Module 6 - Philippine E-Health Strategic Plan (PeHSP) and Philippine Health Information Exchange (PHIE)

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10/7/21, 2:50 PM Module 6- Philippine e-Health Strategic Plan (PeHSP) and Philippine Health Information Exchange (PHIE)

Module 6- Philippine e-Health Strategic Plan (PeHSP) and Philippine Health

Information Exchange (PHIE)

Site: New Era University Printed by: Zuriel P. San Pedro

MTHI11L-18 - Health Information System for Med Lab Date: Thursday, 7 October 2021, 2:50 PM
Science Lab
Module 6- Philippine e-Health Strategic Plan (PeHSP) and
Philippine Health Information Exchange (PHIE) 1/19
10/7/21, 2:50 PM Module 6- Philippine e-Health Strategic Plan (PeHSP) and Philippine Health Information Exchange (PHIE)


Lesson 1: Title 2/19
10/7/21, 2:50 PM Module 6- Philippine e-Health Strategic Plan (PeHSP) and Philippine Health Information Exchange (PHIE)

Table of contents

1. Philippine e-Health Strategic Plan (PeHSP)

1.1. Learning Outcomes
1.2. Concepts of Philippine e-Health Strategic Plan (PeHSP)
1.3. Components of Philippine e-Health Strategic Plan (PeHSP)
1.4. Philippine eHealth Strategic Phases

2. Philippine Health Information Exchange (PHIE)

2.1. Course Learning Outcomes
2.2. Objectives & Concepts of the Philippine Health Information Exchange
2.3. PHIE Concept and Services

3. Activities

4. Laboratory Activity 3/19
10/7/21, 2:50 PM Module 6- Philippine e-Health Strategic Plan (PeHSP) and Philippine Health Information Exchange (PHIE)

1. Philippine e-Health Strategic Plan (PeHSP)


The Philippine eHealth Strategic Plan (PeHSP) of 2014-2020 are the key policies and strategies, processes, resources, and projects and
activities needed to harmonize, align, interoperate and implement the various eHealth initiatives, programs and projects for the National eHealth
Program (NeHP), and to ensure proper and efficient use of information and communications technologies to support and facilitate the
achievement of Universal Health Care to overcome health inequities through the achievement of the national health goals of better health
outcomes, sustained health financing, and equitable and responsive health systems. 4/19
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1.1. Learning Outcomes

At the end of this lesson, the students will be able to:

1. Understand the background of Philippine eHealth Strategic Plan (PeHSP)

2. Determine the Mission, Vision, Strategic Goals and its Targets.

3. Identify and Differentiate the Components of Philippine eHealth Strategic Plan (PeHSP) 5/19
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1.2. Concepts of Philippine e-Health Strategic Plan (PeHSP)

          This is an iteration of the earlier Philippine eHealth Strategic Framework and Plan 2013-2020, which was developed, updated and being
implemented by the inter-agency National eHealth Steering Committee and Technical Working Group. It largely takes after the WHO-ITU
National eHealth Strategy Toolkit, which highlights the interplay of various eHealth components that are prerequisites to a sound and successful
national eHealth program.

         Components of this framework are leadership, governance and multi-sector engagement; strategy and investment; legislation, policy and
compliance; standards and interoperability; infrastructure; human resources; and eHealth solutions (services and applications).


The PeHSP is divided into four parts:

(1) Strategic Context for eHealth in the Philippines - depicts the current overall health state of the country, and how this situates in the overall
eHealth implementation;

(2) An ICT-Enabled Philippine Health System  - defines the eHealth vision, mission, goals and strategic thrusts responsive to the overall
national health systems and development goals;

(3) National eHealth Action Plan -  lays down the key strategies, resources, and activities to achieve the national eHealth vision; and

(4) Monitoring and Evaluation - provides the key tactical foundations to ensure that the NeHP is on track based on the PeHSP requirements.

