Distance Learning'S Effects On Students in Senior High School

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Jacinto P.

Elpa National High School

Senior High School Department
Tandag City, Surigao del Sur



A Research Paper
Presented to
The Faculty of Senior High School
Jacinto P. Elpa National High School
Tandag City

Prepared by:


Jacinto P. Elpa National High School
Senior High School Department
Tandag City, Surigao del Sur

Chapter 1:

 Introduction Rationale of the Study

 Statement of the Problem
 Research Objectives
 Hypothesis
 Significance of the Study
 Scope and Limitations
 Conceptual Framework



 Research Design (Materials & Methods)

 Reference Cited

Definition of Key Terms

In definition of terms, you can see the various and commonly used
words which is stated and used above the parts of the chapter:

Distance Learning. It refers to a learning delivery modality where

learning takes place between the teachers and the learners who are

geographically remote from each other during instruction.

Jacinto P. Elpa National High School
Senior High School Department
Tandag City, Surigao del Sur

Chapter 1

Introduction Rationale of the Study

Background of the Study

Students get teaching via online classrooms, video recordings, video

conferencing, or any other audio/visual technology medium in distance

learning. It allows people to get an education without having to physically

attend a class. This may appear challenging without the interaction of

students and teachers in a classroom, but those enrolled in distance

learning programs can learn just as much outside of one. Due of the health

catastrophe, the Philippine government's Department of Education responded

to the epidemic by mandating the use of distance learning at all levels.

Distance learning is a kind of instruction in which learning takes place

between teachers and students who are geographically separated at the time

of instruction. Distance learning is divided into three forms at Jacinto P.

Elpa National High School (JPENHS) of Tandag City, Senior High School

Department: modular distance learning (MDL), online distance learning

(ODL), and television (TV) radio-based instruction. The study is all about

the effects of distance learning in Senior High School students of Jacinto

P. Elpa National High School.

Jacinto P. Elpa National High School
Senior High School Department
Tandag City, Surigao del Sur

Distance learning is defined as the use of technology to bridge a

gap in physical distance between a teacher and a student (Matthews, 1999).

Distance learning is not a New concept in higher education. Since the

development of the postal service in the 19th Century, colleges have

provided distance education to students across the country (IHEP,1999). The

Beginnings of distance education can be traced back to 1840, when Sir Isaac

Pitman thought of a way to deliver instruction to infinite audiences. His

idea was to offer correspondence courses by mail. The concept was

successful and within a few decades extensive correspondence programs were

available in the United Kingdom, Germany, the United States, and Japan

(Curran, 1997). According to President Rodrigo Duterte nothing can get in

the way of the instructions and information of our learners not even the

pandemic. This time also ushers us in a new era in our basic education

program as we now ventured into distance and online learning.

According to Secretary Briones that reframing the curriculum is

necessary to prioritize essential/cross-cutting knowledge, skills, and

mind-sets, including 21st Century Skills, durable skills, and capacities

that can help confront the future .Despite the challenges to the

unprecedented shift of distance learning, the Department of Education

(DepEd) said the class opening this school year has been a success.
Jacinto P. Elpa National High School
Senior High School Department
Tandag City, Surigao del Sur

Statement of the Problem

The purpose of this study is to see how distance learning affects

senior high school students at Jacinto P. Elpa National High School

(JPENHS). The outcome of which was used as the study's foundation.

Specifically, the study seeks to answer the following questions:

1. What is the demographic profile of the respondents as to:

1.1 Name (Optional);

1.2 sex

1.3 age; and

1.4 strand

2. What are the hindrances or struggles by the students in adapting the

distance learning in terms of:

2.1 Socio Economic Status;

2.2 Government’ Health Protocols; and

2.3 School Learning Styles?

3. What are the effects of distance learning to the students as a

replacement of face-to-face classes?

4. What are the proposed interventions to improve students’ performance on

modular distance learning?

Jacinto P. Elpa National High School
Senior High School Department
Tandag City, Surigao del Sur

Research Objectives

The goal of this study is for the researchers to assess the

efficiency of distance learning for Jacinto P. Elpa National High School

pupils (JPENHS).


