LP Argumentative Essay TAMON RAIZA JANE

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Anthony’s College
San Jose, Antique

Lesson Plan in ENGLISH 10

Week No. 15

Prepared by: Raiza Jane B. Tamon Checked by:

I. Standards of Learning
Content Standard:
The student demonstrates understanding of how world literatures and other text types
serve as a vehicle of expressing and resolving conflicts among individuals or groups;
also, how to use strategies in critical reading, listening, and, viewing, and affirmation
and negation markers to deliver impromptu and extemporaneous speeches.

Performance Standard:
The student proficiently delivers an argumentative speech emphasizing how to
resolve conflict among individual or groups.

Learning Competencies:
Identify the elements and characteristics of an argumentative essay
Identify sentence structure of an argumentative essay
Compose an argumentative essay

Institutional Student Outcome: Academic Excellence

a. Students communicate ideas and opinions effectively.

II. Subject Matter: Argumentative Essay

References/Materials: Handouts, PowerPoint Presentation, Video Presentation

St. Anthony’s College
San Jose, Antique

Teacher’s Activity Student’s Activity

Good Morning Class” “Good Morning Ma’am!”

“Is everyone here are already present in google meet?” “Yes Ma’am!”

“Okay good. But before we start our lesson for today, let us (One student volunteer to lead the prayer)
pray first. Can anyone please volunteer to lead the prayer?”

“Thank you student. So how are you today class? How do “Were okay Ma’am. Still able to learn and
you cope up with your online classes?” discover new things regardless of our
“That’s good to hear class, hope you were able to learn many
things with all your subjects and be able to pass all your
requirements/activities on time.”

“Since everyone are already here at the google meet, we “Yes Ma’am!”
shall now start the discussion. I’m hoping for an active
participation and cooperation but don’t forget to mute your
respective microphones and don’t open your camera unless
you are called upon. Am I clear students?”

“Thank you”


ACTIVITY 1 (Motivation)
“Yes Ma’am.”
“But before we start our lesson for today, we’re going to
have an activity to test your mind and prepare yourselves for
the lesson proper. For this activity you will be task to answer
the question that I have provided below. Is my instruction

“An argumentative essay is a piece of

“Okay good, so let’s start?”
writing that takes a stance on an issue.”

“Any idea on what is an Argumentative Essay?”

“The argumentative essay is a genre of
writing that requires the student to
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San Jose, Antique

investigate a topic; collect, generate, and

“Wow very good, thank you! Any other answers?” evaluate evidence; and establish a position
on the topic in a concise manner.

“A good argumentative essay uses facts

“Thank you very much students!” and evidence to support the argument,
rather than just the author's thoughts and
“So for the next question, how will you determine if the
argumentative essay is good and factual?”

“Wow thank you very much students! You really have a

great progress today. So let’s move on to the next activity”
(The first group that presents their stand is
ACTIVITY 2 (Warm-Up Activity) the group FOR)
“Yes we all believe in forever, forever
Group yourselves into two groups, the first group will be really do exist especially for people who
name as Group For and the second group as Group Ever deserve it and truly believes in it. It’s like
and discuss what are your stands regarding on the topic ‘’ God even though we can’t see Him nor
Do you believe in Forever?’’. You will be given 3 minutes hear Him, we truly believe that he is here
each group to discuss whether you agree or disagree. with us all.

(Second group that presents their stand is

the group EVER)
“When it comes to human life span itself
we must say that forever doesn’t exist
because we all eventually die. However, if
we base it on religious beliefs and romantic
perspective, forever does exist because of
God’s unconditional love and forgiveness
to every person. That would be all thank

“Thank you for all your positive feedbacks students. And

now let’s move on to the discussion.”
St. Anthony’s College
San Jose, Antique

ACTIVITY 3 (Discussion)
(After watching the video clip that I have prepared)
“I assumed that you all understand what the clip is all about
class. I know that you are already familiar on the similarities
of debate and argumentative essay. And I know you already
have your own ideas about an argumentative essay.
And after watching the video clip about the definition,
elements, parts of an argumentative essay, and how to write
an argumentative essay, I know all of you have taken down
some notes so now I want everyone to kindly answer the
following questions attached in your google classroom, I
think it will just consume our time in google meet if we
answer this individually right now that’s why I’m telling you
to just submit it on your respective google classroom not
later than 1 week.

1. What is the relationship of debate to argumentative

2. What is your idea about argumentative essay?
3. What are the characteristics of argumentative
4. What are the elements of argumentative essay?
5. What are the parts of argumentative essay?
6. What is the content of the introduction paragraph?
7. What are content of body part of an argumentative
8. What do you mean by counter argument and

“The purpose of an argumentative essay

ACTIVITY 4 (Abstraction and Generalization)
is to organize and present your well-
After watching the video recap what you have learned by
reasoned conclusions in order to persuade
answering these following questions. This will serve as your
the audience to accept individual’s point of
graded recitation.

1. What is the purpose of argumentative essay?

St. Anthony’s College
San Jose, Antique

“It is important that we must also use

evidence to persuade our readers to accept
our claims and to prove to them that our
argument is reliable and true”

2. Why is it important to put evidence in an

“Argumentative essay helps students to
argumentative essay?
develop critical thinking and research
skills, as well as the ability to develop and
logically defend a position.”