The PeHSP shall be regularly updated to accommodate the changing eHealth climate, national eHealth strategic directions and priorities, and
evolving health sector requirements and health care technologies, among others.


An ICT-enabled Philippine Health System towards better and equitable access to quality health care services, and easier access to secure real
time health data and information for evidenced-based decision making.


To effectively stimulate and establish the use of harmonized and relevant information and communications technologies to improve health care
delivery, administration and management, and communicating health to Filipinos.

Strategic Goal 1: Provide a rational and accountable ehealth agenda, and legal and normative framework and structures to implement ehealth.


1. Establishment of legal, policy and normative framework

a. Definite roadmap

b. Standardization (technical infrastructure, health informatics, statistics, interoperability, etc.)

2. Increased & sustained financing including those from local government units 6/19
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for local health facilities.

3. Reach an acceptable and responsive Health Human Resource eMaturity/eCapability Building framework.

4. Establish multiagency and sectoral collaboration and networks

5. Support local government units to finance, and sustain eHealth.

6. ICT infrastructure development.

7. Continuous research and development.

8. Establishment of an integrated monitoring and evaluation system.

Strategic Goal 2: Increase efficiency of processes and systems in health care delivery and administration, and create new processes and better
forms of conduct and communication.

Targets: Promoting more efficient health systems with the following priorities:

a. Social health insurance

b. Disease surveillance and other frontline services

c. Essential drugs management & price monitoring

d. Health emergency preparedness & response

e. Health facilities management including blood supply

f. Other ancillary services

g. Referrals

h. Health regulation of facilities, services, and goods (drugs, food,

cosmetics, hazardous household chemicals, etc.)

i. Health records

j. Health promotion & learning

k. Financial, procurement, & material management

Strategic Goal 3: Establish a unified and coherent health & management information systems relevant to individuals, managers and other


1. Harmonization and/or integration of data sources, and collection and utilization processes.

2. Adoption of data management standards and protocols.

3. Enhancing health services statistics reporting both from the public, particularly among local government units, and the private sector

4. Expand and improve implementation of ISs for health facilities, PhilHealth, health human resources, and other ISs under UHC.

5. Expand data access and utilization for evidenced-based decisions and ISs sustainability.

6. Establishment of information governance and sovereignty.

Strategic Goal 4: Institutionalize knowledge management systems to promote data, information and knowledge exchange and utilization,
especially at sub-national levels.


1. Increase capacities for knowledge production, use and application.

a. Health research 7/19
10/7/21, 2:50 PM Module 6- Philippine e-Health Strategic Plan (PeHSP) and Philippine Health Information Exchange (PHIE)
b. Knowledge translation

2. Improve access, exchange and sharing.

a. Knowledge portals & dashboard, intranets and call center

b. Data warehouse

c. E-library

d. National & international databases, and publications

e. Best practices

f. Cops or knowledge networks

3. Improve knowledge tools, knowledge and/or learning hubs and resource centers.

4. Promote standard and repeatable processes and procedures.

Strategic Goal 5: Capitalize on ICTs to reach & provide better health services to GIDA, support MDGs/SDGs attainment, and dissemination of
information to citizens and health providers in a variety of technology platforms.


1. Establishment and operationalization of policy and strategic framework.

2. Implement systems to reach GIDA, and to support MDGs/SDGs attainment (i.e. patient monitoring and tracking [WOMB - Watching
over Mothers and Babies], referrals, health providers networks, connecting health providers and patients, diagnostic services, etc.) 8/19
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1.3. Components of Philippine e-Health Strategic Plan (PeHSP)

Leadership, Governance and Multi-Sector Engagement


1. Direct and coordinate eHealth goals, strategies and activities at all levels (i.e. health facilities, healthcare providers, policy/decision
makers); ensure alignment with national health system goals and political climate; promote collective consciousness and awareness and
engage stakeholders. Critical areas of governance are management of the following key result areas, among others:

a. Strategic architecture

b. eHealth stakeholders engagement

c. Clinical safety

d. Health operations, regulations and management

e. Monitoring and evaluation

f. Policy oversight

2. Use mechanisms, expertise, coordination and partnerships to develop and/or adopt eHealth components (e.g. standards).

3. Support and empower required change, implementation of recommendations and monitoring results for delivery of expected benefits.

