Base Segudo Caso Clinico
Base Segudo Caso Clinico
Base Segudo Caso Clinico
Case Report
Keywords: Introduction: and importance: Pelvic osteosarcoma is quite rare and is a challenging task for orthopedic surgeons.
Osteosarcoma This aim of this study is to present the first case report using customized 3D-printed prosthesis in Vietnam.
Bone tumor Case presentation: 57-year-old male was diagnosed with pelvic osteosarcoma. After neoadjuvant chemotherapy,
3D printed
we did limb-salvage surgery after partial pelvic resection. He had to undergo another surgery due to an infection
Pelvic replacement
complication that exposed part of the prosthesis. At 6 months follow-up, the patient’s overall status was stable.
Case report
VAS score when moving is 2/10. He can walk with one crutch. Patient is still being followed up and treated.
Clinincal discussion: Management of pelvic osteosarcoma remains a challenging task for orthopedic surgeons.
Advancements in customized 3D-printed prosthesis have been applied in treatment of pelvic osteosarcoma.
Despite the complications, the results are promising. We believe that this is a new and innovative route in surgery
of pelvic osteosarcoma.
Conclusion: Using customized 3D-printed prosthesis is a good way for management of pelvic osteosarcoma.
* Corresponding author. Corresponding author. Orthopaedic and Sports Medicine Center, Vinmec Healthcare System, 458 Minh Khai street, Hanoi,Vietnam.
E-mail addresses: [email protected] (D. Tran Trung), [email protected] (S.N.T. Quang), [email protected] (H.P. Trung), drtunam@hmu. (N.V. Tu), [email protected] (N.V. Sy Quyen), [email protected] (T.T. Duc), [email protected] (N.T. Dung), [email protected]
(T.T. Son), [email protected] (P.T. Viet Dung), [email protected] (N. Van Truong).
URL: (D. Tran Trung).
Received 16 August 2021; Received in revised form 3 September 2021; Accepted 3 September 2021
Available online 8 September 2021
2049-0801/© 2021 The Authors. Published by Elsevier Ltd on behalf of IJS Publishing Group Ltd. This is an open access article under the CC BY-NC-ND license
D. Tran Trung et al. Annals of Medicine and Surgery 70 (2021) 102812
2. Case presentation
Patient was a 57-year-old male, chief complaint of a left hip pain that
had persisted for 9 months. Patient was biopsied and diagnosed with left
pelvic osteosarcoma in a National Cancer Hospital. He was then given 4
cycles of neoadjuvant chemotherapy with IPE regimen: ifosfamide,
cisplatin, epirubicin. Post neoadjuvant therapy outcomes were positive:
pain was reduced, hip ROM was increased and MRI showed a tumor
reduced in size.
Patient had normal weight status (H:1.75 m, W:58Kg, BMI: 18,9Kg/
m2). Clinical examination: there was no sign of systemic or local infec
tion, patient was mild anemic, palpation showed a mid swollen, soft,
immobile mass in the left ilium area, impinged hip movement. There
were signs of femoral nerve compression, 3/5 quadriceps muscle
strength, numbness on the anterolateral part of the thigh, normal hip
passive ROM. Harris score was 27 which means poor hip function, pa
tient was in wheelchair full time, his quality of life was affected signif
icantly. Xray revealed an extensive destructive osteolytic in type 2 pelvic
resection according to Enneking and Dunham (Fig. 1). Fig. 2. Pre - operation in CT 3D (mass 6 × 4x2cm in the left iliac wing, broke
CT and MRI results showed a 6 × 4x2cm tumor on patient’s left the shell and invaded the surrounding muscle mass. There is an increase in
ilium, sign of cortical destruction and muscles spread, angiogenesis in angiogenesis in the center of the tumor. Tumor partially invades into the
the center of the tumor, tumor had invaded part of the acetabular roof acetabular roof).
but not the femoral epiphysis and metaphysis. Further inspection on
other organs showed no signs of metastasis (Fig. 2). (to facilitate dissection to the hip joint and the ilioischial ramus).
In tumor dissection phase, we dissected and exposed the tumor on
the left iliac, overall assessment found a 8 × 6x4cm tumor which had
2.2. Surgical planning and procedure invaded the roof of the acetabulum and groups of muscle attached to the
pelvis (iliopsoas muscle, gluteus medius and gluteus minimus). After
Using Radiant DICOM viewer (Medixant, Poland) from the patient’s that, we continued dissecting the lateral part of the ilium, then the
CT database, we planned the resection area of the tumor and acetabular gluteus muscles were cut and coagulated 3cm from the tumor. We
positioning includes: acetabular diameter, inclination, anteversion, dissected and exposed the greater sciatic notch to identify and preserve
planned stem size and other variants. All data was sent to Chunli Zenda the sciatic nerve, then we continued to the medial part of the iliac to
(Shanghai) for designing and manufacturing the custom-made 3D expose and preserve the femoral neurovascular bundle. All of the iliacus
printed implant. From that design, we can plan the resection margins was excised, and since the lateral femoral cutaneous nerve could not be
including the iliac crest (without the iliosacral joint); iliopubis ramus separated from the tumor, it was resected as well.
