An architectural feature shall be provided by panels of open decorative
block work (Mirpur ceramics or similar approved) to ensure good air circulation over the
roof. Three open decorative blocks of size 1000mm × 500mm should be provided on each
side in solid portions of parapet wall.
The head of each downpipe shall be fitted with an enlarged hopper and purpose made cast
iron grill set into a recess in the roof projection.
All external walls of main control room building/SPR shall be minimum 230mm first class
brickwork plus one layer of Mirpur Ceramics or similar approved facing bricks. External
walls of other buildings shall be minimum 230mm first class brickwork plus one layer of
Mirpur Ceramics or similar approved facing bricks or rendered with cement render and
painted as required by the architectural plan. The internal walls shall also be generally of
minimum 115mm thick first class brickwork. Internal walls and ceiling outside & inside of
false ceiling shall all be rendered and receive one sealer coat plus two finishing coats of
emulsion paint. Externally, rendered walls shall receive primer plus two finishing coats of
acrylic external quality paint or similar approved.
Particular attention must be given in the design of buildings and layouts to fire prevention
and safety of personnel at all times. Buildings housing switchgear and control equipment
shall be designed as far as practicable to exclude pollution under all likely weather
conditions. Fire-proof or flame-retarding materials are to be used for floor, wall and ceiling
finishes. Where areas are designed as having a fire resistance rating then materials shall be
shown to have passed approved standard tests for that class of fire resistance.
The height of ground floor of two storey control building shall be 3.0 metre and the
minimum height of first floor control room shall be 4.0 metre. False ceiling should be
provided in the control room floor. In the switchgear rooms, minimum 1 metre clearance
shall be provided over the switchgear to the underside of the roof slab but the Bidder shall
provide a greater clearance if it is required to remove equipment. The clearance maybe
reduced below down stand beams provided no equipment is required to be removed from
the top of the switchgear. All rooms in any building shall be of same height.
The false ceiling shall be made from non combustible materials, and shall be easily
removable to provide easy access to small power cables. Suspended ceilings, with acoustic
tiling and incorporating lighting and air-conditioning fixtures shall be used in corridors,
offices, control and SCADA rooms of the buildings and as per schedule of finishes.
In main control room building, all structures shall be designed to carry the loads imposed by
the structure itself, together with minimum floor live load (including stairs) of 5.0 kN/m 2
(minimum) or in accordance with an approved standard or code of practice. The roof shall
be designed for 2.5 kN/m2 live load.
All doors opening outwards from the buildings shall be provided with panic latches or bolts
which override any locking device, for escape in the event of fire. All doors shall be
provided with over- head door closures of adequate capacity. Door labels incorporating
electrical hazard warning in Bangla and English shall be fixed to each entry door. Vision
panels shall be provided to frequently used doors.
Window openings shall be fitted with protruding concrete sunshades above and at the sides
of the openings.
The domestic water supply system shall include all plumbing, underground pipework, high
and low level storage tanks, valves, fittings and pumps (including the provision of a standby
pump) for the provision of a pressurized water supply system for the static water tank and
all buildings within the compounds.
On completion of the installation and prior to putting to use, the system shall be sterilized in
accordance with an approved Code of Practice.
The Bidder shall be responsible for the provision and installation of a water supply serving
the substation buildings. Every cistern, sink, basin, etc., shall be provided with as stop-cock
in the supply pipe adjacent to the fitting. Each basin, sink and shower unit is to be provided
with both hot and cold water. Provision shall be made for connection to the drinking water
Each Toilet shall be provided with 1 no. western type WC, 1 no. wash-hand basin, 1 no.
wall mounted mirror, 1 no. towel rail etc. all necessary fittings and accessories shall be
Battery rooms shall be supplied with sink and drainer & exhaust fans (if no air
conditioning). The Bidder shall provide the fire/heat detector and fire extinguishers for
main control building and local control houses etc. The details of installation for the
fire/heat detector and fire extinguishers shall be provided to the Employer for an approval.
Air conditioning units shall be provided in all rooms. Air conditioned rooms shall have a
false ceiling such that the overall thermal transmittance of the roof shall be below 0.45
easily removable to provide easy access to small power cables.
Korerhat Substation
Mirsharai Substation
All buildings shall be installed Solar panels on the roof to facilitate green power as per IEC
& BS standards. Each capacity of solar power is as table below. All the produced power
Architectural elevations of buildings shall be agreed before other detail plans are prepared.
The general layouts of buildings are to be maintained as shown, but minor modifications
may be made to provide buildings wholly suitable for the equipment being provided by the
contractor to satisfy the requirements of other parts of the Specification.
All buildings shall be reinforced by a reinforced concrete frame which shall be capable of
resisting a horizontal earthquake force of 0.2G.
All buildings shall be designed to have reinforced concrete frames, with infill panel walls of
reinforced concrete or brick which shall be capable of resisting a horizontal earthquake
force of 0.2G.
All external walls of control room building/SPR shall be minimum 230mm first class
brickwork plus one layer of Mirpur Ceramics or similar approved facing bricks. External
walls of other buildings shall be minimum 230mm first class brickwork plus one layer of
Mirpur Ceramics or similar approved facing bricks or rendered with cement render and
painted as required by the architectural plan.
Internal partition shall be fire barriers rated for minimum 1 hour and of approved
material/design. Internal walls shall all be rendered and receive one sealer coat plus two
finishing coats of emulsion paint of approved colour.
All brickwork shall be tied into the concrete frame by galvanized ties. Externally, rendered
walls shall receive primer plus two finishing coats of PEP acrylic external quality paint or
similar approved. At least two air bricks shall be provided to each room in which staff
Particular attention must be given in the design of buildings and layouts to fire prevention
and safety of personnel at all times. Buildings housing switchgear and control equipment
shall be designed as far as practicable to exclude pollution under all likely weather
conditions. Fire-proof or flame-retarding materials are to be used for floor, wall, door and
ceiling finishes. Where areas are designed as having a fire resistance rating then materials
shall be shown to have passed approved standard tests for that class of fire resistance.
All floor slabs shall be constructed of reinforced concrete supported on reinforced concrete
beams. Floor finishes will be designed to provide high impact and abrasion resistance. The
finishes shall be in accordance with the schedule of finishes.
Electric overhead traveling crane(s) shall be provided in the 400kV, 230 kV and 132 kV
GIS switchgear room to facilitate erection and maintenance of the equipment
The minimum height of ground floor of shall be 3.0 metre The height of control rooms shall
provide about 1 metre clearance over the top of the cabinets/equipments to the underside of
the false ceiling and any fittings suspended from ceilings shall be the criteria governing
room heights. In the switchgear rooms, about 1 metre clearance shall be provided over the
switchgear to the underside of the roof slab but the Contractor shall provide a greater
clearance if it is required to remove equipment. The clearance maybe reduced below
downstand beams provided no equipment is required to be removed from the top of the
Rooms shall have walls and roof slabs adequately insulated. Maximum thermal
transmittance values for all rooms shall be 0.7 watts/m2/°C for walls and 0.57 for roofs. Air
conditioning units shall be provided in all rooms. Air conditioned rooms shall have a false
ceiling such that the overall thermal transmittance of the roof shall be below 0.45
Watts/m2/°C. The false ceiling shall be made from non combustible materials, and shall be
easily removable to provide easy access to small power cables. Suspended ceilings, with
acoustic tiling and incorporating lighting and air-conditioning fixtures shall be used in
corridors, offices, toilet, control and communication rooms of the buildings and as per
schedule of finishes
In main control room building, all structures shall be designed to carry the loads imposed by
the structure itself, together with minimum floor live load (including stairs) of 5.0kN/m2
(minimum) or in accordance with an approved standard or code of practice. In GIS floor if
converted UDL of machine loading exceeds 5.0KN/m2, then that value should be used
instead of 5.0KN/m2 as live load. The roof shall be designed for 2.5 kN/m 2 live load.
All doors opening outwards from the buildings shall be provided with panic latches or bolts
which override any locking device, for escape in the event of fire. All doors shall be
provided with overhead door closuers of adequate capacity. Door labels incorporating
electrical hazard warning in Bangla and English shall be fixed to each entry door. Vision
panels shall be provided to frequently used doors.
Window openings shall be fitted with protruding concrete sunshades above and at the sides
of the openings.
Roofs to the main buildings shall be insitu reinforced concrete slab and shall be insulated
and waterproofed. The roof shall be waterproofed with lime terracing 2:2:7 lime, shurki
(powdered brick) and brick chips 0.75" down, which shall be beaten in accordance with
local practice. The entire roof area shall be laid in one continuous operation. The minimum
compacted thickness of terracing shall be 25mm at the low points of the roof with a 1:150
slope to those points formed by a layer of terracing of increasing thickness. Once laid, the
terracing shall be covered with a layer of bitumen emulsion and the edge of the terracing
shall be protected against erosion into the downpipes. Downpipes shall be 100mm diameter
cast iron pipe placed outside the wall but shall be enclosed in a facing brick buttress. There
shall be at least one downpipe per 100m2 of roof. The Contractor shall guarantee the roof
against leaks for a period of 3 years from the Taking Over Certificate date. The roof shall
project at least 450mm beyond the face of all walls to form a sunshade and rain shelter to
the walls below. The upper surface of this projection shall be sloped and a drip provided. A
steel staircase with necessary landing shall be provided to permit easy access to the roof
and to equipment at roof level. Roof mounted equipment (if any) shall be covered by
approved screens for better elevation/aesthetics.
The head of each downpipe shall be fitted with an enlarged hopper and purpose made cast
iron grill set into a recess in the roof projection.
The roof parapet wall shall be about 0.8 metre high with an insitu concrete coping with
DPC below it. Where facing bricks are used below the roof level, they shall also be used
above roof level. An architectural feature shall be provided by panels of open decorative
block work (Mirpur ceramics or similar approved) to ensure good air circulation over the
roof. Three open decorative blocks of size 1000mm × 500mm should be provided on each
side in solid portions of parapet wall.
The domestic water supply system shall include all plumbing, underground pipework, high
and low level storage tanks, valves, fittings and pumps (including the provision of a standby
pump) for the provision of a pressurized water supply system for the static water tank and
all buildings within the compounds.
On completion of the installation and prior to putting to use, the system shall be sterilized in
accordance with an approved Code of Practice.
The Bidder shall be responsible for the provision and installation of a water supply serving
the substation buildings. Every cistern, sink, basin, etc., shall be provided with a stop-cock
in the supply pipe adjacent to the fitting. Each basin, sink and shower unit is to be provided
with both hot and cold water. Provision shall be made for connection to the drinking water
Each Toilet shall be provided with 1 no. western type WC, 1 no. wash-hand basin, 1 no.
wall mounted mirror, 1 no. towel rail etc. all necessary fittings and accessories shall be
Battery rooms shall be supplied with sink and drainer & exhaust fans (no air conditioning).
The main entrance to all buildings shall be shaded, either by a projection of the roof over
the entrance verandah or by a separate roof at a lower level. This area of roof shall also be
lime terraced and drained by rainwater pipes.
Substation buildings housing switchgear and control equipment shall include a cable
basement to facilitate connection to the equipment. Basements shall be constructed so as to
protect the building substructure from water in accordance with BS 8102.
The Bidder shall impose the site layout on the survey to check for uneven depth of fill
below any foundation and where uneven depth of fill exists his foundation proposals shall
restrict final differential settlement to a 1 in 400 slope.
If a fill site has not been exposed to one wet season before foundation work starts, the
Bidder shall flood the site to a depth of 50 mm for 10 days (Not required on hydraulic fill
sites). This requirement is because silty sands will generally compact to a denser condition
on first time flooding.
On all fill sites the Bidder shall pipe rainwater from down pipes down to paddy level and
shall prevent water ponding in open foundations and backfill all foundations as soon as
When a filled site is handed over to the Bidder, the Bidder shall become responsible for
maintaining the entirety of the fill in good condition, including all better slopes.
Original delta levels are generally below road level. Therefore most sites are historically fill
sites but fill settlement can sensibly be considered complete, where fill is over 3 years old.
