Selection and Ranking of Rail Vehicle Components For Optimal Lightweighting Using Composite Materials
Selection and Ranking of Rail Vehicle Components For Optimal Lightweighting Using Composite Materials
Selection and Ranking of Rail Vehicle Components For Optimal Lightweighting Using Composite Materials
Article in Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers Part F Journal of Rail and Rapid Transit · June 2020
DOI: 10.1177/0954409720925685
1 704
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The current performance requirements for the global rail industry demand that trains are more reliable, efficient and can
accommodate an increased capacity for more passengers. Lightweight construction of rail vehicles is thus required to
meet these requirements. This paper has identified the key components for lightweighting of rail vehicles using fibre
reinforced polymer composite materials. A methodology used to select and rank those metallic components suitable for
redesign in composite, developed as part of the ACIS (Advanced Composite Integrated Structures) UK project is
described. From the audit, five demonstrator components – a cantilevered seat bracket, luggage rack module, inter-
mediate end structure, body side structure and roof structure – were identified by the consortium using the method-
ology. These are components that the consortium believes to be the most suitable to demonstrate the benefit of a
composite replacement in terms of integration potential, lightweighting benefits and commercial viability. Furthermore,
rail car body structural components, forming the primary structure of a rail vehicle, were determined to be the most
optimal components to replace in composites for maximum lightweighting of the sprung mass. It was estimated that a
composite redesign of these components would result in a mass savings of 57% for intermediate end structures, 47% for
body side structures and 51% for roof structures.
Rail vehicle audit, lightweighting, car body structures, composite materials, energy consumption
(primarily FRP composites) into their structures. The rail applications. While these glass fibre composite
main barriers to the widespread adoption of FRP structures are lightweight, the lack of fibre alignment
composites have been cost, fire performance and in the formats currently used, limits the structural
issues of maintenance in the railway environment performance.
and over the lifetime of the vehicle. However, com- In terms of resin selection, thermosetting resins
posite design can reduce manufacturing costs (from a such as polyester, vinylester and epoxies are most
life-cycle costing perspective) by reducing the number commonly used for rail applications.9 However, an
of parts, assembly steps and assembly time.6 issue with these resins is their FST performance. For
The ACIS (Advanced Composite Integrated example, the unsaturated form of polyester burns
Structures) UK rail project (funded by the Rail easily resulting in smoke and toxic fumes. To over-
Safety and Standards Board, RSSB/13/EIT/1744) come this, fillers and additives are used to improve fire
sought to address this challenge of rail vehicle light- retardancy. However, this tends to increase the viscos-
weighting. A team of engineers from Bombardier ity of the resin making it difficult to process and thus
Transportation (lead), the University of Nottingham, limits the widespread use of this resin for rail applica-
Haydale Composite Solutions and the National tions. Phenolic resins are inherently fire retardant and
Composites Centre developed a methodology to iden- evolve low levels of smoke and toxic fumes. These are
tify the most commercially viable components of a rail typically used for rail vehicles designed to operate in
vehicle to be lightweighted by redesign in composites. tunnels, such as on the London Underground. The
This paper provides a focussed review of composites in most stringent FST requirements for rail vehicle
the railway industry and presents the findings of the design are those specified for the London
ACIS project. Underground. They require rail vehicles to comply
with the superseded British standard BS 6853,10 cat-
A review of composites in the railway egory 0 and 1a performance levels which are more
rigorous than the Hazard level 3 category, stated in
industry the current British European standard BS EN 45545-
Steel and aluminium have long been used as structural 2.8,11 However, phenolic resins cure by a condensation
materials for rail vehicles. These metallic materials reaction which leads to porosity within the matrix,
possess good strength, formability and weld-ability resulting in brittleness. This makes phenolics unsuit-
properties coupled with a relatively low cost, which able for structural components.
makes them a versatile option. However, the desire to Figure 1 provides a summary of reinforcement
achieve a lightweight design and reduce production fibres and matrix resins commonly used in the manu-
costs are the main two driving forces behind the intro- facture of composite components for rail vehicles.
duction of new materials in rail.7 FRP composites are Although the source is a snapshot from 1997,9 it
one such material system that meets these aims. These still provides a useful summary of the relative usages
materials have high specific properties and can form as discussed above.