and ilioischial ramus margins (Fig. 3). In the stem placement phase, we performed a T-shaped capsulotomy
Patient was given general anesthesia and placed in a 45-degree left to access the hip joint; the femoral neck was cut 1,5cm from the femoral
decubitus position and was secured to the operating table with back saddle at 45-degree angle. Thorough inspection of the resected neck-
pads and girdle. We sanitized and prepped the patient’s two legs and up head block found no sign of cancer invasion. The femoral canal was
to the xiphoid process. The chosen approach was the Mercedes Benz prepared and number 4 stem was inserted, we used Latitude cementless
incision that combined the Smith-Petersen approach (to facilitate prosthesis from Meril (India).
dissection to the ilium and the lesser pelvis) and Watson-Jones approach
D. Tran Trung et al. Annals of Medicine and Surgery 70 (2021) 102812
In tumor and pelvic resection phase, tumor and the affected pelvis (3
resection sites included the ilium, ischium and pubis) and surrounding
tissue (gluteus medius and minimus, iliacus muscles) were resected en-
bloc (Fig. 4). Custom made 3D printed saw guides were fixed to the
resected margins on the pelvis and an oscillating saw was used to cut
through bone. Frozen section of the resection margins was negative
(Fig. 5).
In the implant placement phase, the implant was designed and
manufactured to fit in the pelvic defect, it was 3D-printed using titanium
alloy with a rough surface, all the bone contact surfaces and the ace
tabulum were smooth with mounts and screw holes (Fig. 6). The
acetabular size was 52mm, inclination and anteversion were 48◦ and
20◦ . Implant was secured to iliopubis ramus with a 4 holes mounting
plate and to the ilioischial ramus and ilium with acetabular screws. A
52/32mm PE liner was placed, we used a 32mm offset +0 ceramic head, Fig. 5. Implant trial and 3D model with saw guides.
the hip joint was reduced and checked in all positions for stability and
ROM. After that, the surgery field was irrigated carefully, two 400ml
negative pressure drainages were placed. The joint capsule was sutured,
the resected muscles was reattached with fiber wire suture to bone. The
wound was closed anatomically.
Total surgery time was 380 mins, total blood loss was 1400ml. We
had transfused 700ml of RBCs intraoperatively, post-operatively, and
the patient was transfused with another 700ml of RBCs. There was no
surgeon-induced fracture, the patient had normal anesthesia recovery
and could move the left leg slightly.
2.3. Postoperation
had sensory loss at the innervation site of the lateral femoral cutaneous
nerve. There was no sign of sciatic nerve injury.
During the first 2 weeks, he started practicing muscle-strengthening
exercise as range of motion in bed, and learned to walk with a support
frame for 50 m each day (Fig. 7) [14]. He was discharged at day 10
without any complications of hemorrhage, infection, thrombus or frac
ture. VAS score at time of discharge was 4/10, active ROM: flex/extend:
70/0◦ , abduction: 10◦ , external rotation: 10◦ , quadriceps femoris muscle
strength was 4/5, Harris hip score was 60 representing poor hip func
tion. Post-op Xray result: because the implant could not be fitted prop
erly so the acetabular inclination, anteversion and leg length were
affected. Acetabular inclination and anteversion were 36◦ and 17◦ , legs
length difference was 1cm (Fig. 8).
Post-operative biopsy results showed more than 90% tumor necrosis,
therefore the patient was indicated to continue the IPE neoadjuvant
Fig. 4. Resected tumor with 3D model and implant.
D. Tran Trung et al. Annals of Medicine and Surgery 70 (2021) 102812
10◦ . He was satisfied with this result. Patient is still being followed up
and treated.
3. Discussion
regimen for 3 more cycles. After 1 cycle chemotherapy after surgery, his
white blood cells were lower lead to incision infection at the super
lateral iliac crest then progressed to partial implant exposure. Manage
ment was divided into 2 phases: first, the patient was admitted for
emergency surgery, we debrided thoroughly and placed a VAC, wound
fluid was sent for microbial culture and antibiotic sensitivity testing, and
the patient was prescribed with a combination of Ceftazidime and
Gentamicin. Next, the defect was reconstructed with a pedicled tensor
fasciae latae flap combined with vastus lateralis musculocutaneous flap
one week later (Fig. 9). The flap healed well and the patient was dis
charged the following week.
At 6 months follow-up, the patient’s overall status was stable, inci
sion healed completely (Fig. 10). VAS score when moving is 2/10. He
can walk with one crutch. Active ROM: flexion/extension: 90/0◦ , Fig. 9. Tensor fasciae latae flap combined with vastus lateralis musculocuta
abduction: 15◦ , adduction: 10◦ , external rotation: 20◦ , internal rotation: neous flap.
D. Tran Trung et al. Annals of Medicine and Surgery 70 (2021) 102812
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