Detailed methodology for subsoil investigation shall be submitted before implementing the
subsoil investigation. All laboratory tests shall be done at the test facility approved by the
The Bidder may appoint a sub Bidder to carry out the site investigation but all work and all
lab work shall be witnessed by one of his Geo-technical engineers who shall countersign all
recorded data.
One (1) borehole should be counted for every 600 square meter of proposed project area
and provided on suitable points. At least three additional boreholes should be provided for
control building and switchyard panel room building or any other building. For boundary
wall/retaining wall additional boreholes shall be provided on in each corner point and at a
maximum 50m interval point. Additional boreholes may also be required where uneven fill
depth is encountered. The number and location of boreholes shall be approved with the site
survey drawing showing existing ground levels specified in the section 10A.1.4. The
boreholes shall be located to an accuracy of + 0.5 m and shall be located to site layout
considering existing obstacles at the field.
Borehole log together with a summary of all required laboratory tests is required to be pre-
pared. Soil test locations are required to be indicated on the geographical map.
- Ground water level shall be determined by dipping the boreholes. Where collapse of
the boreholes occurs, casing shall be used and left in until the water level remains
constant for two days.
- In cohesive soils a vane test to BS 1377: Part 9 shall be carried out at three different
depths. The Bidder shall check the sensitivity of soil and ground water at each site to
concrete and take all measures necessary to ensure the long term durability of
Prior to commencement, the Contractor shall submit to the Engineer detailed schedules for
the site survey and soil investigation, which is a Holding Point. The field sheets of each
bore log shall be signed by the geo-technical engineer of Bidder and representative of the
Engineer. The signed field sheets shall be included in site investigation report.
The site investigation and analysis of the data in a final report giving full details of
foundation proposals shall be completed at each site by the programmed date. During site
investigation, Geographical map shall be prepared indicating the locations of soil test.
The report shall be submitted by the key date at each site given in the programme. The
Bidder shall submit 3 copies of the report to the Engineer including electronic copy in
CD/DVD. The report shall propose full details of foundations and loading thereon and shall
provide estimates of likely settlements and differential settlements. The report shall be the
work of the Bidder's own foundation engineers.
If the Bidder uses a local site investigation Bidder, he shall appoint one of his geo-technical
engineers to oversee the entire operation and each piece of data shall be countersigned by
this person.
Where estimated settlement exceeds 25mm, the Bidder shall construct one foundation at an
early stage and test load this foundation to confirm settlement predictions.
(e) Foundations
Regardless of the result of soil investigation report, the foundations of control building,
boundary wall, gantry structures and for auto-transformers shall be provided with piles.
Piles shall be concrete (cast-in-situ or precast) complying with BS 8004.
All formations shall be hand rammed or mechanically compacted before placing 70mm
minimum thickness of Class B concrete blinding, within 24 hours of bottoming excavation,
which blinding shall project 300mm minimum distance beyond all footings. Each footing
shall be inspected by the Engineer. Where soil condition is poor (on fill sites or already
filled sites) or where the Bidder leaves foundations exposed and soil conditions deteriorate,
one of the following measures shall be carried out as agreed with the Engineer:
The Bidder shall propose the allowable bearing pressure for all foundations based on soil
strength parameters only and shall not be increased while wind loads exceeds 25% of dead
load as well as shall not exceed 125kN/m 2. Between column footings all walls, including
all internal walls, shall be provided with a reinforced concrete strip footing of minimum
dimension 800 mm wide by 250mm deep placed at the same level as column footings and
linked structurally to the footings. In addition, column footings shall be tied at foundation
level and also floor level by beams to every adjacent column in both orthogonal directions.
These beams shall be designed to resist 1 in 200 differential settlement without distress and
shall be capable of resisting the earthquake load of the below:
- Outdoor GIS : 0.15 G
- Indoor GIS : 0.2 G
The deepest parts of any foundations shall be completed first. All foundations shall be
completed and backfilled, including all cable tunnel and cable trench work inside buildings,
before walls are raised above floor levels. All other foundations shall be backfilled within 7
days of completing concreting.
All exposed concrete and the outer surfaces of cable trenches and cable tunnels shall receive
two coats of bitumastic paint before backfilling to reduce ingress of water. The Concrete
surface shall be ground smooth and all air holes etc filled (rubbed down with a cement
slurry) before painting.
The Bidder shall monitor settlement of all foundations each month and report this
settlement to the Engineer until settlement has reduced to less than 1.5mm in 3 months.
The tops of all foundations shall terminate 200 mm. above site average finished surface
level. All exposed edges shall have 20 mm x 20 mm. chamfers.
Excavation shall only be carried out when the ground water table is at least 1000mm below
foundation level. The excavation shall be kept dry during the construction period by
providing sumps and pumps as required. During the rainy season, shelters shall be erected
over all open excavations.
Excavations shall be adequately supported or formed to ensure stability of the sides and
prevent any damage to the surrounding ground or structures. The design of suitable sheet
piling and/or timbering for excavation shall be in accordance with the recommendations of
BS 8004 Section 5.
When the Contractor requested shall submit details of his temporary support to the
Excavation shall not be carried out below or adjacent to existing building foundations until
underpinning and shoring have been completed by the Contractor.
The Contractor shall not permit water to accumulate in any excavation unless otherwise
agreed. Any water whether arising from the excavation or draining into shall be drained or
pumped to an approved location well clear of the excavation area in a manner that does not
cause erosion, silting or contamination of existing drains and watercourses. Before the
method of ground water lowering is selected, adequate knowledge of the ground and water
conditions has to be obtained from the results of a soil investigation and/or information. The
Contractor shall take adequate steps to prevent adjacent ground from being, adversely
affected by loss of fines in any dewatering process.
All backfill shall be compacted to 95% maximum dry density as defined by BS 1377 test
method, 2.5 kg rammer.
Before starting foundation work the Bidder shall clear all sites of trees, tree roots, shrubs,
debris, surplus soil, and any buildings.
Foundations shall be designed to resist uplift, assuming the water table is at ground level
One working pile of control building and one of auto-transformers at each site shall be load
(compression) tested to 150% of design load in accordance with BS 8004. One working pile
of gantry foundation at each site shall be load (uplift) tested to 100% of design load in
accordance with BS 8004.
On fill sites where the depth of fill exceeds 3 metres, the Contractor shall provide piled
foundations in accordance with BS 8004 for substation buildings. One working pile chosen
by the Engineer shall be load tested at each site to 150% of design load in accordance with
BS 8004.
10.3.3 Drainage
The entire surface within boundary walls shall be of uniform sloping site, sloping at 1 in 300
minimum slope to open channels around the entire perimeter. These channels shall be
designed for a rainfall intensity of 60 mm per hour. Outside the boundary wall the Bidder
shall be responsible for drainage up to 20 metres from the wall and will at some sites need to
construct outlets with suitable erosion protection down to paddy level.
The concrete wall of cable trenches shall project at least 50mm. above brick paving level to
prevent run off entering the cable trench. The floors of all cable trenches/tunnels shall be
sloped to soak well as described in 10.3.18 ~ 10.3.20.
The cable trenches will thus form barriers to surface water drainage. If the cut off area
exceeds 30m2 it shall be drained by a 200 mm minimum diameter concrete pipe to the
boundary drain. The Bidder's drainage design shall avoid all ponded water to avoid forming a
mosquito breeding ground.
All drainage pipework within buildings shall be uPVC type, generally of 100mm diameter or
as per requirement. Floor drains shall be placed in each battery room and toilet.
External pipework shall be 150mm. minimum diameter uPVC pipes at a minimum depth of
invert of 700mm. Where pipes, including existing pipes alongside site, are less than 400mm
above adjacent foundations they shall be surrounded in concrete. Where required, drainage
pipes shall be kept below cables, allowing 1.1 m cover to top of pipes.
Manholes shall be of brick construction with 600mm. x 600mm clear openings and airtight
ductile iron covers to BS EN 124. Manholes shall be located at each change of direction.
Minimum fall on all pipelines shall be 1 in 80. Manholes shall not be located in roads.
The Bidder shall be responsible for all negotiations with local authority/WASA where a
connection to a public sewer is proposed. Where high water levels in public sewers may
cause effluent to back up into a site, non return valves shall be fitted. The Bidder shall
provide all protection required to existing sewers and shall deepen foundations, including
boundary wall foundations, where required to ensure all foundations are below adjacent
sewers. The Bidder shall draw longitudinal sections of all pipelines.
Main control building shall be provided with a septic tank designed for 10 users and a
soakaway of open brick construction 11m deep by 2.2m diameter filled with broken bricks.
The septic tank shall be located at least 15 metres from buildings. Other buildings shall have
septic tanks de- signed for the required number of users. All foul drains shall be vented by a
vent pipe to above roof level. The inner surface of all manholes and septic tanks shall be
painted with 2 coats of bitumastic paint to protect it against sulphate attack. The septic tank
shall have access holes directly over the inlet pipes and outlet pipes. Where public sewers
exist alongside a site, the Bidder shall connect directly to the foul sewer, provided effluent
from the sewer is treated.
The Bidder shall construct the drainage first to ensure that at no stage is rainwater ponded on
any part of the site. All rainwater shall be able to run off the site or shall be immediately
pumped off site by the Bidder. The Bidder shall complete all necessary drains before casting
any roof and large concrete area which will create large run off. The condensate drains for the
air conditioning shall also be connected to the drainage. Two vents of minimum height 2.2m
shall be provided on each septic tank.
If a town's water supply is unreliable, the roof rain water shall be collected in an underground
tank of standard Employer's design.
10.3.4 Surfacing
For the whole of the switchyard outdoor equipment area the ground shall be surfaced with
gravel or other readily available local stone as approved by the Engineer. The switchyard
surfacing shall be clean, thoroughly washed when necessary, and free from clay, soil or
contaminating material and shall be graded from 20 45 mm, laid and lightly compacted to a
finished thickness of 175 mm. Below the gravel layer there shall be a 75 mm brick layer with
cement mortar (1:6), laid over a 75 mm level of fine sand spread over the finished fill site.
The substation plot, outside of the designated switchgear equipment areas, shall be turfed.
Turf shall be of good quality, free from weeds and other impurities. Samples of the turf which
is pro- posed to use shall be submitted to the Engineer for his approval. The turfs shall be laid
to even surfaces on a bed of plastic/vegetable soil of 150 mm thickness over Finished Ground
level (FGL), which shall be raked and consolidated to provide a suitable bed.
On sloping surfaces the Bidder shall provide and fix wooden pegs to retain turfs.
All areas to be surfaced shall first be treated with a total weed killer in accordance with the
manufacturer's instructions. Weed killer shall only be applied in dry weather when there is no
risk of it being washed out to adjacent agricultural areas.
10.3.5 Roads
Access road from outside the site boundary to connect to any adjacent public road and all
roads within the site boundary shall be provided by the Bidder. The road surface shall be
finished by concrete paving or equivalent. All roads shall be of reinforced slabs of minimum
150 mm thickness fitted with construction joints at distances not exceeding 8.0 m. Paving
schedule and methodology shall be approved by the Employer. The extent of roads required
is shown approximately on Bid drawings but the scope of the work may change. Road layout
shall generally permit vehicles to turn easily to avoid having to reverse out. Road layout shall
be designed by the Bidder. The bidder shall assess all practical requirements like culvert
construction, removal of any obstacles, permission from local authorities etc. for access road.
All necessary works shall be the bidder's responsibilities.
The road edge shall be formed by Class B concrete kerb 300mm wide by 250mm deep,
placed over one layer of bricks laid flat. The road shall be a Class A concrete slab of average
150mm deep at each edge with 1:50 cross fall and stiff broom concrete finish reinforced with
8mm bars at 150mm centres longitudinally and 8mm bars at 150mm centres transversely
placed 60mm below the upper surface. Expansion and contraction joins shall be detailed on
site plans. Expansion joints shall have oil resisting grade polysulphide sealant. Below the slab
shall be a layer of polythene 0.5mm thick laid over one layer of 1st class bricks laid on edge
in herringbone fashion in and on cement mortar (mortar designation iv) laid over one layer of
1st class bricks laid flat in and on a layer of sand laid on insitu soil which shall be compacted
as agreed with the Engineer. If the soil is clay a 75mm drainage layer of broken bricks shall
additionally be placed over the soil.
