Importance of Education in Bronchial Asthma Treatm
Importance of Education in Bronchial Asthma Treatm
Importance of Education in Bronchial Asthma Treatm
Article in Pneumonologia i alergologia polska: organ Polskiego Towarzystwa Ftyzjopneumonologicznego, Polskiego Towarzystwa Alergologicznego, i Instytutu Gruzlicy i Chorob Pluc ·
September 2015
DOI: 10.5603/PiAP.2015.0055
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Introduction: Despite significant progress in understanding mechanisms and effective treatment there are still therapeutic failures
in patients treated for bronchial asthma. Education is vital in the therapeutic process. It improves the control of the disease at the
individual level by influencing the adherence and compliance.
Material and methods: The study included 100 patients suffering from bronchial asthma and treated according to GINA 2002
guidelines in Allergy Clinic. Asthma control test (ACT), analysis of patients’ medical documentation and a self-constructed qu-
estionnaire concerning health promotion and education were used in the study.
Aim of this work was to assess differences in the influence of education on results of bronchial asthma control between sexes.
Results: Average duration of asthma was similar in women and men (13.0 ± 11.16 vs.12.7 ± 9.74 years). Weaker asthma
control was found in women (ACT 17.7 vs. 20.4), as well as lower FEV1 values (80−50% of predicted value in 60.3% of women
vs. 43.25 of men). In women an analysis of correlation concerning patients’ knowledge and conducted health education with
asthma control revealed a statistically significant positive correlation of knowledge acquired from the allergologist with asthma
control, information about proceeding in acute attack, whereas negative correlation with asthma control with knowledge passed
on by family doctor was found. Among the male respondents positive correlations of knowledge with asthma control within the
scope of knowledge from allergologist and information concerning proceeding in asthmatic attack were found, while negative
correlation with information coming from family doctor was revealed.
Conclusions: Health education in patients with asthma should be conducted by a specialist in allergic diseases and well-prepared
healthcare professionals.
Address for correspondence: Beata Jankowska-Polańska, ul. Bartla 5, 51–618 Wrocław, e-mail: [email protected], tel. 79 347 70 07
DOI: 10.5603/PiAP.2015.0055
Received: 11.11.2014
Copyright © 2015 PTChP
ISSN 0867–7077 341
Pneumonologia i Alergologia Polska 2015, vol. 83, no. 5, pages 341–347
are able to eliminate improper practices, which plement uniform diagnostic, prophylactic and
often lead to otherwise preventable misevalua- treatment standards combined with the latest
tion of danger, delayed rescue and, ultimately, asthma research findings). The study measure-
fatal events, including death. An effective and ment tool was the specific Asthma Quality of Life
control-improving form of training requires in- Questionnaire (AQLQ (S)), Asthma Control Test
dividual cooperation with the patient, outlining (ACT), and own questionnaire for the assessment
the treatment plan and encouraging the patient of the level of patients’ knowledge and education
to a guided self-treatment. Factors determining regarding their disease. The several-point scale of
a successful treatment include partnership, trust the AQLQ questionnaire enables the evaluation of
and good communication. The principal element physical activity of asthma patients, their ability
of education is to teach the patient to actively to avoid factors inducing shortness of breath,
participate in the treatment process and to switch night symptoms, fear of missing medications,
from being passive to active. The latest findings effects of symptoms on everyday life activities.
suggest that physician-patient partnership, mu- The questionnaire is composed of 32 questions on
tual understanding and individual and well- a 7-point scale, where 1 means maximum symp-
-discussed treatment plan significantly improve toms exacerbation or severely impaired function,
the course and control of the disease [2]. and 7 means that a function has not been impaired
Evaluation of treatment results based only at all. The total result of life quality assessment
on biological criteria has proved insufficient, and is expressed as the average from all questions [4].
