CFLM2 Act12

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1. Write down and define the police management process. (10 points)

 PLANNING- The determination in advance of how the objective of the

organization will be attained. The process of setting performance
objectives and identifying the actions needed to accomplish them.

 ORGANIZING- Involves the determination and allocation of the men

and women as well as the resource of an organization to achieve pre-
determined goals or objectives of the organization. The process of
dividing the work to be done and coordinating results to achieve a
desired purpose.

 DIRECTING- Involve the overseeing and supervising of the human

resources and the various activities in an organization to achieve
through cooperation efforts the pre- determined goals or objective of
the organization. Process of directing and coordinating the work
efforts of other people to help them accomplish important task. Task
of making decisions and embodying them in specific and general
orders and instruction.

 CONTROLLING- Involves the checking or evaluation and

measurement of work performance and comparing it with planned
goals or objectives of the organization, and making the necessary
corrective actions so that work is accomplished as planned. The
process of monitoring performance, comparing results to objectives
and taking corrective action as necessary.

 STAFFING- The task of providing competent men to do the job and

choosing the right men for the right job. Filling the organization with
the right people in the right position.

 REPORTING- The making of detailed account of activities, work

progress, investigations and unusual in order to keep every one
informed or what is going on.
 BUDJETING- The forecasting in detail of the results of an officially
organized program of operations based on the highest reasonable
expectations of operating efficiency.

2. What is police planning? Define briefly. What is the importance of planning in police

organization? (10 points)

 Police planning is the act of determining policies and guidelines for

police activities and operations. Providing controls and safeguards
for such activities and operation in the police service. Administrative
process of combining all the aspects of public safety activity and the
realistic anticipation of future problems.

 The importance of planning is that careful planning will result in

development of a blueprint describing the means to accomplish is best to solve a problem before it happens. It can help
an agency to identify and anticipate key trends and issues facing the
organization, both currently and in the future.

3. What are the characteristics of an effective plans? (10 points)

 A plan must have a clearly defined objective or goals

 A plan must be simple, direct and clear
 A plan must be flexible
 A plan must be attainable
 A plan must provide standard of operation
 A plan must be economical in terms of resources needed for

4. Define the following types of plans: Reactive Plans, Proactive plans, visionary plans,

Strategic plans, operational plan, Tactical Plans, Emergency Plans, extra-departmental

Plan, management plan and programmatic plans. (30 points)

 REACTIVE PLANS- Are developed as a result of crisis. A particular problem

may occur for which the department has no plan and must quickly develop
one, sometimes without careful preparation.

 PROACTIVE PLANS- Are developed in anticipation of problem. Although

not all police problems are predictable, many are, and in it is possible for a
police department to prepare a response in advance.

 VISIONARY PLANS- Are essential statements that identify the role of the
police in the community and the future condition or state to which the
department can aspire. A vision may also include a statement of values to
be used to guide the decision making process in the department.

 STRATEGIC PLANS- Are designed to meet the long- range, overall goals of
the organization. Such plan allows the department to adapt anticipated
changes or develop a new philosophy of model of policing, like for example
community policing. One of the most important aspect of strategic
planning is to focus on external environment factors that affect the goals
and objectives of the department and how they will be achieved. Important
environmental factors include personnel needs, population trends, crime
problems and community attitudes.

 OPERATIONAL PLAN- Are designed to meet the specific tasks requires

implementing strategic plans. These are plans for the operations of special
division like the patrol, traffic, fire and juvenile division. Plan shall be
prepared to accomplish each of the primary police tasks. Like for example,
patrol activities must be planned, the force must be distributed among the
shifts and territorially among beats, in proportion to the needs of the
service, and special details must be planned to meet unexpected needs.

 TACTICAL PLANS- These is the procedures for coping with specific

situations as known location. Included in this category are plans for
dealing with an attack against buildings with alarm system and an attack
against PNP headquarters by lawless elements. Plan shall be likewise be
made for blockade and jail emergencies and for special community events,
such as longer public meetings, athletic contest, parade, religious activities
and other street affairs.

 EMERGENCY PLAN- Is an integral and essential part of loss preventive

strategy. The type of emergency primary consider is the major emergency
which may be defined as one which has the potential to cause serious
danger to person and damage to property and which tends to cause
disruption inside and or outside the site and may require the use of outside

 EXTRA- DEPARTMENTL PLAN- Include those that require action or

assistance from person or agencies outside the police organization, or that
related to some form of community organization. An extra- departmental
plan may be of particular interest to a special operating division. These
special division, therefore, have a greater responsibility in the development
of extra- departmental plans in their spheres of activity that has the
organization as a whole.

 MANAGEMENT PLAN- This plan are related to the problems of equipping,

staffing and preparing the police organization to do job, rather than to its
actual operation as an organized force. They include the organization plan
with definitions of the component organic units, budget, and procedure
relating to accounting, purchasing and personnel management
recruitment, training, rating, selection, discipline and welfare.
 PROGRAMMATIC PLANS- designed to do nothing more than to maintain
the status, the current level of accomplishment in fulfilling the agency
basic function.

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