153-Paleoenvironmental Interpretation of Last Millennium Sediments in The Marriaga Swamp, Atrato Delta, Colombia.-2021
153-Paleoenvironmental Interpretation of Last Millennium Sediments in The Marriaga Swamp, Atrato Delta, Colombia.-2021
153-Paleoenvironmental Interpretation of Last Millennium Sediments in The Marriaga Swamp, Atrato Delta, Colombia.-2021
Ingeniería Vol. 31(1)
Neogranadina enero - junio ■ ISSN: 0124-8170 ▪ e-ISSN: 1909-7735 ■ pp. 9-24
DOI: https://doi.org/10.18359/rcin.5071
Paleoenvironmental Interpretation
of Last Millennium Sediments in the
Marriaga Swamp, Atrato Delta, Colombia*
Liliana Betancurth Montesa ■ Julio Eduardo Cañón Barrigab
Abstract: This paper presents the first paleoenvironmental reconstruction of the last 1,130 a of the
Marriaga Swamp in the Atrato River delta in northwestern Colombia. The geochemical analyses of a
220 cm sediment core retrieved from the swamp reveal interesting climatic episodes and sedimen-
tary changes in the last millennium. We split the core into three segments, according to sediment
features, organic carbon content (OC), and geological ages. Records show different alternations of
humid and dry periods, biological productivity, carbonate precipitation, weathering grade, and high
heavy metal concentrations. The segments also concur with the geochemical differences determined
by (Zr+Rb)/Sr, Ca/Ti Mn/Fe, OC/Ti, Mg/Ca Ba/Al, Sr/Al, and Ca/Al ratios. The older sequence (between
1,130 ± 90 a and 870 ± 70 a) shows a dry period with intermittent flooding events and high OC pro-
duction in subareal conditions, followed by a more humid environment between 870 ± 70 a and 530
± 40 a, with depletion of trace element ratios and OC. The more recent period (530 ± 40 a to present)
evinces an environment dominated by the fluvial regime, based on a lower Ca/Al ratio and a rise of
OC. The statistical correlations display three main clusters that distinguish among organic-biological
productivity, bedrock source components, and heavy metal inputs.
* Research article
a PhD, MSc, Spc. in Environmental Engineering. BSc in Geology. Grupo de Modelación y Gestión Ambien-
tal (gaia), Universidad de Antioquia, Medellín, Colombia. E-mail: [email protected] ORCID:
http:// orcid.org/0000-0002-4095-2722
b PhD and MSc in Hidrology. BSc in Civil Engineering. Grupo de Modelación y Gestión Ambiental (gaia),
Universidad de Antioquia, Medellín, Colombia. E-mail: [email protected] ORCID: https://orcid.
Interpretación paleoambiental de los sedimentos del último milenio en la
Ciénaga de Marriaga, Delta de Atrato, Colombia
Resumen: en este estudio se presenta la primera reconstrucción paleoambiental de los últimos 1130
años de la Ciénaga de Marriaga en el delta del río Atrato, en el noroeste de Colombia. Los análisis
geoquímicos de un núcleo de sedimento de 220 cm recuperado en la ciénaga revelan episodios
climáticos interesantes y cambios sedimentarios en el último milenio. Se dividió el núcleo en tres
segmentos, según las características de los sedimentos, el contenido de carbono orgánico (CO) y las
edades geológicas. Los registros muestran diferentes alternancias de períodos húmedos y secos, la
productividad biológica, precipitación de carbonato, grado de meteorización y altas concentraciones
de metales pesados. Los segmentos también coinciden con las diferencias geoquímicas determina-
das por las relaciones (ZR+RB)/Sr, Ca/Ti Mn/Fe, CO/Ti, Mg/Ca Ba/Al, Sr/Al Ca/Al. La secuencia inferior
(entre 1130 ± 90 a y 870 ± 70 a) muestra un período seco con inundaciones intermitentes y una alta
producción de CO en condiciones subaéreas, seguida de un entorno más húmedo entre 870 ± 70
años y 530 ± 40 años, con agotamiento de las proporciones de oligoelementos y CO. El período más
reciente (530 ± 40 a al presente) evidencia un ambiente dominado por el régimen fluvial, basado en
una relación Ca/Al más baja y un aumento de CO. Las correlaciones estadísticas muestran tres gru-
pos principales que distinguen entre la productividad biológica orgánica, los componentes de la roca
madre y los aportes de metales pesados.
