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Apply Quality Standard

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Admas University

Meskel TVET College

Department of Business and Finance
Session Plan
Program – Extension/regular Nominal/Hours: 1hr Academic Year- 2011 E.C
Unit of Competency Apply Quality Standards
Unit Code EIS BCW1 10 0812
Lo.1 Assess own work
Objective This unit covers the knowledge, attitudes and skills required in applying quality standards in the
operational activities.
Con. C.hrs Content Method Activity Aids
white board,
 Overview of contents of units of Lecture, Trainee must white board
Introduction competence Demonstration listen trainer marker,
30min Participate information
Body 1hrs.  Discussion, Trainee white board,
Completed work is checked
 Lecture, Participate from white board
against organization standards
 Demonstrat discussion marker,
relevant to the activity being
ion , Trainee to do information
Reading sheet,
 project
An understanding is demonstrated Assignment LCD
on how the work activities and And Learning projector,
completed work relate to the next activities TTLM
process and to the final appearance and try to do the
of the service / product. Case study on
your TTLM
Summary 30min  Review the lesson Discussion, Trainee TTLM
&Conclusion Lecture, Participate from
Demonstration discussion
Evaluation 1hr  By giving ,continuous assessment( Interview, At end of the Assessment
test, group work, etc….) Write exam, lesson the package
demonstration at work place and demonstration trainee must to
assignment submit
Learning Active
Admas University
Meskel TVET College
Department of Business and Finance
Session Plan
Program – Extension/regular Nominal/Hours: 1hr Academic Year- 2011 E.C
Unit of Competency Apply Quality Standards
Unit Code EIS BCW1 10 0812
Lo.2 Assess quality of service rendered
Objective This unit covers the knowledge, attitudes and skills required in applying quality standards in the
operational activities.
Con. C.hrs Content Method Activity Aids
white board,
 Overview of contents of units of Lecture, Trainee must white board
Introduction competence Demonstration listen trainer marker,
30min Participate information
Body 1hrs.
Services rendered are quality  Discussion, Trainee white board,
 Lecture, Participate from white board
checked against standards and
 Demonstrat discussion marker,
ion , Trainee to do information
Service rendered are evaluated Reading sheet,
 project
using the appropriate evaluation Assignment LCD
parameters and in accordance with And Learning projector,
standards. activities TTLM
Causes of any identified faults are and try to do the
identified and corrective actions Case study on
are taken in accordance with your TTLM
policies and procedures
Summary 30min  Review the lesson Discussion, Trainee TTLM
&Conclusion Lecture, Participate from
Demonstration discussion
Evaluation 1hr  By giving ,continuous assessment( Interview, At end of the Assessment
test, group work, etc….) Write exam, lesson the package
demonstration at work place and demonstration trainee must to
assignment submit
Learning Active

Admas University
Meskel TVET College
Department of Business and Finance
Session Plan
Program – Extension/regular Nominal/Hours: 1hr Academic Year- 2011 E.C
Unit of Competency Apply Quality Standards
Unit Code EIS BCW1 10 0812
Lo.3 Record information
Objective This unit covers the knowledge, attitudes and skills required in applying quality standards in the
operational activities.
Con. C.hrs Content Method Activity Aids
white board,
 Overview of contents of units of Lecture, Trainee must white board
Introduction competence Demonstration listen trainer marker,
30min Participate information
Body 1hrs.
Basic information on the quality  Discussion, Trainee white board,
 Lecture, Participate from white board
performance is recorded in
accordance with organization  Demonstrat discussion marker,
ion , Trainee to do information
Reading sheet,
 project
Records of work quality are Assignment LCD
maintained according to the And Learning projector,
requirements of the organization / activities TTLM
enterprise and try to do the
Case study on
your TTLM
Summary 30min  Review the lesson Discussion, Trainee TTLM
&Conclusion Lecture, Participate from
Demonstration discussion
Evaluation 1hr  By giving ,continuous assessment( Interview, At end of the Assessment
test, group work, etc….) Write exam, lesson the package
demonstration at work place and demonstration trainee must to
assignment submit
Learning Active

Admas University
Meskel TVET College
Department of Business and Finance
Session Plan
Program – Extension/regular Nominal/Hours: 1hr Academic Year- 2011 E.C
Unit of Competency Apply Quality Standards
Unit Code EIS BCW1 10 0812
Lo.4 Study causes of quality deviations
Objective This unit covers the knowledge, attitudes and skills required in applying quality standards in the
operational activities.
Con. C.hrs Content Method Activity Aids
white board,
 Overview of contents of units of Lecture, Trainee must white board
Introduction competence Demonstration listen trainer marker,
30min Participate information
Body 1hrs.  Discussion, Trainee white board,
Causes of deviations from final
 Lecture, Participate from white board
outputs or services are investigated
 Demonstrat discussion marker,
and reported in accordance with
ion , Trainee to do information
standard procedures.
Reading sheet,
 project
Suitable preventive action is Assignment LCD
recommended based on And Learning projector,
organization quality standards and activities TTLM
identified causes of deviation from and try to do the
specified quality standards of final Case study on
service or output. your TTLM
Summary 30min  Review the lesson Discussion, Trainee TTLM
&Conclusion Lecture, Participate from
Demonstration discussion
Evaluation 1hr  By giving ,continuous assessment( Interview, At end of the Assessment
test, group work, etc….) Write exam, lesson the package
demonstration at work place and demonstration trainee must to
assignment submit
Learning Active

Admas University
Meskel TVET College
Department of Business and Finance
Session Plan
Program – Extension/regular Nominal/Hours: 1hr Academic Year- 2011 E.C
Unit of Competency Apply Quality Standards
Unit Code EIS BCW1 10 0812
Lo.5 Complete documentation
Objective This unit covers the knowledge, attitudes and skills required in applying quality standards in the
operational activities.
Con. C.hrs Content Method Activity Aids
white board,
 Overview of contents of units of Lecture, Trainee must white board
Introduction competence Demonstration listen trainer marker,
30min Participate information
Body 1hrs.
Information on quality parameters  Discussion, Trainee white board,
 Lecture, Participate from white board
and other indicators of service
 Demonstrat discussion marker,
performance is recorded.
ion , Trainee to do information
All service processes and Reading sheet,
 project
outcomes are recorded Assignment LCD
And Learning projector,
activities TTLM
and try to do the
Case study on
your TTLM
Summary 30min  Review the lesson Discussion, Trainee TTLM
&Conclusion Lecture, Participate from
Demonstration discussion
Evaluation 1hr  By giving ,continuous assessment( Interview, At end of the Assessment
test, group work, etc….) Write exam, lesson the package
demonstration at work place and demonstration trainee must to
assignment submit
Learning Active

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