What Is Time?: Santosh Chaudhary M.SC (Physics)
What Is Time?: Santosh Chaudhary M.SC (Physics)
What Is Time?: Santosh Chaudhary M.SC (Physics)
What is time? It is a great question to physicists and philosophers. I am not a physicist nor a
philosopher, although I have studied physics. I would like to introduce the concepts of time, from
views of physicists. Suppose, I have provided a lecture to my student for one hour. According to
Newtonian physics this time interval is same for all. i.e. the interval of the time is one hour for
everyone, for me, my student ,any observer watching my lecture and a person moving in a train.
Now let's understand the concept of time from Einstein's theory of relativity. After the Michelson-
Morley Experiments , Einstein postulated that the speed of light is same for all, which led to
formulation of new physics called Theory of Relativity. According to this theory mass, time and
length are relative quantities i.e. they depend upon the observers. It is speed of light that is constant
for everything (observers). The speed of light is approximately 3 Lakh KM per second. suppose a
observer is travelling with speed 2 lakh Km per second away from you. Now switch on a torch light
towards the travelling observer . Suppose we are only knowing Newtonian physics ,then the speed
of light with respect to the observer ,as calculated by us will be 1 lakh Km per second, but it is not
true. If you ask to the travelling observer, he would reply that the speed of light measured by him
is also 3 lakh Km per second. According to the theory of relativity , time is not obsolete physical
quantity but it is relative to observer. Time interval between two events is different for different
observers moving with different velocities. Suppose an observer moving with velocity V with respect
to you. You are at rest . Let T and t are the time intervals between two events with respect to you
and the observer respectively, then according to theory of relativity ,
t = T/(1-v2/c2)1/2
I.e. the time interval between the occurrence of two events for you is smaller than the time interval
for the moving observer . This is also known as time dilation. so we can say that moving object has
longer lifetime than the same stationary object. According to the theory of relativity, time is forth
dimension of the universe. We are generally awared with three dimensions. They are length,
breadth and height or (X,Y and Z axes in Cartesian coordinate system). The world we are watching
seems to us 3 dimensional. The maximum numbers of dimensions we have studied in geometry
from our school to introductory college level is 3. This geometry is known as Euclidian geometry.
But the Theory of Relativity gave birth to four dimensional geometry in which three are
conventional space dimensions and fourth is time dimension. This geometry is known as space-
time geometry or Mankowski space. Spacetime geometry is very tough to understand not for only
general man but even for Physicist. Next time we will try to understand this four dimensional space.
By- Santosh Chaudhary M.Sc(Physics)