For Unit 1 - Mikkelson Chapter 3
For Unit 1 - Mikkelson Chapter 3
For Unit 1 - Mikkelson Chapter 3
The use of participatory methods has spread to ahmost every area of development cooperation. From mainly
rural development projects, participatory methodsforconveniencecalled participatory rural oppraisal (PRA)
methods-are nowbeing appliedin areasasdiverseaspolicy analysisand planntng, poverty reductions strategies,
dispute resolution and advocgcy. Brief ilhusitrations are given of the most commonly used methods from the
Catalogue' of PRA methods Ranking and scoring and socialmapsget special attention since these are particulariy
relevant tools for analysis of difference, unequal relationships and prioritization, which are at the core of much
development work and research and which many development studies have to address, Examples are given of the
spreading uses of participatory methods to policy areas of decentralization and Poverty Reduction Strategies
Processes, PRSPs, and to topical applications for participatory budgeting, economic analysis, for technology
assessment and advocacy
A list of participatory methods, techniques and tools were introduced with reference to the 'Catalogue
of PRA methods in Section 2.2.2. In the following sections explanations and illustrations will be given
of these. However, it cannot be over-emphasized that the 'Catalogue' should not be understood as the
exclusive and mandatory list of participatory methods. On the contrary they should serve as inspiration
for application and adjustment to specific situations and contexts. The methods included in the 'Catalogue'
represent the more commonly used PRA methods.
No matter what our research topic is, there is almost always a wealth of information hidden in a variety
of sources. Many references are accessible in libraries, in reports and in databases, and many documents
may be downloaded from the internet. It is a crime in research and development work to not allocate
time for prior documentary studies. It gives a better start and saves time-not only your own, but more
importantly valuable time for respondents. There are two major types of sources:
88 Methode for Development Work and Research
2Direct Observation
Observation of physical structures, social differences, behaviour, action and symbols, in solitude or with
others with whom observations are discussed, provides important information for posing central questions.
The in
Observation during allphases of astudycontributesinformation on persistenceandchange. shit
develópment cooperation from 'top-down'interventions towards'grassroots" participatory perspectives
provides a great demand for up-to-date approaches to appreciate indigenous knowledge in a globalizing
world. Partiapant observation -the classical method of anthropologyfor understanding indigenous
knowledge andtsymbols-1s putting on new gowns, as 'the time has come for anthropology to consolidate
its place in development practice' (Sillitoe, 2002).
3 Key Indicators
An indicator is a
qualitative or quantitative factor or 'unit of information' that provides a basis for
assessing importance, achievement, change or performance.
Local indicators: Local stakeholders' criteria for what is more and less significant, e.g., criteria for
of and
priority crops, of poverty or well-being, gender roles, of illness, etc., are vital in problem analysis
for posing relevant questions.
National and global indicators: Since development studies are set in contexts where social groups,
aeographical areas, environmental zones, are analysed, ranked and
etc., compared, it is necessary to be
familiar with the indicators that are applied at national and global levels. The globally agreed Millennium
Development Goals are providing key indicators on a long list of global and national conditions relating
I For a discussion on "key and 'additional' indicators, see Section 7,4.3, and Sections 6.2 and 6.3 on poverty and E der
oc hae
aleur olo
Amea whucl
o w oleas a gCnealkdatieipetoy Methoh in U 89
COLlecluut Lellne
the United Nations' annual Human
to human development, poverty and ecological sensitivity, etqin
Development Report and in special progress
when logical
and performance are integral tools
Indicators for objectives, for achievement, outputs
framework is applied in planning and monitoring
development interventions. Most development agencies
able to advise on which indicators
to indicators without necessarily being
attach much importance are illustrated in Section
indicators can be identified and used, e.g., in topical applications,
use. How
7 on monitoring and evaluation.
1.2.3, Section 5.1.3, and in Chapter
4 Semi-structured Interviews
unequal social relations and exploitation, and to reduce poverty through the promotion of Cc
and social development. People's perception of the most detrimental causes of poverty and ineauat
1S an important basis for renmedial interventions to combat poverty whether at the policy, s e s
community leyel. Had there been consensus berween all concerned stakeholders about the cause o
remedies of poverty, the world would have looked differentthanwhatit does! Ranking and scori
problems and remedialaction reflect different interests between different people; and power relas0
whether in small or large forums, in wealth ranking of communities or in national elections,infhuo
theoutcome. Attributes such as wealth or economic status,class, caste, race and ethnic group-interlinence
with age and gender-are often the bases of social and economic inequality and influence people'sper
ceptions of problems and remedies.