The radius of the road edge at corners shall not be less than 3 metres and 1.2 metres either
side of the road shall be kept clear of obstacles. Bollards or raised kerbs shall be provided
where required to protect items alongside a road from vehicles. Ducts shall be provided
below roads for all services in this Contract and for all future services.
Where mortar designations are referred to see BS 5628 Mortar designation iv is 1 cement: 2
Lime: 8 to 9 sand.
At each new substation site a two bay hard standing car port, complete with sun shades, is to
be provided adjacent to the control building.
The Bidder shall be responsible for providing a water supply both for construction and for
operation of the completed sites. If a town's water supply is not available, the Bidder shall
install a deep tubewell of 40 mm minimum diameter and 100 m minimum depth with
necessary pumps including all fittings, pipes etc. as required. But in that case guideline
specified by WHO for drinking water is required to be satisfied. The Bidder shall supply and
commission power supplies and all pumps required by tube wells.
If a town's water supply is available, the Bidder shall be responsible for making all necessary
arrangements with WASA to connect a supply. If the pressure in the supply is inadequate to
supply the roof tank continuously, the Bidder shall install a 1800 litre low level tank and
pumps. This tank shall be below ground with a 200 mm minimum air void around the tank to
protect it from contamination. The pump control panel shall be located in the building. Water
levels shall be controlled by float switches but the panel shall provide also for manual
The supply shall be connected to a 2000 litre food graded plastic tank. This tank shall be
raised 400mm clear of the line terracing on four brick piers of minimum 350mm square. All
supplies in buildings shall be fed from the roof tank. The supply to the tank shall have a valve
at waist height. The tank shall have an overflow returning to the location of this valve. No
pipes shall pass through the roof directly over any room. Pipework shall be routed up the
outside of the building and return pipes shall return down the outside of the building before
entering through the wall. Pipework shall be galvanised steel secured by clamps at 1-5 metre
intervals and painted with alkyd paint to match walls. All pipes should be concealed by
brickworks on vertical walls.
The Bidder shall prepare a drawing of all plumbing and building drainage for each building.
Sanitary fittings and plumbing materials shall generally be of approved local manufacture
In main control building each toilet shall have a single western WC. Each toilet outlet shall
be vented by a 100 mm diameter uPVC vent pipe passing up the outside of the building to
300 mm above roof level. Beside each toilet shall be placed a low level tap. Main control
Building toilets shall also have a wash basin and cold and hot water shower with 10 gallon
capacity geyser for each toilet. Toilets and showers shall have all walls tiled up to the bottom
of false celling.
Every tap and cistern shall have stop cocks in the supply pipe. One external tap shall be
provided on each building. Battery rooms shall be provided with a stainless steel sink of
approximate dimensions 900 × 600 × 200mm with a draining board to one side. The battery
room floor drain shall be connected to the foul drainage. All floor drains shall have P traps.
Mirrors shall be installed over toilet wash basins. Care shall be taken in orientation of toilets
to avoid offending religious sensitivities. Toilets shall generally be orientated North South
where possible. Each shower shall have a wall on two sides and a porcelain shower tray sunk
into the floor. No hot water is required in any control building. Soap dishes shall be provided
beside each shower.
Only foul water from WC pans shall be connected to septic tanks. All other water shall flow
to surface water drains.
The indoor building of substation shall be constructed of steel frames. So the bidder shall
prepare and submit a drawing referring to the following in relation to the installation of the
steel structure:
Wall Bracing arranged in the length direction of the steel structure building. Bracing
shall use to stabilize the entire steel structure frame and ensure the strength of the steel
frame in the length and width directions, bearing wind and horizontal loads on both
sides, and shall transfer these loads to the foundation. Steel Buildings must support to
resist these structural loads to avoid collapse.
The multi-stories steel frame shall be composed of steel beams and columns and shall
withstand vertical and horizontal loads. The frame structure should meet not only the
requirements of strength and stability but also ensure the overall strength of the frame
All topsoil containing roots shall be removed and the in situ soil compacted before placing
backfill. All backfill, including the backfill to column footings, below the floor shall be sand.
The floor and all cable trenches shall be made of Class A concrete. The ground floor slab
shall have a minimum 125 mm thick reinforced Class A concrete furnished with floor tiles
and shall rest on the compacted fill. Below the slab shall be placed a layer of polythene 0.5
mm and a layer of sand khoa (2:3) compaction of minimum 100mm thick, hand rammed to a
smooth upper surface.
All cables from cable trenches shall enter the building over grade beam level, no cable trench
shall be allowed into main control room building. Where power cables traverse a building to
reach a switchgear room on the far side they shall generally be contained within cable tray.
All sand backfill shall be compacted to 95% optimum density and shall be tested. The fill
within a building, above ground level, shall not be placed until all backfill outside the
building is completed. All floor slabs shall have a damp proof membrane of 0.5 mm thickness.
Each control building shall have a ramp at a slope of approximately 1 in 7.5, of 1.5m
minimum width with a Concrete Class A slab of min depth 125 mm with a stiff brush
concrete surface finish, or other agreed non slip surface.
All floors (including verandahs) except for GIS room and battery room shall have 25mm
homogeneous floor tiles topping. All external steps where public access is given to buildings
shall have marble tiles toppings. Elsewhere, concrete surfaces shall be used for all external
floors/steps. Verandahs shall have a minimum 1:50 slope to shed rainwater away from
buildings. Concrete floors and steps shall also be treated with 3coats of Lithurin or other
approved concrete dust proofer.
Verandahs shall have a minimum shed of 1:50 slope to rainwater away from buildings.
If floor tiles are not adequately durable to withstand switchgear movement when rolled out to
the maintenance position, then galvanized steel chequered plates shall be inserted in the floor
to resist the abrasion from switchgear wheels.
Where cables enter the building all ducts and trenches shall be sealed; the ends of all ducts
entering trenches shall be bell-mouthed. The floor shall be screened, the walls finished as per
the schedule of finishes.
No cable basement shall be used. Cables shall enter into the building through ground floor.
GIS room shall have a concrete floor finished by 25mm cement screed in composite method
of construction. To avoid cracks, joint of adequate size are to be made at suitable points.
Screed shall correspond with expansion joints in floor slab. Additional screed joints like sawn
joints, additional expansion joint etc. shall be avoided. To improve the resistance to abrasion
and to reduce dust accumulation, the screed shall be coated with synthetic resin based paint
unless specified otherwise.
Battery rooms shall have a concrete floor sloping to a cast iron floor drain. The concrete
surface shall be treated with Nitocote epoxy resin coating (Nitoflor primer plus two coats of
Nitocote in accordance with Manufacturer's instructions), or similar approved material, to
ensure resistance to battery electrolyte. There shall be no cable trenches in battery rooms.
Cable entrances through the floor shall be protected by a raised plinth 50 mm high around the
opening with the annulus around the cable sealed after installation. The door of the battery
room will open outside the room.
Control rooms and Telecommunication rooms where specified in the bid drawings shall have
a raised floor (Multi access floor). The Contractor shall submit the drawings showing
required details for construction of raised floor for approval by the Employer's
The raised floor shall be made of poly-urethane material having functions of fire resistance,
waterproof and soundproof. Each panel of raised floor shall be installed on the structure
frame. The floor material shall have function to easily accommodate cables, communication
wiring, etc. on its lower part. The floor material shall include the shock-absorbing material
and finishing stuff.
Panel elements shall be produced without fading or peeling on the finishing stuffs and trim by
the injection moulding of finishing stuff with panel elements at the same time. By the
injection moulding, the panel's thickness and the other standard (width, length, thickness,
opposite angle, right angle, flatness angle, etc.) should be precise.
Pedestal elements shall have the function of support for the panel element of raised floor
Shock-absorbing material shall be installed on the top of pedestal elements and prevent any
vibration or impact of the panel elements.
The materials for raised floor shall be as shown below or similar. The details should be
approved by the Employer.
The materials should be kept on the well-ventilated places against rain and direct ray of light.
When transporting and handling the stuffs, the handler should be alert not to be damaged.
The damaged materials have to be taken out. The finishes of stuff have to be stuck in the
panel element.
The floor surface must be dry before construction; also the impurities like dirt and other
obstruction should be removed. The under-structures (Pedestal set) are installed at intervals
of 600mm from the starting point of construction like radial shape. At this time, the under-
structure is fixed strongly on the floor surface by using an adhesive. When each supporting
structure is connected to the frame (stringer), the levelling work shall be done together.
Horizontal angle shall be checked again after the construction is finished.
Panel lifter and other accessories necessary for maintenance shall be provided by the
(e) The removal of any existing surfacing, roads, foundations or any other obstruction.
All material cleared away by the Bidder shall be the property of the Employer and shall be
removed by the Bidder to a site in the Project area upon instructions of the Employer. The
Employer may remove any buildings or structures himself from sites before the
commencement of site works.
The guard house serves for control of entrance. The gatekeeper shall be able to watch the area
before and behind the guard house. The guard house shall be provided with water supply
facilitates and toilet. Small power and lighting facilitates are to be provided in the Guard
The Bidder shall base his design of boundary walls and gates following bid drawing and
subsoil investigation report. Where sites are within existing Employer's boundary walls, the
Bidder shall erect a permanent fence 2.0m high in accordance with BS 1722 part 10 or
similar approved.
10.3.15 Windows
Even natural light shall be provided by windows to illuminate all areas of buildings. Window
area shall be about 6% of floor area to limit solar heat gain. Tops of windows shall generally
be below 2.5 metres from floor level but toilet windows may be higher. The bottom of
windows shall be generally at least 0.45 metres above floor level. Each window shall be
provided with a sunshade projecting about 500 mm from the wall above and at the upper
sides of the window. Few windows shall be placed on south facing walls. Windows shall be
spaced to give a wide view of the switchyard.
Windows shall have single glazing with 6 mm thick glass, reinforced with wire mesh where
windows are placed in or over doors.
Glass panels shall be placed over doors to provide natural light to internal corridors and
rooms where required.
External sills shall have a sloping tile or similar detail with drip.
The Bidder shall prepare a window schedule for each building. The schedule shall clearly
indicate both fixed and opening windows.
The control and switchgear rooms in particular shall have opening windows to allow
adequate ventilation. Approved quality of MS grill shall have to be provided to all windows.
All MS grill will be painted with one coat of red oxide primer and minimum two coats of
approved quality synthetic enamel paint.
10.3.16 Doors
Internal doors and door frames shall be anodised aluminium. Main Entrance/Exit doors and
door frames shall be steel or anodised aluminium..
External doors shall be of aluminium. Fire rated doors shall be in accordance with NFPA 80
and shall be of standard construction. Doors shall be dust-proofed by use of neoprene or other
approved seals.
The minimum size of the structural openings for doors shall be 1550 mm. wide for double
doors and 930 mm wide for single doors. Door height shall generally be 2100 mm but
switchgear and control rooms shall have a removable transom and removable panel over the
door or a taller door to provide a total height of about 2500 mm. All door sizes and widths
shall be adequate to get in and get out all equipment and future equipment.
All external doors shall have weather boards, hydraulic closers and cabin hooks to hold the
door open.
External doors shall open inwards, except for switchgear room doors which must open
outwards and be fitted with panic release latches.
Each door leaf shall have three 150 mm heavy iron hinges equally spaced. Door furniture
shall be of approved local manufacture and shall generally be of brass. All corridor doors,
external doors and toilet doors shall be fitted with hydraulic closers. Door stops shall be fitted
where required. Door frames shall generally be set 200 mm off a wall junction to enable the
door to
All external doors shall be shaded by either the roof canopy or a separate precast concrete
canopy over the top and the upper sides of a door.
The Bidder shall prepare a schedule of all doors and all door furniture for each building.
