Introduction To Digital Graphics

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Introduction To

Digital Graphics
11 Types of Digital Images

2 Graphics Programs

3 Elements of Digital Graphics

• Raster Images(Known as bit map images)
• Photo realistic images.
• Photos coming from your mobile phone camera.
• Raster or Bit Mapped images are made of a mosaic
of picture elements, called Pixels
• Vector Based Images – Its call geometric base images
• It have some definite properties
• Each vector carries it’s own information
• These images have high level edit ability
Raster Images Advantages

High degree of photo

realism obtainable

High degree of manipulation

possible, each pixel can be edited
on an individual basis
Vector Images Advantages
Highly scale ability

It can be resized without loss of


Even on extreme level of scaling it

will not lose it's quality or resolution

Object remains independently


File size is small

It’s a mixture of pixel and vector. An example
would be an architectural CAD Package
Elements of Digital Graphics

File File Format

File Size File Size How the image
Usually are in kilobytes is structured
or megabytes
Resolution Number of pixels or
pixels per unit length

Color Space Color Bit

Bit Depth
The amount of color
The color of the image is Space Depth
information in each
in e.g. RGB and CMYK
File Size
Usually are in Network Delivery
Quality of Image requirement
kilobytes (KB) or Speed (File
(Sharpness) (Hard Disk
megabytes (MB) Transportation)

In general the larger the file size the higher the quality
of the image, the greater the storage requirements
and slower the network delivery speed possible
File Format
File format is a computer coding
system, file formats relate to the type
of computer coding that is used to
structure a digital image.

Every graphics programs have some file format

or file extension (e.g. Psd. Cdr. Ai. Jpg. Gif. Etc.)
Its important to save the file default format or
that program can give the maximum flexibility
to edit later
Resolution is the It is expressed as The higher the
resolution the
number of pixels ppi (pixel per
higher the quality
in a digital inch) or dpi (dots of image and
image per inch) possible output
Bit Depth
This is the amount In an image. It is
of color measured in factor
information per of e.g. 8bit, 16 bit, 24
pixel bit etc.
Color Space Cyan
The color space of a digital image is
in relates to it’s achievable color out
put. There are two prominent types. Magenta


CMYK (Cyan,
RGB (Red, Green, Magenta, Yellow, Yellow
Blue) – Additive Black) – This is the
color process color space used for
Blue print industry .
Color Space

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