DTSC 50 Manual

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ATS Controller

Software Version: 1.00xx or higher

Manual 37441C
Manual 37441C DTSC-50 - ATS Controller

Read this entire manual and all other publications pertaining to the work to be performed before in-
stalling, operating, or servicing this equipment. Practice all plant and safety instructions and precau-
tions. Failure to follow instructions can cause personal injury and/or property damage.
The engine, turbine, or other type of prime mover should be equipped with an overspeed
(overtemperature, or overpressure, where applicable) shutdown device(s), that operates totally inde-
pendently of the prime mover control device(s) to protect against runaway or damage to the engine,
turbine, or other type of prime mover with possible personal injury or loss of life should the mechani-
cal-hydraulic governor(s) or electric control(s), the actuator(s), fuel control(s), the driving mecha-
nism(s), the linkage(s), or the controlled device(s) fail.
Any unauthorized modifications to or use of this equipment outside its specified mechanical, electri-
cal, or other operating limits may cause personal injury and/or property damage, including damage to
the equipment. Any such unauthorized modifications: (i) constitute "misuse" and/or "negligence" with-
in the meaning of the product warranty thereby excluding warranty coverage for any resulting damage,
and (ii) invalidate product certifications or listings.

To prevent damage to a control system that uses an alternator or battery-charging device, make sure
the charging device is turned off before disconnecting the battery from the system.
Electronic controls contain static-sensitive parts. Observe the following precautions to prevent dam-
age to these parts.
• Discharge body static before handling the control (with power to the control turned off, contact a
grounded surface and maintain contact while handling the control).
• Avoid all plastic, vinyl, and Styrofoam (except antistatic versions) around printed circuit boards.
• Do not touch the components or conductors on a printed circuit board with your hands or with
conductive devices.

This publication may have been revised or updated since this copy was produced. To verify that you
have the latest revision, be sure to check the Woodward website:
The revision level is shown at the bottom of the front cover after the publication number. The latest
version of most publications is available at:
If your publication is not there, please contact your customer service representative to get the latest

Important definitions

Indicates a potentially hazardous situation that, if not avoided, could result in death or serious injury.

Indicates a potentially hazardous situation that, if not avoided, could result in damage to equipment.

Provides other helpful information that does not fall under the warning or caution categories.

Woodward reserves the right to update any portion of this publication at any time. Information provided by Woodward is believed
to be correct and reliable. However, Woodward assumes no responsibility unless otherwise expressly undertaken.

© Woodward
All Rights Reserved.

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Manual 37441C DTSC-50 - ATS Controller

Revision History
Rev. Date Editor Change
NEW 09-08-28 TE Release
A 09-10-09 TE Minor corrections
B 10-03-10 TE UL Certification
C 12-04-10 TE Manual

• Minor corrections

New device features & updates

Requirements: DTSC-50 ATS control with software version 1.0004 or higher and device revision B or higher.
The described changes relate to the previous software version 1.0003.

New features

• Modbus protocol was implemented


CHAPTER 1. GENERAL INFORMATION ....................................................................................... 7

Related Documents ..................................................................................................................................
Overview ..................................................................................................................................................
CHAPTER 2. DTSC-50 OVERVIEW.......................................................................................... 10
CHAPTER 3. ELECTROSTATIC DISCHARGE AWARENESS .......................................................... 11
CHAPTER 4. HOUSING ........................................................................................................... 12
Dimensions / Panel Cut-Out ................................................................................................................... 12
Installation ..............................................................................................................................................
CHAPTER 5. WIRING DIAGRAMS ............................................................................................. 14
CHAPTER 6. CONNECTIONS.................................................................................................... 15
Terminal Arrangement ........................................................................................................................... 15
Power supply ..........................................................................................................................................
Voltage Measuring .................................................................................................................................
Voltage Measuring: Generator ..................................................................................................... 18
Voltage Measuring: Mains ............................................................................................................ 20
Discrete Inputs .... .. .. ... .. ... .. .. ... .. ... .. .. ... .. ... .. .. ... .. ... .. .. ... .. ... .. .. ... .. ... .. .. ... .. ... .. .. ... .. ... .. .. ... .. ... .. .. ... .. ... .. .. ... .. ..
Discrete Inputs: Bipolar Signals ................................................................................................... 22
Discrete Inputs: Operation Logic .................................................................................................. 23
Relay Outputs .........................................................................................................................................
Service Port ..................................................................................................................................

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CHAPTER 7. OPERATION AND NAVIGATION................................................................................................27

Operation and Display........................................................................................................................................ 28
Purpose of the Status LEDs...................................................................................................................28
Operating the DTSC-50...........................................................................................................................28
Acknowledging Alarm Messages...........................................................................................................28
Configuring the DTSC-50........................................................................................................................29
Display of the Operating Values............................................................................................................ 29
Default Operating Value Display............................................................................................................30
Cycling Through the Displayed Operating Values..............................................................................30
Alarm Messages.......................................................................................................................................33
Configuration Displays.............................................................................................................................35
Display Hierarchy.....................................................................................................................................37
CHAPTER 8. FUNCTIONAL DESCRIPTION.....................................................................................................38
Operating Modes.................................................................................................................................................39
Operating Mode STOP............................................................................................................................39
Operating Mode MANUAL......................................................................................................................40
Breaker Closure Limits.......................................................................................................................................47
Generator Circuit Breaker.......................................................................................................................47
Mains Circuit Breaker.............................................................................................................................. 47
Functional Description of the 2nd CB Close Delay Time...............................................................................48
CHAPTER 9. CONFIGURATION........................................................................................................................ 49
Restoring Default Values....................................................................................................................................49
Resetting Via the Front Panel................................................................................................................ 49
Resetting Via LeoPC1.............................................................................................................................49
Configuration Via the Front Panel.....................................................................................................................49
Configuration Using the PC...............................................................................................................................50
Editing the Configuration File.............................................................................................................................51
CHAPTER 10. PARAMETERS...........................................................................................................................52
Application............................................................................................................................................................ 54
Engine: Start/Stop Automatic.................................................................................................................55
Emergency Power (AMF)...................................................................................................................................57
Password.............................................................................................................................................................. 58
Monitoring: Generator..............................................................................................................................59
Monitoring: Generator Overfrequency.................................................................................................. 59
Monitoring: Generator Underfrequency................................................................................................60
Monitoring: Generator Overvoltage.......................................................................................................61
Monitoring: Generator Undervoltage.....................................................................................................62
Monitoring: Mains.....................................................................................................................................63
Monitoring: Mains Failure Limits............................................................................................................63
Monitoring: Engine Start Fail..................................................................................................................66
Monitoring: Breakers................................................................................................................................66
Monitoring: Engine Unintended Stop.................................................................................................... 67
Discrete Inputs.....................................................................................................................................................68
Relay Outputs.......................................................................................................................................................69
Communication Interfaces.................................................................................................................................73
Factory Settings........................................................................................................................................74
Parameter Access Level.........................................................................................................................74

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CHAPTER 11. INTERFACES AND PROTOCOLS.............................................................................................76

Service Port (RS-232/USB)....................................................................................................................76
Modbus RTU Slave..................................................................................................................................76
Data Protocol 4730.................................................................................................................................. 79
CHAPTER 12. EVENT LOGGER........................................................................................................................84
GetEventLog Software........................................................................................................................................84
Installing GetEventLog............................................................................................................................ 84
Starting GetEventLog..............................................................................................................................84
Resetting the Event Logger....................................................................................................................85
CHAPTER 13. TECHNICAL DATA....................................................................................................................86
CHAPTER 14. ACCURACY................................................................................................................................88
APPENDIX A. COMMON.....................................................................................................................................89
Alarm Classes.......................................................................................................................................................89
Conversion Factors and Charts.........................................................................................................................90
Conversion Factors: Temperature.........................................................................................................90
Conversion Factors: Pressure................................................................................................................90
Conversion Chart: Wire Size..................................................................................................................90
APPENDIX B. FRONT CUSTOMIZATION.........................................................................................................91
APPENDIX C. TROUBLESHOOTING.................................................................................................................92
APPENDIX D. LIST OF PARAMETERS.............................................................................................................95
APPENDIX E. SERVICE OPTIONS..................................................................................................................101
Product Service Options...................................................................................................................................101
Returning Equipment For Repair....................................................................................................................101
Packing a Control...................................................................................................................................102
Return Authorization Number RAN.....................................................................................................102
Replacement Parts............................................................................................................................................102
How To Contact Woodward.............................................................................................................................103
Engineering Services........................................................................................................................................104
Technical Assistance........................................................................................................................................105

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Illustrations and Tables

Figure 1-2: Functional overview................................................................................................................................................ 8
Figure 4-1: Housing - panel cut-out......................................................................................................................................... 12
Figure 5-1: Wiring diagram – DTSC-50.................................................................................................................................. 14
Figure 6-1: DTSC-50 back view - terminal arrangement......................................................................................................... 15
Figure 6-2: Power supply......................................................................................................................................................... 16
Figure 6-3: Voltage measuring - generator 3Ph 4W................................................................................................................. 18
Figure 6-4: Voltage measuring - generator 3Ph 3W................................................................................................................. 18
Figure 6-5: Voltage measuring - generator 1Ph 3W................................................................................................................. 18
Figure 6-6: Voltage measuring - generator 1Ph 2W, phase-neutral.......................................................................................... 19
Figure 6-7: Voltage measuring - generator 1Ph 2W, phase-phase............................................................................................ 19
Figure 6-8: Voltage measuring - mains 3Ph 4W...................................................................................................................... 20
Figure 6-9: Voltage measuring - mains 3Ph 3W...................................................................................................................... 20
Figure 6-10: Voltage measuring - mains 1Ph 3W.................................................................................................................... 20
Figure 6-11: Voltage measuring - mains 1Ph 2W.................................................................................................................... 21
Figure 6-12: Discrete inputs - alarm/control input - positive signal......................................................................................... 22
Figure 6-13: Discrete inputs - alarm/control input - negative signal........................................................................................ 23
Figure 6-14: Discrete inputs - alarm/control inputs - operation logic....................................................................................... 23
Figure 6-15: Relay outputs...................................................................................................................................................... 24
Figure 6-16: Service port connector (RJ-45)............................................................................................................................ 25
Figure 6-17: DPC-USB wiring - schematic............................................................................................................................. 25
Figure 6-18: DPC-RS-232 wiring - schematic......................................................................................................................... 26
Figure 7-1: Front panel and display......................................................................................................................................... 27
Figure 7-2: 6 digit 7 segment LED display.............................................................................................................................. 29
Figure 10-1: Voltage/frequency hysteresis............................................................................................................................... 64
Figure 11-1: Modbus - visualization configurations................................................................................................................ 78
Figure 12-1: GetEventLog - interface configuration................................................................................................................ 84
Figure 12-2: GetEventLog - event logger content.................................................................................................................... 85
Figure 14-4: Paper strip........................................................................................................................................................... 91

Table 1-1: Manual - overview.................................................................................................................................................... 7
Table 4-1: Housing - panel cut-out.......................................................................................................................................... 12
Table 6-1: Power supply - terminal assignment....................................................................................................................... 16
Table 6-2: Voltage measuring principles................................................................................................................................. 17
Table 6-3: Voltage measuring - terminal assignment - generator voltage................................................................................ 19
Table 6-4: Voltage measuring - terminal assignment - mains voltage...................................................................................... 21
Table 6-5: Discrete input - terminal assignment - alarm/control input - positive signal........................................................... 22
Table 6-6: Discrete input - terminal assignment - alarm/control inputs - negative signal......................................................... 23
Table 6-7: Relay outputs - terminal assignment, part 1............................................................................................................ 24
Table 7-1: Display - default operating value............................................................................................................................ 30
Table 7-2: Display of operating values.................................................................................................................................... 32
Table 7-3: Alarm classes.......................................................................................................................................................... 33
Table 7-4: Alarm messages...................................................................................................................................................... 34
Table 7-5: Configuration displays............................................................................................................................................ 37
Table 7-6: Display hierarchy................................................................................................................................................... 37
Table 8-1: Functional description - Overview.......................................................................................................................... 38
Table 10-1: Relay outputs - list of configurable parameters..................................................................................................... 70
Table 11-1: Modbus - address range block read....................................................................................................................... 77
Table 12-1: Event logger - operation states.............................................................................................................................. 85
Table 14-1: Conversion factor: temperature............................................................................................................................. 90
Table 14-2: Conversion factor: pressure.................................................................................................................................. 90
Table 14-3: Conversion chart: wire size................................................................................................................................... 90

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Chapter 1.
General Information

Related Documents
Type English German

DTSC-50 – Manual this manual  37441 -

Additional Manuals
LeoPC1 – User Manual 37146 GR37146
PC program for configuration, parameter visualization, remote control, data logging, language upload, alarm and user management,
and event recorder management. This manual describes the use of LeoPC1 software.
LeoPC1 – Engineering Manual 37164 GR37164
PC program for configuration, parameter visualization, remote control, data logging, language upload, alarm and user management,
and event recorder management. This manual describes the programming of LeoPC1 software.
Table 1-1: Manual - overview

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Figure 1-2: Functional overview

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The DTSC-50 generator set controller provides the following functions:

• Genset control
• Engine and generator protection
• Engine data measurement -
o including battery voltage, service hours, etc.
• Generator voltage measurement
• Alarm display with circuit breaker trip and engine shutdown
• AMF (automatic mains failure) standby genset control with automatic engine start on a mains failure
de-tection and open transition breaker control
• Password protected configuration

Intended Use The control unit must only be operated as described in this manual. The prerequisite for a
proper and safe operation of the product is correct transportation, storage, and installation as well as careful
operation and maintenance.

