Parent Orientation Powerpoint 2021
Parent Orientation Powerpoint 2021
Parent Orientation Powerpoint 2021
• To consider, plan for, and represent all areas of children’s
development (cognitive, social/emotional, physical, and
language) ) in
i the
h classroom
l by
b observing
b i andd d
the rich and varied interests of the children.
• To promote the professional growth of our students by
promoting and implementing a strong learning foundation
for the children, their families and all students in the early
childhood education community.
Our Center
We are open from 7:30 a.m. to
5:30 p.m. Monday through
W offer
ff full
f ll day
d and d half‐day
h lf d
Full‐day program runs from
7:30 a.m. to
t 5:30 p.m.
Morning program runs from
7:30 a.m. to 12 noon.
f program runs
from 12 noon to 5:30 p.m.
We serve children 30 months
through 5 years old.
We Offer:
Large classrooms and outdoor
Breakfast, lunch, and afternoon
Parent observation rooms to view
classroom activities.
Teacher assistants in the Early
Childhood Education program.
Individual attention for each child.
Financial assistance to help reduce
the child care fees for those who
are eligible.
Our Classrooms
Starfish Classroom
Building 25
(541) 463
Seals Classroom
B ildi 26
Building 6
(541) 463‐3188
Sea Turtle Classroom
Building 26
(541) 463
Our Teachers
Every classroom is
supervised by two Lead
Teachers have extensive
training in Early Childhood
Education, and share a
combined total of over 100
years teaching experience!
Everyone working with the
children has passed the
required Central
Background Registry and is
trained in Food Handling.
All teachers have CPR and
First Aid certification.
Who Will Be in the Classrooms?
Head Teacher: Lab School Students:
Please direct all classroom ECE students work in the
related questions and classroom in a learning
concerns to the head capacity 9 hours per week.
teachers. Co‐Op Parents:
S b i Teachers:
h Parents work in the
Provide support when the classroom to assist the
head teachers are absent head teacher in a varietyy of
from the classroom. duties.
Students and Co‐Opp parents are never left alone
with your child.
Our Curriculum
Our center follows both
emergent curriculum and
appropriate practice which:
Are child
Require good observation
and assessment skills.
Are part of "best practices"
in early childhood
d i
D l t ll
Emergent Curriculum
Appropriate Practice
Allows learning
g activities to Uses theories and methods
evolve from the interests of the which incorporate individual
children and parents. and age appropriate learning
Includes interests from the
teachers and students working Can look very different in each
in the classroom. classroom as the characteristics
of the children, and their
ffers an engaging way for families will vary.
families, vary
children to learn through play,
doing, and self‐directing. Each teacher brings his or her
unique knowledge, background
In all aspects of program
andd interests to th
he cllassroom
planning, the priority is for each which adds to the rich
child to develop a positive self‐ opportunities for learning and
image teaching in an appropriate
Child Assessments
We will complete child assessments to provide information that will
assist us in curriculum planning, designing goals for children, planning
learning activities, and monitoring the progress of individual children.
Assessments will gather information on all areas of children’ss
development including cognitive skills, language, social, emotional,
and physical development.
Families are encouraged to share information about their child’s
interests abilities
interests, abilities, developmental progress or challenges at home to
assist with the assessment process and planned learning activities.
Assessment results will be shared with parents during Teacher/Parent
conferences held twice yearly.
When assessment results warrant further study, program staff will
assist families with arranging a developmental screening and referral to
Early Childhood CARES.
We ensur
ensuree confidentiality of all screening and assessment results.
Our Guidance Procedures
• We believe children progress
through different stages as they
grow, and we use guidance
q suited to each
particular stage.
• We also believe encouragement
for positive behavior is more
effective than punishment for
unacceptable behavior.
• We make the health and safety of
the children the primary concern
at all times.
• Above all, we offer a warm and
accepting atmosphere in which
the children enjoy themselves.
