Theories of Personalities - Jung's Analytic Psychology
Theories of Personalities - Jung's Analytic Psychology
Theories of Personalities - Jung's Analytic Psychology
…Jung’s Analytic ➢
o Introversion
o Extraversion
Both introversion and extraversion can
Psychology combine with any one or more of four
functions, forming eight possible
orientations, or types.
• Jung, like Freud, based his personality
theory on the assumption that the mind, or
psyche, has both a conscious and an
unconscious level.
Theories of Personalities: Prelims – Freudian Theory of Personality
• Mandala
• in Hindu and Buddhist thought is a
symbol of the universe
• a symbol of the self (Jung).
• a concentrically arranged figure
such as a circle, wheel, or cross,
which Jung saw appearing again
Theories of Personalities: Prelims – Freudian Theory of Personality
Stages of Development f.
the present time of life.
Conservative principle -desire to
live in the pas
1. Childhood
a. Early morning sun 3. Middle life
b. full of potential, but still lacking in a. brilliant like the late morning sun,
brilliance (consciousness) but obviously headed for the sunset
c. 3 Substages b. begins at approximately age 35 or
i. Anarchic phase: 40
- characterized by c. Comes with increasing anxieties
chaotic and sporadic but also a period of tremendous
consciousness. potential.
- “Islands of d. If middle-aged people retain the
consciousness”. social and moral values of their
early life, they become rigid and
ii. Monarchic phase: fanatical in trying to hold on to
- characterized by the their physical attractiveness and
development of the ego agility.
and by the beginning of
logical and verbal
Theories of Personalities: Prelims – Freudian Theory of Personality
Investigation ✓ Psychotherapy
o Psychotherapy
✓ Word Association Test o Four basic approaches to therapy:
o purpose of the test in Jungian ▪ Confession of a
psychology today is to uncover pathogenic secret
feeling-toned complexes. (Cathartic method of
o Jung typically used a list of about Breuer)
100 stimulus words ▪ The second stage involves
o instructed the person with the first interpretation,
word that came to mind. explanation, and
o Certain types of reactions indicate elucidation.
that the stimulus word has touched • used by Freud,
a complex. gives the patients
✓ Dream Analysis insight into the
o Jung objected to Freud’s notion causes of their
that nearly all dreams are wish neuroses, but
fulfillments and that most dream may still leave
symbols represent sexual urges. them incapable of
o believed that people used symbols solving social
to represent a variety of concepts— problems.
not merely sexual ones ▪ The third stage, therefore,
o Dreams are our unconscious and is the approach adopted by
spontaneous attempt to know the Adler and includes the
unknowable. education of patients as
o The purpose of Jungian dream social beings.
interpretation is to uncover ▪ Transformation (fourth
elements from the personal and stage)
collective unconscious and to • Therapist must
integrate them into consciousness first be
in order to facilitate the process of transformed into
self-realization. a healthy human
Theories of Personalities: Prelims – Freudian Theory of Personality
being, preferably
by undergoing
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