The development of new technologies has promoted an astounding

growth in distance education, both in the number of students enrolling and

in the number of universities adding education at a distance to their

curriculum (Garrison, 1990). While the application of modem technology may

glamorize distance education, literature in the field reveals a

conceptually fragmented framework lacking in both theoretical foundation

and programmatic research. Without a strong base in research and theory,

distance education has struggled for recognition by the traditional

academic community. Distance education has been described by some

(Garrison, 1990; Hayes, 1990) as no more than a hodgepodge of ideas and

practices taken from traditional classroom settings and imposed on learners

who just happen to be separated physically from an instructor. As distance

education struggles to identify appropriate theoretical frameworks,

Jacinto P. Elpa National High School
Senior High School Department
Tandag City, Surigao del Sur

implementation issues also become important. These issues involve the

learner, the instructor, and the technology. Because of the very nature of

distance education as learner-centred instruction, distance educators must

move ahead to investigate how the learner, the instructor, and the

technology collaborate to generate knowledge.

Traditionally, both theoretical constructs and research studies

in distance education have been considered in the context of an educational

enterprise that was entirely separate from the standard, classroom-based,

classical instructional model. In part to justify, and in part to explain,

the phenomenon, theoreticians like Holmberg, Keegan, and Rumble explored

the underlying assumptions of what it is that makes distance education

different from traditional education. With an early vision of what it meant

to be a non-traditional learner, these pioneers in distance education

defined the distance learner as one who is physically separated from the

teacher (Rumble, 1986), has a planned and guided learning experience

(Holmberg, 1986), and participates in a two-way structured form of distance

education that is distinct from the traditional form of classroom

instruction (Keegan, 1988). In order to justify the importance of this non-

traditional kind of education, early theoretical approaches attempted to

define the important and unique attributes of distance education.

Jacinto P. Elpa National High School
Senior High School Department
Tandag City, Surigao del Sur

Keegan (1986) identifies three historical approaches to the

development of a theory of distance education. Theories of autonomy and

independence from the 1960s and 1970s, argued by Wedemeyer (1977) and Moore

(1973), reflect the essential component of the independence of the learner.

Otto Peter's (1971) work on a theory of industrialization in the 1960s

reflects the attempt to view the field of distance education as an

industrialized form of teaching and learning. The third approach integrates

theories of interaction and communication formulated by Badth (1982, 1987),

and Daniel and Marquis (1979). Using the post-industrial model, Keegan

presents these three approaches to the study and development of the

academic discipline of distance education. It is this concept of

industrialized, open, non-traditional learning that, Keegan says, will

change the practice of education.

Jacinto P. Elpa National High School
Senior High School Department
Tandag City, Surigao del Sur

1. Hindrances or
struggles by the
students in
adapting the
distance learning
Demographic Profile in terms of:
of Respondents:
1.1 Socio
 Name Economic Status;
? interventions to
1.2 Government’
(Optional) improve students’
Health Protocols;
 Sex performance on
 Age modular distance
1.3 School
 Strand Learning Styles

2. Effects of
distance learning to
the students as a
replacement of
face-to-face classes

Figure 1. Schematic Diagram of the Study

Jacinto P. Elpa National High School
Senior High School Department
Tandag City, Surigao del Sur

Significance of the Study

Distance learning forces a student to understand best ways to learn

and implement those ways at the best times. The teachers, school

administrators, parents, students, and future researchers will be able to.

The finding of this research will rebound to the benefit of society

distance learning is it flexibility. Students can choose when, where, and

why they learn by selecting the time, place and medium for their education.

For those who want direct, live access to teachers there are video

conferencing options. This will be beneficial to the following:

 School Administrators

 Teachers

 Parents

 Students

 Future Researchers

Scope and Limitations

The researcher will conduct to the students of Jacinto P. Elpa

National High School (JPENHS) in Senior Highs School Department to gather

information about the effect of distance learning. This study will be

conducted within the School Year 2022-2023. A survey will be conducted

about the evaluation of the respondents regarding in this study. They will
Jacinto P. Elpa National High School
Senior High School Department
Tandag City, Surigao del Sur

be answering a survey questionnaire through Google form to gather

information that is needed in the study. It will be done through the

utilization of questionnaires to the students as a survey and a reference.