This manual has been developed for a unit fitted with all available options. Inputs/outputs, functions,
configuration screens and other details described, which do not exist on your unit may be ignored.
The present manual has been prepared to enable the installation and commissioning of the unit. Be-
cause of the large variety of parameter settings, it is not possible to cover every possible combination.
The manual is therefore only a guide. In case of incorrect entries or a total loss of functions, the de-
fault settings can be taken from the enclosed list of parameters.

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Chapter 2.
DTSC-50 Overview

Some parameters of the DTSC-50 can only be configured using the Direct Configuration Cable DPC
(P/N 5417-557) and a notebook/PC with the software LeoPC1. These parameters are indicated with an L
in the parameter description under Parameters starting from page 52 and can not be configured at the
unit directly.
The configuration with LeoPC1 via the DPC is described under Configuration Using the PC on page 50.
The DPC is not part of the DTSC-50 shipment and sold separately (P/N 5417-557).


The counters for
• Operation hours
• Maintenance Interval
• Number of starts
can be recalibrated with LeoPC1 and the configuration files belonging to the unit. If 3 party users are
not allowed to change these values, you can easily remove the parameters which enable changing the
counters by editing the LeoPC1 configuration files as described under Editing the Configuration File
on page 51.
The counter for
• Maintenance Interval
can also be recalibrated using the front panel. You may prevent the user from recalibrating this param-
eter by setting a HMI password as described under Codes on page 74.

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Chapter 3.
Electrostatic Discharge Awareness

All electronic equipment is static-sensitive, some components more than others. To protect these components
from static damage, you must take special precautions to minimize or eliminate electrostatic discharges.

Follow these precautions when working with or near the control.

1. Before performing maintenance on the electronic control, discharge the static electricity on your body
to ground by touching and holding a grounded metal object (pipes, cabinets, equipment, etc.).

2. Avoid the build-up of static electricity on your body by not wearing clothing made of synthetic materials.
Wear cotton or cotton-blend materials as much as possible because these do not store static electric
charg-es as much as synthetics.

3. Keep plastic, vinyl, and Styrofoam materials (such as plastic or Styrofoam cups, cup holders, cigarette
packages, cellophane wrappers, vinyl books or folders, plastic bottles, and plastic ash trays) away from
the control, the modules, and the work area as much as possible.

4. Opening the control cover may void the unit warranty.

Do not remove the Printed Circuit Board (PCB) from the control cabinet unless absolutely necessary.
If you must remove the PCB from the control cabinet, follow these precautions:

• Ensure that the device is completely de-energized (all connectors must be disconnected).

• Do not touch any part of the PCB except the edges.

• Do not touch the electrical conductors, connectors, or components with conductive devices with
your hands.

• When replacing a PCB, keep the new PCB in the protective antistatic bag it comes in until you are
ready to install it. Immediately after removing the old PCB from the control cabinet, place it in the
pro-tective antistatic bag.

To prevent damage to electronic components caused by improper handling, read and observe the pre-
cautions in Woodward manual 82715, Guide for Handling and Protection of Electronic Controls, Print-
ed Circuit Boards, and Modules.

The unit is capable to withstand an electrostatic powder coating process with a voltage of up to 85 kV
and a current of up to 40 µA.

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Chapter 4.

Dimensions / Panel Cut-Out


158 136

136 40

Figure 4-1: Housing - panel cut-out

Description Dimension Tolerance

Height Total 158 mm ---
Panel cut-out 138 mm + 1.0 mm
Housing dimension 136 mm
Width Total 158 mm ---
Panel cut-out 138 mm + 1.0 mm
Housing dimension 136 mm
Depth Total 40 mm ---
Table 4-1: Housing - panel cut-out

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For installation into a door panel, proceed as follows:

1. Panel cut-out
Cut out the panel according to the dimensions in Figure 4-1.

2. Remove terminals
Loosen the wire connection terminal screws on the back of the unit
and remove the wire connection terminal strips if required (1).

3. Loosen clamping screws

Loosen the four clamping screws (1) until they are almost flush with 1 2
the clamp inserts and tilt the clamp inserts down by 45° (2) to remove
them from the housing. Do not completely remove the screws from the
clamp inserts.

4. Insert unit into cut-out

Insert the unit into the panel cut-out. Verify that the unit fits correctly in the
cut-out. If the panel cut-out is not big enough, enlarge it accordingly.
Ensure that the gasket is placed properly if used. Ensure that the paper strip
is not pinched between gasket and panel to maintain isolation.
5. Attach clamp inserts
Re-install the clamp inserts by tilting the insert to a 45° angle (1). 2
Insert the nose of the insert into the slot on the side of the housing.
Raise the clamp insert so that it is parallel to the control panel (2).

6. Tighten clamping screws
Tighten the clamping screws (1) until the control unit is secured to the
control panel (2). Over tightening of these screws may result in the
clamp inserts or the housing breaking. Do not exceed the recommended
tighten-ing torque of 0.1 Nm.

7. Reattach terminals 1
Reattach the wire connection terminal strips (1) and secure them with
the side screws.

Note: If the gasket is damaged, it needs to be replaced. Use only the original gasket kit (P/N 3050-1057) for

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Chapter 5.
Wiring Diagrams

02 01

The socket for the PC configuration +

is situated on the back of the item.
This is were the DPC cable has to
be plugged in.

Mains voltage L3

Not connected

Mains voltage L2

Not connected

Mains voltage L1

Not connected

Mains voltage N

Not connected


Relay [R 01] isolated


MCB open

Common (terminals 15 to 20)

Discrete input [DI 01] isolated


Lock in manual mode [DI 01]

Discrete input [DI 02] isolated


Lock in auto mode [DI 02]

Discrete input [DI 03] isolated


Remote start [DI 03]

Discrete input [DI 04] isolated


Reply MCB / free configurable [DI 04]

Discrete input [DI 05] isolated


Reply GCB / free configurable [DI 05]


Relay [R 02] isolated

Engine start relay

Generator voltage L3

Not connected

Generator voltage L2

Not connected

Generator voltage L1

Not connected

Generator voltage N

Not connected

Relay [R 03]

Close GCB

Common (terminals 10 to 14)


Relay [R 04]

Free configurable
Relay [R 05]

Free configurable
Relay [R 06]

Free configurable


40 39 38

Subject to technical modifications. DTSC-50 Wiring Diagram | Rev. NEW

Figure 5-1: Wiring diagram – DTSC-50

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Chapter 6.

The wire sizes in the following chapter are indicated in square millimeters. Please refer to Conversion
Chart: Wire Size on page 90 to convert the sizes to AWG.

Terminal Arrangement

2019 21
upper terminal strip

configuration plug

lower terminal strip

2122 3536 3940

Figure 6-1: DTSC-50 back view - terminal arrangement

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Power supply
6.5 to 32.0 Vdc

1 2

6.5 to 32.0 Vdc

0 Vdc Power supply

Figure 6-2: Power supply

Terminal Description Amax

1 0 Vdc reference potential 2.5 mm²
2 6.5 to 32.0 Vdc 2.5 mm²
Table 6-1: Power supply - terminal assignment

For a proper operation of the device, a minimum initial voltage of 10.5 Vdc is necessary when switching on
the DTSC. After this, a continuous operating voltage between 6.5 and 32 Vdc is possible to operate the
DTSC-50 safely. The control unit is capable of handling voltage drops to 0 V for a maximum of 10 ms.

Ensure that the engine will be shut down by an external device in case the power supply of the
DTSC-50 control unit fails. Failure to do so may result in damages to the equipment.

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Voltage Measuring
The DTSC-50 allows the use of different voltage measuring methods for generator and mains voltage
depending on the model. These are described in the following text.

Measuring Description
Measurement is performed phase-neutral (WYE connected system). Phase voltages and
neutral conductor must be connected for proper calculation. The measurement, display
and protection are adjusted according to the rules for WYE or delta connected systems.
3Ph 4W Monitoring refers to the following voltages:
• VL12, VL23, and VL31, or
• VL1N, VL2N, and VL3N.
Measurement is performed phase-phase (delta connected system). Phase voltages must
be connected for proper calculation. The measurement, display and protection are ad-
3Ph 3W justed according to the rules for delta connected systems. Monitoring refers to the fol-
lowing voltages:
• VL12, VL23, VL31.

Measurement is performed for single-phase systems. The measurement, display and

protection are adjusted according to the rules for single-phase systems. Monitoring re-
1Ph 2W fers to the following voltages:
• VL1N.
Measurement is performed for single-phase systems. The measurement, display and
protection are adjusted according to the rules for single-phase systems. Monitoring re-
1Ph 3W fers to the following voltages:
• VL1N, VL3N.
Table 6-2: Voltage measuring principles
The above described voltage measuring methods are shown with appropriate wiring examples for the
different models for generator and mains voltage measuring in Figure 6-3 to Figure 6-11.

LeoPC1 and a DPC cable (Revision B, P/N 5417-557) are required to configure the voltage measuring
methods “1Ph2W”,“1Ph3W, “3Ph3W” and “3Ph4W”

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Voltage Measuring: Generator

Voltage Measuring: Generator 3Ph 4W



29 31 33 35
L3 L2 L1 N
Generator voltage 3Ph 4W

Figure 6-3: Voltage measuring - generator 3Ph 4W

Voltage Measuring: Generator 3Ph 3W

L2 G


29 31 33 35
L3 L2 L1 N
Generator voltage 3Ph 3W

Figure 6-4: Voltage measuring - generator 3Ph 3W

Voltage Measuring: Generator 1Ph 3W


29 31 33 35
L3 L2 L1 N
Generator voltage 1Ph 3W

Figure 6-5: Voltage measuring - generator 1Ph 3W

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Voltage Measuring: Generator 1Ph 2W

Phase-Neutral Voltage Measuring
L1 L1

29 31 33 35 29 31 33 35
L3 L2 L1 N L3 L2 L1 N
Generator voltage 1Ph 2W Generator voltage 1Ph 2W

Figure 6-6: Voltage measuring - generator 1Ph 2W, phase-neutral

Phase-Phase Voltage Measuring

It is also possible to perform a phase-phase voltage measuring. The units is intended for a phase-neutral
measur-ing as described above, but may also be used for phase-phase voltage measuring. In this case, phase L2
must be connected to the N terminal of the DTSC-50 and the Generator rated voltage (Parameter 11) must be
configured to the phase-phase voltage.


29 31 33 35
L3 L2 L1 N
Generator voltage 1Ph 2W

Figure 6-7: Voltage measuring - generator 1Ph 2W, phase-phase

Terminal Description Amax

29 Generator voltage - phase L3 480 Vac 2.5 mm²
31 Generator voltage - phase L2 480 Vac 2.5 mm²
33 Generator voltage - phase L1 480 Vac 2.5 mm²
35 Generator voltage - phase N 480 Vac 2.5 mm²
Table 6-3: Voltage measuring - terminal assignment - generator voltage

If you select to perform a phase-phase voltage measuring, the display is still indicating a phase-neutral
voltage since the voltage is measured between terminal 33 (L1) and 35 (N).
However, if the Generator rated voltage (Parameter 11) is configured correctly, the displayed value is
the correct phase-phase voltage value.

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Voltage Measuring: Mains

Voltage Measuring: Mains 3Ph 4W


21 23 25 27
L3 L2 L1 N
Mains voltage 3Ph 4W

Figure 6-8: Voltage measuring - mains 3Ph 4W

Voltage Measuring: Mains 3Ph 3W


21 23 25 27
L3 L2 L1 N
Mains voltage 3Ph 3W

Figure 6-9: Voltage measuring - mains 3Ph 3W

Voltage Measuring: Mains 1Ph 3W


21 23 25 27
L3 L2 L1 N
Mains voltage 1Ph 3W

Figure 6-10: Voltage measuring - mains 1Ph 3W

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Voltage Measuring: Mains 1Ph 2W


21 23 25 27
L3 L2 L1 N
Mains voltage 1Ph 2W

Figure 6-11: Voltage measuring - mains 1Ph 2W

Terminal Description Amax

21 Mains voltage - phase L3 480 Vac 2.5 mm²
23 Mains voltage - phase L2 480 Vac 2.5 mm²
25 Mains voltage - phase L1 480 Vac 2.5 mm²
27 Mains voltage - phase N 480 Vac 2.5 mm²
Table 6-4: Voltage measuring - terminal assignment - mains voltage

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Discrete Inputs
Discrete Inputs: Bipolar Signals

The discrete inputs are galvanically isolated allowing for a bipolar connection. The discrete inputs are able
to handle positive or negative signals.