For the GIS entrance gate at GIS room, the gate shall be electrical motorized horizontal or
vertical door. Before commencement of installing, the contractor shall submit a detailed
his is a Holding
10.3.17 Brickwork
Brickwork shall be designed to BS 5628. External panels of brickwork shall be checked for
wind pressure calculated in accordance with BS 6399 for a wind speed of 160 kph 3 second
Bricks shall be first class bricks from approved Manufacturers. 10 bricks shall be tested in
accordance with BS 3921 to determine water absorption and crushing strength, which shall
exceed 20N/mm2. Mortar shall generally be of Mortar designation (iii), 1: 1: 5 to 6. Cement,
lime, sand.
All brick panels shall be tied to the concrete frame with galvanised ties of approved design.
Ties shall be painted with bituminous paint.
Facing bricks shall be approved quality and size (200 x 62 x 25 mm) from Mirpur ceramics
or similar approved. Facing bricks shall be tied back to the main wall. External walls shall be
minimum 230 mm thick brickwork, rendered internally and clad externally with facing bricks
or rendered as required by the architectural plan.
Bricks shall be compacted down onto a full bed of mortar. Vertical joints shall be completely
filled with mortar. Joints shall be raked out about 10 mm deep where walls are to be rendered.
Brick walls shall be constructed so that tops of all meeting walls are about the same level
with maximum variation of 0.75 m. Only 18 courses per day shall be laid. New work shall be
protected from sunlight and drying winds for 4 days.
Lime and cement for all brickwork shall be stored in a dry building with a raised dry floor.
Reinforcement by mild steel rods shall be provided where required by the design.
Additionally openings over 500 mm. wide shall be reinforced for 2 courses above and below
the opening, two 6 mm. bars per course extending 900 mm beyond the opening both sides
where possible.
All exposed brickwork shall be rendered and painted where not faced with facing bricks.
Expansion joints shall be placed in floors beside all ground floor walls. All filler board shall
be bitumen bound fibre board. Any expansion joints on roofs shall be raised and protected by
a metal flashing.
All expansion joints shall be sealed by polysulphide sealants, applied in accordance with the
Manufacturer's instructions. Sealants shall be oil resisting grade where required. Sealant
colours shall match or blend with adjacent wall colours.
(a) In Switchyards
Cable trench sizes shall be standardised. Layout drawings shall be submitted for each
substation showing layout and size of trenches. No trench shall cross a road; power cables
shall be placed in ducts of minimum 150 mm diameter with bell-mouthed ends. Ducts shall
extend 1500 mm minimum beyond the edge of roads. Spare ducts shall be installed for likely
future development.
Floors and walls of trenches shall be constructed of Class A reinforced concrete of minimum
150 mm thickness, with the external surface painted with two coats of bitumen mastic paint.
Walls and covers shall protrude at least 70 mm above site finish level and the top of the wall
shall be flat with no rebate.
Floors shall be sloped at 1: 150 minimum slopes to brick soak ways placed below the trench
at low points; the volume of each soak away shall be 2.5m 3 per 150m2 of trench.
Covers shall be of reinforced concrete Class A. Each cover weighs less than 55 kg. The
minimum depth shall be 70 mm, with downstand ribs along each side providing a minimum
overall depth of 100 mm. The ends of the cover shall overhang the wall by 15 mm and in the
centre of each end there shall be a hand hole of minimum size 100 mm by 20 mm high. This
hole shall allow air to ventilate the trench so that heat built up in the trench shall be reduced.
No gaps larger than 5 mm shall be left between adjacent covers so that the cables are always
shaded. Cover slabs shall sit squarely and uniformly on the trench walls without the need for
bedding or shims. Because portable fire extinguishers will be rolled over and along trenches,
each cover shall be capable of resisting a 250 kg point load at mid span. The Bidder shall
provide ramps up to the edge of covers in several locations, as agreed on site, to enable the
vertical, thus creating a larger gap at the bottom of adjacent slabs, again to reduce heat
buildup. The upper surface of covers shall have a stiff broom non slip concrete finish. All
sharp edges shall be stoned smooth. Outer edges shall be chamfered.
Longitudinal fire separation walls and transverse fire separation walls as required by the
cable section, may be of brick or reinforced concrete.
(b) In Buildings
No cable trench shall be allowed into main control room building, all cables from cable
trenches shall enter the main control room building over grade beam level.
Inside local control building/SPR, entry of cable trenches may be permitted. The base and
walls of the trench shall be of reinforced Class A concrete of minimum thickness 110mm
with the outside face painted with 2 coats of bitumen mastic paint. Cable trays may be
supported by Unistrut P3300 inserts, or similar approved or drilled anchor bolts.
The building layout shall minimise trench lengths. Where power cables pass through a
building to reach the far side, this shall generally be in a tunnel section. The Bidder shall be
responsible for providing all trenches and ducts in a building, including ducts for outgoing
power cables up to the site boundary and including any pulling pits required.
Trench covers shall be sheets of checkered plate or similar approved or wood fibres
impregnated and compacted in synthetic resin, or a computer flooring composite board.
Trench covers shall be sheets of composite board, PERMALI YA 729 or similar approved,
consisting of wood fibres impregnated and compacted in synthetic resin, or a computer
flooring composite board. The weight of each cover shall be restricted to about 30 kg. The
upper surface shall be skid resistant. Deflection shall be limited to 1/250 of span under a load
of 3kN/m2. Only one thickness of board shall be used to standardize the edge support detail.
The recess to receive the cover shall be protected by steel or brass on the vertical edge and
bedding surface. Covers shall fit snugly around all cables. Where cables enter the building,
all ducts/trenches shall be sealed. Fire/oil barriers shall be required to separate hazardous
equipment. The ends of all ducts entering trenches shall be bell-mouthed.
Any beams used to support large span covers shall be removable. All metal work shall be
painted as specified in the paint section.
All covers shall bed down evenly. Full detailed fabrication drawings shall be provided for all
The Contractor is responsible for all civil works required for the installation of cables.
Main structure of cable tunnel is reinforced concrete and shall be designed enough bearing
capacity caused by some parts of cable tunnel are under heavy equipment. Cable tunnel is
used for cables from the switchyard to main control building.
All cable runs in buildings shall be arranged within the ground floor
Down pipes shall be 100 mm minimum diameter placed on the outside of walls but enclosed
in a brick buttress of facing bricks. One downpipe shall be provided for each 100m 2 of roof
area. The head of the downpipe shall be enlarged to 200 mm diameter and a purpose made
cast iron grill provided over the head. This grill shall be sited in a recess in the roof slab
(a) a small open channel conveying the water to the boundary channel
(b) a pipeline conveying the water off the site. Rainwater shall not be connected to the
septic tank or allowed to discharge directly onto switchyard paving.
The tops of all foundations shall be set at the same level, which shall be raised above the
Finished Switchyard Level (FSL) the purpose of preventing surface water coming into
contact with the equipment structures and holding-down bolts. The distance between the
Finished Switchyard Level (FSL) and the top of foundations shall be at least 200 mm. All
exposed concrete surfaces shall be painted with an acrylic weatherproofed or bituminous
paint, and flat areas shall be sloped to shed water. No base shall permit ponding of water in
any way, and free drainage shall also be possible from all areas inside any grouting.
Bases shall have all recesses for cables and earthing detailed on drawings. The drawings shall
clearly show the orientation of each base and the location of all recesses. Where new
foundations are adjacent to existing foundations; the Bidder shall be responsible for verifying
the extent of the existing foundation and ensuring its stability.
The transformer base, together with its surrounding bund shall form a raft to distribute the
load from the transformer over the entire area within the bund wall. The bund shall extend at
least 700 mm beyond any part of the transformer and its radiators. The level of the top of the
bund and the skids shall be 200 mm above general switchyard level. Skids shall extend to the
edge of the bund. Where separate transformer cooler banks are provided, the cooler banks
shall also be protected by the bund.
50 mm below the top of the wall shall be placed a layer of stone 225 mm deep set on a
galvanised grill painted with two coats of bitumen mastic paint. The effective volume of the
bund below the stone shall equal 125% of the total volume of oil in the transformer and its
Rainwater will tend to collect in the bund. To evacuate rainwater a fixed submersible pump
controlled by sensors and switches (Aqua Sentry or equal) shall be provided at each bund
with power supplies and drainage manhole conveniently located. The bund water control
system shall differentiate between water and oil to ensure that the pump will not be activated
while oil is present in the bund.
The transformer base and the bund shall be founded a minimum 1.0 metres below Finished
Ground Level (FGL).
The skids the walls shall be at least 600 mm wide. RCC piles shall be provided below each
jacking point to lift the transformer. Top level of jacking pad should be at the same level of
skid wall. Steel plates shall be inserted at the top of jacking pad.
The entire concrete surface of the bund and the transformer base which is not buried shall
receive two coats of bitumen mastic paint. Skids shall receive 3 coats of bitumen mastic paint
before being cast in.
A carriage way shall be provided with rail connected with all transformer bases.
Transformers shall be anchored in such a manner so that it can prevent the movement of
transformer for 0.2G ground acceleration.
The Bidder shall construct blast walls to reduce the risk of fire spreading from each one or
three phase transformer unit to an adjacent transformer unit or control building. Blast walls
shall also be constructed to resist impact forces causing from a transformer explosion
Outdoor oil-insulated transformer separation
crit Chapter 5 of NFPA 851.
The height of the blast walls for transformers shall be 500mm higher than the tops of
transformer or same height of the tops of the HV bushing (whichever is higher) and 300mm
wider at both sides than the width of transformer. The minimum thickness of blast walls shall
be 200mm.
The blast wall will be constructed with Class A reinforced concrete with all exposed edges
chamfered, Surface of wall will fare faced concrete and painted as the colour of transformer body.
All paints shall be of approved makes and colours and proven suitability for the prevailing
climate and shall be approved by the Engineer. All surfaces for painting shall be cleaned
down prior to being painted and rubbed down to a smooth finish.
All externally exposed concrete and render of the control buildings, boundary walls, blast
walls and guard posts shall be painted with a fungicide, Snowcem primer and two coats of
Snowcem. All exposed facing bricks and Snowcern painted surfaces shall be treated with one
coat of clear silicone (5%) water proofing solution.
All exposed parts of foundations, the outer faces of cable trenches and cable tunnels shall be
painted with two coats of bitumen mastic paint.
All ungalvanized metalwork shall receive two coats of red oxide paint at least 4 days before
installation and shall receive two finishing coats of paint after installation, each coat being of
different colour. Surface preparation before painting shall be SA 2.5 or an agreed rust
convertor acid shall be used. All galvanized steel, including all brick ties, boundary wall wire
supports, crane beams, and baseplates and holding down bolts and concrete plinths shall
receive two coats of bitumen mastic paint. Galvanized steel shall not be painted until the
surface has weathered.
Internal walls when fully dry shall have the surface rubbed down with sandpaper and be
painted with a sealer and 2 finishing coats of plastic emulsion paint before equipment is
installed. A further finishing coat shall be applied after completion of installation.
One day shall be allowed for drying of each coat before the next coat is applied.
The interior of all septic tanks and manholes carrying foul sewage shall receive two coats of
bitumen mastic paint.
10.3.26 Furniture
The Bidder shall supply a complete set of tables, chairs, stools, desks, benches, storage
shelves and drawing cabinets as described in the Project Requirements with layout top, for
drawing examination, lockable cabinets for spares and test equipment and key boxes in each
These shall generally be of steel of local manufacture and shall be of robust durable
construction. In each toilet two couches, approximately 900mm wide by 1900mm long with
back rests against the wall, shall be provided.
The full details and specification of these materials shall be agreed before purchase. The
Bidder shall arrange for a list of items to be handed over to the Employer, who will sign for
receipt of a complete set as stated on the list.
10.3.27 Concrete
Only two grades of concrete shall be used. Class A shall be used for all structural work, piling
and for all foundations which are not unreinforced massive blocks. Class B concrete shall be
used for blinding, pipe surround and unreinforced or nominally reinforced concrete. Road
slabs and floor slabs shall all be reinforced Class A concrete.
