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PRMG6001 Assignment 4

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COURSE LECTURER: Manfred D. Jantzen, Ph.D.


Chapter 1....................................................................................................................................................... 3
Chapter 4....................................................................................................................................................... 6
Chapter 6....................................................................................................................................................... 9
Chapter 7..................................................................................................................................................... 10
Chapter 8..................................................................................................................................................... 12
Chapter 9..................................................................................................................................................... 13
Chapter 10................................................................................................................................................... 14
Chapter 11................................................................................................................................................... 15
Chapter 13................................................................................................................................................... 16
Chapter 14................................................................................................................................................... 17
Chapter 15................................................................................................................................................... 18
Chapter 17................................................................................................................................................... 19
Chapter 18................................................................................................................................................... 20
Chapter 19................................................................................................................................................... 21
Chapter 22................................................................................................................................................... 22
Chapter 23................................................................................................................................................... 23
Chapter 24................................................................................................................................................... 24
Chapter 25................................................................................................................................................... 25
Chapter 27................................................................................................................................................... 26
Chapter 29................................................................................................................................................... 27

Chapter 1

Fig. 6 Internet World Map

One World Information Space where information travels at the speed of light. Information is that wealth
generating resource that flows at the speed of light at 186, 00 miles per second in the One World
information space

And it is made up of co-evolving, self-organizing, complex & adaptive systems supported & enabled by a
planetary I.C.T. platform. In this cyberspace information flows near the ‘speed of light’.

Chapter 2

Figure 12 Conceptual Formula – Rates of change & learning
The rate of change is greater than the rate of learning resulting in a adaptation Gap. We must undergo
significant learning in order to keep u with charges and not become dysfunctional. If organizations,
individuals, society and the global economy learning does not keep up with the rate of change, they
become dysfunctional and get left behind.

Chapter 3

Figure 17 Wave Dynamics Assumptions - Human Progress?

Chapter 4

Figure Order Complex Adaptive System Disequilibrium Dynamics Teeter-Totter Balancing System

Disequilibrium Dynamics
This is another view of understanding deep system change in terms of the system’s energy forces:
Chaos, Order, Change and Attractor (C.O.C.A.)

Every system must deal with the C.O.C.A. dynamics forces that keep the system in disequilibrium state.
Chaos is caused by feedback or information from the external environment. It is the cost of exposure to
other environments. At the same time a system seeks order, stable state in which it maintains itself.
Change is caused by the tension caused by the two seemingly contradictory systems. Change is the
response to the state of disequilibrium between the systems, as they to adjust and align their internal
structure. In this state of disequilibrium the system self-organizes and adapts to the external
environment using the attractor was a core organizing principle. Without the attractor the system
would fall apart, either fragment into pieces (descend into chaos) or absolute static order upon which it
would cease to exist as a system.

Summary: Out of Chaos emerges Order, Within Order resides Chaos, Chaos and Order beget Change, the
Attractor organizes the System.

Chapter 5

Figure 32 CASE Model

The Case Model, i.e. The Complex Adaptive System Environment is a Model that helps one understand
complex dynamic and adaptive system behaviour. The Model helps to understand how a system can
survive in a One-World-Information Space. And is made up of following components: Actuality, The
Systems Scan, System model, The System’s Action, The System’s Action, The System’s Consequences,
Growth Alignment & Maintenance Adjustment.

The actuality is a network of co-evolving, self-organizing systems for a One-World-Information Space.
This phase requires strategic thinking to understand this one-world information dynamic and to align
the enterprise with the changing environment by identifying, understanding, developing and executing

The Systems Scan

The system scan, scans and selects information based on the internal model. It converts this into
intelligence, identify strategic issues which is used by the internal model as input to activate the existing
system to adjust and align its performance for sustainable growth and performance maintenance ( i.e.

System model
The system model is the systems perceived reality of how things work. It filters information from the
systems scan using this perception in order to guide performance and behaviour. The model is not fixed
the Adaptive Complex Enterprise/system using the scanned information can create a new model that
provides better fit or alignment with environment it is part of.

The System’s Action

System Actions are operational activities done in the real world based on the model in order to create

The System’s Consequences

The System’s Consequences are performance feedback from the execution of operational activities.
Feedback loops can be internal or external. These loops can force the system to change, to adapt, and
transform depending its business model if necessary.