3. Why argumentative essay is important?

“Wow! Thank you very much students! Your answers are all
incredible! ”

“For the next activity we will be going to have a quiz on

cam, and I will be giving you 10 minutes to answer and after
that we were going to check it right away.”

ACTIVITY 5 (Evaluation/Quiz)
Student task: Identify whether the given statements about the
characteristics of an argumentative essay is True of False.
Write TRUE is the statement is true, otherwise FALSE.

1. Argumentative essay is supported with facts,

explanations, and logical reasoning.
2. An argument always needs to be (pro) or in favor
about a certain issue.
3. An editorial is a good example of an argumentative
4. Argumentative essay is sometimes called a
descriptive essay.
St. Anthony’s College
San Jose, Antique

5. An argumentative essay tries to change the reader’s

mind by convincing the reader to agree with the
writer’s point of view.
6. To develop a good argumentative essay, writer
should present his/her personal opinions and should
include evidences.
7. A good argumentative essay includes counterclaim
and refutes the opposing argument.
8. Argumentative essays are always objective and
9. The evidences should be presented first before the
issue or claim.
10. Going against a certain issue (negative) is the best
content for an argumentative essay.

“Okay so your 10 minutes is up. Let’s now check your

1. True
2. False
3. True
4. True
5. True
6. False (Everyone tell their scores alphabetically)
7. True
8. False
9. False


“Are you all done checking? Let’s record your scores”

“Okay so that’s it for today class. Thank you for your

cooperation and I hope that you understand very well our
topic for today! And don’t forget to visit your google
classroom, for your weekly activities thank you and have a
nice day everyone!”
St. Anthony’s College
San Jose, Antique


Construct an argumentative essay. Choose one topic from the list. See the attached
outline and criteria.
1. Do girls face more societal pressure than guys?
2. Teenagers feel more comfortable talking on social media rather than face to
3. Students nowadays face greater social pressures compared to the past.
4. Your past does not define you.
5. A well-read person isn’t necessarily a smart person.
6. Effective listening is more important than talking.
7. Grades don’t indicate either intelligence or effort.
Outline of an Argumentative Essay

1. Introduction
A. Background Information: basic information about the issue and the position
being argued.
B. Thesis Statement: states the position to be argued in the essay

Il. Reasons that Support the Thesis Statement

A. Reason/Argument 1 (main point #1)
l. Supporting evidence
2. Supporting evidence

B. Reason/Argument 2 (main point #2)

l. Supporting evidence
2. Supporting evidence

C. Reason/Argument 3 (main point #3)

l. Supporting evidence
2. Supporting evidence

111. Counter Arguments and Responses to Them

A. Mention the arguments from the other side of the issue if there could be an opposing
B. Briefly refute the other side's arguments

IV. Conclusion


Criteria Level 4: Exceeding Level 3: Meeting Level 2: Level 1: Below
Standards Standards Approaching Standards Standards

Focus & Essay maintains a clear, Essay maintains a Essay maintains a Essay does not
Structure relevant and logical clear, relevant and mostly clear and logical maintain a clear and
organization. Essay is logical organization. organization. Simple logical organization.
St. Anthony’s College
San Jose, Antique
organized into multiple Multiple sections paragraphs are used Simple paragraphs
sections that creatively (groups of (rather than multiple are used in a
and intelligently build paragraphs) work sections). disorganized manner.
up to support a unique together to form an
and complex argument. argument.
Introduction Introductory section Introductory section Introductory section Introductory section
provides a strong opening, provides a strong provides a strong contains some context
context and a complex opening, context and opening, adequate and an unclear thesis
and original thesis a thesis statement. context and a clear statement
statement. The thesis The thesis includes thesis statement.
includes details that details that preview
preview the rest of the the rest of the essay.
Evidence Student supports their Student supports their Student supports their Student supports
thesis statement with thesis statement with thesis statement with their thesis statement
multiple clear and multiple clear and some clear and with few clear and
relevant examples from relevant examples relevant examples relevant examples
credible sources using from credible sources from credible sources from credible sources
quotes and citations. using quotes and using quotes and using quotes and
Evidence acknowledges citations. Evidence citations. Evidence citations. No
and refutes alternate or acknowledges and attempts to alternate points are
opposing points of view refutes alternate or acknowledge and discussed.
using quotes and opposing points of refute alternate or
citations. view. opposing points of view
but does so unclearly.

Conclusion Essay provides a Essay provides a Essay provides mostly Essay provides mostly
concluding statement that concluding statement summary and summary
summarizes the major that summarizes the explanation but offers and offers little
points, explains their major points, explains few new ideas and explanation and no
significance, and builds their significance, and insights. new ideas and
to new ideas and insights. builds to new ideas and insights.
The conclusion continues insights.
to use quotes and sources
to support its claims.
Style Uses strong words, Frequently uses Sometimes uses strong Rarely uses strong
(Language transitional phrases and strong words, words, transitional words, transitional
Choice & complex sentences transitional phrases phrases and complex phrases and complex
Conventions) throughout. and complex sentences. sentences.
Grammatical sentences. Grammatical Grammatical
conventions are Grammatical conventions are conventions are
followed successfully conventions are sometimes followed rarely followed
(95% accuracy) usually followed with (75% accuracy) (65% accuracy)
(85% accuracy)

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