Class A Class B
Minimum cement content 360 kg/m³ 170 kg/m³
Maximum water/cement ratio 0.55 -
Coarse aggregate type Broken stone Jhama brick
Max. coarse aggregate size 200 mm (40 mm piling) 25 mm
Method of batching Volume batching Volume batching
Minimum characteristic of trial: 30 N/mm² -
Mix at 28 days
Minimum characteristic strength 14 N/mm² -
of trial mix at 7 days
Minimum characteristic strength 20 N/mm² -
of works cubes at 28 days
Slump range 30 mm / 100 mm 50 mm min.
(minimum / maximum)
Slump for concrete placed below 150 mm min
water in piling
It should be noted that minimum specified cement content will produce significantly stronger
The Bidder's design shall be based on a 28 day crushing strength of 20N/mm². Design shall
be in accordance with this Contract and BS 8110 or other agreed standard.
For all types of foundation work on Indoor GIS high tensile steel shall be used (minimum
characteristic strength 415 N/mm2) and minimum reinforcement required for pedestals and
foundation bases shall be 0.5% and 0.13% of gross cross sectional area respectively.
Minimum cover to rebar shall be 60 mm where concrete is in contact with backfilled soil
against a shuttered face, 100 mm where concrete is cast against soil, and 30 mm for all above
ground concrete. In detailing bars which traverse a member, a reduction of 5 mm shall be
made for a bent bar and 10 mm for a straight bar to ensure adequate cover. Exposed ends of
sunshades and roof projection shall have 70 mm minimum cover.
All concrete design shall ensure easy access for vibrators of 50 mm. minimum diameter.
Because of the slowness of concreting using local methods of transport, congested
reinforcement details and shapes which are difficult to concrete should not be used. The
location of all cold joints shall be agreed in writing with the Engineer and all joint surfaces
shall be scabbled. All joints shall be horizontal or formed against vertical stop ends. All cold
joints shall be indicated on drawings. Roof slabs shall generally be cast in one continuous
operation. Where curing compounds are used to protect exposed surfaces from solar radiation
and improve moisture retention, they shall be subject to the approval of the Employer. This is
a Holding Point.
The Bidder may use locally available mild steel bars from approved sources or import steel
bars to any agreed standard. No bar or stirrup shall be smaller than 6 mm diameter to ensure
adequate rigidity during concreting.
If locally purchased bars are used, bending tests and tensile tests shall be carried out to ensure
the bars meet the design standard adopted and weight per unit length shall be tested regularly.
Bar bending lists shall generally be shown on drawings, where possible with a diagrammatic
representation of each bar to ensure clarity and ease site communication. The Engineer will
not systematically check the accuracy of every bar on bar lists when approving drawings. The
Bidder shall therefore arrange to check all bar lists. Drawings shall detail all chairs and ties
and include these on bar lists.
Bars shall be tied at every intersection and the ends of tie wire bent away from concrete
Anti-crack bars shall be provided at changes in slab or wall thickness and at the comers of
every rectangular opening.
All brickwork which is not faced with facing bricks shall be rendered. Concrete columns and
walls shall be rendered and painted in accordance with BS 5262 with a 3 mm spatter dash
coat a 12 mm undercoat followed by a 9 mm finishing coat. Surface preparation shall be as
described in BS 5262. Joints shall be provided in all render where brickwork panels abut
concrete columns and grade beams, as required by BS 5262.
A mix type II or III shall generally be used. The finishing coat shall be weaker than the undercoat.
The tops of all foundation blocks and all protruding concrete foundations shall also be
rendered where required by the Engineer.
PVA Bonding agents shall not be used because of the risk of early drying in the tropics. All
concrete surfaces to be rendered shall have the entire surface scrabbled and brushed with a
stiff brush to remove all loose material. The surface of the undercoat shall be roughened to
ensure bonding of the finishing coat.
All render once completed shall be kept continuously damp for 10 days, after which if shall
be treated with a fungicide. Any existing backgrounds shall be treated with a fungicide and
all growth cleaned after 5 days of contact with the fungicide.
10.3.30 Goalposts
In each outdoor switchyard with live conductors crossing roads the Bidder shall erect a
permanent goalpost at the edge of the danger area with red and white metal warning boards
hanging down from the goalpost to warn high vehicles of the overhead danger. This structure
shall conform and match those supporting structures in Section 11 (Volume 2 of 2) of this
Contract for the high voltage switchgear.
In substation buildings a galvanized steel lifting beam shall be provided for hoisting
equipment to all upper floors. The beam shall be fixed permanently in place and shall project
the required distance from the building to lift the largest equipment from road transport.
Beams shall be designed in accordance with BS 2853 and deflection shall be limited to
1/900th of span. An approved (Morris of Loughborough 190 Series with Morris 164
travelling trolley or similar approved) hand wire hoist with hand geared travel and travelling
trolley of capacity to suit the heaviest equipment or future equipment shall be provided on
each beam. The wires shall reach to lorry level and provision shall be made to hang up the
wires to one side when not in use.
Inward opening doors shall close around the beam and be shaped to a close fit.
10.3.32 Stairs
Except where indicated otherwise in the schedules, all single/multi storey buildings shall
have an internal/external staircase up to the roof; the minimum staircase clear width shall be
5395. These staircases shall be enclosed. The design shall allow free circulation of air over
the treads and through the risers. Non slip nosings shall be provided.
Main control building and GIS building shall have one internal and one external staircase,
which shall have a minimum clear width of 2.5 metre with
detailed in accordance with BS 5395. External staircases shall not be enclosed but shall be
completely protected against rain by roof projections; steps shall be open with non slip
nosings. Internal staircases shall have homogeneous floor tiles with non-slip nosings. All
staircases shall be provided with stainless steel railings (38mm dia. for vertical railing &
50mm dia for horizontal railing). In GIS building, provision for a lift of capacity of six (6)
persons should be provided.
All roofs which are not accessible by stairs shall be provided with a galvanized steel fixed
The Bidder shall make provision in the design of the building structure for minimum periods
of fire resistance in accordance with "The British Building regulations 1985 - Part B - Fire -
B2/3/4 Fire Spread.
The minimum periods of fire resistance (hours) shall be related to the maximum dimensions,
i.e height, floor area or cubic capacity, of buildings or compartments of buildings.
For calculating the maximum dimensions the following definitions shall apply:
(a) "Area", in relation to a building, means the area calculated by reference to its finished
internal faces:
(b) "Basement" means a storey of which the floor is at any point more than 1.2 metres
below the finished surface of the ground adjacent to it.
(c) "Floor area" means the aggregate area of every floor in a building or extension,
calculated by reference to the finished internal faces of the walls enclosing the areas,
or if at any point there is no such wall, by reference to the outermost edge of the floor.
(d) "Height" means the height of the building measured from the mean level of the
ground adjoining the outside of the external walls of the building to the level of half
the vertical height of the roof of the building, or to the top of the walls or of the
parapet, if any, whichever is. the higher.
To restrict the spread of fire, certain walls and floors shall be designated as fire compartment
barriers. Fire compartment barriers shall provide complete barrier-to spread of smoke heat
and other products of combustion. The barriers shall have a rating of 2 hours minimum. All
openings in walls/floors for entry/exit of cables shall be sealed with approved fire sealant
rated for minimum 2 hours.
Electrical Overhead Travelling cranes are ideal for higher lifting capacities and large span
widths. EOT to be supplied under this project is intended for Lifting & hoisting of GIS
Switchgear for installation, testing commissioning and Maintenance purpose. The
construction approach is based on beams in longitudinal and transverse direction.
Normally the offer should be as per Technical Specification without any deviation.
(c) Modification
The successful bidder shall also submit the GTP & MQP covering all necessary
information /parameters (electrical & mechanical), routine Testing & quality
Inspection Policy after placement of LOA duly signed with date & company seal for
acceptance of PGCB for approval of manufacturing clearance.
i) EOT Crane of suitable capacity shall be provided for erection & maintenance of
largest GIS component / assembly. The crane shall consist of all special
requirements for erection & maintenance of GIS equipment. The EOT will be fit
for purpose and must come along with load test certificate for all GIS hall
ii) The crane shall be of double girder type with required stiffeners; diaphragms,
suitably designed to carry the load of the crane. The girder shall be so designed
that the deflection of the same with full load at the center shall be maintained
well below L/900 and the Slender- ness Ratio of the compressive flange shall be
within the value as per above standard.
iii) Class of duty shall be class II for structural and class IV for electricals. Control
shall be through independently movable pendant push button station from
operating floor level.
iv) Speed of the hoist shall be 3-4 meter per min and the creep speed through
DCEM clutch and pony geared motor shall be maximum 0.5 meter per min.
v) The height of lift and length of long travel shall be in accordance to the GIS
vi) The end carriage & Trolley frame shall be fabricated with SS Rolled channels
and SS plates, suitable stiffeners and diaphragms shall also be provided.
vii) Antiskid skid chequered plate with suitable maintenance platform for Hoist
Block and long travel drive shall be provided. Sufficiently wide full length walk
way with hand railing should be provided on the girder. Drawing &all other
related document are to be approved from the Employer.
viii) Totally enclosed helical splashed oil bath lubricated gear box shall be used for
all motion. All gear & pinion shall be hardened and tempered alloy steel having
metric module machine cut teeth. The housing shall be graded cast iron / cast
steel or fabricated from steel plates. Fabricated housing shall be stress relieved
before the machining. The gear box shall be oil tight and fitted with oil level
indicator, breather plug, inspection cover and oil drain out plug. The internal
surface of gearbox shall be painted with oil resistant type paint.
ix) Rope drum shall be fabricated form rolled steel plates or seamless tube.
Fabricated rope drum shall be stress relieved before machining. The rope drum
shall be designed for single layer of rope; the helical groove shall be smooth
x) Wire rope shall be regular right hand lay fiber core as per IEC. The construction
of wire rope shall be 6X37 constructions. The factor of safety shall be 6
minimum. Rope sheaves shall be graded cast iron. The rope sheaves shall be
mounted on antifriction bearing.
xi) Lifting hook shall be single point with shank as per IEC. The hook shall be
mounted on antifriction thrust bearing which shall be enclosed by protective
skirt for 360° smooth swivelling of the load on the hook. The block sheaves
shall be fully encased in close fitting guards fabricated out of steel plate.
Smooth opening shall be provided in the guard to allow free movement of rope.
xii) Hook block should be tested and certified with proof load from Govt. accredited
testing authorities. Test certificates for lifting hook shall be furnished during the
xiii) Crane and trolley wheels shall be double flanged, parallel tread rotating axle
type. Wheel shall be mounted on antifriction roller bearing housed on the fixed
axle type wheel for easy removal during maintenance. Wheel shall be carbon
steel and heat treated to 250 BHN minimum.
xiv) Double braking system shall be provided with hoist motion. All breaks shall be
fail safe type; the brake shall be applied automatically by spring when power
supply to the brake is interrupted. The Hoist motion shall have one no
electromagnetic shoe type brake and one electro hydraulic Thruster type brake.
Cross & Long travel shall have also electromagnetic shoe/disc type brake.
xv) Spring loaded buffer shall be provided on all the 4 corner of the carriage &
trolley for Cross & Long travel motion respectively.
xvi) Hoist, Cross travel and long travel motion shall have limit switches to limit
travel for hoist Rotary Gear type switch for over hoisting and over lowering
shall be provided. For hoist motion, one additional back up gravity type limit
switch over hoisting limit switch shall be provided.
For Cross travel & long travel one additional roller lever type limit switch shall
be provided for over travel. Sound-deadening supports shall be provided.
xvii) All electrical motors shall be totally enclosed fan cooled, S4 Duty, Squirrel
Cage Induction Motor. The starting motion of all travel shall be jerking free.