Revista Ciencia e Ingeniería Neogranadina ■ Vol. 31(1)
Paleoenvironmental Interpretation of Last Millennium Sediments in the Marriaga Swamp, Atrato Delta, Colombia 11
Revista Ciencia e Ingeniería Neogranadina ■ Vol. 31(1)
Fig. 1. Location of the Marriaga Swamp. (a) Regional location and (b) detailed location.
Source: Modified from igac Topographic Base (2015) and Landsat image eos (2020).
(30 %) treatment, several sieve stages were com- Both coarse and fine fractions were used for age
pleted to remove carbonates and organic matter. determination procedures.
Table 1. Major (wt %) and trace (ppm) elements composition in the Marriaga Swamp
Samples S1 S2 S3 S4 S5 S6 S7 S8
loi 17,83 16,33 15,20 14,38 13,49 21,22 21,61 19,35
OC 10,34 9,47 8,82 8,34 7,82 12,31 12,54 11,22
Depth 5,00 33,00 61,00 82,00 113,00 162,00 201,00 219,00
SiO2 41,62 41,16 45,68 45,25 46,41 44,27 46,79 52,39
Al2O3 20,37 17,89 17,83 18,13 18,64 19,06 19,16 19,41
Fe2O3 11,52 11,27 10,56 10,53 10,50 9,14 8,88 8,38
MgO 3,38 2,86 3,31 3,44 3,37 3,58 3,94 4,04
Na2O 0,94 1,16 1,39 1,50 1,31 2,08 2,43 2,50
CaO 1,43 1,48 1,75 1,77 1,71 1,71 2,57 2,76
K 2O 0,90 0,98 1,25 1,33 1,32 1,40 1,37 1,51
TiO2 0,65 0,67 0,76 0,78 0,76 0,78 0,79 0,74
P2O5 0,32 0,19 0,09 0,17 0,10 0,27 0,26 0,15
MnO 0,40 0,19 0,11 0,10 0,11 0,09 0,12 0,11
Cl 606 3320 3950 4140 2490 6880 7260 4550
S 2630 3840 13100 18900 17000 6370 2610 976
Ba 589 429 497 514 502 810 937 977
V 270 214 206 210 205 253 215 217
Cu 273 261 269 246 254 253 220 207
Zr 123 165 233 197 177 304 380 456
Sm 146 175 150 152 199 170 121 0
Cr 104 138 180 179 194 174 187 166
Zn 148 134 144 138 142 157 126 122
Sr 111 159 202 200 192 201 260 274
W 108 103 112 105 90 61 0 74
Tb 129 121 123 107 153 122 111 94
Ni 111 89 100 111 115 120 113 112
Ar 178 186 146 0 111 149 0 0
Co 65 71 81 80 72 78 61 38
La nd nd nd nd nd nd nd 65
Rb 27 36 38 44 35 51 37 40
Br 22 48 42 29 26 39 23 14
Y 22 24 27 25 25 26 28 16
Sc 22 20 26 0 21 0 0 29
Ga 11 20 13 16 17 26 20 18
Cd nd nd nd nd nd nd nd 65
Note. ND: Not detected.
Source: Own elaboration.
Paleoenvironmental Interpretation of Last Millennium Sediments in the Marriaga Swamp, Atrato Delta, Colombia 13
Revista Ciencia e Ingeniería Neogranadina ■ Vol. 31(1)
Fig. 2. Photograph of the core and schematic sedimentary column of Marriaga Swamp sediments. Ages obtained by
IRSL. Segment division is represented by color transparency. Organic carbon content.
