(A) Nature of Business of Cepatwawasan Group Berhad
(A) Nature of Business of Cepatwawasan Group Berhad
(A) Nature of Business of Cepatwawasan Group Berhad
principally involved in oil palm cultivation, milling, quarrying, and sales of oil palm
products. This company uses residual wastewater (Palm Oil Mill Effluent or POME)
There are two groups of stakeholders (Internal and External Users) utilize the annual
report to gather the essential information to make their decision. The company which
shareholders have to make decision whether to buy, remain or sell out the shares to
others. The shareholders will consider whether to buy more or remain the shares to earn
more profits from the shares. External stakeholders are those who do not directly work
with a company but are affected somehow by the actions and outcomes of the business.
and forecast future operations to determine the borrower’s capacity to make scheduled
payments. If the company continues to lose money, creditors will also consider whether
C) i) The changes amount in SOCI & SOFP
Statement of Comprehensive Income
Total comprehensive income 15,494 2,349 13,145 559.6
for the financial year
Statement of Financial Position
Investments in - - - -
Current assets
Inventories 16,482 23,151 (6,669) (28.8)
Trade and other 12,831 13,953 (1,122) (8.0)
Equity &
Loans and 44,751 49,309 (4,558) (9.2)
Lease rental - - - -
C)ii) SIX (6) components, THREE (3) each from SOCI and SOFP
Total Revenue
Total Revenue
240,000 234,994
220,000 215,280
Total Revenue
2019 2020
Based on the bar chart above show that the total revenue of Cepatwawasan Group Berhad
company in the Year 2020 was RM234,994 million and compare to Year 2019 was
RM215,280 million. The different amount for this two years, Year 2020 and Year 2019 were
RM19,714, means that the revenue from Year 2019 to Year 2020 has increased by RM19,714
million. In the other words, the company’s performance has increased by 9.2% compared to
Year 2019.
increased is due to sales performance has increased. Good sales in Year 2019 were RM215,280
million whereas sales in Year 2020 was RM234,994 million. It means that the sales have
increased 9.2% which is RM19,714 million. This is the reason shows that total revenue has
Total Expenses
Total Expenses
21,000 20,578
Total Expenses
2019 2020
An expense is the cost of operations that a company incurs to bring revenue. Common
expenses include payments to suppliers, employee wages, factory leases, and equipment
depreciation. The table and the chart show that the total expenses of the company increase from
RM 18,400 million (Year 2019) to RM 20,578 million (Year 2020). An increase of RM 2,178
million and equivalent to 11.84 % is noted. The reason of increase in total expenses is because
of the increase in other expenses and income tax expense. Other expenses had increased up to
695.9% compare with last year. Besides that, income tax expenses had also increased up to
Total Profit
Particular 2019 2020 Amount Change in
RM’000 RM’000 RM’000 percentage
Total Profit
16,000 15,214
4,000 2,436
Total Profit
2019 2020
Based on the bar chart above show that the total profit of the CEPATWAWASAN
GROUP BERHAD company in the year 2019 was RM2,436 million compared to year 2020
RM15,214 million. The amount of profit between year 2019 and 2020 is RM12,778 million,
mean that the profit had increased. In a word, the process of year 2020 is better than year 2019
by 524.6%.
the company has sold better result in year 2020 than year 2019, the company increase all the
resources. Overall, the revenue has increased RM19,714 million to 8.4% by accelerate goods
and services. By focusing in property, plant and equipment the expanses in year 2020 is
increased by RM10,311 million compared to year 2019. It will increase company’s profit.
Total Assets
Year 2019 Year 2020
(RM’000) (RM’000) Percentage (%)
Total Assets
490,000 488,896
Total Assets
2019 2020
Based on the bar chart above shows that the total asserts of Cepatwawasan Group Berhad
company in the Year 2020 was RM481,667 million and in the Year 2019 was RM488,896
million. In these two years, it has decreased RM7,229 million in the Year 2020. The company
has decreased 1.5% in Year 2020. The reason of total assets decreased is due to Cepatwawasan
Group Berhad company’s property, plant and equipment and deferred tax decreased. Compare
to Year 2019 the property, plant and equipment has decreased RM8,084 million and the
deferred tax has decreased RM782 million. At the same time, inventories and trade and other
receivables of the company also decreased. Inventories has decreased RM6,669 million and
trade and receivables has decreased RM1,122 million in Year 2020. The total non-current
assets have decreased RM8,866 million in Year 2020 but the total current assets in Year 2020
Total Liabilities
Total Liabilities
Total Liabilities
2019 2020
Based on the bar chart above show that the total liabilities of the CEPATWAWASAN
GROUP BERHAD company in the year 2019 was RM155,810 million, and in the year 2020
was RM140,115 million. The amount of between year 2019 and 2020 is RM15,695 million,
mean that the liabilities had decreased. In short, in the year 2020, it decreased 10.1%.