Suitable starting arrangement shall be provided for all LT motor to reduce the
starting current to achieve smooth starting and thereby jerk free operation in all
motions of the crane. Motor shaft shall be connected to the gear box through
gear type flexible coupling.
xviii) The Motors should be controlled by reversing contractor (AC-4 duty) switch
from pendent push button station. All electrical Contractors for inching
operation shall be of AC -4 Duties The effective control & protection of motor
should be through a control system which comprises of heavy duty reversing air
break contractor, 0/L relay with single phase preventer, HRC fuses and control
transformer. These shall be housed in easily removable, dust and vermin proof
fabricated steel panel box.
xix) Pendent push button shall be suspended from crane by link chain so that no
undue stress can come on the cables. The Push button station shall be
independently movable.
Separate cable track with cable trolley etc. shall be provided for the push button
station. The unit shall comprise of push button marked as follows and 1 no.
Indication lamp for control of indication:
(1) Start (2) Emergency stop (3) Up (hoist) (4) Down (lower) (5) Slow down (6)
Slow UP (7) Left -CT (8) Right- CT (9) Forward - LT (10) Reverse LT
xx) PVC shrouded Bus Bar DSL system with spring loaded copper- Carbon current
collector shall be provided. The DSL system shall consist of 4 Nos. Galvanized
M.S PVC Shrouded Bus bars, Inter Support Brackets Current Controller,
indicating lamp and one no MCCB Unit on the bay to isolate the crane power in
case of emergency.
xxi) Suitable PVC un-armored copper cable shall be provided for the power supply
to DSL line from LT Panel board. Cable shall be laid through the cable tray.
xxii) For all equipment earth connection shall be provided by adequately sized
suitable G.l Strip / Wire.
xxiii) The successful bidder shall have to provide MS step ladder suitably placed in
the GIS room for access to the girder as per direction of the Department and
manufacturer's recommendation.
The hoist motion shall be provided with VVVF drive with squirrel cage motor.
i) The unit shall be of pulse with modulation (PWM) type with the open loop
frequency control to keep the ratio of voltage to frequency (v/f) constant
throughout the speed range to maintain constant motor torque or vector control
for closed speed with or without encoder feedback.
ii) The unit shall comprise incoming ACB / MCCB with positive isolation
contactor, line chock, three phase diode bridge rectifier acting as line converter
and three phase inverter as load converter interconnected through DC link
reactor and capacitor unit.
iii) The PWM inverter shall have fully digital microprocessor based regulation and
control system as well as field level instrument and signals as applicable. The
microprocessor shall carry out all the functions required from the unit including
triggering, protection, self-diagnostics and operation interface.
iv) The unit shall be housed in enclosed, self-supporting dust and vermin proof
cubicle and suitable for temperature, vibration etc prevailing in the crane.
The crane supplier shall put up the crane for inspection at his Works as well as at site
and the following tests shall be carried out by him in the presence of the Purchaser or
his authorised representatives:
i) Dimensional check:
All the dimensions of the crane shall be checked as per the approved general
arrangement drawings. Diagonal measurement of the crane and trolley shall also
be carried out in the fabrication shops before dispatch to site.
v) Speed tests:
All the motions of the crane shall be tested with rated load and the rated
speeds shall be attained within the tolerance limits.
All the motions of the crane shall be tested with 25% overload in which case
the rated speeds need not be attained but the crane shall show itself capable
of dealing with the overload without difficulty.
ix) Insulation and other tests as per applicable codes shall be carried out.
Note: The supplier will provide an EOT that is fit for purpose with a load test
certification for all equipment in the GIS hall.
i) The detailed general arrangement drawing containing all basic dimensions and
vital particulars of the crane. These drawings should indicate the main
specification, number and location of joints provided on the girder plates, CT
rails etc. structural members, if asked for by Purchaser.
ii) General arrangement drawing of the trolley
iii) Calculation, drawings of main load carrying Motor power & brake selection
iv) Cabin layout drawing showing location and mounting of all equipment.
All the equipment shall be carefully packed for transport in such a manner that it is
protected against the climatic conditions and the variations in such conditions that will
A lift shall be provided for GIS hall & Control building when the no. of floor exceeds the
standard two floor heights i.e., 6m
(a) General
Lifts and escalators must be fully compliant with the applicable standards and
regulations, in particular:
ANSI/ASME A 17.1 code
the European EN81 code
Bangladesh National Building Code 2011
the basic regulations on fire prevention,
No point in the building may be more than 50 m away from a lift or escalator.
For security reasons, persons moving from the indoor car parks to the upper floors of
the building must exit the lifts on the ground floor. A bank of lifts must be provided to
link the parking floors with the ground floor or reception floor.
All lifts must be accessible to persons of reduced mobility. Lift lobbies must be fitted
with a special button for such persons, to slow the opening and closing of doors. In
the event of fire, access to the lifts must be separated from the rest of the building by
automatically closing fire doors which create a buffer zone, except on the ground floor.
peak periods,
priority calls from the busiest floors,
exceptional measures.
The lifts must be electrically operated. To save space, electric lifts of the type that have no
machine room may be used. Electric lifts with machine room is also acceptable.
Minimum speed: 1.6 m/s. For goods and hydraulics lifts, the speed must be
determined by special study.
Car acceleration and deceleration: no more than one meter per second.
Standard capacity criteria (people per m²) are given in Section, table 8.4.1 of
BNBC 2011
i) Drive system
Stopping precision must be ±5 mm from floor level. The brake must not be applied
until after the car has completely stopped in order to maintain this precision.
The control system must use the latest technology (microprocessor-based, etc.),
allowing computerised control of the operation, in particular:
speed of travel,
acceleration and deceleration,
travel time between floors,
car position,
direction of travel of the cars,
continuous traffic analysis,
waiting times,
load capacity,
assignment of lifts in response to calls,
energy consumption,
general condition of the system,
alarm signalling,
status of the doors and opening/closing times,
total operating time,
number of trips,
statistics on use and down time (breakdowns, repairs, maintenance),
tracebility of events and the use of override mode.
Each individual bank of lifts (if any) must be controlled by its own control
system, capable of calculating the comparative ability of each lift to respond to
each call. This calculation, which the system must be able to perform at least
five times per second, must allow each call to be answered by the lift that can do
so most efficiently without detracting from passenger convenience, energy
efficiency or the operation of the other lifts in the group.
The control system must also take account of three other types of parameter for
the purposes of optimising the service in real time:
iii) Cars
The lift car must meet the specifications of European standard EN 81-70 Lift
cars must be made entirely of metal. No combustible materials are acceptable.
Permissible materials: A1, A2 or B (EN 13501), or A0 or Al (NBN S21-203).
Minimum size: horizontal clearance 0.90 m, height 2.10 m, width 1.10 m, depth
1.40 m, load capacity of at least 450 kg (minimum 6 persons) and compliant
with the accessibility standard for people with reduced mobility.
The panel must match the car decor. It must have a protective cover made of
transparent material.
Hooks placed around the edge of the car interior near the ceiling, for hanging
protective covers on. The hooks must be positioned at the same intervals in
all lifts in the same block or compartment of the building.
One set of protective covers per block or compartment of the building. These
covers must be sufficiently durable to protect the walls of the car when it is
used to transport equipment.
Two rows of shock absorbers must be fitted at the bottom of service lift cars.
The car doors must be fitted with a mechanism to ensure that they open quickly
on arrival at a floor An infrared detection system, creating a protective area
covering the whole height of the door, must be installed between the car door
and the hoistway doors. If a person or any other obstacle is detected, the door
must be set to reopen fully. It must then close again after a pre-set delay.
v) Hoistway doors
The hoistway doors must be telescopic sliding gates. The entire mechanism
must be fire-resistant as defined in standard NBN 713-020.
On each floor an arrow must light up and a gong must sound to announce the
arrival of a lift car. The gong must sound once for a lift going up and twice for a
lift going down.
An alarm sounder must be placed in the main reception area, with a display
showing the location of the car from which it is triggered (via the alarm button
in the car).
For the purposes of evacuations, the location of the emergency lifts for the fire
brigade and for evacuation must be indicated by a pictogram sign showing the
appropriate direction, level with the key-switch in the lift lobby.
The system of guide rails and cables must guarantee continuity of guidance and
optimum smoothness of operation. There must be sufficient guide shoes to
guarantee the safety of the whole system and ensure it is perfectly aligned.
The hoistway must be provided with lighting, with an indicator light in the
machine room.
Audible and visual alarms indicating the need to evacuate the building must be
installed in the hoistway and machine room; they must be audible and visible
from all parts of the hoistway. The audible alarms must have the same sound as
the building evacuation alarms.
Drip trays must be placed under the guide rails to catch surplus oil.
A separating grille at a height compliant with health and safety legislation must
be placed in the pit, between the lift cars.
A fire detector must be installed in the hoistway.
The floor and walls of the machine room must have smooth, regular surfaces
and be painted.
All Lift Motor Rooms locks shall be suited onto the Employer's master system.
The Employer shall provide details as required.
All doors accessing Lift Motor Rooms are to be clearly labelled with B.S
warning signs. Within the Motor Room an Electric Shock Notice shall be
installed. Within the Motor Room adequate Rubber Matting shall be installed.
Within the Motor Room an RCD protected 13 Amp socket outlet shall be
installed. The Motor Room shall be heated by Tubular heaters. An extract fan
shall be installed within the Motor Room, and it shall be thermostatically
controlled to suit the heat output of the lift equipment. Motor Room lighting
shall be twin, 1500mm Lud type fittings which incorporate level. The level of
illumination in a power failure shall be a minimum of 50 Lux to floor level
A shaft Lighting switch shall be installed with engraved identification above the
installed for the emergency shaft lighting with engraved identification above the
adjacent to the
machine in a position where it is readily accessible. The switch will be wired
into the safety circuit to isolate the motor. The stop switch shall be fitted with a
The traction and diverter sheaves (and overhead pulleys) shall be fitted with a
suitable, removable guard in full compliance with EEC Machinery Directives,
and the PUWER and LOLER Regulations. All guards shall be easily removable
without the need for tools to allow easy access for maintenance. A wall mounted
wooden cabinet 1000m.m high x 500m.m wide shall be fitted in the motor room
A Tool board shall be fitted in all lift Motor Rooms and it shall comprise of the
following minimum equipment:
Release keys
Winding Wheel
Log card
Hand Winding instruction
Hatchways in motor rooms shall have chequer plate finish with the Safe
Working Load marked. A handrail/ barrier shall be fitted around the hatch.
Designers and installers shall ensure safe access and egress to the motor room
this shall be demonstrated to the Employer at handover.
The system must, as a default, send at least the following information to the
Substation control centre by zero potential contact:
Each lift system must be equipped with a system for recording its usage, either
using a trip counter or by a remote control system.
Lifts serving both upper and underground floors must be secured to prevent un-
authorised access to the building from the underground floors.
For this purpose, instead of simple call buttons, the underground lift lobbies
must be provided with secure pushbutton locks equipped with indicator lights.
The same type of secure pushbutton must also be installed instead of simple
down call buttons in the reception desk lift lobby for calling lifts to access the
upper floors.
In the lift car, the buttons for the underground floors on one of the control panels
must be replaced by the same type of pushbutton locks equipped with indicator
The control buttons for the underground floors on the second control panel will
remain and be deactivated during normal operation. Reactivation from within
the lift car will be possible solely by use of a KABA 300 reservation key.
The acceptable equivalent sound pressure level without fan or air conditioning in
operation is 55 dB(A). The fan when running shall have a noise level not greater than
58 dBA measured at a distance of 1 m from the fan.
Shall conform to all safety conditions as stated in BNBC 2011, clause 4.2.2.
(f) Testing
Tests shall be carried out to determine the operational and safety conditions of lifts.
i) the motor, brake control equipment and car leveling mechanism function
ii) the door operation is proper and door locking devices function properly,
iii) the car raises and lowers rated load,
iv) the car achieves at least the rated speed,
v) the lift motor can be overloaded up to a minimum of 10% above the rated
vi) the safety gear stops the car with the rated load in case of over speed and/or over
travel etc.,
vii) the buffers function properly, and
viii) the safety gear operate and keeps operation of the lift suspended in case of the
lift car is loaded above its maximum capacity
(g) Handover
The Engineer shall be notified prior to any new lift being put in to service. At
handover 2 copies of the Operation and Maintenance Manual and an electronic copy
The Operation and Maintenance Manual shall include as a minimum the following:
(h) Maintenance
The vendor must offer major & non-major maintenance to the Employer on monthly
basis. Cost of first two (02) years Annual Maintenance Cost (AMC) shall be included
in the bid price. For the rest of the time, Employer shall ponder of the Maintenance.