Source: Own elaboration
Organic matter content is present in the core, that indicates subaerial and redox conditions. The
with values ranging between 7.8 and 12.5 %. In coarser sediments in the most recent segment (Seg.
the oldest segment (Seg. i), the organic matter iii) indicate the influence of high-energy flows
content is considerably high, as evinced by four feeding the swamp. Seg. iii is characterized by an
peaty layers. These layers indicate exposure con- increase in organic matter content towards the
ditions that allowed vegetation cropping between surface, approx. 530 ± 40 a to present. However,
approx. 1,130 ± 90 and 870 ± 70 a. In Seg. ii (be- Seg. iii resembles Seg. ii in terms of grain size and
tween 870 ± 70 and 530 ± 40 a), the organic matter the absence of clear peaty layers, except for milli-
is low and relates to a sedimentary sequence of clay metric laminations.
Fig. 3. Major element concentrations along the Marriaga Swamp sedimentary sequence.
Source: Own elaboration
High concentrations of major elements (Si, Al, The (Zr+Rb)/Sr ratio reveals terrigenous inputs,
K, Ti, and Fe) represent detrital contributions re- whereas the Ca/Ti ratio indicates carbonate pro-
lated to flooding events; high values of Ca demon- duction [26] and the relation with drought in hu-
strate sediment reworking during dry periods or mid conditions. High (Zr+Rb)/ Sr and Ca/Ti imply
swamp level fluctuations [24], whereas Mg, Cl, and possible drought conditions observed in Seg. i (220
Na indicate salinity intrusions [25]-[26]. to 160 cm) from 1,130 ± 90 and 870 ± 70 a, with
a significant fall towards more recent sediments.
Trace elements A relatively constant humid environment is con-
The extended analysis of trace elements exposes sistent with these low ratios observed in the upper
several paleoenvironmental features. Dry and hu- 120 cm of the core (Seg. ii and Seg. iii).
mid periods, for instance, are related with (Zr+Rb)/ Biological productivity was important from
Sr and Ca/Ti ratios; biological productivity is rep- 1,130 ± 90 to 870 ± 70 a. The middle to low Mn/Fe
resented by Mn/Fe, OC/Ti, and Mg/Ca ratios (Fig. ratio in Seg. i indicates some intermittent, short
4). Carbonate precipitation employs Ba/Al, Sr/Al, periods of paleo-redox conditions (220-160 cm).
and Ca/Al ratios (Fig. 5), and the possible anthro- Low values of Mn/Fe at 120 to 60 cm in Seg. ii in-
pogenic impact is associated with Cu, Ni, Zn, Co, dicate more oxygenated conditions from 870 ± 70
and Cr (Fig. 6). to 530 ± 40 a. The rise of biological productivity
Paleoenvironmental Interpretation of Last Millennium Sediments in the Marriaga Swamp, Atrato Delta, Colombia 15
Revista Ciencia e Ingeniería Neogranadina ■ Vol. 31(1)
remains from 60 cm to the surface. Important the surface. The fine lamination of sediments pre-
OC/Ti ratios show high concentrations in Seg. i served in upper and lower sediments indicates an-
and Seg. iii with a significant decrease at Seg. ii. oxic conditions in the Marriaga Swamp in Seg. i
The Mg/Ca is relatively high at Seg. iii, close to and Seg. iii
Fig. 4. Trace element plots for dry, humid, and biological productivity interpretations.
Source: Own elaboration
Fig. 6. Heavy metal plot to interpret natural source and human impact for Cu, Ni, Zn, Co, and Cr.