To Guide Children Positively, Our Teachers Will:
Focus on what children can do instead of on what
they can’t do (avoid negative commands).
Give choices.
Encourage behavior they want continued. Positive
feedback and success is the greatest motivator.
B consistent.
Allow children time to play and make transitions
to the next activity.
Change the environment to change the behavior.
Set a good example. Children model their
behavior from adults.
Enrollment Forms
• All parents are required to complete an initial enrollment packet prior to starting
the program and then once per year thereafter. Enrollment is for the entire year
beginning in June. Parents must give a two‐weeks notice to withdraw from childcare
without incurring additional childcare fees.
• Registration fees are due once per year at the time of registration.
• Enrollment forms must be kept current so that we have accurate information.
Therefore, we ask families to update forms annually and whenever there is a change.
• Please inform the front office of any important family changes we should be aware
of, such as:
• New address or phone number
• Names and/or phone numbers to add to or
d l ffrom your emergency contact li
delete list
• Changes to your child’s medical history
• Immunization and physical exam updates
• New health insurance information
Billing Procedures
The full term of child care All payments are made
is billed to your Lane online, in building #1, or
account if you are an LCC pp off in the child
student. and family center office.
If you are a community Two week written notice is
family, monthly charges needed to withdraw from
are billed to your MyLane child care to avoid
account. additional charges.
All prior term charges Please stop by the office
must be paid in full to with any questions.
continue child care into
subsequent terms.
What to Expect on Your Account
Your account is billed for Your first bill of the year
the full 11 weeks of the will also reflect a $75
term. registration fee.
E l If you qualify
lif ffor the
Monday‐Friday Full day in subsidy, DHS, Head Start,
Preschool: ECCares, NACCRRA, or
$233 50 x 11weeks =
$233.50 any other third party
$2,568.50 payment, your account will
Community families will be first show the charge and
billed in 3 equal payments then the credit.
Please talk with Tracy in the front office if
you have any billing questions.
Funding Information
Child and Family Center / Co‐Op Option
Student parents taking a minimum of 6 credit classes, can co‐op up
to 6 hours per week in a classroom assigned by the center director.
Child and Family Child Care Subsidy
Full or part‐time students of Lane taking a minimum of 6 credit
classes and paying at least 60% of their child care out of pocket may
Space is limited and given on a first come, first serve bases.
Check our website for additional funding
g links.
Schedules and Pick‐Ups
Please make sure your child is dropped off and
picked‐up on time. Pick up times are as follows:
Half‐day morning schedule: pick up at 12:00 or
Preschool Promise schedule: pick up at 2:45 or
Cl i schedule:
Closing h d l picki k up at 5:30 or before
b f
Picking up your child any time after their
scheduled pick up time will be considered late.
The late fee is $25 if less than 10 minutes late and
$1.00 per minute after. The second occurrence will
be $2.00 per minute after 10 minutes late. If there
are repeated late pick ups or if you are more than
15 miinutes late, you may b be requiired
d to meet with
i h
the Center Coordinator.
Arrival and Departure
Transition from home to school can be
made easier for your child if you can
establish a good‐bye routine, such as:
Have a consistent arrivall time.
Help your child put their coat away in
their cubby.
Wash hands.
Check in with the staff.
Help your child get involved in an
Remember to always say “good‐bye”
to yyour child before leaving.
Breakfast, lunch, and snack are provided and included in the tuition.
Breakfast: 8:30‐8:50 a.m.
Lunch: 11:30‐11:50 a.m.
Snack: 2:30‐2:50
2:30 2:50 p.m.
Weekly menus are posted in each classroom.
Please notify us of any food allergies.
We are a peanut and nut free center.