For quality & Maintenance requirement, the lift shall be supplied from Europe, Japan
or Korea. However, the Vendor must have local support center in Bangladesh to avail
the 24/7 maintenance service. Spare parts & sufficient technical staff must be
guaranteed for 24 hours service.
10.4.1 General
At all stages in the production, mixing, placing and curing of concrete, the work will be
inspected by the Engineer's representative. If any material, dimension or practice is not at
least equal to the standards set out herein, it shall be rejected and alternatives compliant with
the said standards, and in addition to the satisfaction of the Engineer, shall be implemented.
10.4.2 Aggregates
All aggregates shall be free of harmful quantities of organic impurities, clay, silt, salt or
unsound particles. The amount of clay, silt and fine dust present in aggregate, whether as
coatings or separate particles, may not be more than:
If the Engineer considers that any aggregate which the Bidder proposes to use contains an
excess of fine particles or any harmful substances, the Bidder shall either replace the
aggregate or, at his option and entirely at his expense, institute a series of approved tests at an
approved laboratory to determine the nature and extent of the fine particles and harmful
substances. Following receipt by the Engineer of the results of the analysis and tests, he will
advise the Contractor in writing whether the proposed aggregate may or may not be used.
The Engineer's decision in this respect shall be final.
Tests to determine the extent of impurities or fine particles shall include (but shall not be
restricted to) the relevant tests specified in BS 882:1992, ASTM. C40-79 (Colorimetric test)
and ASTM. C33-82.
10.4.3 Sampling
At least four weeks before he envisages first receiving aggregate from any source the Bidder,
in the presence of the Engineer, shall obtain samples for testing. Samples shall be taken in
accordance with the procedure quantities laid down in BS 812 and shall be subjected to those
tests which the Engineer considers necessary to demonstrate the soundness of the material.
Such tests shall be carried out in an approved manner at the Bidder's expense and may
include the manufacture, both in the laboratory and at site, of test cubes or cylinders to
determine crushing strength.
10.4.4 Grading
The Bidder shall ensure that his offer includes the full cost of obtaining and transporting
suitably graded stone aggregates to site.
Grading of aggregates should, together with the required minimum cement content and water
cement ratio, ensure adequate durability, density and characteristic strength of the finished
concrete. The Bidder shall submit in writing to the Engineer the make-up of the mix he
proposes to use, together with the grading analysis for the particular material and any details
concerning his or others' experience with the use of aggregate obtained from the same source.
10.4.5 Cement
Ordinary Portland Cement shall comply with BS 12. The Bidder may obtain cement, bagged or in
bulk, from any approved source in Bangladesh but shall always submit sufficient samples from
each delivery, as required by the Engineer, to ensure that all cement complies with the minimum
requirements of BS 12. All cement shall be stored in a weather tight shed at least 300 mm off the
floor. Regular checks shall be made on the weight of cement in each bag.
10.4.6 Water
All water used in the preparation of concrete for foundations shall be clean, fit for drinking
and free from all earth, vegetable matter and alkaline substances, whether in solution or in
suspension, and shall comply with BS 3148.
10.4.7 Reinforcing
Where reinforcing is specified in any foundation design, it shall comply with BS 4449 or an
approved similar standard. Before any reinforcing is used, the Bidder shall provide the
Engineer with a certified mill certificate, verifying its grade and quality, and proof test such
samples as the Engineer considers necessary. All reinforcement shall be clean and free from
loose mill scale, dust, loose rust and paint, oil or any other coating which in the opinion of
the Engineer may destroy or reduce bond.
10.4.8 Storage
The Bidder shall ensure that all the materials he provides for the preparation of concrete shall be
stored in a manner which prevents contamination by dust, clay, water or any other harmful material.
Heaps of coarse and fine aggregate shall be separated by at least one metre.
Where aggregate is tipped directly onto the ground, the bottom 20 cm of the heaps shall not
be used. Bagged cement shall be protected from rain, mixing water or damp soil during
storage/transport. Cement from accidentally split or damaged bags shall not be used.
Where the Engineer considers it necessary, special precautions shall be taken to ensure that
aggregate stored on site shall remain dust free. Such precautions may include the bagging of
aggregate at the pit if sites are adjacent to dusty roads or if heavy rain is liable to wash out
fine material or saturate the aggregate to an extent which might influence the water content of
a mix.
Where the Bidder establishes central depots for receiving cement prior to dispatch to
individual sites, he shall ensure that the cement storage areas are sufficiently raised above the
surrounding ground to prevent contamination of the cement by surface water. The material
from which storage plinths are made shall be approved by the Engineer.
Prior to ordering any aggregate the Bidder shall inform the Engineer of the source(s) of his
aggregates and deliver samples to the Engineer. The Bidder will authorise at an approved
laboratory tests to show the sieve analyses, relative densities, moisture content of the samples
of aggregate from each source. At least four test specimens of concrete shall be mixed at an
approved laboratory and tested after 7 and 28 days. The contractor shall be entirely
responsible for the control of the quality of concrete mixed and placed. Before the
commencement of any concrete design mix, the Contractor shall submit to the Engineer the
details of the material used, source of the supply, storage and quality control requirements,
a Holding Point.
Depending on the moisture content of the samples of aggregate the Contractor will report to
the Engineer on the expected water/cement ratio and the aggregate/cement ratio of concrete
to be produced on site.
Following the successful testing of the laboratory samples the Contractor shall make trial
mixes at site (from which he will take at least 4 test specimens) using the proportions advised
to the Engineer (and in the presence of the Engineer) and using the equipment he intends to
use in the normal day to day manufacturing of concrete. This is a Holding Point. The
minimum 28 day crushing strength of any such test specimen shall be not less than 20 N/mm 2.
After successful testing of the test specimens made at site, the Engineer may then approve the
source(s) of aggregate and the mix design.
No changes to the approved mix design will be permitted unless the type or source of
aggregate differs from those already tested, in which case further tests at both the laboratory
and at site will be made.
Any concrete placed which does not conform to the approved mix designs, shall be removed
and replaced by the Contractor at his own cost
Proportions of aggregates and cement and the quantity of water for each batch of concrete
shall be closely monitored by an experienced mixer operator. Aggregate shall preferably be
weight batched but, where this is not possible, volume batching shall be permitted, provided
that the net volumes of the loading equipment are approved by the Engineer. Containers for
measuring quantities of water shall be clearly marked and only approved quantities of water
shall be used in the manufacture of concrete.
Mechanical mixers shall be in good condition and well maintained. After loading, the
constituent parts of the concrete shall be mixed together for a period of not less than two
minutes or 30 revolutions of the barrel, whichever is the greater. For mixers with a capacity
greater than 1.5m3 these periods may be increased if the Engineer so requires.
When the constituents are adequately mixed, the fresh concrete shall be discharged from the
mixer and placed in the foundation with the minimum of delay. Chutes shall be used to
ensure that fresh concrete is not dropped by more than 1.5 metres.
No concrete shall be placed until all form work, installation of parts to be embedded, and
preparation of surfaces involved in the placing have been approved. No concrete shall be
placed in or through water, except with the written permission of the Engineer, and the
method of depositing such concrete shall be approved by the Engineer.
Concrete shall not be placed in running water and shall not be subjected to the action of
running water until after the concrete has hardened for seven days. All surfaces of forms and
embedded materials that have become encrusted with dried mortar or grout from concrete
previously placed, mud or other foreign material, shall be cleaned of all such refuse before
the surrounding or adjacent concrete is placed. Immediately before placing concrete, all
surfaces of foundations upon or against which the concrete is to be placed shall be free from
standing water, mud and other foreign matter. The surfaces of concrete which have set, and
against which new concrete is to be poured, shall be thoroughly cleaned to remove all foreign
material and laitance, and be saturated with water immediately before placing concrete.
Concrete shall be deposited continuously and as rapidly as possible until the unit being
poured is complete. If for any reason the work is stopped before completing the unit of
operation, a construction joint shall be installed in accordance with the instructions of the
Engineer. Concrete shall be so deposited as to maintain, until the completion of a unit, a
plastic surface approximately horizontal.
The method and equipment used for transporting concrete shall be such that concrete having
the required composition and consistency will be delivered as near as practical to its final
position without segregation or loss of slump. All concrete mixing and placing equipment and
methods shall be subject to approval by the Engineer. Concrete placement will not be
permitted when, in the opinion of the Engineer, weather conditions or other pertinent factors
prevent proper placement and consolidation.
Bidders are reminded that, as a minimum standard, the following series of inspections should
be carried out by the Contractor before concreting can begin:
(a) Formwork coated with mould oil and correct in type, quantity and condition
(b) Centre lines of template to coincide at the centre peg
(c) Formwork to be well strutted and correctly located
(d) Vibrator to be in working order
(e) Mixer to be in working order
(f) There is provision to maintain continuous mixing and pouring, by hand if necessary,
in the event of a mixer breaking down
(g) Where necessary, re-bar is on site ready bent and complete with tie wire, stirrups and
concrete or plastic preformed spacer packs
(h) A reliable level is at hand
(i) There is sufficient aggregate, cement and water to complete the pour
(j) Excavations are safe and not cluttered around the top edges
(k) The mixer barrel is clean, and the paddles are complete and in place and the barrel
will rotate at the speed specified by the Manufacturer
(l) A suitable chute is in place
(m) Both an air thermometer and concrete thermometer are on site
(n) There is a large quantity of hessian sacking at hand
Where any of the above items are not complied with, the Engineer may suspend concreting
pending their implementation.
Samples shall be taken and tested in accordance with BS 1881. Testing shall be carried out by
an approved laboratory, who shall arrange to immediately notify the Contractor and the
Employer in writing of any cube failure. Failed cubes shall be kept for reference.
Concrete for the test specimens shall be taken at the point of deposit. To ensure that the
specimens are representative of the concrete, a number of samples shall be taken from
different points. Each sample shall be large enough to make one test specimen and shall be
taken from one point in the work.
The tests specimens shall be stored at the site at a place free from vibration, under damp
sacks for 24 hours + 1/2 hour, after which time they shall be removed from the moulds,
which are to be sent to a laboratory for testing shall be packed for transit in damp sand or
other suitable damp material, and shall reach the laboratory at least 24 hours before test. On
arrival at the laboratory, they shall be similarly stored in water until the date of the test.
One compression plate of the testing machine shall be provided with a ball seating in the
form of a portion of a sphere, the centre of which coincides with the central point of the face
of the plate. Test specimens shall be placed in the machine in such a manner that the load is
applied to the sides of the specimen as cast.
Cube strengths for concrete are to be not less than 14N/mm 2 within seven days after mixing
and 20N/mm2 within 28 days after mixing.
One cube shall be tested at 7 days to obtain an indication of the concrete strength. The
remaining three cubes shall be tested at 28 days and the average of their strengths shall be
calculated. Should the average of the cube strengths fall below the specified 28 days cube
strength, the Engineer may order the affected concrete to be removed and replaced at the
Contractor's expense, or the Engineer may allow the Contractor to take a cylinder for further
testing in accordance with BS 1881, if Schmidt Hammer readings indicate below strength
The diameter of the cylinder shall be not less than three times the size of the maximum
aggregate and its length will be at least double the diameter, after allowing for preparation
and facing prior to the test. Both a report and compression test will be completed for the
sample in accordance with BS 1881. Only one such test will be permitted from any one
sample and if the crushing strength of the sample is in excess of that required by the design
the Engineer may, after the Bidder has made suitable repairs to the part disturbed by taking
the sample, accept the concrete.