Source: Own elaboration
Carbonate precipitation (Fig. 5.), interpreted mining activities upstream the Atrato River that
from Ba/Al, Sr/Al, and Ca/Al ratios, shows high can incorporate mined sediments during floods
Ba/Al profile values in Seg. i (220–120 cm), with into the Marriaga Swamp [30].
a notable increase in the sequence’s upper sedi- Cu, Ni, Zn, Co, and Cr concentrations were
ments, suggest authigenic processes. The presence normalized with average Upper Continental Crust
of ion-rich waters and chemical precipitation is (ucc) concentrations [31]-[32] and compared to
interpreted from Sr/Al and may indicate a saline, regional background data (Fig. 7) from stream
brackish stage in the Marriaga Swamp from 1,130 sediments sampled by the Geological Survey of
± 90 to 530 ± 40 a (220-60 cm), with clear decreas- Colombia upstream the Marriaga Swamp in the
ing values from 60 cm to surface. Atrato River [33]. The purpose of this normaliza-
The brackish state is consistent with the fact tion was to determine if the heavy metal concen-
that the Marriaga Swamp could be affected by sea- trations in the Marriaga Swamp showed extreme
water inputs during high tidal conditions. High thresholds.
values of Ca/Al in the lower sequence (220–60 cm) The normalization of heavy metals against the
correspond to half of Seg. i. Moderate and constant ucc shows that all concentrations are several times
values from 160 to 60 cm are compatible with half higher than the ucc values, which points to the
of Seg. i and whole Seg. ii. A sharp decrease of Ca/ possible anomalous enrichment of Cu, Ni, Zn, Co,
Al occurs in the upper sequence (Seg. iii), consis- and Cr in the swamp. The values for the regional
tent with more fluvial inputs. background are also higher compared to the ucc
Heavy metal enrichments have been typical- and conservatively close to those found in the
ly associated with a human impact [25], but they Marriaga Swamp sediments, except for Cr, which
could also be associated with natural thresholds is higher for the regional records. Natural leaching
due to bedrock origins [28]-[29]. We considered could be one of the causes of the high values in the
that the high values found in the Marriaga Swamp Marriaga Swamp sediments, which is also related
profile (Fig. 6) are a combination between nat- to the high Chemical Index of Alteration (cia) and
ural thresholds from basic bedrock weathering the dilution effect of silica that promotes heavy
and specific anthropogenic effects associated with metal dilutions [34].
Paleoenvironmental Interpretation of Last Millennium Sediments in the Marriaga Swamp, Atrato Delta, Colombia 17
Revista Ciencia e Ingeniería Neogranadina ■ Vol. 31(1)
If human activities were the most substantial presence along with the sequences. Since intense
reason for heavy metal enrichment in the Mar- human presence or activities are not reported in
riaga Swamp, the concentrations would be higher the area before 500 a in the late Holocene (corre-
only in the upper sediments (Seg. ii) after 500 a, sponding to Seg. i and part of Seg. ii: ~1130 ± 70 to
resulting from colonial mining [35]. However, the 500 a), it is unlikely heavy metals are only a contri-
values in the profile (Fig. 7) demonstrate a constant bution of human sources.
Fig. 7. Ni, Zn, Co, Cr, and regional background normalized against ucc.
Source: Own elaboration
Chemical Index of Alteration (cia) Where Al2O3, Na2O, and K 2O are the mole
percentage and CaO* is the calcium content of
The cia is used as a proxy of weathering grade and
paleoclimatic signal to distinguish humid and arid
An increase in cia values is generally attribut-
conditions [36]-[38]. The cia has been employed to
ed to climatic fluctuations from cold to warm and
examine the relationship between some major ele-
humid [40]-[41]. For the Marriaga Swamp, the cia
ments and assume the disintegration of feldspars
is in a medium range for the lower sedimentary
and further formation of clay minerals during the
sequence (220–162 cm) and high over 162 cm to
weathering processes [39]. We used the cia to de-
near-surface (Fig. 8). The cia increases within the
termine the production of detrital sediments and
medium range from bottom to upper sequences,
their contributions to sediment accumulation in
indicating climatic changes from 1,130 ± 90 a to
the lacustrine setting of the Marriaga Swamp. The
present, from more arid and maybe colder condi-
cia is the molecular percentage of principal (ox-
tions in late Holocene to humid and warmer con-
ides) elements (Equation 1):
ditions nowadays.