Critical Targets

1. Establishment of a national eHealth governance structure to direct, implement, enforce, monitor, and evaluate the national adoption of
eHealth in the country.

2. Establishment of the eHealth software compliance structure.

3. Updating of the health sector enterprise architecture.

4. Implementation of the structures on national eHealth governance, eHealth software compliance, and health sector enterprise

Actual Accomplishments

1. Creation of the National eHealth Governance Steering Committee and Technical Working Group

2. Creation of eHealth Advisors Group

3. Creation of Various eHealth Experts Groups and Teams

3.1 Health Enterprise Architecture Experts Groups

3.2 National Health Data Standards Experts Group

3.3 National Health Data Privacy Experts Group

3.4 Electronic Medical Record Experts Group

3.5 Information Technology Experts Group

3.6 Risk Management Experts Group

3.7 Finance and Sustainability Experts Group

3.8 Monitoring and Evaluation Experts Group

3.9 Data Management Experts Group

3.10 Capability Building Experts Group

3.11 Terminology Asset Management Team

3.12 Health Information Technology Team

4. Conduct of regular National eHealth Steering Committee and Technical Working Group, eHealth Advisers Group, and eHealth Experts
Groups and Teams consultations, and coordination and agreements meetings, and jointly issue and implement agreed eHealth policies,
strategies, plans, guidelines, rules and procedures, and the like.

Legislation, Policy and Compliance


1. Formulate and adopt required national policies, legislations and protocols across health sector to support the attainment of the eHealth
vision; review health sector segment policies for alignment and comprehensiveness; establish regular policy reviews and implementation
monitoring. Examples of these are the national legislations, policies, and regulations on how health information are stored, accessed and
shared across geographical and health sector boundaries; implementation of unique health identifier; implementation of national health data 9/19
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standards; and software certification or accreditation.

2. Create and sustain a legal compliant and policy-driven environment to establish trust, buy-in and protection among consumers and
industries involved in eHealth practices and systems.

Critical Targets:

1. Push for the approval of an eHealth/Telemedicine/Telehealth Law.

2. Institutionalization of the National eHealth Program.

3. Formulation of the necessary policies, mechanisms and standard operating procedures for the use and adoption of health data
standards and interoperability.

4. Formulation of the necessary policies, mechanisms and standard operating procedures to establish/institutionalize health data privacy
and security.

5. Formulation of the necessary policies, mechanisms and standard operating procedures for the application/software compliance to DoH
& PhilHealth reporting requirements, and related national standards.

6. Formulation of the necessary policies, mechanisms and standard operating procedures to establish a secure health information

7. Formulation of other related policies on administrative, legal, ethics, research, finance aspects of eHealth.

8. Regular review and updating with stakeholders, considering international and national policies and commitments, various eHealth
policies and protocols, plans, and frameworks.

Actual Accomplishments:

1. Draft eHealth Bill for the 17th Congress.

2. Draft Administrative Order on the Institutionalization of the Inter-Agency National eHealth Governance Committee of the National
eHealth Program.

3. DOH Administrative Order No. 2013-0025: National Implementation of Health Data Standards for eHealth Standardization and
Interoperability (eHSI Release 01)

4. DOH Administrative Order No. 2015-0037: National Implementation of Health Data Standards for eHealth Standardization and
Information Interoperability

5. Joint DOH-DOST-PhilHealth Administrative Order on the Implementation of the Philippine Health Information Exchange

6. Joint DOH-DOST-PhilHealth Administrative Order on the Privacy Guidelines for the Implementation of the Philippine Health Information

7. Joint DOH-PhilHealth Administrative Order on the Adoption of the Philippine Health Information Exchange Lite

8. Joint DOH-PhilHealth Administrative Order on the Implementation of the National eHealth Electronic Medical Record System Validation
for the Various National Health Data Reporting Requirements for formal endorsement of respective Legal/Policy Offices of the concerned

9. DOH Administrative Order on the Institutionalization of the National TeleHealth Services under the Department of Health ongoing
revision of document.