All discrete inputs must use the same polarity, either positive or negative signals, due to the common

Discrete Inputs: Positive Signal

GND Discrete input 1

6.5 to 32.0 Vdc

Discrete input 2
6.5 to 32.0 Vdc

Discrete input 3
6.5 to 32.0 Vdc

Discrete input 4
6.5 to 32.0 Vdc

Discrete input 5
6.5 to 32.0 Vdc

Figure 6-12: Discrete inputs - alarm/control input - positive signal

Terminal Description Amax

Term. Com. Type 
16 Discrete input [D1] Manual Mode fixed 2.5 mm²
17 Discrete input [D2] Auto Mode fixed 2.5 mm²
18 15 Discrete input [D3] Remote start fixed 2.5 mm²
19 Discrete input [D4] Reply MCB or alarm input SW 2.5 mm²
20 Discrete input [D5] Reply GCB or alarm input SW 2.5 mm²
SW..alarm input switchable via software, if parameter "Ignore CB reply" is set to "YES"
Table 6-5: Discrete input - terminal assignment - alarm/control input - positive signal

The parameter "Ignore CB reply" (described on page 54) can only be configured via LeoPC1.

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Discrete Inputs: Negative Signal

6.5 to 32.0 Vdc

GND Discrete input 1

GND Discrete input 2

GND Discrete input 3

GND Discrete input 4

GND Discrete input 5

Figure 6-13: Discrete inputs - alarm/control input - negative signal

Terminal Description Amax

Com. Term. Type 
16 Discrete input [D1] Manual Mode fixed 2.5 mm²
17 Discrete input [D2] Auto Mode fixed 2.5 mm²
15 18 Discrete input [D3] Remote start fixed 2.5 mm²
19 Discrete input [D4] Reply MCB or alarm input SW 2.5 mm²
20 Discrete input [D5] - Reply GCB or alarm input SW 2.5 mm²
SW..alarm input switchable via software, if parameter "Ignore CB reply" is set to "YES"
Table 6-6: Discrete input - terminal assignment - alarm/control inputs - negative signal

Discrete Inputs: Operation Logic

Discrete inputs may be configured to be used for normally open (N.O) and normally closed (N.C.) contacts.
The default condition for N.O. is that the voltage signal is low. If the N.O. contact closes, the signal becomes
high and the DTSC-50 will detect an appropriate alarm or status.
The default condition for N.C. is that the voltage signal is high. If the N.C. contact opens, the signal becomes
low and the DTSC-50 will detect an appropriate alarm or status.

The N.O. or N.C. contacts may be connected to the signal terminal or to the ground terminal of the discrete input.
See previous chapter Discrete Inputs: Bipolar Signals on page 22 for details.

Vdc (GND)
Discrete input (N.O.)
GND (Vdc)

Vdc (GND)
Discrete input (N.C.)
GND (Vdc)
Figure 6-14: Discrete inputs - alarm/control inputs - operation logic

For the DTSC-50, the discrete inputs 1-3 are configured to a factory default and cannot be changed. The
discrete inputs 4 and 5 are freely configurable depending on the parameter "Ignore CB reply". If this parameter
is set to "YES", the discrete inputs are freely configurable, and the operation logic may be configured either to
N.O. or N.C.

The parameter "Ignore CB reply" (described on page 54) may only be configured via LeoPC1.

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Relay Outputs
The DTSC-50 provides up to six (6) galvanically isolated relay outputs. Some relay outputs have fixed
assign-ments and cannot be configured.

max. 250 Vac/dc

N/ external device Relay output

Figure 6-15: Relay outputs

Terminal Description Amax
Term. Com.

A B Type 

5/6 7 Relay output [R1] Command: open MCB fixed 2.5 mm²

8 9 Relay output [R2] Engine Start fixed 2.5 mm²

10 11 Relay output [R3] Close GCB 2.5 mm²

12 11 Relay output [R4] Free Configurable SW 2.5 mm²

13 11 Relay output [R5] Free Configurable SW 2.5 mm²

14 11 Relay output [R6] Free Configurable SW 2.5 mm²

Table 6-7: Relay outputs - terminal assignment, part 1

The conditions, which can be assigned to the relay outputs R4, R5 and R6 are listed in Table 10-1: Relay outputs
- list of configurable parameters on page 70 (refer to Relay Outputs on page 69).

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Service Port
The Woodward specific service port is a connector (RJ-45) to extend the interfaces of the controller.

Figure 6-16: Service port connector (RJ-45)

The service port can be only used in combination with an optional Woodward direct configuration ca-
ble (DPC).

Direct configuration cable (DPC)

The DPC cable is used to configure the device with the ToolKit configuration software and external

There are two versions available:

• DPC-USB direct configuration cable
• DPC-RS-232 direct configuration cable

DPC-USB direct configuration cable

Use the DPC-USB direct configuration cable if you want to connect the Woodward controller to an external
de-vice (master) which is equipped with an USB port.

Order item number:

DPC-USB direct configuration cable – P/N 5417-1251

Figure 6-17: DPC-USB wiring - schematic

1 Use the Ethernet CAT 5 cable which is supplied with the DPC-USB converter. The maximum
cable length must not exceed 0.5 m.

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DPC-RS-232 direct configuration cable

Use the DPC-RS-232 direct configuration cable if you want to connect the Woodward controller to an
external device (master) which is equipped with an RS-232 port.

Order item number:

DPC-RS-232 direct configuration cable – P/N 5417-557

Figure 6-18: DPC-RS-232 wiring - schematic

1 Use the Ethernet CAT 5 cable which is supplied with the DPC-USB converter. The maximum
cable length must not exceed 0.5 m.

For a continuous operation with the direct configuration cable DPC-RS-232 (e.g. remote control of con-
troller), it is required to use at least revision F (P/N 5417-557 Rev. F) of the DPC-RS-232. When using a
DPC-RS-232 of an earlier revision, problems may occur in continuous operation. The shield connector
(6.3 mm tab connector) at the DPC-RS-232 of revision F (P/N 5417-557 Rev. F) and above must be con-
nected to ground.

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Chapter 7.
Operation and Navigation

Figure 7-1: Front panel and display

Figure 7-1 illustrates the front panel/display which includes push-buttons, LEDs and the alphanumerical 7
seg-ment LED display. A short description of the front panel is given below.

This push-button is ALWAYS enabled and will stop the engine when pressed.

1 2 3 Push-buttons
4 5 6
7 8 The push buttons on the front panel are assigned to fixed functions of the unit.

9 10 11 12 LEDs
13 14 15 16
17 The LEDs indicate operating states of the unit and alarm messages. The right LED indicates that
alarm messages are present in the unit.

18 7 segment LED display

This alphanumerical display is used to display all measured values, operating parameters, and
alarm messages. A description of this display is detailed later in this manual.

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Operation and Display

Purpose of the Status LEDs
The DTSC-50 has several status LEDs to indicate the operating state. The LEDs indicate the following
LED 9 (on): Mains voltage present
LED 9 (flashing): Mains voltage and/or frequency are not within the (see page 47)
LED : Mains circuit breaker (MCB) closed
LED : Generator circuit breaker (GCB) closed
LED (on): Generator in operation
LED (flashing): Generator voltage and/or frequency are not within the (see page 47)
LED 13 (on): Engine in operation
LED 13 (flashing): Engine in operation, but engine monitoring delay time (see page 55) not yet expired
LED : Alarm message present
LED : DTSC-50 in automatic operation mode
LED : DTSC-50 in manual operation mode
LED : DTSC-50 in stop operation mode
A function test of all LEDs and the seven-segment display may be conducted by pressing the 7 and 8 buttons


Operating the DTSC-50

• When the DTSC-50 control unit is powered up and the genset is not operating, LED is illuminated and
the MCB is closed
• The control unit may be started in automatic mode or have the operation mode changed from automatic to
15 16
manual by pressing the Auto - Manual button 3.
LED (automatic) or LED (manual) will indi-cate
the current mode of operation by the corresponding LED being illuminated.
• The Breaker Control button 4 enables the operator to open or close the circuit breaker(s) depending on the
current state of the breaker and the control unit being in manual operation mode. This button is disabled in
automatic operation mode.
• The Start Engine button 5 will start the engine when the control unit is in manual operation mode. This
button is disabled when the control unit is in automatic operation mode.
• The Stop button 6 is only enabled if Manual Mode or Automatic mode is NOT selected via the dis-crete
inputs ( Terminals 16 and 17 ).If it is pressed while in automatic mode the engine will be shut down af-ter the
configured cool down period has expired. Pressing this button twice will shutdown the genset immediately.
• Active alarm messages may be acknowledged with the Alarm button 2. Alarm conditions are indicated
when LED is illuminated.
• When the DTSC-50 is in normal operation, the operator may view the monitored parameters by using the
Scroll button 1.
The monitored values will be displayed on the 7-segment display (a detailed de-
scription of the displayed operating values may be found later in this manual).

Acknowledging Alarm Messages

14 18
LED will flash when an alarm is active. The alarm message will be displayed in the 7-segment display .
Pressing the alarm button 2 will acknowledge the alarm, reset the alarm relay (if relay is configured for alarm
input), and the LED will change from flashing to continuously illuminated. If more than one fault condition
is present, the operator may display these messages by pressing the Scroll button 1. The alarm may be delet-
ed by pressing and holding the Alarm button 2 a second time until the LED is no longer illuminated. If
the fault condition is still present, the LED will remain illuminated and the unit stays in a locked mode accord-
ing to the appropriate alarm condition.
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Configuring the DTSC-50

To enter the configuration mode, press the Scroll 1 and Alarm 2 buttons simultaneously. Only the pa-rameters 00 - HMI Password, 01 -
Time until horn reset and 72 - Display level are visible without entering a password. In order to display the other parameters, the correct password must be entered in the Parameter 00 -

HMI Password. Pressing the Scroll button 1 will display the various parameters that may be changed. The
displayed values for the parameters may be changed by pressing the 7 and 8 buttons (a detailed descrip-tion
of the parameters begins on page 52 of this manual). If the operator presses and holds these buttons, the rate of change
for the value will increase. After the parameter has been adjusted to the desired value, enter it into the
control unit by pressing the Scroll button 1 once. After a parameter has been changed and entered into the
control unit, the operator may advance to the next parameters by pressing the Scroll button 1 a second time.
To exit the configuration mode, press the Scroll 1 and Alarm 2 buttons simultaneously again.

Display of the Operating Values

You may advance through the single value displays using the Scroll button 1.

The values are displayed numerically, while the engineering unit, source, and phase are coded in the
seven-segment display if applicable. See the example below:

No. of transfers to Gen.



Phase 4 digit value display Decimal point

Figure 7-2: 6 digit 7 segment LED display

• The first digit (counted from left) indicates what is being measured, (mains, ATS or generator). The top
hor-izontal segment indicates mains, the middle horizontal segment indicates engine, and the bottom
horizontal segment indicates generator.
• The second digit indicates the measured phase. The top segment indicates L1, the middle horizontal
segment indicates L2, and the bottom horizontal segment indicates L3. If only one line is displayed for
phase meas-urement, a phase to neutral measurement is displayed. If two lines are displayed, a phase to
phase measure ment is shown.
• Digits 3-6 indicate what the measured value of the displayed parameter is.
• The indicators located at the top left of the first four digits of the display indicate the engineering unit
of measure to be utilized. The indicators are assigned the following engineering units of measure.
o Digit 1: Volts [V]
o Digit 2: Frequency [Hz]
o Digit 3: Operating Hours [h]
o Digit 4: Number of Transfers to Gen.

With this information, the example in the figure above reads as follows:
Voltage at generator between phase L2 and N is at 235.0 volts
Digit 1: Generator
Digit 2: Measurement between phase L2 and N
Digits 3 to 6: Numerical value 235.0
Indicator at digit 4: Voltage [V]
Digits 5 and 6 of the display are used to display eight different alarm states. The upper and lower vertical seg-
ments are used to indicate the various alarm states. Refer to on page 33 for the description of the alarm messages.

For customization of your DTSC-50 front using the paper strips, refer to Front Customization on page 91.

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Default Operating Value Display

The DTSC-50 detects and selects the default operating value display by evaluating the measured voltage and the
circuit breaker position. This default operating value is always displayed first. The operator may advance through
the following operating parameters using the Scroll button 1.