Growth Alignment & Maintenance Adjustment

Maintenance Adjustment is a closed feedback loop maintaining stability and feeding back performance
for process improvement

Growth Alignment
Is a positive feedback loop that forces the system align its model – performance and behaviour with the
real world environment which may require significant change or strategic interventions

Chapter 6

Figure 36 Global Mindset -Abstract Diagrams

The figure above looks at the C.O.C.A. dynamics from a Global mindset

Chapter 7

Figure 46 CASE with Business Concepts for Intervention

The CASE Model phases can be associated with critical strategic intervention activities:

Actuality Phase

Requires Strategic Thinking and to understand the One-World information Space and engage in strategic
management to align the enterprise with the changing environment


Strategic review to identify strategic issues that are important for the enterprises growth and
performance maintenance

Model Phase

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Strategic Direction to align system with regularities and patterns that fit.

Action Phase

Strategic Execution involves action plans to implement solution execution. It consists of the operational
activities done by the system

Consequence Phase

Is Strategic Feedback both internal and external to the system it can cause the system to change, to adapt
and transform based on the scan and model. Performance must be evaluated.

Adjustment Consequence Phase

Maintains the system’s order and provides stability so that operational work activities can be done.
Communication and constant process improvement is vital.

Alignment Consequence Phase

Guides organizational growth. Forces the system to align its model of perceived reality, its business model, with
the actual/real world. Helps organization find solutions to align the systems performance and behaviour with the
external environment.

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Chapter 8

Figure 49 CASE Dynamic Research Framework - Knowledge Transfer & Creation

See Graph above for details

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Chapter 9

Figure 60 Culture & Time Perspectives

Temporal Disconnects
The traditional cultural mindset perceives the time dimensions – the past, present, and future, not as a synergistic,
holistic, integrated whole but rather as a set of disconnected, separate activities. The Solution Leader must be a
time traveler, comfortably moving between and through each of the time dimensions.

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Chapter 10

Figure 63 T1 -Traditional Structure

T1 is a closed, hierarchical, top down system with autocratic leadership – change only comes from the
top. It is a bureaucracy system however there establish clear, well-documented work processes, treat
employees fairly and consistently. The vertical lines depict a command and control hierarchical culture. The
horizontal lines depict there are departments.at each level. The lives join to indicate the maze like walls
employee and departments as well as the levels that create communication problems and alienation. T1
is a closed system with the customer/stakeholder ‘outside’ which means the customer quickly becomes
dissatisfied and frustrated.

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Chapter 11

Figure 68 Organization Culture - Iceberg

Organizational culture is the pattern of basic assumption, values, norms, and artifacts shared by
organization members. These shared meanings help members to understand how work is to be done
and evaluated, and how employees are to relate to each other

Culture is deep patterns of behaviour. Organization culture is like an iceberg with the Artifacts (Visible
organizational structures an processes) as well as the Declared Values – (mission, strategies, goals,
philosophies) are visible. However, the ultimate source of values and actions that impact behaviour
(beliefs, perceptions, thoughts and feelings) which are taken for granted reside below the surface

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Chapter 13

Figure 71 Business Culture Approach

The diagram depicts ‘current state’ based on business needs transition to ‘to-be state’. Carryout Gap
Analysis between ‘current state’ and ‘to-be-state’ as well as root cause analysis and determine
interventions. Evaluate and institutionalize in order to change the organizational culture to a
professional business culture.

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Chapter 14

Figure 75 TUMMs

Traditional Unconscious Management Models are models of behaviour that deeply engrained in us.
They impact behaviour and are part of culture. These TUMMs are barriers to change.

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Chapter 15

Figure 77 Leadership Competency

1. Global – Information Environment. One World Information Space which is made up of a network of
co-evolving, self-organizing systems.
2. Profiling– Intelligence Scanning. They scan the environment for intelligence to identify critical issues
and make relevant strategic decisions.
3. Leading – Model. Creating the Future (Direction). Takes information (data) and under the right
conditions transforms it into value.
4. Managing– Executing Organizational Solutions. Co-ordinating operations and strategy to meet
customer needs.
5. Mentoring– Performance Feedback. Involved Personal Growth of individuals.
6. Teaming – Maintenance Adjustment Loop. Effective Project Leader. Managing Team Projects.
7. Competing– Growth Alignment Loop. Developing Industry Expertise in order to compete.