10. DOH Administrative Order on the Implementation of the National Health Facility Registry ongoing revision of document.

11. Memorandum of Agreement on the Management and Implementation of the Philippine Health Information Exchange (PHIE) and Other
Related eHealth Projects signed last 17 March 2015.

12. Memorandum of Understanding on the Philippine National Public Key Infrastructure signed last 9 July 2015.

13. Resolution to Formally Manifest Before the Cabinet the Need to Establish the National Privacy Commission and Proposal for Creation
of the National Health Data Privacy Board.National eHealth Information Interoperability Standards Change Management Manual for final
approval by the National eHealth Technical Working Group.

14. National eHealth Information Interoperability Standards Catalogue for final approval by the National eHealth Technical Working Group.

Standards and Interoperability


Introduce and enable use of standards that enable consistent and accurate collection and exchange of health information across health
systems and services, and geographical and health sector boundaries through use of common standards on data structure, terminologies,
and messaging.

Critical Targets:

1. Establishment of governance and management structure on national health data standards.

2. Definition, advocacy for use, and implementation of health data standards.

3. Establishment of policies and mechanisms toward national adoption & institutionalization of various eHealth standards.

4. Regular review and updating of existing eHealth standards based on national, regional and international policies and best practice(s). 10/19
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Actual Accomplishments:

1. Creation of the National Health Data Committee

2. Creation of the National Health Data Standards Experts Group

3. Creation of the Terminology Asset Management Team

4. Implementation of the National Health Data Dictionary 3.0

5. Development of the National eHealth Information Interoperability Standards Change Management Manual.

6. Development of the National eHealth Information Interoperability Standards Catalogue.

7. Issuance of the Standard Codes and Structures for the PHIE Lite Use Case/Registries.

8. Activation of the Distributed Terminology Service within the PHIE.

eHealth Solutions
Strategy and Investment

1. Develop, implement and sustain the national eHealth vision through development of responsive strategies and plans to operate and
maintain the national eHealth environment.

2. Lead planning with involvement of major stakeholders and sectors.

3. Align financing with priorities; donor, government and private sector funding identified for medium term ICT harmonization initiatives.
Investment refers to the funding or amount needed for executing the strategies and plans.

Critical Targets:

1. Regular evaluation and update the Philippine eHealth Strategic Plan.

2. Establishment of regular funding or financing system.

3. Establishment of incentive mechanisms among health care providers and health facilities for the adoption of eHealth solutions, and
investments in computing infrastructure for eHealth.

4. Incorporation of the adoption of eHealth solutions as an accreditation or licensing requirement for health care providers and health

Actual Accomplishments:

1. Creation of the Philippine eHealth Strategic Framework and Plan

2. Creation of the Health Sector Enterprise Architecture

3. Creation of the eHealth Program Management Office

4. Creation of the Finance and Sustainability Experts Group

5. Hiring of the consultants for the following projects:

5.1. Development of the Health Enterprise Proof of Concept Service Bus for the Philippine Health Information Exchange ongoing
contract execution.

5.2. Development of Health Data Protection and Privacy Guidelines in Support of the Implementation of the Philippine Health
Information Exchange project closed.

5.3. Development of Health Enterprise Architecture for the Development and Implementation of the Philippine Health Information
Exchange project closed.

5.4. Conduct of Information Technology Process Maturity Level Assessment for the Philippine Health Information Exchange ongoing
contract execution.