complicated, three-dimensional profiles suited to rail A rail vehicle is typically fabricated with either
vehicle design. lightweight, stiff panels or more commonly, sand-
Rail vehicle design is typically separated into major wich panel structures (consisting of two FRP skins
modules such as the intermediate end, body side, roof, encapsulating a lightweight core). Sandwich panel
cab front, underframe and bogies. Composites for structures are used for cab ends, body sides and
semi-structural interior applications tend to utilise flooring using polymer foams, balsa and honeycomb
glass fibres and low-cost grades of thermoset poly- cores. Balsa, a low density sustainable wood, is a
mers. Only for bespoke projects, such as high-speed common choice due its low cost and was used for
trains, where weight reduction is a necessity, are the C20 Stockholm metro car (which commenced ser-
carbon fibre and higher-performance resins, such as vice in December 1997) supplied by Adtranz.9
epoxies used. Another example is the flooring panels of the Kuala
Lumpur Monorail manufactured by Flexadux Plastics
in the UK. End-grain balsa clad in a phenolic lamin-
Composite materials for railway applications ate was used to fabricate large (approximately
The fire, smoke and toxicity (FST) requirements spe- 3 3 m) floor panels.9
cific to the rail industry as stated in the British Moreover, sandwich panel structures utilising
European standard BS EN 45545-28 severely restrict honeycomb cores have become the preferred fabricat-
material choice, and the introduction of novel mater- ing route for rail vehicle bodies and interior panelling.
ials. In terms of reinforcement fibres, glass fibres are These have high strength, good impact and energy
most commonly used for rail applications due to good absorption properties. Examples of sandwich panelled
mechanical properties and their low cost in compari- rail vehicles include: Schindler Waggon’s Revvivo,
son to carbon and aramid fibres. These fibres are usu- Munico and Neitec vehicles,12 the Korean Tilting
ally used in the form of chopped strand mat (CSM) Train eXpress (TTX)13 and Bombardier’s C20
and continuous filament mat (CFM) for most interior FICAS.14
Mistry et al. 3
Figure 1. Summary of (a) reinforcement fibres and (b) matrix resins used, in terms of volume, in the manufacture of composite
components for rail vehicle applications.9
Figure 2. Summary of composite manufacturing processes used in the production of composite rail vehicle applications, adapted
from research presented by Robinson et al.9
manufactured in the UK by Aztec. Matched die- bodies of rail vehicles. In particular, the greatest use
moulding of sheet moulding compound (SMC) has of FRP composite materials by volume in rail vehicle
been used to fabricate seat shells, where the large design have been focussed on the car body structures.
volume of production has been able to justify the Pertinent research into the use of advanced
high tooling costs. composite materials for rail vehicle car body
There have been a few notable examples of large- structures has been carried out by The Tokyo Car
scale manufacturing of composite structures in rail Corporation, and the East Japan Railway Company
vehicle design in the production of rail vehicle car investigating the use of carbon fibre reinforced plastic
body structures. These examples represent bespoke (CFRP) roof shells fixed into an aluminium frame
projects where the manufacturing volume was low structure using a novel transition welded joint.17
(typically one-off production) and, therefore cost Similarly, the Japanese Railway Technical Research
was not a constraining requirement. The transition Institute has developed and tested hybrid alumi-
towards automated composite manufacturing pro- nium-CFRP structures. An automated pultrusion
cesses is currently hindered by the low maturity of process was used to produce the CFRP panels,
composite use within the rail industry and lack of which were then riveted onto an aluminium frame.18
knowledge in this area. SNCF (France) investigated the use of lightweight
structures consisting of carbon and glass reinforced
epoxy around a foam or honeycomb core for use in
Composite rail projects their double decker TGV high-speed trains.19
Research into advanced composite structures for pas- In terms of monolithic car body construction of
senger rail vehicle bodyshells, bogies, and wheelsets is rail vehicles, there are three main projects which
predominately led by Europe, Korea and Japan. The have been undertaken, detailed in Table 2.
current research is driven by the need for lightweight The composite car body structures described above
and energy absorbent composite structures to replace were for mainline rolling stock applications and were
metallic structures. produced in low volume or one-off conditions. The
As part of the modular urban guided rail systems methods used to produce these car body structures
(MODURBAN) European rail project, the mass are costly for mass production. In comparison, the
breakdown of a typical six-car-set metro vehicle was light railway sector (monorail and tram systems) has
quantified (see Figure 3).16 It concluded that the bogies implemented composite solutions for primary load-
and car body structures are the two largest mass con- bearing structures in a variety of monorail vehicles
tributors for a typical passenger rail vehicle, accounting (see Table 3). The benefits of a composite car body
for 65% of the total tare mass. They are thus prime structure for the light railway sector are well estab-
candidates for lightweighting in rail vehicles. lished, but not without its challenges.