Voltage and CB position Voltage measuring Default operating value

Generator voltage present 1Ph 2W or 1Ph 3W Generator voltage V1N
GCB is closed 3Ph 3W or 3Ph 4W Generator voltage V12
Mains voltage present 1Ph 2W or 1Ph 3W Mains voltage V1N
MCB is closed 3Ph 3W or 3Ph 4W Mains voltage V12
Table 7-1: Display - default operating value

If none of the conditions in Table 7-1 is fulfilled, the generator voltage V12 is displayed according to the order
in Table 7-2.

The operating value display depends on the set display level (refer to Parameter 72 on page 74).

Cycling Through the Displayed Operating Values

If the DTSC-50 is in normal operation, the default operating value is displayed. The operator may advance
through the different operating parameters using the Scroll button 1 . Following the default operating value, the
parameters are displayed in the order shown below (some parameters will not display if the related function is disabled
or not available on the control unit):

Parameter / display level Display

Mains voltage
V12 (phase-phase)

DL 1

Mains voltage
V23 (phase-phase)

DL 2

Mains voltage
V31 (phase-phase)

DL 2

Mains voltage
Average of the phase-phase
voltages (two of the three
phase indicators are displayed

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Mains voltage
V1N (phase-neutral)

DL 1

Mains voltage
V2N (phase-neutral)

DL 2

Mains voltage
V3N (phase-neutral)

DL 2

Mains voltage
Average of the phase voltages
(one of the three phase indica-
tors is displayed alternately)
DL 2
Rated mains frequency

DL 1

Generator voltage
V12 (phase-phase)

DL 1

Generator voltage
V23 (phase-phase)

DL 2

Generator voltage
V31 (phase-phase)

DL 2

Generator voltage
Average of the phase-phase
voltages (two of the three
phase-phase indicators are
displayed alternately)
DL 2

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Generator voltage
V1N (phase-neutral)

DL 1

Generator voltage
V2N (phase-neutral)

DL 2

Generator voltage
V3N (phase-neutral)

DL 2

Generator voltage
Average of the phase voltages
(one of the three phase indicators
is displayed alternately)
DL 1

Rated generator frequency

DL 1

Operating hours counter

(display is six-digit with one dec-
DL 1

Hours to next maintenance

(a negative value indicates excess
hours, maintenance overdue)
DL 2

Number of transfers to generator

DL 2

Battery voltage

DL 2

Table 7-2: Display of operating values

If the Scroll button 1 is pressed again, the display returns to the default operating value (refer to Default Op-
erating Value Display on page 30). The display automatically returns after 180 seconds to the default operating
value being displayed if a button isn’t pressed.

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Alarm Messages
If the DTSC-50 detects a fault condition, LED starts to flash. The alarm message is displayed in the seven-segment
display with a blinking "A" for alarm, an alarm number. The alarm may be acknowledged by pressing
the Alarm button 2 . The flashing LED and "A" will change to a continuously illuminated state and the relay will
be reset. If more alarm conditions are present, the operator may advance through the different alarm messages
using the Scroll button 1. By pressing the Alarm button 2 again, the alarm may be cleared unless the fault
condition is still present.

Class Description Reaction of the system

B Alarm The operation is not interrupted but a centralized alarm is issued.
The GCB will be opened immediately and the engine will be stopped without
F Shutdown
cool down.
Table 7-3: Alarm classes
The following table displays the possible alarm messages:

Alarm Alarm class Display

10 Generator B: Alarm

11 Generator B: Alarm

12 Generator over- B: Alarm


13 Generator B: Alarm

14 Mains rotation B: Alarm

field mismatch

30 Start fail B: Alarm

31 Unintended stop B: Alarm

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Alarm Alarm class Display

40 Maintenance hours B: Alarm

51 Generator breaker B: Alarm

close failure

52 Generator breaker B: Alarm

open failure

53 Mains breaker B: Alarm

close failure

54 Mains breaker B: Alarm

open failure

62 DI4: MCB reply or Control input/

free configurable Selectable
B or F

63 DI5: GCB reply or Control input/

free configurable Selectable
B or F

Table 7-4: Alarm messages

Discrete Inputs 4 & 5: If the parameter "Ignore Breaker Replies" (only changeable via LeoPC1) is set to
"YES", the discrete inputs for 4 and 5 are no longer control inputs. These discrete inputs may now be
used as freely configurable alarm inputs. All alarm classes may be configured for these discrete in-

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Configuration Displays
The following parameters can be configured as described under Configuring the on page 29:

Parameter Range Display

00 HMI Password 0000 to 9999


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Time until horn 0 to 1000 s
reset [1 s interval]

10 Rated frequen- 50 Hz, 60 Hz


11 Generator rated 50 to 480 V

voltage [1 V interval]

12 Mains rated 50 to 480 V

voltage [1 V interval]

40 Cooldown time 0 to 999 s

[1 s interval]

50 Generator 50.0 to 130.0 %

overfrequency [0.1 % interval]
DL threshold

51 Generator 0.1 to 99.9 s

overfrequency [0.1 s interval]
DL delay time

52 Generator 50.0 to 130.0 %

underfrequency [0.1 % interval]
DL threshold
Manual 37441C DTSC-50 - ATS Controller

53 Generator 0.1 to 99.9 s

underfrequency [0.1 s interval]
DL delay time

Page 36/106©54 Generator

Woodward 50.0 to 125.0 %
overvoltage [0.1 % interval]
DL threshold

55 Generator 0.1 to 99.9 s

overvoltage de- [0.1 s interval]
DL lay time

56 Generator 50.0 to 125.0 %

undervoltage [0.1 % interval]
DL threshold

57 Generator 0.1 to 99.9 s

undervoltage [0.1 s interval]
DL delay time

70 Maintenance 0 to 9999 h
hours [1 h interval]

71 Reset mainte- 0 = no, 1 = yes

nance hours

72 Display level 1,2,3


80 Mains settling 0 to 9999 s

time [1 s interval]

81 Mains over- 50.0 to 130.0 %

voltage thresh- [0.1 % interval]
DL old
Manual 37441C DTSC-50 - ATS Controller

82 Mains 50.0 to 130.0 %

undervoltage [0.1 % interval]
DL threshold

83 Mains voltage 0.0 to 50.0 %

hysteresis [0.1 % interval]

84 Mains 70.0 to 160.0 %

overfrequency [0.1 % interval]
DL threshold

85 Mains 70.0 to 160.0 %

underfrequency [0.1 % interval]
DL threshold

86 Mains frequen- 0.0 to 50.0 %

cy hysteresis [0.1 % interval]

87 Mains phase 0 = Off

rotation moni- 1 = On
DL toring - self
3 acknowledge

88 ModBus Slave 0 to 255


Table 7-5: Configuration displays

The display automatically returns to the default operating value (refer to Default Operating Value Dis-
play on page 30) if a button isn’t pressed within 180 seconds.

Display Hierarchy
The display system refreshes if a button isn't pressed within 180 seconds. The initial display depends on the
pres-ence of alarm or error messages and the operating mode. The following display hierarchy applies:

Hierarchy level Display Comments

Alarm messages Alarm messages are displayed first if they are present (refer to Alarm Messages on page 33)
The operating values are displayed if no alarm or J1939 DM1/DM2 error messages are present in
2 Operating values STOP operating mode or no alarm messages are present in MANUAL or AUTOMATIC operating
mode (refer to Display of the Operating Values on page 29)
Table 7-6: Display hierarchy

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Chapter 8.
Functional Description

Manual Auto
Manual AUTO
Operation Mode ( via Faceplate ) ( via Faceplate ) ( via discrete in- ( via discrete in-
put ) put )

Operate the engine

• Start engine by:
the engine START - STOP push button YES --- YES ---
the discrete input DI3 (remote start) --- YES --- YES
emergency power (AMF) --- YES --- YES
• Stop engine by:
the STOP push button YES YES YES ---
the discrete input DI3 (remote start) --- YES --- YES
emergency power (AMF) --- YES --- YES
an alarm --- --- --- ---
• Operating mode selection:
the AUTO/MANUAL push button YES YES --- ---

Operate GCB
• close GCB
the BREAKER CONTROL push button YES ---
YES ---
(only if engine is running)
emergency power (AMF) --- YES --- YES
• open GCB
the STOP push button YES YES YES ---
the BREAKER CONTROL push button YES --- YES ---
emergency power (AMF) --- YES --- YES
an alarm (i.e. overvoltage) YES YES YES YES

Operate MCB
• open MCB
the BREAKER CONTROL push button YES --- YES ---
emergency power (AMF) --- YES --- YES
• close MCB
the STOP push button YES YES YES ---
the BREAKER CONTROL push button ---
(only if mains are present)
emergency power (AMF) --- YES --- YES
Table 8-1: Functional description - Overview

• Application Mode (page 38): depends on the application; defines the number/function of the breakers.
• Operating Mode (page 39): depends on the application; differs between STOP, MANUAL and AUTOMATIC modes.

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Operating Modes
Operating Mode STOP

Please consider the following :

If the operation modes “Auto” or “Manual” have been selected via discrete inputs, it is not possible to switch
the device into operation mode “Stop”.

Selected Operation mode DTSC-50 will switch to operation

mode STOP if “STOP” button is
pressed ?
AUTO ( via Faceplate ) Yes
Manual ( via Faceplate ) Yes
AUTO ( via discrete input ) No
Manual ( via discrete input ) No

In the STOP operating mode neither the engine or the power circuit breakers can be operated.
The following occurs if operating mode STOP has been selected while…

…the engine is not running

1. The GCB will not close
2. “Engine Start” relay will not be set
3. The push buttons START and BREAKER CONTROL are disabled
4. The engine/generator monitoring remains de-activated (exception: all monitoring that is not delayed by
the delayed engine speed monitoring)
5. The MCB will be closed if it is open

…the engine is running

1. The GCB will open if it is closed
2. The MCB will close if the GCB is open and mains are present
3. An engine cool down will be performed
4. The “Engine Start” relay is de-energized
5. Selected engine/generator monitoring functions (this includes under-voltage, -frequency) will be
de-activated (exception: all monitoring that is not delayed by the delayed engine speed monitoring)

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Operating Mode MANUAL

You find an overview about the buttons, LEDs and the seven-segment display under Operation and
Navigation on page 27.

In the MANUAL operating mode (AUTO - MANUAL button 3 ) the engine and the power circuit
breakers are operated via the BREAKER CONTROL button 4 . The LED in the upper right
corner of the AUTO - MANUAL button 3 indicates the manual operating mode.

You can perform the following actions in the MANUAL operating mode depending on the application mode:

The START button 5

Start the engine (if the engine is stopped, LED is not illuminated)


11 12
Open the GCB and close the MCB (if the control unit is in generator operation (LEDs and
are illuminated) and mains are present, LED is illuminated)
9 10
Open the MCB and close the GCB (if the control unit is in mains operation (LEDs and are il-
luminated) and engine is running, LED is illuminated)
Detailed operation in MANUAL mode (mains are not present)

Preconditions: • Generator is stopped – LED 12 is not illuminated

• MCB is closed – LED is illuminated
• Mains are present – LED is illuminated
• Unit is in manual mode – LED is illuminated
Engine start sequence:
Action START Press the START button 5
Operation Engine Start relay The engine start relay (relay 2) is energized to start the engine
12 13
– LED illuminates and LED starts flashing when generator volt-
age and frequency has been detected
Delay Engine delay time The engine monitoring is delayed until time configured in the engine pa-
rameters (page 55) expires – LED changes to steady illumination af-
ter the time expires
GCB close sequence:

Delay Generator settling The BREAKER CONTROL button will only be active after this timer
time has been expired. If this timer is not required by the user, it can be
con-figured to “Zero” Seconds.
Action Breaker control Pressing the BREAKER CONTROL button 4
Operation Open MCB The MCB open relay (relay 1) energizes to open the MCB – LED
goes out
Delay Breaker delay The control unit waits for the breaker transfer time configured in
the breaker parameters (page 56) to expire
Operation Close GCB 11
The GCB close relay (relay 3) energizes to close the GCB – LED il-

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MCB close sequence:

Action Breaker control Press the BREAKER CONTROL button 4
Operation Open GCB The GCB close relay (relay 3) de-energizes to open the GCB – LED
goes out
Delay Breaker delay The control unit waits for the breaker transfer time configured in
the breaker parameters (page 56) to expire
Operation Close MCB The MCB open relay (relay 1) de-energizes to close the MCB – LED
Stop sequence via STOP – Please not that the following description is only valid if MANUAL
BUTTON mode has been selected via discrete input !
( If MANUAL mode is select-
ed via discrete input :
Action STOP Press the STOP - button 5
Operation Open GCB The GCB close relay (relay 3) de-energizes to open the GCB – LED
goes out
12 13
Operation Engine stop The engine stops – LEDs and go out
Action Breaker control Pressing the BREAKER CONTROL button 4
Operation Close MCB The MCB open relay (relay 1) de-energizes to close the MCB – LED
Stop sequence via STOP one Please not that the following description is only valid if MANUAL
time: mode has been selected via the faceplate !
( If MANUAL mode is select-
ed via Faceplate )
Action STOP Press the STOP button 6 once
Operation Open GCB The GCB close relay (relay 3) de-energizes to open the GCB – LED
goes out
Delay Breaker delay The control unit waits for the breaker transfer time configured in the
breaker parameters (page 56) to expire
Operation Close MCB The MCB open relay (relay 1) de-energizes to close the MCB – LED
Delay Cool down time The control unit waits for the cool down time configured in the engine
parameters (page 55) to expire
12 13
Operation Engine stop The engine stops – LEDs and go out
Stop sequence via STOP two
( If MANUAL mode is se-
lected via Faceplate )
Action STOP Press the STOP button 6 twice
Operation Open GCB The GCB close relay (relay 3) de-energizes to open the GCB – LED
goes out
Delay Breaker delay The control unit waits for the breaker transfer time configured in the
breaker parameters (page 56) to expire
Operation Close MCB The MCB open relay (relay 1) de-energizes to close the MCB – LED
Operation Engine stop The engine stops immediately without a cool down period – LEDs
and go out
Detailed operation in MANUAL mode (mains are not present)
Preconditions: • Generator is stopped – LED is not illuminated
• MCB is closed – LED is illuminated
• Mains are not present – LED is not illuminated
• Unit is in manual mode – LED is illuminated

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Engine start sequence:

Action START Press the START button 5
Operation Engine start relay The engine start relay (relay 2) is energized to engage the starter
12 13
– LED illuminates and LED starts flashing when genera-
tor speed has been detected
Delay Engine delay time The control unit waits for the engine monitoring delay time con-
figured in the engine parameters (page 55) to expire – LED
changes to steady illumination after the time expires
GCB close sequence:
Generator settling time The BREAKER CONTROL button will only be active after this
timer has been expired. If this timer is not required by the user, it can be configured to
“Zero” Seconds.
Action Breaker control Press the BREAKER CONTROL button 4
Operation Open MCB The MCB open relay (relay 1) energizes to open the MCB –
LED goes out
Delay Breaker delay The control unit waits for the breaker transfer time configured in
the breaker parameters (page 56) to expire
Operation Close GCB The GCB close relay (relay 2) energizes to close the GCB –
GCB open sequence: LED illuminates
Action Breaker control Press the BREAKER CONTROL button 4
Operation Open GCB The GCB close relay (relay 3) de-energizes to open the GCB –
LED goes out
Note The MCB close command will not be issued unless the mains re-
Stop sequence via STOP – Please not that the following description is only valid if
BUTTON MANUAL mode has been selected via discrete input !
( If MANUAL mode is selected via
discrete input :
Action STOP Press the STOP button 5
Operation Open GCB The GCB close relay (relay 3) de-energizes to open the GCB –
LED goes out
12 13
Operation Engine stop The engine stops – LEDs and go out
Stop sequence via STOP one time: Please not that the following description is only valid if
( If MANUAL mode is selected via MANUAL mode has been selected via the faceplate !
Faceplate )
Action STOP Press the STOP button 6 once
Operation Open GCB The GCB close relay (relay 3) de-energizes to open the GCB –
LED goes out
Delay Cool down time The control unit waits for the cool down time configured in the
engine parameters (page 55) to expire
12 13
Operation Engine stop The engine stops – LEDs and go out
Stop sequence via STOP two times: Please not that the following description is only valid if
( If MANUAL mode is selected via MANUAL mode has been selected via the faceplate !
Faceplate )

Action STOP Press the STOP button 6 twice

Operation Open GCB The GCB close relay (relay 3) de-energizes to open the GCB –
LED goes out
12 13
Operation Engine stop The engine stops – LEDs and go out

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Operating Mode AUTOMATIC

In the AUTOMATIC operating mode, all engine, GCB, and/or MCB functions are operated via
the discrete inputs or automatically by the control unit (i.e. a mains failure). The function of the
DTSC-50 depends on the configuration of the unit and how the external signals are used. LED ,
in the upper left corner of the AUTO - MANUAL button , indicates the automatic operating

Detailed operation in automatic mode (mains are present)

Preconditions: • Generator is stopped – LED is not illuminated
• MCB is closed – LED is illuminated
• Mains are present – LED is illuminated
Start sequence: • Unit is in automatic mode – LED is illuminated
Action Remote start Discrete input DI3 (remote start) is activated (active HIGH signal) at
terminal 18
Operation Engine start relay The engine start relay (relay 2) is energized to engage the starter –
12 13
LED illuminates and LED starts flashing when generator speed
has been detected
Delay Engine delay time The control unit waits for the engine monitoring delay time configured
in the engine parameters (page 55) to expire – LED changes to
steady illumination after the time expires
Delay Generator settling The MCB will only be opened after this timer has been expired. If this
time timer is not required by the user, it can be configured to “Zero” Seconds.
Operation Open MCB The MCB open relay (relay 1) energizes to open the MCB – LED
goes out
Delay Breaker delay The control unit waits for the breaker transfer time configured in the
breaker parameters (page 56) to expire
Operation Close GCB The GCB close relay (relay 3) energizes to close the GCB – LED
Stop sequence:
Action Remote stop Discrete input DI3 (remote start) is deactivated (active LOW signal)
at terminal 18
Operation Open GCB The GCB close relay (relay 3) de-energizes to open the GCB – LED
goes out
Delay Breaker delay The control unit waits for the breaker transfer time configured in
the breaker parameters (page 56) to expire
Operation Close MCB The MCB open relay (relay 1) de-energizes to close the MCB – LED

Delay Cool down time The control unit waits for the cool down time configured in the
engine parameters (page 55) to expire
Operation Engine stop 12 13
The engine stops – LEDs and go out

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Detailed operation in automatic mode (mains are not present)

Preconditions: • Generator is stopped – LED is not illuminated
• MCB is closed – LED is illuminated
• Mains are not present – LED is not illuminated
Start sequence: • Unit is in automatic mode – LED is illuminated
Action Remote start Discrete input DI3 (remote start) is activated (active HIGH signal) at
terminal 18
Operation Engine start relay The engine start relay (relay 2) is energized to engage the starter –
12 13
LED illuminates and LED starts flashing when generator speed
has been detected
Delay Engine delay time The control unit waits for the engine monitoring delay time configured
in the engine parameters (page 55) to expire – LED changes to
steady illumination after the time expires
Delay Generator settling The MCB will only be opened after this timer has been expired. If this
time timer is not required by the user, it can be configured to “Zero” Seconds.
Operation Open MCB The MCB open relay (relay 1) energizes to open the MCB – LED
goes out
Delay Breaker delay The control unit waits for the breaker transfer time configured in the
breaker parameters (page 56) to expire
Operation Close GCB The GCB close relay (relay 3) energizes to close the GCB – LED
Stop sequence:
Action Remote stop Discrete input DI3 (remote start) is deactivated (active LOW signal)
at terminal 18.

The engine will continue to run and the GCB remains closed
since Mains is not present !

If mains fails while the Remote start command ( via discrete input 3 ) is still active, the GCB will remain
closed, and the engine start signal will still be kept set ! The remote start Signal is interpreted by the
DTSC-50 as “Do not return to the mains source”, therefore no transfer actions will take place.

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AMF / Auto Mains Failure Operation

The operation sequence for an AMF operation is similar to the above sequence with the difference that a remote
start signal is not required for the engine start and the engine monitoring delay time is not considered, i.e. the
CBs are operated immediately. For an AMF operation in automatic mode the parameter Emergency power
monitoring (page 57) must be configured to ON, no class F alarms may be present, the engine must be ready for
operation, and the configured mains fail delay time (page 57) must expire to start the engine.

Detailed operation in case of a mains failure :

Preconditions: • Generator is stopped – LED is not illuminated
• MCB is closed – LED is illuminated
• Mains is present – LED is illuminated
Start sequence: • Unit is in automatic mode – LED is illuminated
Action Mains failure A mains failure occurred. LED is no longer illuminated
Delay Mains fail delay After the mains failure has been detected, the “Mains fail delay” timer is
time triggered. If this timer has expired, the DTSC-50 initiates a start signal
to start the Engine.
Operation Engine start relay The engine start relay (relay 2) is energized to engage the starter –
12 13
LED illuminates and LED starts flashing when generator speed
has been detected
Delay Engine delay time The control unit waits for the engine monitoring delay time configured
in the engine parameters (page 55) to expire – LED changes to
steady illumination after the time expires
Delay Generator settling The MCB will only be opened after this timer has been expired. If this
time timer is not required by the user, it can be configured to “Zero” Seconds.
Operation Open MCB The MCB open relay (relay 1) energizes to open the MCB – LED
goes out
Delay Breaker delay The control unit waits for the breaker transfer time configured in the
breaker parameters (page 56) to expire
Operation Close GCB The GCB close relay (relay 3) energizes to close the GCB – LED il-

Illustration of transfer sequence in case of a mains failure :

Mains Mains fail de- Engine Engine Generator Open Transfer time Close GCB AMF op-
failure lay time (con- start monitoring settling tim- MCB GCB MCB eration
figurable) delay time ( er ( configu- (configurable)
configura- rable )
ble )

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Detailed operation in case of a mains returning :

Preconditions: • Generator is running – LED is illuminated
• GCB is closed – LED is illuminated
• Mains not present – LED is not illuminated
• Unit is in automatic mode – LED is illuminated
Re-Transfer sequence:
Action Mains returns Mains returns.
LED starts flashing
Delay Mains settling time After the “Mains settling timer” has been expired LED is illuminted
constantly. The mains is now considered to be stable for a re-transfer.

The DTSC-50 provides a special parameter called “Bypass mains set-

tling timer on Genset failure” that can be configured by the user. If this
parameter is configured to “YES” the “Mains settling timer” is automat-
ically bypassed if the “Mains settling timer” is timing and the Genset has

If the “Bypass mains settling timer …” parameter is configured to

“NO”, then the “Mains settling timer” has to expired completely until a
re-transfer is being initiated.
Operation Open GCB The GCB close relay (relay 3) de-energizes to open the GCB – LED
goes out
Delay Breaker delay The control unit waits for the breaker transfer time configured in the
breaker parameters (page 56) to expire
Operation Close MCB The MCB open relay (relay 1) de-energizes to close the MCB – LED
Delay Cool down time The control unit waits for the cool down time configured in the engine
parameters (page 55) to expire
12 13
Operation Engine stop The engine stops – LEDs and go out

Illustration of re-transfer sequence in case of a mains return :

Mains Mains set- Open GCB Transfer time Close MCB Engine Engine Stop
returns tling time GCB MCB Cooldown

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Breaker Closure Limits

Generator Circuit Breaker
The DTSC-50 has fixed breaker closure limits which prevent the GCB closure if the generator voltage and/or
fre-quency is/are not within these limits. These limits depend on the parameters rated system frequency and
rated generator voltage (refer to Measuring on page 53) and cannot be changed. The limits are set as follows:
fgenerator must be within frated system +/- 10 %
If the rated system frequency is set to 50 Hz, the upper limit is at 55 Hz and the lower limit is at 45 Hz.
If the rated system frequency is set to 60 Hz, the upper limit is at 66 Hz and the lower limit is at 54 Hz.

Vgenerator must be within Vrated generator +/- 10 %

If the rated generator voltage is set to 400 V, the upper limit is at 440 V and the lower limit is at 360 V.
If the rated generator voltage is set to 120 V, the upper limit is at 108 V and the lower limit is at 132 V.

If the generator voltage and/or frequency is/are not within these limits, the generator LED is flashing and the
GCB cannot be closed.
If the generator voltage and frequency are within these limits, the generator LED is permanently on and the
GCB may be closed.

Mains Circuit Breaker

The DTSC-50 has flexible breaker closure limits which prevent the MCB closure if the mains voltage and/or
fre-quency is/are not within the mains failure limits.
These limits depend on the parameters rated system frequency and rated mains voltage and can be freely
config-ured (refer to Monitoring: Mains Failure Limits on page 63 for details).

The conditions for closing the MCB are specified as follows and all conditions must be fulfilled:

• The mains voltage is present.

• The mains settling time (refer to Emergency Power (AMF) on page 57) has expired.
• NONE of the following alarms is present:
- Mains over/underfrequency
- Mains over/undervoltage
- Mains rotation field alarm

If the mains voltage is present, but the voltage and/or frequency is/are not within these limits, the mains LED
is flashing, and the MCB cannot be closed.

If the mains voltage and frequency are within these limits, and the mains settling time has expired, the mains LED
9 is illuminated permanently, and the MCB may be closed.
The mains LED is off, if the phase-neutral measuring voltage is below 10V.

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Functional Description of the 2 CB Close Delay Time
The DTSC-50 series provides Delayed close GCB and Delayed close MCB signals in the list of configurable pa-
rameters (find more details about this under Relay Outputs on page 69) in order to meet the requirements of
some special circuit breaker types which require an Enable CB Close signal before the actual CB close signal.
The function of these signals is described in the following text.