Ranking and scoring have long been usedtoassess people'sexpectations, beliefs, judgements, attitude
preferences, and opinions. Ranking and scoring mean placing something in order. Social marketina
research uses ranking and
scoring to develop strategies for changing public behaviour (Kotler and Robert
1989). Action-oriented development studies use comparative data and rankings for
Ranking and scoring are the central tools in what is called the possible future workshopprioritizing
10 below), practised by many point
participatory-oriented physical planners and soCial workers (for more
see Sections 3.1.2. and 3.1.3).
the endowments and problems of the area for observing, discussing and registerlu
area. Section 3.1.3 shows
techniques of mapping.
Participatory diagramming used tor () summarizing
well as for (ii) summarizing analysed empirical information. for example, in tim
intormation, for example in bar charts and pie charts.
Map o
3.1 Agro-ecosystems Transect, Misera (Young Men)
clay loa
Sandy loam Laerite Sandy loam Sandy loam andy ice
Sol Sandy ieam
Agn Cu ltun prdu chen 6» Soa eytoeprodu ehon
g 3 . epróut e are p a t t 1oy Usesto b e erdmdou pPp Gundnut produchm
LAND eory mlef Sorghu Gaciyord wop Sut
8aikyard copi lehuce Sorre ert
Seale Latt mWet er m a e . p u p k a f anc
SuLk maj* u S petha arfor Carsav
Figure 3.2 Venn Diagram of Decision Makers in a Peasant Association in Wollo, Ethiopia
TTEE co-0 BO0Y
Games and role plays, direct or recorded on video or film, are sometimes the optimal methods for
bringing sensitive issues into the open. Professional actors can play sensitivetopics for others or join
with ordinary people. In many cultures drama is deeply ingrained and used to act out sensitiveissues
often relating to violation ofrights of minorities, poor people, dalits, the landless, women, widows,
HIV/AIDS victims, etc., and on how todefend and reclaim rights. Motivating people to act sometimes
requires skilled facilitators (e.g.. Mlama, 1991; Orkin, 1991). A number of NGOs are specialized in
dramatizing development issues. Games may be designed in accordancewith social marketing principles
if the objective of the game is to motivate participants for an idea, a product, an aid package, etc.
(Epstein, 1988; Kotler and Roberto, 1989; Epstein et al., 1991). Speaking in images and proverbs can
sometimes bring one closer to the truth, while doingrole playscan enrich communication and be useul
as training exercises.
resource demanding.
Deliberations and negotiations in the participatory workshops, consensus conferences and hearings
are different examples of democracy in practice. They help to provide stronger evidence for decision
makers, but there is no guarantee that ideas proposed by the public and by participating stakeholders will
be adhered to.
Triangulation-looking at things from different points of view-or multiple strategies,is a method to
overcome the problemsthat stemfrom studies relvingupon asingletheory, asingle method,asingleset
of data from limited sample, and from asingle investigator. Triangulation helps to validate observations
andinformation. In cross-disciplinary teams in particular, the presence of people with different experiences
should be optimized through triangulation; i.e.,
listening and learning from each member's observatiou
There are at least five types of
1 . Data triangulation which can be divided into
Time trianulation yhere the
research design;
of time is
considered in study design, e.g., using longiu al
Space triangulation, typical form
3. Discipline triangulation means that a problem is studied by different disciplines. It optimizes the
experience of the different perspectives if combined withinvestigator triangulation, i.e., havingat
least two people of different disciplinesstudy the same problem together.