Table 1 summarises the key composite rail projects There are numerous benefits resulting from a com-
in terms of the car body and bogie catergories. posite rail car body construction. Firstly, a reduction
As seen from Table 1, there are numerous examples in mass of the primary structure can provide a cascad-
of composites incorporated into the bogies and car ing mass saving benefit for the rest of the vehicle and
Figure 3. A typical mass breakdown for a passenger rail vehicle, adapted from research presented by Carruthers et al.16 HVAC
refers to heating, ventilation and air condition systems.
Mistry et al. 5
components in terms of the traction system, suspen- However, limited research has been conducted to
sion and brakes.29 This would in turn reduce track quantify the mass saving potential of composite
infrastructure damage and wear on the wheels and rail vehicle component replacement and to deter-
bearings.30 Secondly, a total rail vehicle mass savings mine whether such a replacement is commercially
of 20–30% is estimated for composite car body con- feasible.
struction. This correlates to reduced energy consump-
tion during the use phase and an estimated reduction
Selection and ranking methodology
of approximately 5% of CO2 emissions.31,32 Thirdly,
the life cycle costing (including operational and main- As part of the ACIS UK rail project (funded by the
tenance costs) is expected to significantly decrease. Rail Safety and Standards Board, RSSB/13/EIT/
Blanc et al.33 carried out a life cycle costing analysis 1744), a selection and ranking methodology for com-
on the Korean Tilting Train eXpress (TTX). The esti- posite replacement of rail vehicle components
mated energy savings of this high-speed train with was developed to identify key components for light-
different material car body constructions were deter- weighting. A comprehensive rail vehicle audit of
mined. This analysis showed that a composite car a Bombardier Electrostar (EMU passenger train)
body scenario is 42% less energy demanding than a was carried out. The focus of the audit was on the
stainless steel scenario, and 21% less energy demand- sprung mass of passenger rail vehicles. Bogies and
ing than an aluminium scenario. propulsion equipment (unsprung mass) were not
In conclusion, the literature regarding the bene- included within the scope of this project.
fits of mass reduction of rail vehicles has been inves- The methodology was developed to evaluate vehicle
tigated, quantified and well documented.31,34,35 components consisting of three main steps: (1)
6 Proc IMechE Part F: J Rail and Rapid Transit 0(0)
Table 3. Composite car body structures used in the light railway sector.23,24
Figure 4. Selection and ranking methodology used to evaluate the commercial viability for a composite replacement of rail vehicle
components (including the outcomes for example components).
Preliminary component ranking, (2) Economic poten- included the potential for part integration, improved
tial for a composite component and (3) Composite mechanical properties and corrosion resistance.
component evaluation, as shown in Figure 4. A com- Within this step, baseline part information and
prehensive description of this methodology is provided annual market potential of the components were iden-
below using the vehicle audit as the source of initial tified as inputs to allow direct benchmarking within
component identification. step two of the methodology. These inputs included
details on component cost, design life, overall dimen-
sions, component mass, parts per car and quantity
Step one – Preliminary component ranking
produced per annum. Candidate components identi-
The aim of this first step is to identify which of the fied in the vehicle audit were subjected to preliminary
existing metallic components would benefit from component screening to determine whether replace-
lightweighting. Additional factors considered ment in composite was feasible technically. The
Mistry et al. 7
preliminary component selection and ranking con- composite replacement and are evaluated in step
sisted of evaluation against the following criteria: three to determine suitable demonstrator components.
These are components that the consortium believes to
. Relative size be the most suitable to demonstrate the benefit of a
. Sufficient production volume composite replacement in terms of integration poten-
. Integral component tial, lightweighting benefits and commercially viabil-
. Other competing composite components ity. The criteria for evaluating the composite
component replacements to choose suitable demon-
strators consisted of the following:
Step two – Economic potential for a composite
. Suitable supplier capacity in the UK
component . Ease of demonstrator manufacture
The components identified from step one required . Reasonable total cost of demonstrator
an economic analysis to determine a total vehicle . Impact within the rail industry
cost savings for a composite replacement by account- . Demonstration of composite benefits
ing for recurring (cost of component) and non- . Technical readiness level (TRL) of 6
recurring (tooling and plant investment) costs. This
cost saving is expressed in terms of estimated energy
savings and reduction in track infrastructure damage.