If those CBs are utilized, they require two Close CB signals with a time delay in between from two different re-
lays. This can be achieved by selecting Delayed close GCB (MCB) from the list of configurable parameters for a
freely configurable relay (relay 4 or 5) . The delay time can be configured with the parameter 2nd GCB (MCB)
Close Delay Time. If the user initiates the command Close GCB (MCB), the signal is immediately issued from
the fixed relay (relay2 for GCB or relay 1 for MCB) assigned to give the close command. After the configured
delay time has expired, the second Close GCB (MCB) signal is issued. The user configures the delay time for the
se-cond close command at the relay output.

Example for the functionality:

Assumption: The close GCB signal is to be issued parallel on a second relay with a delay. Relay 4 shall be used
in this example for this. The parameter "Relay 4" has to be configured to "Delayed close GCB" from the list of
con-figurable parameters (refer to Relay Outputs on page 69). The delay time may be configured with the
parameter "2nd GCB close delay time"(refer to Application on page 54). A period of 2 seconds shall be
configured for this example.

If the user triggers the command "Close GCB" now, the following sequence will be performed:

The signal "Close GCB" energizes the relay firmly assigned to it (relay 3) immediately.
After the configured delay has expired, the signal "Close GCB" energizes the relay assigned by the user (relay
4 in this example) with the configured delay.

Signal: close CB

t Signal: close CB with delay

The delay "t" corresponds with the values of the parameters "2nd GCB close delay time" and "2nd MCB close
de-lay time".

If the respective circuit breaker is opened, both relays return to their initial state.

This functionality can only be configured using LeoPC1.

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Chapter 9.

Restoring Default Values

The DTSC-50 can be reset to factory settings easily. This may be comfortable for configuring the DTSC-50
from a known state.

The unit has to be in Operating Mode STOP (page 39) to load the default values.

Resetting Via the Front Panel

Preconditions for loading the default values:

• Unit must be in operation mode STOP – LED is illuminated
• The engine must be stopped – LED is not illuminated
• No generator voltage may be present – LED is not illuminated

Press and hold the UP 7 , ALARM 2 , and STOP 6 buttons simultaneously for at least 10 seconds to reset
the values. The factory default values have been restored when all the LEDs flash briefly,.

Resetting Via LeoPC1

Precondition for loading the default values:

• Unit has to be in operation mode STOP – LED is illuminated

Connect the DTSC-50 with your PC and start LeoPC1 as described in Configuration Using the PC on page 50.
Set the parameter Factory settings to YES.
Set the parameter Set default values to YES.
Now, the default values are loaded.

Configuration Via the Front Panel

Operating the control unit via the front panel is explained in Configuring the on page 29. Familiarize yourself
with the unit, the buttons’ meaning/function, and the display monitoring using this section. The display of the
pa-rameters via the front panel and the display of the parameters via the computer program LeoPC1 will differ.

Not all parameters may be accessed or changed when configuring the control unit via the front panel.
To properly commission a control unit, LeoPC1 v3.1xxx or higher and a DPC cable (P/N 5417-557) are

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Configuration Using the PC

For the configuration of the unit via the PC please use the LeoPC1 software with the following soft-
ware version:
LeoPC1 3.1 or higher

Please note that configuration using the direct configuration cable DPC (product number 5417-557) is
possible starting with revision B of the DPC (first delivered July 2003). If you have an older model
please contact our sales department.

For configuration of the unit via PC program please proceed as follows:

• Install the LeoPC1 program on your notebook/PC according to the provided user manual 37146. Consider
the options that are given during the installation.
• Prior to the completion of the installation you will be prompted to select the language with which you want
to start the PC program. The language of LeoPC1 may be changed at any time. The selection of the language
re-fers only to language with which the menus and subprograms that LeoPC1 program works with. This
setting will not change the configured language of the control unit.
• After the installation of LeoPC1 has been completed it is necessary to reboot your notebook/PC.
• Establish a connection between your notebook/PC and the control unit via the DPC cable. Insert the RJ45
plug into the RJ45 port on the control unit (see DPC – Direct Configuration Cable on page 25 for details) and
the serial cable to the COM1 port of your notebook/PC.
• You can now start the PC program as follows:
- by "Start/Program/Woodward/LeoPC1" (version 3.1 or higher) and opening the respective cfg file, or
- by a double click on the respective file ending ".cfg" in the subdirectory "/LeoPC1".
The cfg files differ in their language used. Use the file on the enclosed floppy disk with the language
you want, i.e. US for US English or DE for German.
• After the LeoPC1 program has started, establish communication by pressing the F2 button or selecting
Com-munication -> Connect from the menu. This will establish a data link between the control unit and the
• Start the configuration routine pressing the F3 button or selecting Devices -> Parameterize from the menu
and adjust the parameter of the unit to your application using this manual.

You find detailed information about LeoPC1 and the utilization of the software in the user manual
37146 belonging to it.

The connection cables delivered with the DPC must be used to connect it to ensure a proper function
of the DTSC-50. An extension or utilization of different cable types for the connection between DTSC-
50 and DPC may result in a malfunction of the DTSC-50. This may further result in damage to
components of the system. If an extension of the data connection line is required, only the serial cable
between DPC and notebook/PC may be extended.

Unplug the DPC after configuration to ensure a safe operation! If the DPC remains plugged into the
DTSC-50 unit, a safe operation of the unit can not be guaranteed.

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Editing the Configuration File

If you want to edit the configuration file in order to inhibit resetting the counters, you have to proceed as follows:

Open the configuration file in a text editor

In order to edit the configuration file, open the respective *.asm file in the "Tools" subdirectory of your LeoPC1
installation path with a text editor like Microsoft Notepad. An example of a name (depending on unit and
software version) for a configuration file is:


Delete the lines which are used to display the counter entries in the LeoPC1 configuration

The lines to be deleted in the *.asm file are:

;!K <b> <color=EE0000> --CONFIG.COUNTERS---</b>

%TAB 0,0,0,H'03;!z2550,"> Maintenance hours","0000h",1.0,0,9999
%TAB 0,0,0,H'03;!M2562,"> reset maintenance period h" ,H'FFFF,2,"No","Yes"
%TAB 0,0,0,H'03;!l2515,"> Counter value preset","00000000",1.0
%TAB 0,0,0,H'03;!M2554,"> Set operation hours" ,H'FFFF,2,"No","Yes"
%TAB 0,0,0,H'03;!z2540,"> Number of starts","00000",1.0,0,65535

Store the modified file

Store the modified configuration file back to the "Tools" subdirectory of your LeoPC1 installation path under
the same file name.

If you load the modified file in LeoPC1 now, the deleted lines will not be displayed in the configuration menu

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Chapter 10.

The following description of parameters is expanded to include all parameters that are accessible through
LeoPC1. Not all parameters are accessible via the front panel. Most of the parameters, which are accessible
via the front panel are password protected and are only accessible after entering a password.

Language and parameter text

EN: English parameter text
DE: German parameter text

Brief description of the parameter.

Setting range
Setting limits, valid for these parameter.

Text English Caption Setting range
Text German

Exact description of the parameter, its settings as well
as their effects.

Parameter Display
[p] = Parameter number displayed by the DTSC-50
[---] = Parameter not displayed by the DTSC-50
[d] = Shown in display level [d]
[L] = Only displayed in LeoPC for configuration

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10 Rated s
nz im
DE EN Syste
11 m
3 The rated fr
system has
3 The generat
mains failur
to the value
this parame

Rated v

The rated v
generator h

The generat
monitoring r
value config


nung Netz
The rated v
mains has t

The mains f
refer to the

Generator voltage measuring Generator voltage measurement 3Ph 4W / 3Ph 3W / 1Ph 2W / 1Ph 3W
Gen. Spannungsmessung
L The method of voltage measurement for the generator.

A detailed description of the different measurement methods can be found

in Voltage Measuring on page 17.

DE EN Mains voltage measuring

Netz Spannungsmessung
measurement 3Ph The measurement principle for the mains.
4W / 3Ph 3W / 1Ph 2W
Mains / 1Ph 3W A detailed description of the different measurement methods can be found
in Voltage Measuring on page 17.

The correct configuration of these parameters is essential for a proper operation of the control unit.

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Ignore CB reply Ignore CB reply YES/N

Ignoriere Rückmeldung LS
--- This parameter controls the function of the discrete inputs DI4 and DI5.
YES.............. The discrete inputs DI4 and DI5 are freely configurable. The pa-
rameters of the discrete inputs can be accessed and configured
via LeoPC1.
NO ............... The discrete inputs DI4 and DI5 operate as reply inputs for the
mains (DI4) or generator (DI5) circuit breaker. The parameters
of the discrete inputs can be accessed via LeoPC1 but cannot be

The customer must ensure that a mechanical interlock for the circuit breakers exists for the case that
the parameter "Ignore CB reply" is configured to "YES".

2nd GCB close Delay time 2nd GCB close delay time 0.00 to 650.00

Verz.Zeit zweiten GLS schließen

--- This parameter controls the delay for the 2nd GCB close signal. The
L application and behavior of this signal is described under Functional
Description of the 2nd CB Close Delay Time on page 48.

2nd MCB close Delay time 2nd MCB close delay time 0.00 to 650.00

Ver. Zeit zweiten NLS schließen

--- This parameter controls the delay for the 2 nd MCB close signal. The
L applica-tion and behavior of this signal is described under Functional
Description of the 2nd CB Close Delay Time on page 48.

Startup in mode Operating mode after applying the power supply Stop / Auto / Manual / last

Einschalten in Betriebsart
--- If the controller is powered down, the unit will start in the following
L configured mode when it is powered up again.

Stop .............. The unit starts in the STOP operating mode.

Auto .............. The unit starts in the AUTOMATIC operating mode.
Manual ......... The unit starts in the MANUAL operating mode.
last ................ The unit starts in the last operating mode the control was in prior to
being de-energized.

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Engine: Start/Stop Automatic

Cool down time Cool down time 0 to 999 s
Motor Nachlaufzeit
3 Regular stop: If the engine performs a normal stop or changed into the STOP
op-eration mode, a cool down with an opened GCB is carried out. This time is

Stop by an alarm of class F: If a class F alarm is detected, the GCB will

open immediately and the engine will shutdown without a cool down.

Engine monit. delay time Engine monitoring delay time 0 to 99 s
--- Motorverzögerung
L The engine monitoring is delayed to prevent initiating an alarm while the
genera-tor set is starting. The DTSC-50 does not monitor under-voltage and –
frequency and low oil pressure alarms until the delay time has expired.

Engine start fail delay Engine start fail delay 0 to 999 s
--- Motorstart Fehlerverzögerung
L As soon as the “Engine Start Relay” ( Relay 2 ) is set, the “Engine start fail delay
timer” is triggered. If the DTSC-50 does not recognize any generator voltage and
frequency, and the “Engine start fail delay timer” has expired then a “Engine
start fail” alarm is triggered.

This alarm will NOT cause the “Engine Start Relay” to de-energize. The engine will be kept running.

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Breaker: "Command: GCB close": maximum frequency deviation 0.2 to 10.0 %

GCB frequency window

GLS Frequenzabweichung
--- This is the maximum amount that the frequency will be allowed to deviate from the
rated frequency and the "Command: GCB close" may be issued. This is to prevent the
prime mover from going into an underfrequency condition due to overloading.

GCB voltage window Breaker: "Command: GCB close": maximum voltage deviation 1 to 100 %

GLS Spannungsabweichung
--- This is the maximum amount that the voltage will be allowed to deviate from
the rated voltage and the "Command: GCB close" may be issued.

Gen. settling time Breaker: "Command: GCB close": Breaker delay 0 to 99 s


GLS Schalterverzögerung

--- The time configured here begins to count down once the engine monitoring delay
timer has expired. This permits for an additional delay time before the breaker is
closed in order to ensure that none of the engine delayed watchdogs trips.

Transfer time GCB<->MCB Transfer time GCB<->MCB 0.10 to 99.99 s


Pasuenzeit GLS<->NLS
--- Switching from generator supply to mains supply or from mains supply to genera
L - tor supply occurs automatically depending on the operating conditions. The
time between the reply "power circuit breaker is open" and a close-pulse is set by
this parameter. This time applies for both directions. During this time the busbar
is dead.

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Emergency Power (AMF)




ruption for
start and ca

DE EN Mains settling time Mains settling time 0 to 9,999 s

3 The DTSC-50 will recognize that the mains have returned and are stable after
they have been detected within the rated limits without interruption for the time
config-ured in this parameter. If the mains drop below or rise above the
configured limits the timer will start over. The load transfer from generator back
to mains will de-layed by this parameter after a emergency power operation.