USDA Nondiscrimination Statement
“In accordance with Federal law and U.S. Department of Agriculture policy, this
institution is prohibited from discrimination on the basis of race, color, national
i sex, age, or di
bili ”
“To file a complaint of discrimination, write USDA, Director, Office of Civil Rights,
1400 Independence Avenue, SW Washington, DC. 20250‐9410 or call, toll free (866)
632‐9992 (Voice). TDD users can contact USDA through local relay or the Federal
relay at (800) 877‐8339
877 8339 (TDD) or (866) 377‐8642
377 8642 (relay voice users).
users) USDA is an
equal opportunity provider and employer.”
Illness Policy
Our goal is to prevent contagious conditions from entering the
center. Therefore, if your child has any of the following
symptoms, please keep them home. Your child may return to
care after
f 24 hours
h symptom‐free:
Headache and/or temperature over 100.4 degrees
Difficulty breathing
Pink Eye
Head lice/nits (all nits need to be
removed before returning
g to care
Medication Procedures
• All prescription medications to be administered at
school must be stored in the original medication
container received from the pharmacy and must state:
• the prescribed medication name
• child’s first and last name
• date prescription was filled
• dosage and administration instructions
• expiration date
• A Medication Authorization Form must be completed
and signed by the parent before staff can administer
medications to your child.
Clothing and Sunscreen
• To protect against cold, heat, and sun injury, please
bring your child in clothing that is dry and layered.
• Every child will need at least one complete change of
clothing in his/her cubby.
• Check your child’s cubby regularly for soiled clothing,
and to replace out‐grown or out‐of‐season clothes.
• During the warmer months we will apply sunscreen to
your child.
child Your child
child’ss teacher will ask you to
complete a Sunscreen Permission Form. You may
choose to have the teachers apply sunscreen provided
b th
by the C
t or you can provide
id your own sunscreen.
Emergency Procedures
Evacuation plans are listed in
every classroom. Our center
will evacuate to Buildingg 19.
Fire and emergency drills are
practiced monthly.
Additional information and
procedures, including
lockdowns, are located in our
parent handbook.
Check KLCC 89.7 FM and
other local radio stations for
h closures.
Door Codes
Each family will have a
secure door code
issued by the office. All
off the
h authorized
h i d
persons for each family
will use the same code.
If you lose or forget
yyour code,, p
please stopp
by the office.
Visits and Observations
Our center has an open door policy for all custodial
You are welcome to visit and observe your child at any
time during open hours.
If available, parents may use the observation rooms to
observe their child. Observation rooms are not to be
used for “homework” areas. Please come to the office
to see if the observation room is available.
All other visitors MUST be authorized, provide
identification, and sign‐in and sign‐out at the Center
ffice in Building
offi B ildi 24.
Under the Family Education Rights and Privacy Act records
related to Center children and their families, and
information contained in those records, are to be shared
ith other staff or College officials onl
only if that person has a
legitimate educational interest (i.e. on a “need to know”
basis only). Requests from third parties must have parental
permission Categories of individuals that would have
access to a child’s file include the following:
Child’s teacher
g Guardians
Administrative Staff
All children’s records are kept in a locked file cabinet.
Complaint Procedure
Lane Child and Family Center If you feel your concerns are
staff appreciates hearing your unresolved to your
feedback. We aim to bring all satisfaction at the classroom
concerns to a satisfactory level please contact the Child
conclusion for all parties and Family Center
involved. Coordinator, Katheryn Wood
at 541‐463‐5794.
Please first talk with your
child’s lead co‐teachers. If Questions pertaining to the
you wish to further discuss quality of care or specific
concerns please feel free to
concerns, licensing infringements may
schedule a conference. be addressed to the Lane
County Child Care Division
(CDC) licensing specialist at
( ) 688‐0933.
(541) 688
What to Expect on the First Day of School
Enter the code for door
and sign‐in on paper.
H l your child:
Hang up their coat.
Wash their hands.
Place all items from
home in their cubby.
Talk with your child’s
Friday, S t b 24th
F id September
Last Names beginning
b with
A‐M from 9:00 to 10:30 a.m.
N‐Z from
f 12‐1:30 p.m.
*allow a minimum of 20 minutes. Drop in
anytime during your time slot.