By their strategy, the researchers will be able to know and determine the

effect of the said type of learning.

Conceptual Framework

This research study is all about the effect of distance learning to

the senior high school students of Jacinto P. Elpa National High School


The first box represents the input of the study which is the

demographic profile of the Grade 12 HUMSS students of Jacinto P. Elpa

National High School (JPENHS). The demographic profile will help the

researcher to determine the relation of characteristics of a population,

such as name (optional), sex, age, and age.

The second box it is the struggles and hindrances of students in

adapting the distance learning in terms of socio-economic status,

government health protocols and school’s learning style and effects of

distance learning to the senior high school students to the said target. It

will help the researchers create meaningful conclusions about the study.
Jacinto P. Elpa National High School
Senior High School Department
Tandag City, Surigao del Sur

Also, it will serve as the basis in interpreting the information with

regards to the study.

The third box represents the output of the study which are the

proposed interventions to improve students’ performance on modular distance

Jacinto P. Elpa National High School
Senior High School Department
Tandag City, Surigao del Sur

Chapter 2


This chapter includes the ideas, finish Research, generalization or

conclusions, methodology and others. Those that were included in this

chapter helps in familiarizing that are relevant and similar to the present


Related Literature


According to (Cynthia White) this article a critical overview of the

field of distance language learning, challenging the way in which the field

is often narrowly conceptualized as the development of technology-mediated

language learning opportunities. Early sections focus on issues of concept

and definition and both theoretical and pedagogical perspectives on the

field. Emphasis is placed on evident shifts from a concern with structural

and organisational issues to a focus on transactional issues associated

with teaching/learning opportunities within emerging paradigms for distance

language learning. The next section reviews choices and challenges in

incorporating technology into distance language learning environments,

foregrounding decisions about technology made in particular sociocultural

contexts, the contribution of ‘low-end’ technologies and research

Jacinto P. Elpa National High School
Senior High School Department
Tandag City, Surigao del Sur

directions in developing new learning spaces and in using online

technologies. The investigation of learner contributions to distance

language learning is an important avenue of enquiry in the field, given the

preoccupation with technology and virtual learning environment, and this is

the subject of the section six.


In the Philippines, the term e-learning is used synonymously with

online learning and concerns the online delivery of instructional content

as well as associated support services to students. This article primarily

based on experiences at the University of the Philippines Open University

(UPOU). It showcases the development of e-learning in the country from just

a supplement within once-a-month face-to-face (FTF) sessions in a

university learning centered to more extensive use of a learning management

system (LMS) as a venue for academic discussion as well as learning

assessments, sharing learning resources and content, and student’s

submission of course requirements. Also discussed is how the mobile phone

is being use to bridge the digital divide and make the digitally excluded

sectors of the Filipino society become part of the online learning program

of university. The mechanism being used to ensure quality education in e-

learning as well as the challenges face by e-learning institution is

extensively detailed.
Jacinto P. Elpa National High School
Senior High School Department
Tandag City, Surigao del Sur

Related Studies


Based on the researcher, a web-based enrolment system for Veritas

Parochial School (VPS) in Manila was developed to help its students enrol

in a more efficient way without the hassles of waiting long hours in

filling out forms, which sometimes become redundant, or to stand in line

and pay at the cashier. It is with the Web-based Enrolment System for VPS

that this new style of enrolment may be achieved. This new type of system

offers its students new options for enrolling at VPS, by logging on the VPS

website, one can register and enrol subjects for a school year. With these,

all the students are required to fill out certain forms that do not take

more than a few minutes to accomplish. The students may also browse the web

site of VPS and he can check his current account. He can also refer to the

list of the school current tuition fee rates (Pascual&Riceo, 2008).