= ∗+
100 (1)
Fig. 8. Al/Na ratio versus cia for the Marriaga Swamp sediments.
Source: Own elaboration
The cia ranges hint at low weathering from 0 to features and biological productivity, 2) Si, Fe, Mg,
40, moderate from 40 to 70, and high from 70 to 100 Na, Ca, K, Ba, Cl, and Cu are positively correlated
[40]. The Marriaga Swamp cia values range from with depth, concerning the interpretation of bed-
65 to 82, with an average of 72, which means the rock components, and 3) Cr, Zn, and Co, related
Marriaga Swamp sediments are highly weathered. with heavy metal inputs.
A Principal Component Analysis (pca) of the
variables OC, depth, major elements, and trace el-
Statistical analysis
ements (Fig. 9) reveal that pc-1 explains 54 % of the
We applied a Pearson correlation to identify the total variance and is positively linked to Al, OC,
statistical significance association (r > 0.70; p-val- Ba, Na, Mg, Ca, Si, Cl, K, Ti, Cl, and depth and
ue > 0.05) between OC, depth, major elements, and negatively linked to Fe, Cu, Zn, Co, and S. pc-2 ac-
trace elements (Table 2). The results can be clus- counts for 24.1 % of the total variance and is posi-
tered in three main groups: 1) OC has a positive tively linked to Mg and P and negatively linked to
correlation with Na and Ba, concerning organic Cu, Zn, Co, S, Cr, Ti, K, Cl, and Si.
Fig. 9. Biplot of pc-1 versus pc-2 for OC, depth, major and trace elements in the Marriaga Swamp.
Source: Own elaboration
Paleoenvironmental Interpretation of Last Millennium Sediments in the Marriaga Swamp, Atrato Delta, Colombia 19
Table 2. Pearson correlation for major and trace elements in the Marriaga Swamp
OC Depth Si Al Fe Mg Na Ca K Ti P Mn Cl S Ba Cu Cr Zn Ni Co
OC 1,00
Ti 0,14 0,67 0,53 -0,31 -0,64 0,52 0,62 0,47 0,86 1,00
P 0,67 -0,05 -0,43 0,69 0,00 0,15 0,06 -0,10 -0,36 -0,31 1,00
Mn 0,01 -0,64 -0,56 0,61 0,61 -0,29 -0,58 -0,44 -0,84 -0,85 0,59 1,00
Cl 0,65 0,76 0,36 -0,17 -0,79 0,53 0,83 0,57 0,69 0,75 0,10 -0,70 1,00
S -0,78 -0,25 -0,05 -0,58 0,32 -0,31 -0,38 -0,37 0,17 0,44 -0,60 -0,40 -0,16 1,00
Ba 0,85 0,88 0,66 0,54 -0,91 0,92 0,92 0,85 0,63 0,38 0,34 -0,23 0,64 -0,60 1,00
Cu -0,49 -0,89 -0,83 -0,19 0,86 -0,83 -0,89 -0,95 -0,74 -0,46 0,05 0,47 -0,57 0,33 -0,82 1,00
Cr -0,09 0,61 0,55 -0,49 -0,54 0,36 0,50 0,43 0,82 0,93 -0,58 -0,92 0,61 0,53 0,20 -0,42 1,00
Zn -0,12 -0,46 -0,59 0,05 0,41 -0,42 -0,48 -0,76 -0,29 -0,06 0,25 0,21 -0,18 0,31 -0,40 0,77 -0,17 1,00
Ni 0,37 0,56 0,40 0,57 -0,53 0,69 0,46 0,31 0,57 0,52 0,29 -0,17 0,30 0,09 0,56 -0,34 0,33 0,23 1,00
Revista Ciencia e Ingeniería Neogranadina
Co -0,44 -0,55 -0,66 -0,55 0,55 -0,64 -0,56 -0,75 -0,27 0,18 -0,10 -0,11 -0,04 0,67 -0,69 0,75 0,16 0,71 -0,15 1,00
Source: Own elaboration
The positive values of pc-1 indicate more de- conditions and fluvial influence, with a signifi-
trital and allochthonous components, whereas the cant drop of detrital Si, rise of Al, and moderate
negative values denote more anoxic conditions presence of Na and Ca. A rise in biological pro-
and heavy metal components, which also could ductivity is inferred by high Fe concentrations
justify the humid and dry alternations inside the and Mg/Ca ratios. However, the tidal influence is
Marriaga Swamp. Positive values of PC-2 may im- represented by high Ba/Al ratios towards the low-
ply an endogenic precipitation process, supported est part of the sequence (< 25 cm). Concentrations
by the Mg and P, whereas negative values of PC-2 of heavy metals also prove an increase of Cu, Ni,
suggest heavy metal precipitation, combined with and Zn for Seg. iii, possibly related to human ac-
saline-brackish swamp regimes. tivities such as mining, whereas the reduction of
Cr and Co could be interpreted as the influence of
Geochemical signatures in northwestern intense weathering and dilution of natural sources
Colombia during the Late Holocene for these two metals.