6. Conduct of regular National eHealth Steering Committee and Technical Working Group, eHealth Advisers Group, and eHealth Experts
Groups and Team consultations, and coordination and agreements meetings, and jointly issue and implement agreed eHealth policies,
strategies, plans, guidelines, rules and procedures, and the like.


Human Resources

1. Workforce or manpower to develop, operate or implement the national eHealth environment such as the health workers who will be using
eHealth in their line of works, health care providers, information and communication technology workers, and others.

2. Make eHealth knowledge and skills available through internal expertise and technical cooperation between the public and private
health sector.

3. Build national, regional and specialized networks for eHealth implementation, management and sustainability.

4. Establish eHealth education, training programmes and other capability building initiatives for health human resources.

Critical Targets: 11/19
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1. Conduct of needs assessment on human resources (information technology, engineering, business process outsourcing, among others).

2. Development of human resource eHealth capability plan.

3. Conduct of trainings and other relevant capability building activities on eHealth policies such as health data standards and privacy;
solutions like electronic health record systems, and health information exchange; and other related eHealth services.

4. Update of educational programs to increase the number of health care providers knowledgeable and skilled in eHealth.

5. Push for the integration of various eHealth concerns or subject matters in the medical and paramedical curriculum, initially for data
health privacy

6. Implementation of relevant eHealth educational programs.

7. Introduction to eHealth, and conduct of continuing eHealth education and evaluation.

8. Development of eHealth education and training delivery tools.

9. Provision of awareness campaigns and advocacies, training and education on telehealth/telemedicine.

10. Conduct of awareness campaign, fora, symposia, conferences and/or workshops to strengthen the adoption of eHealth.

Actual Accomplishments

1. Creation of the Capability Building Experts Group

2. Conduct of capability building activities on:

2.1 eHealth Systems

PHIE Lite Implementation

iHOMIS System Implementation Expansion to New Sites

Decision Makers and Users Training on iClinicSys System Implementation

Other Clinic/Hospital Information System Registries

2.2 Public Key Infrastructure

2.3 Enterprise Architecture Server Repository Tool

2.4 Service Oriented Architecture Application

2.5 Terminology Service

3. Integration of the following relevant courses to current college curricula of medical/engineering degrees:

3.1 Data Privacy and Protection Systems

3.2 ICD10 Coding 12/19
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1.4. Philippine eHealth Strategic Phases


10/7/21, 2:50 PM Module 6- Philippine e-Health Strategic Plan (PeHSP) and Philippine Health Information Exchange (PHIE)

2. Philippine Health Information Exchange (PHIE)


         In the advent of modern technologies and internet, patient demographics, health history, health data can now be shared from health care
personnel and health care facilities to another through electronic transmission. The use of internationally recognized standards, and
transmission and validation protocols that ensure client privacy and data protection have made the exchange feasible in a secure manner.

         Healthcare providers usually get the clients anecdotal information to obtain pertinent information from previous health encounters following
the traditional practice of using paper forms, rather than having to access the clients health encounter record from previous health facilities.
Often times, this scenario leads to redundancy and additional setback for the client such as repeating diagnostic procedures that may have been
already facilitated in the previous health encounters, duplication of treatments, inappropriate medication prescription due to lack of information
on allergy triggers, and/or incorrect diagnosis due to insubstantial health history, among others. These problems can be prevented or eliminated
if healthcare providers have access to quality and complete information anytime and anywhere.

          Guided by the PeHSP for UHC, one of the identified critical eHealth projects to address the above situational health condition is the
development and implementation of the Philippine Health Information Exchange (PHIE). The PHIE is a platform for secure electronic access and
efficient exchange of health data and/or information among health facilities, health care providers, health information organizations, and
government agencies in accordance with set national standards in the interest of public health.

            The PHIE is envisioned to become an integral component of the health care delivery system as part of health services available to all
patients. It shall integrate and harmonize health data coming from different electronic medical record systems and hospital information systems.
It shall provide an infrastructure for data/information sharing between health care providers, and support access to patients records across
providers in all geographic areas of the country; thereby, improving efficiency and reliability of communication among participating health care
providers. In general, its implementation shall promote public health, improve total patient care and better decision making, while safeguarding
the right to privacy of every individual.