--- Bypass mains settling Bypass mains settling timer on Genset fail YES/NO
timer on Genset fail
Netzberuhigungszeit nicht Often the “Mains settling timer” in applications is configured to for example 30
abwarten bei Generator Minutes to ensure that the mains is really in a good condition before a re-transfer
is initiated. It could happen, that the mains returns while the “Mains settling tim-
er” is triggered and the Engine/Genset fails. Usually the full “mains settling
time” needs to be awaited until any further actions are triggered. In many ATS
applica-tions it is NOT wished to wait the full “Mains settling time” in such a
situation, because the Load is not supplied by any source in that case.

With parameter “Bypass mains settling timer on Genset fail” the behavior of
the DTSC-50 can be selected.

1.) “Bypass mains settling timer on Genset fail” configured to “Yes” :

The “Mains settling timer” is automatically bypassed if the Genset fails

while the “Mains settling timer” is timing.

2.) “Bypass mains settling timer on Genset fail” configured to “No” :

The full “Mains settling time” needs to expire before a re-transfer to

the mains source is initiated.
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Manual 37441C DTSC-50 - ATS Controller

Password HMI Password 0000 to 9999

00 The HMI password must be entered here to configure the control via the front
1 panel. Once the password is entered, access to the configuration menus will be
al-lowed for two hours. A user may exit the configuration mode by allowing the
en-tered password to expire after two hours or by changing any one digit on the
ran-dom number generated on the password screen and entering it into the unit.
The default password is 0003.

The HMI password may be set with the parameter "Commissioning level code" (refer to Codes on
page 74).

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DE EN Time until horn reset Time until horn reset 0 to 1,000 s
Zeit bis Hupenreset
1 The alarm LED flashes and the centralized alarm (horn) is issued when a new B
to F class alarm is detected. After the delay time configured in "Time until horn
re - set" has expired, the flashing alarm LED changes to steady illumination and
the centralized alarm (horn) is reset.
If this parameter is configured to 0 the horn will never be set.

Monitoring: Generator

Voltage monitoring generator Voltage monitoring generator fixed to 4 phase


--- Spg. Überwachung Generator

The line voltages are monitored for the setting 3Ph 3W. The star voltages
are monitored for all other voltage systems.

Monitoring: Generator Overfrequency

Monitoring Generator overfrequency monitoring ON / OFF
L ON................ Overfrequency monitoring is activated
OFF.............. Monitoring is disabled

If monitorin
“Off”, and a
occurs, the
kept runnin
DE EN is not opene
3 If monitorin
“On”, and a
occurs, the
kept runnin
51 is opened.

--- This val
L Rated syste
page 53).
The percen
value tha
reached or
least the d
action spe
V monitored v
rz below the th
(minus the
e before the d
u the delay w
If the
value exceeds
the threshold
value for the S
configured S
delay time, an
alarm will be
issued. If the

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Monitoring: Generator Underfrequency

Monitoring Generator underfrequency monitoring ON / OFF


--- ON ............... Underfrequency monitoring is activated
L OFF ............. Monitoring is disabled

If monitoring is set to “Off”, and an underfrequency condition occurs, the

engine will be kept running, and the GCB is not opened.

If monitoring is set to “On”, and an underfrequency condtion occurs, the

engine will be kept running, and the GCB is opened.

Limit Generator underfrequency limit 50.0 to 130.0 %


52 This value refers to the Rated system frequency (see page 53).
The percentage threshold value that is to be monitored. If this value is reached
or fallen below for at least the delay time, the action specified by the configured
alarm class is initiated.

Delay Generator underfrequency delay 0.1 to 99.9 s


53 If the monitored value exceeds the threshold value for the configured delay
3 time, an alarm will be issued. If the monitored value falls below the threshold
(minus the hysteresis) before the delay expires, the delay will be reset.

Alarm class Generator underfrequency alarm class fixed to B


--- The generator underfrequency alarm class is set to "B" and cannot be changed.

Self acknowledge Generator underfrequency self acknowledgement ON / OFF


--- YES.............. The control automatically clears the alarm if it is no longer valid.
L NO ............... An automatic reset of the alarm does not occur. The reset occurs
manually by pressing the “Acknowledge” button.

Delayed by engine speed Generator underfrequency delayed by engine speed fixed to YES

Verzögert durch Motordrehz.

--- The generator underfrequency delay by engine speed is set to "YES" and
--- cannot be changed. Monitoring is delayed by the time configured in Engine
monitoring delay time on page 55 after starting the engine.

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Monitoring: Generator Overvoltage

DE EN Monitoring Generator overvoltage monitoring ON / OFF

--- ON................ Overvoltage monitoring is activated.
OFF.............. Monitoring is disabled

If monitorin
“Off”, and a
condition o
engine will
running, an
not opened.

54 If monitorin
3 “On”, and a
condition o
engine will
running, an



--- Limit
L This val
Rated gener
page 53.)

The percen
value tha
reached or
least the d
action spe

If the monit
exceeds the
value for th
delay time,
be issued. I
value falls b
threshold (m
delay expire
will be rese

YES The control automatically clears the alarm if it is no longer valid.

Delayed by engine speed Generator overvoltage delayed by engine speed fixed to NO
Verzögert durch Motordrehz.
--- The generator overvoltage delay by engine speed is set to "NO" and cannot be
changed. The monitoring is not delayed by the time configured in Engine
monitor-ing delay time on page 55 after starting the engine.

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Monitoring: Generator Undervoltage

Monitoring Generator undervoltage monitoring ON / OFF


--- ON ............... Undervoltage monitoring is activated.
--- OFF ............. Monitoring is disabled

If monitoring is set to “Off”, and an undervoltage condition occurs, the

engine will be kept running, and the GCB is not opened.

If monitoring is set to “On”, and an undervoltage condition occurs, the

engine will be kept running, and the GCB is opened.

Limit Generator undervoltage limit 50.0 to 125.0 %


56 This value refers to the Rated generator voltage (see page 53.)
The percentage threshold value that is to be monitored. If this value is reached
or fallen below for at least the delay time, the action specified by the configured
alarm class is initiated.

Delay Generator undervoltage delay 0.1 to 99.9 s


57 If the monitored value exceeds the threshold value for the configured delay
3 time, an alarm will be issued. If the monitored value falls below the threshold
(minus the hysteresis) before the delay expires, the delay will be reset.

Alarm class Generator undervoltage alarm class fixed to B


--- The generator undervoltage alarm class is set to "B" and cannot be changed.

Generator undervoltage self acknowledgement ON / OFF


Self acknowledge
--- YES.............. The control automatically clears the alarm if it is no longer valid.
L NO ............... An automatic reset of the alarm does not occur. The reset occurs
manually by pressing the “Acknowledge” button.

Generator undervoltage delayed by engine speed fixed to YES


Delayed by engine speed


Verzögert durch Motordrehz.

The generator undervoltage delay by engine speed is set to "YES" and cannot be
changed. The monitoring is delayed by the time configured in Engine
monitoring delay time on page 55 after starting the engine.

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Monitoring: Mains

DE EN Monitoring Mains phase rotation monitoring fixed to ON

--- The mains phase rotation monitoring is always enabled and cannot be disabled.

EN Mains phase rotation Mains phase rotation direction CW / CCW

--- Netzdrehfeld
L CW............... The three-phase measured mains voltage is rotating CW (clock-
wise; that means the voltage rotates in direction A-B-C-Phase; de-
fault setting).
CCW The three-phase measured mains voltage is rotating CCW (counter
clock-wise; that means the voltage rotates in direction C-B-A-

Delay Mains phase rotation monitoring delay fixed to 2 s
--- If a wrong phase rotation direction is detected for the configured delay time,
an alarm will be issued.
This value is fixed to 2 seconds and cannot be changed.
--- Alarm class Mains phase rotation alarm class fixed to B
The mains phase rotation alarm class is set to "B" and cannot be changed.


87 S



The mains p
delay by en
set to "NO"
changed. Th
is not delay
page 55 afte

Monitoring: Mains Failure Limits


DE EN High voltage threshold

Obere Grenzspannung
 This value
refers threshold
Emergency power: high voltage to the This value is referred to for mains failure recognition and mains estimation. If
Rated mains the monitored value exceeds the adjusted limit, this is recognized as a mains
voltage (see failure and an emergency power operation is initiated.
page 53).
Low voltage threshold Emergency power: low voltage threshold 50.0 to 130.0 %
Untere Grenzspannung
3  This value refers to the Rated mains voltage (see page 53).

This value is referred to for mains failure recognition and mains estimation. If
the monitored value exceeds the adjusted limit, this is recognized as a mains
failure and an emergency power operation is initiated.
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Voltage hysteresis Emergency power: voltage hysteresis 0.0 to 50.0 %


83  This value refers to the Rated mains voltage (see page 53).
This value is referred to for mains failure recognition and mains estimation. If the
monitored value exceeds the adjusted limit, this is recognized as a mains failure and
an emergency power operation is initiated. If the monitored value has passed a
configured limit and returns but remains close to the limit, the hysteresis must be
exceeded (on negative deviation monitoring) or fallen below (on exceeding moni-
toring) for the mains failure to be assessed as over. This must occur uninterrupted for
the mains settling time (see parameter on page 57). If the monitored value re-turns to
configured limits, the delay timer is reset to 0. See Figure 10-1.

High frequency threshold Emergency power: high frequency threshold 70.0 to 160.0 %
Obere Grenzfrequenz

84  This value refers to the Rated system frequency (see page 53).
This value is referred to for mains failure recognition and mains estimation. If
the monitored value exceeds the adjusted limit, this is recognized as a mains
failure and an emergency power operation is initiated.

Low frequency threshold Emergency power: low frequency threshold 70.0 to 160.0 %
Untere Grenzfrequenz

85  This value refers to the Rated system frequency (see page 53).
This value is referred to for mains failure recognition and mains estimation. If
the monitored value exceeds the adjusted limit, this is recognized as a mains
failure and an emergency power operation is initiated.

Frequency hysteresis Emergency power: frequency hysteresis 0.0 to 50.0 %


86  This value refers to the Rated system frequency (see page 53).
This value is referred to for mains failure recognition and mains estimation. If the
monitored value exceeds the adjusted limit, this is recognized as a mains failure and
an emergency power operation is initiated. If the monitored value has passed a
configured limit and returns but remains close to the limit, the hysteresis must be
exceeded (on negative deviation monitoring) or fallen below (on exceeding moni-
toring) for the mains failure to be assessed as over. This must occur uninterrupted for
the mains settling time (see parameter on page 57). If the monitored value re-turns to
configured limits, the delay timer is reset to 0. See Figure 10-1.

high threshold


rated voltage/frequency
actual voltage/frequency curve

} hysteresis
low threshold

mains OK mains failure mains OK mains failure mains OK

Figure 10-1: Voltage/frequency hysteresis

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DE EN AND characteristics AND characteristics ON / OFF

UND Typ ON................ Each monitored value falls below/exceeds the threshold for trip-
OFF At least one monitored value falls below/exceeds the threshold for

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Monitoring: Engine Start Fail

Monitoring Engine start fail monitoring fixed to ON


--- The engine start fail monitoring is always enabled and cannot be disabled.

Alarm class Engine start fail alarm class fixed to B


--- The engine start fail alarm class is set to "B" and cannot be changed.

Self acknowledge Engine start fail self acknowledgement fixed to NO


--- The engine start fail undervoltage self-acknowledgement is set to "NO" and can-
--- not be changed. The alarm will not automatically reset after the fault condition
has cleared.

Monitoring: Breakers

GCB monitoring GCB monitoring ON / OFF

GLS Überwachung

--- If this parameter is set to “ON”, “open and close” failures will be detected.
L If this parameter is set to “OFF”, the “open/close” failure detection feature is

GCB monitoring delay GCB monitoring delay 0.1 to 5.0 s



Überwachungsverzögerung If a transfer command is given, to open or close the GCB, then this timer will
--- be Started. If no GCB reply signal is detected and the GCB monitoring delay
L time has
Expired, then one of the following alarms will be triggered :

Alarm Number “51A” = GCB close failure

Alarm Number “52A” = GCB open failure

MCB monitoring MCB monitoring ON / OFF


NLS Überwachung
--- If this parameter is set to “ON”, “open and close” failures will be detected.
L If this parameter is set to “OFF”, the “open/close” failure detection feature is

MCB monitoring delay MCB monitoring delay 0.1 to 5.0 s


If a transfer command is given, to open or close the MCB, then this timer will

--- be Started. If no MCB reply signal is detected and the MCB monitoring delay
L time has
Expired, then one of the following alarms will be triggered :

Alarm Number “53A” = MCB close failure

Alarm Number “54A” = MCB open failure

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Monitoring: Engine Unintended Stop

DE EN Monitoring Engine unintended stop monitoring fixed to ON

--- Überwachung
--- The engine unintended stop monitoring is always enabled and cannot be disabled.