The Marriaga Swamp sedimentary sequence anal-
yses contribute and complement the paleoenviron- Conclusions
mental reconstructions for northwestern Colombia The sedimentary sequence and the geochemistry
[42]-[43]. This research specifies the alternation of of the Marriaga Swamp expose significant envi-
humid and dry conditions in the Atrato River delta ronmental changes that occurred during the last
setting in the last millennium. These climatic al- 1130 a in the Atrato River delta. Detrital contri-
ternations are consistent with the migration of the butions portray flooding events, generally associ-
itcz during the Holocene in the north of South ated with high concentrations of Si, Al, K, Ti, and
America [44]-[46]. Fe in sediments. In contrast, high concentrations
Based on geochemical proxies such as the os- of Ca reveal the possibility of sediments rework-
cillations of Si, Al, K, and Ti (representing detri- ing during dry periods and level fluctuations in
tal inputs) and Ba/Al and Sr/Al ratios, we identify the Marriaga Swamp. Biological productivity
different authigenic lacustrine and allochthonous manifests in the high contents of organic car-
processes in the Marriaga Swamp. The lower se- bon and high carbonate precipitation (Mg/Ca).
quence (Seg. iii), for instance, is characterized by Higher Ca/Al, Sr/Al, and Ba/Al ratios are also
the predominance of a dry (arid) phase, where the indicative of endogenic calcite precipitation. The
high OC represents the potential for lamination of presence of high concentrations of heavy met-
fine sand (coarsest sediments of the sequence) [47]. als (Cu, Zn, Co, Ni, and Cr) along the entire se-
Sediment reworking and carbonate precipitations quence of the Marriaga Swamp sediments imply
also occur at the lower end of the sequence, as il- that their origin is likely a combination of natural
lustrated by the Ca/Al ratio and the high concen- bedrock sources and human impacts, especially
trations of heavy metals (Cu, Ni, Co, Zn, and Cr). towards the more recent deposits. High regional
On the other hand, Seg. ii represents a tran- background concentrations for the same metals
sition period between dry to moderately humid suggest natural enrichments of these heavy met-
conditions. This part of the sedimentary sequence als due to dilution processes in the sources that
exhibits a light decrease in detrital inputs (Si, Al, feed the swamp. The cia is high along the sed-
K, Ti, and Fe) and a reduction of OC and carbon- imentary sequence, with a remarkable increase
ate production, represented by a low, Ca/Ti ratio towards the surface, which points to a transi-
and the deposition of finer sediments (wide clay tion from arid to more humid conditions. The
layer interbedded with some coarser lamination statistical correlations show three main clusters
towards 90 cm deep). that distinguish among organic and biological
The upper sequence (Seg. iii) is the clearest productivity, bedrock source components, and
sedimentary section representing more humid heavy metal inputs.
Paleoenvironmental Interpretation of Last Millennium Sediments in the Marriaga Swamp, Atrato Delta, Colombia 21
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