the area of medical interest has expanded beyond Asthma Control Test is validated and widely
purely traditional medicine, to include also such used in every day clinical practice. The test in-
health measurements as those indicating the ac- cludes five questions measured in a 5-point scale.
tivity of patients in different life domains. The They assess asthma symptoms and medication
interest in quality of life stems from modernised utilization in the last four weeks [5].
approach to medicine, where the improved level The questionnaire regarding the level of
of functioning and self-assessment are equally knowledge and education was composed of
important or even more important than just the 6 questions, and allowed to evaluate the extent
effectiveness of therapy. These studies helped to to which the patient understands his/her dis-
understand that not only the classic, quantitative ease and knows the principles of self-treatment
therapeutic success indicators, such as survival and self-care and who and how often give them
rate, but also the qualitative parameters, such as medical information about asthma, ability to
symptoms frequency reduction, improved mood, cope with the disease, source of knowledge,
better psychological and physical status are clin- information received during out-patient visit
ically important [3]. A better understanding of and circumstances to obtain information about
the influence of education, socio-demographic asthma. Survey also included socio-demographic
and clinical factors on the patient may determine data such as gender, age, marital status, financial
the most optimal method of bronchial asthma situation, professional, education, place of resi-
treatment and control. dence, factors affecting asthma and analysis of
The aim of the study was to evaluate gender medical records, allowing to collect clinical data
differences regarding the effect of education on of the patient. When using quality of life ques-
bronchial asthma control and quality of life. tionnaires it is possible to evaluate the subjective
dimension of health status. Quality of life is
Material and methods a measurable subjective criterion and an element
of medical technology. Studies of the quality of
For conducting the research a permission life, which have now been performed on the basis
of Bioethics Committee of the Wroclaw Medical of standardised questionnaires for approximately
University No. 722/2012 was obtained. The study 10 years, have become a recognised tool in medical
evaluated a group of 100 patients with bronchial research. This stems from the need to obtain the
asthma, aged 18 to 80 years, under follow up fullest, quantifiable result of the patient’s health
at the specialist allergy outpatient clinics. The status. The statistical analysis was supported by
study covered a period from September 2009 to Microsoft Excel in combination with the Statis-
February 2010. One of the inclusion criteria was tica 9 PL package, and the following methods of
chronic anti-inflammatory treatment, in accor- statistical analysis were used: to test significance
dance with the GINA 2002 guidelines (Global — Student’s t-test for unrelated variables and Chi-
Initiative for Asthma; the main goal was to im- squared test for independent features; to test the
Beata Jankowska-Polańska et al., Education in the treatment of bronchial asthma 343
Pneumonologia i Alergologia Polska 2015, vol. 83, no. 5, pages 341–347
Beata Jankowska-Polańska et al., Education in the treatment of bronchial asthma
The more the patient knows about the dis- We have found that quite a large population
ease, the better he/she can cooperate with the of asthma patients lives in urban areas. Other
therapeutic team and is able to help himself/ important factor influencing the course of the dis-
/herself to control the symptoms more effective- ease in our patients is smoking. The average du-
ly [6]. One of the most important elements of ration of smoking was 14.2 years and the average
self-treatment is to be able to quickly react in case number of smoked cigarettes was 14. Jassem [8]
of severe exacerbation. suggests that smoking may have a pro-allergic
In our study the largest cohort were women and pro-inflammatory effect, as it damages the
(63%). According to the authors of “PTA and bronchial epithelium and impairs local protection
PTF Expert Panel Report” 2006, the prognosis for mechanisms. The negative impact of smoking
asthma is worse when the first onset of symptoms includes also its effect on molecular mechanisms
occurs during or after puberty, which happens inhibiting the beneficial effect of inhaled gluco-
more often in women [7]. corticosteroids. 345
Pneumonologia i Alergologia Polska 2015, vol. 83, no. 5, pages 341–347
Beata Jankowska-Polańska et al., Education in the treatment of bronchial asthma 347