          The PHIE responds to the call of the national government to create a citizen-centric government, where on 17 March 2015, the Secretary
of Health, Secretary of Science and Technology (DOST), President and Chief Executive Officer of PhilHealth, and Executive Director of the
DOST-ICT Office (now Department of Information and Communications Technology) entered into a Memorandum of Agreement on its
management and implementation, including other related eHealth projects. From the health sector standpoint, the implementation of PHIE
supports the attainment of UHC to foster good governance, strengthen accountability, increase transparency, and advance operational efficiency
of various stakeholders in the health sector and to deliver quality services and make information available to various service providers and the
people. 14/19
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2.1. Course Learning Outcomes

At the end of this lesson, the student will be able to:

1. Understand the objective of Philippine Health Information Exchange.

2. Differentiate the components of Philippine Health Information Exchange.

3. Discuss the PHIE Services. 15/19
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2.2. Objectives & Concepts of the Philippine Health Information Exchange

Technically, the Philippine Health Information Exchange serves the following purposes:

a. Ease the unification and integration of health data and processes across different health facilities employing disparate electronic medical
record systems;

b. Promote interoperability by providing means for communication and coordination of electronic health data among the various health
domains (i.e. disparate clinic information systems, and applications) without loss of semantics;

c. Increase accountability for the proper management of health information;

d. Harmonize and optimize eHealth processes and workflows;

e. Serve as reference in the development of integrated information systems

f. Promote the implementation and use of interoperability standards.

From the viewpoint of business process owners, the PHIE aims to achieve integrated healthcare services and delivery that is also seamlessly
responsive, efficient, cost-effective, and real-time. Specifically, the system will aid in:

a. Enabling secured data sharing between authorized healthcare providers and consequently, supporting protected access to clients health
data record across providers in many geographic areas of the country;

b. Providing a single unified view of clients health data record across health facilities whether a hospital or clinic through an interface that
is accessible anywhere and anytime; thereby, enhancing client care collaboration;

c. Facilitating aggregation of health data into a longitudinal electronic medical record; and

d. Generating accurate and real-time health statistical reports for monitoring and evaluation, with subsequent development of appropriate
interventions, policies, and protocols.

The PHIE is composed of six (6) interacting components, namely:

a. Client Registry manages the unique identification of citizens receiving healthcare services.

b. Provider Registry - manages the unique identification of healthcare providers.

c. Health Facility Registry manages the unique identification of places where health services are administered.

d. Standards Terminology Service manages the unique identification of clinical activities, standard health data sets, terminologies and

e. Shared Health Record a repository of clients records with information in the exchange.

f. Interoperability Layer receives communication from various application systems being used by the health facilities, and orchestrates
message processing.

Point of service applications, i.e. the systems used by the health facilities such as hospitals, rural health units, and clinics to access and update
the clients records interact with the PHIE. Examples of these are the DOHs Integrated Hospital Operations and Management Information
System (iHOMIS), and Integrated Clinic Information System (iClinicSys) used by government hospitals and rural health units, respectively, for
recording and updating a clients medical record. One of the essential end-products of this component is a unified client-centric electronic
medical record that can be securely shared among healthcare providers. 16/19
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2.3. PHIE Concept and Services 17/19
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3. Activities

FORUMS: Answer the following questions by clicking the

links below.

Forum 1

Forum 2

Forum 3

Forum 4

Forum 5 18/19
10/7/21, 2:50 PM Module 6- Philippine e-Health Strategic Plan (PeHSP) and Philippine Health Information Exchange (PHIE)

4. Laboratory Activity

Laboratory Activity:

Please answer the link below

Accomplish the task immediately, deadline of submission will be on

January 13, 2020 @ 6:00 pm 19/19

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