because of in year 2020, the trade and payables were decreased RM5,623 million. At once, in
year 2020 the company had decreased the load and borrowing because of the legal charges over
certain leasehold plantation have reduce. The total non-current liabilities had decreased
Total Owner’s Equity
334,000 333,086
Total Owner's Equity
2019 2020
The table and chart show that the number of total equities was RM 333,086 million in
year 2019 and RM 341,552 million in year 2020. It shows that the number of total equities has
8466 million and equivalent to 2.5 % is shown. The reason of increase in total equity is because
of the retained profits has increased from RM 96,825 million (2019) to RM 107,693 million
(2020). An increase of RM 10868 million and equivalent to 11.2 % is noted. The number of
share capital didn’t change from year 2019 to year 2020 at RM 318,446 million but the number
D) Decision
because Cepatwawasan Group Berhad has an increasing total equity 2.5% based on year 2019
to year 2020. Return on equity (ROE) of Cepatwawasan Group Berhad was 9.5% based on year
2019 to year 2020. Cepatwawasan Group Berhad seems like have a good return on equity in
future. The ROE of the company (9.5%) is quite higher than the industry (8.8%). In addition,
the retained profits had increase 11.2% based on year 2019 to year 2020. It means that the
company had earn more income so that they can grow up their retained profit for others
important use. The company also very serious about the sharing profits because the company
has paid dividends at least five years. For the following years, the payout ratio of the company
investment holding company with its subsidiaries principally involved in oil palm cultivation,
milling, quarrying and sales of oil palm products. Increasing profit income for the financial
year is the main reason that I will invest the company based on the annual report 2019 and
2020. The total comprehensive income for the financial year in 2019 is RM2.4 million however
2020 is RM15.2 million. The overall profit had increased RM12.8million or (524.6%) compare
with last year. That’s why I will invest in this company because the net profit income is going
up. After 2017, the net income for CGB is slowly decrease year to year. But in 2020, it has
risen a lot after two years. 2020 become the highest net profit from 2018 to 2020 which is
RM15.2 million. Besides that, other factor that make net profit increase is the revenue. The
total revenue of CGB in year 2019 is RM215.2 million and year 2020 is RM234.9 million The
change in percentage between the year 2019 and also the year 2020 is (9.2%) . So, these reason
that may make me more attractive investment to CGB because the increasing of net profit.
The opposite external reason was palm oil production. Cepatwawasan Group Berhad
(CGB) is pleased to contribute to the Malaysian palm oil industry’s long-term growth. The
company maintains a positive environmental image through its plantation activities. CGB
appreciates the contribution to CGB's recycling of solid wastes and the Palm Oil Mill Effluent
(POME) to generate power. A subsidiary company operates a biogas power plant that generates
electricity by absorbing and burning methane gas from POME. Another subsidiary runs a
biomass power plant that generates electricity from the combustion of solid waste such as
empty oil palm fruit bunches, oil palm shells, mesocarp fibres and wood waste.
Humana Education Resource Centre (CHERC). CHERC was achieved Asia Responsible
Entrepreneurship Award in 2015. Since its start in 2009, the response to CHERC has been
overwhelmingly positive. It currently has 200 students enrolled. Most importantly, the children
continue to complete primary school, with a very low dropout rate. To date, more than 300
preschool and primary school students have graduated. This has prompted CHERC to reach
out to more children in need and to improve the teaching quality on a regular basis. A total of
100 teachers from various Humana centres had also attended CHERC sessions. CHERC, the
largest of the Humana centres, serves as a model and benchmark for the others. It has attracted
UNICEF, foreign embassies, and local and international organisations. Overall, I feel
Cepatwawasan Group Berhad shows that their whole system is pretty good. So, I would like to