According to the project study in 2005 by Mr. Lopez, an enrolment

system helps and provides efficient and reliable services to the students,

enrolment personnel and administration. Moreover, this system improves the

process of enrolment in terms of searching, retrieving and subject

Jacinto P. Elpa National High School
Senior High School Department
Tandag City, Surigao del Sur

An Online Enrolment System was proposed to replace the manual

enrolment system of Cavite Maritime Institute in order to advance an

organized flow of transaction and an ease of work concerned on how the

manual enrolment performs throughout the institution’s operations. The

numerous transactions that the manual system covers, such as updating and

adding students’ records, generating the advising and assessment slips, and

the like considering the manual operating system to be inefficient for the

need of the institution. Since the study involves proper record handling,

tracing the constraints and evaluation of the manual system inessential

(Bacala and Reano, 2009).


Southern California Community College Long Beach City College has gone

live with a Cognos-based enrolment management system that was designed by

Irvine, CA-based professional services firm e2e Analysis. Prior to

installing the new system, LBCC, which has two main campuses and multiple

satellites that support nine schools and 34 departments, handled its

enrolment via manual spread sheets. With no reporting, continuity, or

standard practices, and with lengthy error corrections, the school’s

enrolment management budgeting and planning took up to three months to

compile, consolidate, and implement (Koft 2007).

Jacinto P. Elpa National High School
Senior High School Department
Tandag City, Surigao del Sur

The study on problems regarding on school such as the Long Beach City

College is an aid for the proponents to have the idea of formulating

solution on transferring manual enrolment transaction to an automated or

computerized one.

According to the coordinator of Admission Support of Kerian Greenaway,

the system known as the Edith Cowan University Web Enrolment System

(ECUWES) had replaced the traditional hard copy system of enrolment. The

system offers immediacy and convenience of course enrolment via internet.

The said university in Australia is currently enrolling more than 5,000 new

students with easier transactions cause of their online enrolment system.

In the local setting, academic institution both the private and government

schools are shifting from manual to computerized system including student’s

registration. This is accomplished either on an intranet or internet- based


The desire to overcome these problems and difficulties has led the

acceptance of advanced technology.

A Local Area Network Enrolment System (LANES) is a broad system. It is

a combination of different function areas such as databases, searching,

retrieval, and update of the student records, checking of student’s

schedule, computation of fees. (Dzubeck, Frank, 2003).

Jacinto P. Elpa National High School
Senior High School Department
Tandag City, Surigao del Sur

Chapter 3


This chapter presents the research design, the research locale, and

the manner of selecting the research respondents, the data gathering, and

the framework in examining the data.

Research Design

Locale and Respondents of the study

The purpose of this study was to determine areas of strengths and

weaknesses in the institutionalization of distance learning at colleges and

universities.  To accomplish this goal, 30 factors found to influence the

institutionalization of innovations were identified from the literature of

several areas.  These factors were rated by distance learning professionals

on how successfully each of the individual factors was being implemented at

their respective institutions.  Results were analyzed and compared

according to institutional role (distance learning administrators or

distance learning faculty), academic level of the institution (associate,

masters or doctorate) and institutional locale (rural, suburban or urban).

Jacinto P. Elpa National High School
Senior High School Department
Tandag City, Surigao del Sur

Research Respondents

The data will be taken/gathered from the students who are

enrolled in Jacinto P. Elpa National High School (JPENHS) – Senior High

School department.

Research Instrument

The quantitative research methods were used in this study to

determine whether a set of factors could predict successful or unsuccessful

online course completion. In quantitative research, the researcher attempts

to draw conclusion about a large population using a small sample drawn from

the larger population (Gall et al., 1996), which was appropriate for this

study. Factors examine included (a) demographics, which included name, age,

and gender.

Data Gathering Procedures

Before the online survey questionnaire, the researcher will ask

for the permission of the Senior High School Principal to conduct the

research in Jacinto P. Elpa National High School (JPENHS).

After the permission is granted, the researchers will randomly

selected in Senior High School students to answer the online survey

Jacinto P. Elpa National High School
Senior High School Department
Tandag City, Surigao del Sur

questionnaire. The answer questionnaires were collected right after the

respondents finish answering.

The researchers reviewed the gathering data and computed or

tallied the answers of the respondents. After deliberation of the results,

the researchers started drawing meaningful conclusion and data analysis.

The obtained knowledge from the survey was used in determined the factors

directed to Distance Learning.

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