In addition to cube sampling, 30% of concrete pours shall be tested by Schmidt Hammer. The
Con-tractor is to pay for all remedial work and testing. Readings shall be taken at locations
agreed with the Engineer and shall be witnessed by the Engineer. At least 15 readings shall be
taken such that, after discarding the highest and lowest, some 12 readings remain from which
the mean shall be calculated.
Readings shall be restricted to the middle third of a beam, slab or column and shall not be
closer than 50 mm to an edge or closer than 50 mm. to any other readings. Immediately on
completion of hammer testing, the concrete surface shall be painted to seal it with two coats
of snowcem primer.
10.4.12 Formwork
Formwork shall conform to the shape, lines and dimensions of the concrete as called for on
the Plans and shall be sufficiently strong to carry the dead weight of the concrete without
undue deflection or bulging, and sufficiently tight to prevent leakage of mortar. It shall be
properly braced and tied together so as to maintain position and shape. Members used in
forms at exposed surfaces shall be dressed to uniform thickness and shall be free from loose
knots or other defects. Joints in forms shall be horizontal or vertical. At all unexposed surfaces
and rough work, undressed timber may be used. Timber reused in shutters shall have nails
withdrawn and surfaces to be in contact with concrete thoroughly cleaned before being reused.
Formwork shall not be disturbed until a minimum of 48 hours has passed from time of placement
and concrete has hardened sufficiently to support any construction loads that may be imposed
when stripping forms, metal wedges or tools shall not be used to pry panels loose. If wedging is
necessary, it shall be done with wood wedges lightly tapped to break adhesion.
All columns and beams will have exposed edges chamfered 20 mm x 20mm.
Steel reinforcing bars shall be positioned in the concrete at the places shown on the drawings,
or where reasonably directed by the Engineer.
Before reinforcing bars are placed in position, surfaces shall be cleaned of heavy flaky rust,
loose mill scale, dirt, grease and all foreign matter. Once in position, reinforcing bars shall be
maintained in a clean condition until they are completely embedded in concrete. Reinforcing
bars shall have at least the minimum concrete cover shown on the drawings. Reinforcing bars
shall be accurately placed and secured in position, such that they will not move during
placing of concrete. Precast concrete block spacers may be used for supporting reinforcing
The vibrator shall be inserted to the full depth of the layer being treated and withdrawn
slowly. When concrete is being placed in layers, the tip of the vibrator shall extend
approximately 100 mm. into the underlying layer. Vibrators shall not be used to move
concrete horizontally. Care shall be exercised to avoid over-vibration of the concrete and
direct contact between the vibrator and reinforcing shall be avoided.
For foundations where excavations are to be backfilled immediately following the striking of
shutters, the concrete is to be thoroughly wetted before backfilling commences. Where
shutters are to be struck and backfilling of the excavation is not to take place immediately, the
concrete is to be covered with wetted hessian sacking and be enclosed in polythene sheeting
to avoid rapid drying of the concrete.
(a) In hot weather suitable means shall be provided to shield the aggregate stockpiles
from the direct rays of the sun or to cool the mixing water/aggregates to ensure that
the temperature of the concrete when deposited shall not excee
(b) In hot dry weather suitable means shall be provided to avoid premature stiffening of
concrete placed in contact with hot dry surfaces. Where necessary the surfaces,
including reinforcement, against which the concrete is to be placed shall be shielded
from the rays of the sun and shall be sprayed with water to prevent excessive
absorption by the surfaces of water from the final concrete.
The contractor shall submit to the Engineer a comprehensive method statement giving
sequential details of his proposed installation method and include his intended program. The
method of statement shall include the following details, but not limited;
The contractor to ensure the preservation of topsoil of proposed substation site. In general,
the topsoil is fertile and loss of topsoil has a long-term environment impact. Excavate the top
soils (minimum 0.5 m thick) of the proposed site and storage at suitable corner prior to start
filling. After filling the site, the topsoil should be respread for using on the open surface, site
boundary/road side slopes and in areas to be landscaped.
Prior to the commencement of construction, the contractor along with the PGCB officials will
conduct the joint survey in the proposed substation site to confirm the layout plan and ensure
required land area for installation of equipment and construction of civil work (transformers,
buildings, access road, transmission structures etc.) with necessary clearances for electrical
Land development work shall be carried out by dredged filling material or by carried
earth/viti sand using the following methods:
(a) Land development work shall be carried out by dredged filling material or by carried
earth/viti sand using the following methods:
(b) The quoted rates are inclusive of all the costs for supply of materials and hire charges
for equipment and accessories etc. required to execute the works by the Contractor.
(c) Before land filling, The Contractor has to construct necessary dyke/embankment for
protection the developed land.
(d) The rates are inclusive of all the royalties, taxes, VAT, octroi etc. to be paid to Govt. &
semi-Govt. Organization or to any person for the earth borrowed from.
(e) If the Contractor uses the land beyond the control of the Employer, the cost/hire
charges, octroi etc. so required will be paid by the Contractor for carrying, laying &
installation of equipment, tools & pipes etc. over that land.
(f) The Contractor is responsible to obtain the permission/approval from the competent
authority for the works as mentioned in clause no. (d) & (e) above.
(g) The Contractor shall execute the pre-work measurements jointly with the
representative of Employer for the area to be filled prior to start the land development
(h) The Contractor, along with his bid shall furnish the detailed procedure of whole works
with a list of manpower, tools & equipment required to execute the same. He shall, if
the proposal is by dredged filling also show in the drawing location of the river bed to
be dredged and the route of pipe lines from the dredging point to the filling area.
(i) The Contractor shall clean and remove the unspecified & the unsuitable materials
which do not mix with the earth at his own cost and responsibility.
The work may be increased or decreased as per site requirement and no extra price
escalation by the contractor for such increase of work shall be entertained.
(j) The Contractor will arrange the testing of the samples of the fill materials &
compaction tests of developed areas by Laboratory approved by employer. The cost of
any or all such tests shall be borne by the Contractor.
(k) The Contractor shall protect & maintain all the materials, equipment etc. against any
theft or damage etc. at his own cost until the final executed works are handed over to
the Employer.
(l) After 30 days of completion of the land development work, the contractor will arrange
the joint survey (Post-work measurement) along with the employer representative.
The quantity of land development shall be calculated by the contractor and checked
by the employer according to this joint post-work measurement and the pre-work
measurement taken prior to start the work (as mentioned in clause no.(g)). The rates in
the schedule are inclusive of all surveys/pre & post-work measurements.
(m) The security of the equipment and materials used and the safety of the personnel
engaged in the work shall be at the risk and responsibility of the Contractor.
These rooms shall be protected by Cabinet Type of Automatic Fire Extinguisher system. The
system shall consist of all equipment required for directing the FK-5-1-12 gas discharge at a
fire including, but not limited to, cylinders and necessary piping, a flexible hose along with a
jet nozzle. The effective reach of FK-5-1-12 gas jet release shall be sufficient to fight small
fires that could develop in the installation room area. The Bidder shall calculate the amount
of gas required for each installation room and submit the results. Fire extinguishers shall be
placed in a strategic locations in consultation with project engineers. The Bidder shall
provide the fire/heat detector and fire extinguishers for these rooms. The details of
installation for the fire/heat detector and fire extinguishers shall be provided to the Employer
for an approval.
These areas shall be protected by a portable dry type ABC powder fire extinguisher system.
The system shall consist of all equipment required for directing the dry ABC powder
discharge at a fire including, but not limited to, a wheel carriage (only for 15kg capacity)
loaded with portable cylinders and necessary piping and a flexible hose along with a jet
nozzle and pressure gauge. The extinguisher material shall be non-explosive, non-hazardous,
non-corrosive, non-toxic. The effective reach of jet release shall be sufficient to fight small
fires that could develop in an outdoor switchyard, cable room and storeroom area. Fire
extinguishers shall be placed at strategic locations as per the instructions of the Project
Engineer. In addition, sand buckets shall also be provided, with a metal frame for hanging
buckets and shall be placed at locations directed by project engineer. The quantities of
extinguishers at each new substation are given in Table-1:
Table-1: The quantity of fire extinguisher shall be provided at each new substation as follows:
Sl No Description
Korerhat Mirsharai
1 ABC dry powder type:
5kg 2 Nos for each Room 2 Nos for each Room
15kg 2 Nos for 400/230 kV 2 Nos for 400/230 kV
(including wheel carriage) Transformer site Transformer site
1 Nos for 400/132 kV 1 Nos for 400/132 kV
Transformer site Transformer site
1 Nos for Sh.R site
2 Sand bucket with metal One(1 )set with 5 buckets One(1) set with 5 buckets
To protect the elevated GIS crossing the road in the substation, the Height Restriction barriers
shall be installed and restriction height shall be five (5) metre. The installation location shall
be installed in an appropriate location referring to the layout of the substation. The material
shall be of steel and shall be capable of disassembling and assembly, depending on the
Korerhat Mirsharai
Number of Installations 5 4
Bidders shall provide landscaping and greenery facilities in some areas in substation to
relieve mental stress and develop emotions for substation workers. Landscaping and greenery
area shall be approved by Engineer under the Bangladesh Environmental Act. All trees and
shrubs shall be designed to withstand the tropical climate with minimal maintenance. Also,
planting should be avoided below the transmission line and around the transformer and GIS
A closed-circuit television (CCTV) system shall be provided for colour video surveillance
capability around the substation. The effectiveness of the surveillance system shall be
sufficient to support identification of individuals.
All CCTV equipment shall be of industrial quality and shall be of a type which has been
specifically designed and manufactured for use in 100% duty cycle video surveillance
systems. Domestic-type CCTV equipment will not be accepted.
1) General
The CCTV control panel shall be mounted on a separate CCTV control desk in the control
room. Two colour monitors identical to those used for the SCADA workstations shall be
mounted at the rear of the CCTV control desk. The CCTV control desk shall be identical in
finish to that used for the SCADA operator workstations. The CCTV control panel shall
incorporate a CCTV system controller and an individual camera controller. It shall also
provide facilities for CCTV system management and configuration.
The normal mode of operation of the CCTV system shall be to operate the camera stations in
accordance with pre-programmed pan/tilt/zoom/focus sequences that are stored within the
controller. If a camera station is selected for manual control, the image from the selected
camera shall be displayed on one monitor and the images from the other camera stations shall
be displayed on the second monitor using the same pan/tilt/zoom/focus sequences as for
normal control.
Camera controllers shall be keyboard style with pan, tilt and zoom control through an
integrated return-to-centre joystick.
1) General
The Contractor shall liaise with the PGCB to select the positions and mounting of video
Video camera stations shall be of the pan, tilt and zoom (PTZ) type and shall comprise:
colour camera and zoom lens assembly including housing, sun shield and integrated
facilities for cleaning (e.g. blower, etc.) suited to the operating environment;
outdoor pan and tilt assembly including mounting assembly;
Camera stations shall be capable of being panned over 340°. Tilting of the camera shall be
restricted to the areas which are to be monitored and shall generally be
2) Cameras
3) Lenses
magnification factor of the lenses shall be sufficient such that a 1.8 m object located
at the most distant point within the surveillance range of the camera station shall
occupy at least 30% of the vertical height of the monitor;
the zoom function shall be compatible with the controller;
zoom operation speed (between wide and telephoto) shall not exceed the
magnification ratio divided by 2. For example, a 10X lens shall not exceed 5 seconds;
focus operation (between near and far) shall not exceed the magnification ratio
divided by 2. For example, a 15X lens shall not exceed 7.5 seconds.
4) Camera Housing
The camera and lens at each camera station shall be enclosed within an outdoor camera
housing which shall meet the following requirements.
suitable for outdoor all-weather operation with a protection rating of IP65 or better;
The pan/tilt assembly, mount and the supporting structure shall be sufficiently rigid to ensure
that the lateral and vertical image movement, with camera lenses at maximum focal length,
does not exceed 10% of the field of view under any conditions that may reasonably be
expected at the site.
Requirement place is for overall view for switch yard, every switch yard, main gate, entrance
of main control building, Control house.
The Contractor shall discuss about the location with the PGCB to determine it finally.