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Chapter 17

Figure 96 Knowledge Dynamics - Ideas, Theory, Application, and Knowledge for Service

Strategy in a business context outlines how an organization can compete successfully. But if one has a
Research mind set strategy means Idea, Theory Application and as Knowledge (for service) where
existing knowledge must transfer from the global market but knowledge must also be created for the

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Chapter 18

Figure 104Waves over Time - Cultural Layering

The wave diagram shows performance over time but within the context of the culture of the developing world which is distinct
from the developed world, though our development paths would have been impacted by them.

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Chapter 19

Figure 111 Gold Pot Economy of Trinidad & Tobago

The ‘Pot of Gold’ economy in Trinidad and Tobago is made up of six ‘Pots of Gold’ each with its own dynamics:
energy, drugs, government, private enterprise, and society ‘Pots of Gold’ and the ‘Distorted Real Economy’. These
‘Pots of Gold’ explain the dynamics of the distorted economy. The ‘Pots of Gold’ distort the real economy to such
so economics cannot adequately explain explanation the macro and micro economics of the country.

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Chapter 22

Figure 119 Government Performance Model - Detailed with Gaps

 The Constitution is the Business Model but it maybe flawed and not aligned to the external
environment/expectation of the citizens.
 The ‘Alignment Growth Feedback loop’ are the outcomes from Government which may not be clear
or measurable but have to be managed by the Public Service. This produces a Gap, where the
output from the Public Service may not match the expectations of the citizens.

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Chapter 23

Figure 123 Enterprise Strategic Performance Parameters (5)

In order to achieve Global competitiveness in a local environment. A Solution Leader should be guided
by the following performance priorities:

1. Value Obsessed, customer focused: because we live in a One-World-Information-Space local

customers have global expectations. Therefore the enterprise must manage these expectations by
managing customer relations as a Global Information Network.
2. The enterprise must deliver global performance to local customers. It does this by using
measureable performance outputs that match global performance standards.
3. The enterprise must be a knowledge driven enterprise by attracting and keeping competent
professionals as well as transferring knowledge within and outside the organization. These actions
are with the goal of achieves sustainable performance and growth through enterprise alignment and
4. Innovation-Propelled, requires continuous systems improvement and alignment;
5. Environment – Information Conscious, demands intelligence scanning.

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Chapter 24

Figure 127 Sustainable Change - Wave Dynamics

Solution Leader must learn to Ride the Waves of Change to achieve high performance and sustainable change. To
ride the waves of change the solution leader must follow the following pattern of behaviour:

1. Get off the first wave while it is still demonstrating High Performance Behaviour but before it peaks
2. Start at the foot of another wave.
3. During this time before the solution leader will be going through a transformation exercise in order to make
this new wave demonstrate High Performance Behaviour
4. When the new wave begins to demonstrate High Performance Behaviour. Repeat step 1.

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Chapter 25

Figure 137 Diagnostic Performance Model - Side Way

Using the Enterprise Diagnostics combined as part of the Solution Execution Approach provides a powerful tool for
critical intelligence analysis. This analysis will help you identify the issues in your enterprise in order to develop a
solution to transform the enterprise into a high performance organization. The aspects of the enterprise that will
be diagnosed include: Direction, Operations, Performance – Perception/Image, Environment and Behaviour.

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Chapter 27

Figure 149 T-1 Organization

The following are the characteristics of a Dysfunctional Process:

1. The customer exists outside of the organization. Therefore the organization is not customer driven
2. The levels of authorities and the functional areas of specialization create horizontal and vertical lines
which ‘box in’ the process
3. The organizational structure with its bureaucracy and ‘box in’ obscure or ‘hide’ the process.
4. No one manages the critical core process.

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Chapter 29

Figure 164 Organization Capital Management (4)

(1) Human capital is the in-brain skills, knowledge, and experience (competencies) that reside in
individual employees, which the organization does not own.
(2) Structural capital is those intangible assets that an organization owns,
(3) Customer capital is that relationship that provides information/feedback from the customer

 Human, structural, and customer capital work together.

 Organizations do not own human and customer capital but do own the structural capital.

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