4. Theory triangulation, in which alternative or competingtheories are used in any one situaion
5. Methodological triangulation involves 'within-method' triangulation, that is, the same method
used on different occasions, and between-method"trnangulation (Christiansen, et al., 2001) when
different methods are used in relation tothesame object of study
Participatory methods mean potential participation of selected stakeholders in all stages of a study or
project, from identification of the problem to evaluation-possibly with different degrees of intensity
The processes of data analysis and interpretation are no exceptions. Continuous data analysis in the
field and reporting on the spot can be done inconcert withlocal people,if notby and for local people
themselves.The advantage of early or continuousdata analysisisthat datagaps,surprising perspectives
worth pursuing, etc., are discovered at an early stage. Theanalyst, whoalso needs toreport to authorities,
can start analysing data in the field. Portable computers are useful.
Softwarefor analysis of quantitative as well as qualitativedata, which do not require large data-
space, is available and permits continuous treatment of data (see Section 5.2.4). S PSS, NUD1ST
Participatory approaches to development work rest on the assumptions that () ordinary people's
for a development
knowledge is differentfrom but counts as much as the experts', and (ii) people's support
The ultimate aim of project-
activity increases when they are actively part of the decision-makingprocess.
own plan or product. A plan can be a
specific participatory activities is often that people develop their
map or amodel showing physical structures, a narrative document, a report, a prioritised budget (see
Section 3.3.1), or a time-chart, all produced with incorporation of the participants'ideas or by the partici-
from different groups of stakeholders, i.e., users, local officials,
pants themselves. Participants may come
NGOs and others.
aims at creating dialogue with the
Participation in all project or programme cycle activities communication
stakeholders, getting the necessary information to and from them through convenient
Who participatesin which activities will
methods, and to promote stakeholder 'ownership'.stakeholders
be deter.
provides more information than from a
mined from case to case. Participation by different
narrow group of users.
used for example for participatory monitoring and evaluation (see Chapterthe 7)
Self-survey methods,
data. Self-surveys entail community members undertaking
may include quantitative and qualitative
facilitator. Survey forms for collection of clearly
basic data collection, typically under the guidance of a
in situ.
defined information must be short. Pre-coding permits data processing
Methods foe
Development Work and Research
Do-it-yourself reverses the classical roles,
the i.e., outsider-insider,
researched. The
outsider gets hands-on
knowledge observer-observed, of the
struction. The reversal of roles
between the
from trying the activities under .
researcher and
To conclude, insiderand the
techniques in the PRAoutsider prompts dialogue
the core methods and ne insiders in
where choose and further
Catalogue' is a good startir
develop, combine and apply the different
recipe. There is plenty of scope for innovations in PRA techniques. The Catalt from
munication and visual methods,
exercises to methods which spanning from stand alonei
communication technology, ICT increasingly make use of informa Com.
3.1.2 and
Ranking and Scoring lechniques
classics in
sociological ranking techniques
(differential ranking), Likert (summated
for making scales are those
Kumar, 1999). They ranking) and developed by Thiums
Guttman (cumulative ranking)
or derived encompass a
variety of ordinal rstone
categories, etc. metrics, interval metrics,
There is a distinction between (Karlsson. 1961961,
(cardinal-weighting weighted
ranking (ordinal-putting in metrics. nre
with or differences).
alternatives scoring techniques vary between multiple order)and scarina
The ranking and without a fixed reference point, choice,
scoring techniques used in graphical techniques, etc. choosing between
approaches in
activating participatory rural
appraisal, PRA, differ from the
ranked/scored to therespondents to undertake the ranking and
identification of indicators.participants. Ranking and scoring is leaving more decisions on classical what to
It is therefore relevant for
important to emphasize that participatory
community nembers, but in some casesranking and scoring exercises are
The types of even
more so as exercises for relevant not only for 'users' and
ranking that are most common in connection planners and practitioners
.Problem, preference and with themselves
development studies include
Pair-wise ranking opportunity ranking
Matrix ranking
Wealth and
well-being ranking-or
Problem, preference and grouping.
opportunities or opportunity ranking can be
stage of study preferences
experienced by individuals or used to quickly identify main lems
opinions, which may then be of
people's rankings will groups of stakeholders. In the prooratory
Figure 3.3
example six compared, and consensus give an impression of different expiota or
ultural production. respondents
agricultur have
later be
approached m
Note, however, that
In that through
descending order pests, drought ranks as the most discussio t
relevance for follow-up differences weeds, cost of severe cous
interViews to check exist in the inputs and labour shortage follow