Furthermore, the estimation of the mass saving
opportunity is to be identified and compared against This section details the results of the selection and rank-
the annual volume production in the identification of ing methodology used to determine the demonstrator
commercially viable components. The economic components. The data gathered during this audit per-
potential for a composite component consisted of taining to the Bombardier Electrostar EMU is propri-
evaluation against the following metrics: etary information. Therefore, the results contain
arbitrary values as metrics used to compare the compo-
. Cost saving potential over vehicle life nents against a threshold. The following seven example
. Mass saving potential components have been chosen for evaluation using the
. Increased functionality metrics in the methodology (shown in Tables 4 to 6):
. Maintenance benefit intermediate end structures, controlled emissions tank,
. Repairability tables, window frames, partitions, driver door leaves
. Reduced part count and air ducts for transformer cooling systems. The rela-
. Increased component life tive mass and relative structural performance indices are
. End of life costs used in each step of the methodology to rank compo-
nents for a comparison in the context of lightweighting.
Table 4. Preliminary component selection and ranking, step one, for a representative set of components.
(6) Driver
(1) Intermediate (4) Window (5) door leafs (7) Air ducts
Criterion type end structure (2) Controlled frames Partitions (Group: for transformer
(‘‘Eliminatory’’ (Group: Car emissions tank (3) Tables (Group: (Group: Car Exterior cooling systems
or body (Group: Car (Group: Car body body door (Group:
‘‘Ranking-only’’) Criterion Threshold structures) body fittings) Interiors) fittings) structures) systems) Propulsion)
Table 5. Economic potential for a composite component selection and ranking, step two, for a representative set of components.
(1) Intermediate
end structure (2) Controlled (5) Partitions
Criterion type (Group: Car emissions tank (3) Tables (4) Window (Group: Car
(‘‘Eliminatory’’ body (Group: Car (Group: frames (Group: body
or ‘‘Ranking-only’’) Criterion Threshold structures) body fittings) Interiors) Car body fittings) structures)
Table 6. Composite component evaluation selection and ranking, step three, for a representative set of components.
components were grouped into similar categories: car From Table 4, two components were eliminated
body structures, car body fittings, propulsion, braking from step one (highlighted in grey as not being tech-
system, interiors, piping and cabling system and heat- nically feasible). Driver door leaves were eliminated
ing, ventilation and air condition systems (HVAC) due to their low component volume and air ducts for
compared in Figure 5. It is evident from Figure 5 transformer cooling systems were eliminated since
that car body structures and exterior door system they are bespoke components that cannot be further
components would benefit most from lightweighting. integrated with other assemblies.
Figure 5. Initial 70 components identified from the vehicle audit grouped into categories shown as ‘bubbles’. The ‘bubble’ size
corresponds to the number of components in that group. Where HVAC refers to heating, ventilation and air condition systems.
Figure 6. The 44 technically feasible components identified from step one of the selection and ranking methodology grouped into
categories shown as ‘bubbles’. The ‘bubble’ size corresponds to the number of components in that group. Where HVAC refers to
heating, ventilation and air condition systems.
The results of the economic potential of a compo- geometry and potentially the need for handedness
site component (step two) are shown in Table 5, for increase tooling costs making them impractical
the representative set of components with ranking and commercially.
eliminatory criteria together with associated
From Table 5, two components were eliminated
Demonstrator components
from step two (highlighted in grey as not being com- The results of the composite component evaluation of
mercially feasible): window frames and partitions. the commercially viable components (step three) are
The low structural requirements for window frames illustrated in Table 6 for a representative set of com-
permit them to be low mass as metallic components, ponents with ranking and eliminatory criteria
negating the benefit of composite substitution. The together with associated thresholds.
elimination of partitions is less obvious as these are Both controlled emissions tanks and interior tables
large semi-structural components. However, unique have been eliminated during step three of the
10 Proc IMechE Part F: J Rail and Rapid Transit 0(0)
Figure 7. The 16 commercially viable components identified from step two of the selection and ranking methodology grouped into
categories shown as ‘bubbles’. The ‘bubble’ size corresponds to the number of components in that group. Where CET refers to
controlled emissions tanks.
Figure 8. Interior structural demonstrator components: (a) cantilever seat bracket and (b) luggage rack module (source:
Bombardier Transportation).
Mistry et al. 11
Figure 9. Car body structural demonstrator components: (a) intermediate end structure, (b) body side structure and (c) roof
structure (source: Bombardier Transportation).
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