Dispute Resolution and Crisis Incident Management Final Examinations

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I. Essay: Briefly explain the following:

1. What do you understand about the term restorative justice? What would be the
effect of restorative justice within their community and illustrate the essence of
restorative justice through life example?
2. What is Resource Management?
3. What is Incident Action Plan?
4. Enumerate who are responsible officers in the Incident Command System?
Explain briefly the task of responsible officers in the Incident Command System.
5. What are the primordial tasks of Incident Commander?
6. Explain briefly the delegation of authority power of responsible officer in the
Incident Command System.
7. Can the responsible officer assume the command as the Incident Commander? If
yes, why? If no, why not?
8. What is crisis? Explain in your own words.
9. What is risk? Explain briefly.
10. What is damage, mitigation and prevention?
Note: Date of submission January 18, 2022 at 10:00 AM (Tuesday)

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