Alarm class Engine unintended stop alarm class fixed to B
--- Alarmklasse
The engine unintended stop alarm class is set to "B" and cannot be changed.

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Discrete Inputs
The DTSC-50 has 5 discrete inputs (DI1 to DI5). The discrete inputs 1 & 2 are pre-defined as manual mode
(DI1) and auto mode (DI2). The discrete input 3 is a control input for remote start. The functions of the discrete
inputs 4 and 5 are dependent on the parameter Ignore CB reply (see page 54). If this parameter is set to NO, these
discrete inputs are configured as reply inputs for MCB (DI4) and GCB (DI5). Any changes made to the settings
of the dis-crete inputs DI4 and DI5 have no effect. If this parameter is set to YES, these inputs can be configured
freely with the following parameters using LeoPC1.

DI {x} operation Discrete Input DI {x} operation N.O. / N.C.


DI {x} Funktiont
--- The discrete input can be operated by a Normally Open contact or a
L Normally Closed contact. The Normally Closed contact input can be use to
monitor for a broken wire. A positive or negative voltage potential can be
N.O. ............. The discrete input is analyzed as "present" by energizing a voltage
potential (N.O. / operating current).
N.C. The discrete input is analyzed as "present" by de-energizing a volt-
age potential (N.C. / idle current).

DI {x} delay Discrete Input DI {x} delay 0.02 to 650.00 s


DI {x} Verzögerungt
--- A delay time in seconds may be assigned to each alarm input. The fault condition
L must be continuously present for the delay time at the input before tripping occurs.

DI {x} alarm class Discrete Input DI {x} alarm class A / B / C / D / E / F / Control


DI {x} Alarmklasset
---  see chapter Alarm Classes on page 89.
An alarm class can be assigned to a discrete input. The alarm class is initiated
when the discrete input receives a triggering signal. Only alarm classes B and
F are implemented in the DTSC-50.

If "control" has been configured as the alarm class, the discrete input can be
eval-uated by the relay outputs if configured accordingly (see Relay Outputs on
page 69 for more information).

DI {x} delayed by eng. speed DI Discrete Input DI {x} delayed by engine speed YES / NO
{x} verzög. d. Motordrehz.

--- YES.............. The input monitoring is delayed by the engine. Therefore the condi-
L tions of the parameter Engine monitoring delay time on page 55
must be fulfilled.
NO ............... The input monitoring is not delayed by the engine. The input is ana-
lyzed immediately.

DI {x} self acknowledge Discrete Input DI {x} self acknowledge YES / NO


DI {x} Selbstquittierend
--- YES.............. The control will automatically clear the alarm if the fault is no long-
L er present.
NO ............... An automatic reset of the alarm does not occur. Reset of the alarm
must be performed manually by pressing the appropriate buttons, by
enabling the appropriate discrete input, or via an interface.

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Relay Outputs
The DTSC-50 has 6 relay outputs. The relay outputs 4, 5 and 6 can be freely configured with one signal output
from the list of configurable parameters in Table 10-1. If this signal is triggered, the relay will be operated.



Relay 2 Relay output 2 engine start
--- Relais 2
--- This relay output is present as “Engine start” contact, and can not be changed.

Relay 3 Relay output 3 close GCB
Relais 3
L The relay output is preset to the command open GCB and cannot be changed.

DE EN Relay 4 Relay output 4 one from configurable parameter list

--- Relais 4
L The relay output can be configured to one signal out of the configurable
parameter list. The available signals are listed below.

Relay 5 Relay output 5 one from configurable parameter list
--- Relais 5
L The relay output can be configured to one signal out of the configurable
parameter list. The available signals are listed below.

Relay 6 Relay output 6 one from configurable parameter list
Relais 6
L The relay output can be configured to one signal out of the configurable
parameter list. The available signals are listed below.

The following output signals may be selected from the list of configurable parameters for the relay outputs 4,
5 and 6.

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Manual 37441C DTSC-50 - ATS Controller

Configurable Parameter Description

The assigned relay will energize if …
MCB fail to close … the MCB ( Mains Circuit Breaker ) could not be closed, and alarm
Nr. “53A” has been triggered.
MCB fail to open … the MCB ( Mains Circuit Breaker ) could not be opened, and alarm
Nr. “54A” has been triggered.
GCB fail to close … the GCB ( Generator Circuit Breaker ) could not be closed, and
alarm Nr. “51A” has been triggered.
GCB fail to open … the GCB ( Generator Circuit Breaker ) could not be closed, and
alarm Nr. “52A” has been triggered.
Generator overfrequency 1 … the generator frequency is exceeded (refer to Monitoring: Generator
Overfrequency on page 59 for details)
Generator underfrequency 1 … the generator frequency is fallen below (refer to Monitoring: Gener-
ator Underfrequency on page 60 for details)
Generator overvoltage 1 … the generator voltage is exceeded (refer to Monitoring: Generator
Overvoltage on page 61 for details)
Generator undervoltage 1 … the generator voltage is fallen below (refer to Monitoring: Generator
Undervoltage on page 62 for details)
Mains phase rotation mis- … the mains phase rotation is wrong (refer to Monitoring: Mains on
match page 63 for details)
Start fail … the engine failed to start within 3 attempts (refer to Monitoring:
Engine Start Fail on page 66 for details)
Unintended stop … the engine has stopped unintentionally (refer to Monitoring: Engine
Unintended Stop on page 67 for details)
Maintenance hours exceeded … the maintenance hours are exceeded (refer to Counter on page 71
for details)
Discrete Input DI 1 … discrete input DI 1 is energized
Discrete Input DI 2 … discrete input DI 2 is energized
Discrete Input DI 3 … discrete input DI 3 is energized
Discrete Input DI 4 … discrete input DI 4 is energized
Discrete Input DI 5 … discrete input DI 5 is energized
Automatic operation mode … the unit is in Automatic operation mode
All alarm classes … an alarm of any class is issued
Stopping alarm … an alarm of a class higher than B is issued
Engine released … as soon as an engine start is initiated
Horn … an alarm of class B or higher is issued
Delayed close GCB … a GCB close command has been issued and the configured 2nd
GCB close delay time has expired (refer to Application on page 54 for
Delayed close MCB … an MCB close command has been issued and the configured 2nd
MCB close delay time has expired (refer to Application on page 54 for
Mains failure … the Mains voltage and/or frequency have exceeded the limits con-
figured by the “Mains failure limits”.
Mains OK … the mains voltage and/or frequency is within the limits configured
by the “Mains failure limits”.

Table 10-1: Relay outputs - list of configurable parameters

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DE EN Maintenance hours Maintenance hours 0 to 9,999 h
Wartungsintervall Stunden
1  To disable the maintenance counter "hours" configure "0".

This parameter defines the remaining hours until the next maintenance call
occurs. Once the configured total time (calculated from days and hours) has been
exceed-ed, a message is displayed.

If the parameter "Reset maintenance call" is configured to "YES" (see below)

the maintenance counter is reset to the configured value.

Reset maintenance period h Reset maintenance period hours YES / NO
Wartungsstunden rücksetzen
1 If this parameter is configured to "YES" the maintenance counter 'Hours' is
set/reset to the configured value. Once the counter has been set/reset, this
parame-ter automatically changes back to "NO".

DE EN Counter value preset Counter value preset 0 to 99,999.9

L The operation hour counter is set to this value (the current value is overwritten).
This counter may be used to count the operation hours.

n hours

--- NO
If this
operation h
set/reset to
value. Onc
has been
changes bac

Anzahl Starts
The start co
this value (t
value is ove
coun-ter ma
count the nu
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Transfers to generator Transfers to generator 0 to 65,535


Transfers zum Generator

--- The transfer counter is set to this value ( the current value is overwritten ).
L This counter is used to count how often the GCB ( Generator Circuit Breaker )
was closed and the Generator has picked up load.

The transfer counter will only count under the following circumstances:

• The engine is commanded to run by the DTSC-50 ( either in AUTO

or MANUAL mode )
• Generator Voltage is present and voltage and frequency are OK for
a transfer.
• The GCB is closed by the DTSC-50

The transfer counter will NOT count, if:

• The engine was started externally without a run command initiated by

the DTSC-50. And the GCB was closed manually.
• Generator voltage and frequency are NOT OK for a transfer and the
GCB was Closed manually.

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Communication Interfaces

ModBus Slave ID ModBus Slave ID 0 to 255
88 ModBus Slave ID
3 The Modbus device address, which is used to identify the device via Modbus,
is entered here.

If "0" is configured here, the Modbus is disabled.

--- Baudrate Baudrate fixed to 9.6 kBaud
--- Baudrate
This parameter defines the baud rate for communications.

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Comissioning level code Set commissioning level code 0000 to 9999


Code Inebtriebnahme Ebene

--- The user may configure the HMI password (Parameter 00) here. The HMI pass-
L word protects the configuration of the unit via the front panel. The new
password is valid immediately after changing and confirming it within LeoPC1.

The commissioning level coder (HMI password) will not be reset when restoring the default values.

Factory Settings

Factory settings Enable to reset to factory settings ON / OFF


--- OFF ............. The parameters "Clear event log" and "Set default values" are disa-
L bled.
ON ............... The parameters "Clear event log" and "Set default values" are ena-
bled. The event log may be cleared and the default values may be

Clear event log Clear event log ON / OFF


Ereignisspeicher löschen
--- OFF The event log will not be cleared.
L ON ............... All entries in the event logger will be cleared and this parameter
will be reset to "OFF" automatically. The parameter "Factory set-
tings" must be configured "ON" to clear the event log.

Set default values Restore default values ON / OFF


--- OFF The default values will not be restored.
L ON ............... All parameters will be reset to their default values and this parame-
ter will be reset to "OFF" automatically. The parameter "Factory
settings" must be configured "ON" to restore the default values.

Parameter Access Level

Display level Display level 1 to 3


72 The user may alter the number of configurable parameters that are displayed
1 on the control unit front panel when the unit is in configuration mode. By
selecting the highest level of access (level 3), all parameters will be displayed.
The lower the access level selected, the fewer parameters are displayed.

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The following parameters are not configurable. They may be viewed using LeoPC1 for information pur-
poses only.

Serial number Serial number (S/N) display only
--- Seriennummer
L This is the serial number of the DTSC-50 and identifies the control clearly.


Boot item number Boot item number (P/N) display only
L Boot Artikelnummer
This is the item number of the firmware, which is stored on the DTSC-50.
Boot revision Boot revision (REV) display only
Boot Revision

--- This is the revision of the firmware, which is stored on the DTSC-50.

Boot version Boot version display only
--- Boot Version
L This is the version (Vx.xxxx) of the firmware, which is stored on the DTSC-50.

Program item number Program item number display only
Programm Artikelnummer
This is the item number of the application software of the DTSC-50.

Program revision Program revision display only
Programm Revision
This is the revision of the application software of the DTSC-50.

Program version Program version display only

Programm Version
This is the version (Vx.xxxx) of the application software of the DTSC-50.

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Chapter 11.
Interfaces and Protocols

Service Port (RS-232/USB)
The Woodward specific service port can be used to extend the interfaces of the controller.

In conjunction with the direct configuration cable the service port allows service access for configuring the
unit and visualize measured data.

The service port can be only used in combination with an optional Woodward direct configuration ca-
ble (DPC), which inclucdes a converter box to provide either an USB or a RS-232 interface.

Please refer to Chapter “Interfaces” on page 25.

Modbus RTU Slave
Modbus is a serial communications protocol published by Modicon in 1979 for use with its programmable logic
controllers (PLCs). It has become a de facto standard communications protocol in industry, and is now the most
commonly available means of connecting industrial electronic devices. The DTSC supports a Modbus RTU Slave
module. This means that a Master node needs to poll the DTSC slave node. Modbus RTU can also be multi-
dropped, or in other words, multiple Slave devices can exist on one Modbus RTU network, assuming that the se-
rial interface is a RS-232. Detailed Information about the Modbus protocol are available on the following
website: http://www.modbus.org/specs.php

There are also various tools available on the internet. We recommend to use ModScan32 which is a Windows ap
- plication designed to operate as a Modbus Master device for accessing data points in a connected Modbus
Slave device. It is designed primarily as a testing device for verification of correct protocol operation in new or
existing systems. It is possible to download a trial version from the following website: http://www.win-

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Modbus Addressing and Data Model

The DTSC Modbus slave module distinguishes between visualization data and configuration & remote control
da-ta. The different data is accessible over a split address range and may be read via the "Read Holding Register"
function. Furthermore, DTSC parameters and remote control data can be written with the "Preset Single Regis-
ters" function or "Preset Multiple Registers" (refer to figure below).

Modicon Modbus commands:

visualization data

Read Holding Register(0x03)

Read Holding(0x03)
remote control
configuration data
Preset Multiple Registers(0x10)
Preset Single Register(0x06)

All addresses in this document comply with the Modicon address convention. Some PLCs or PC pro-
grams use different address conventions depending on their implementation. Then the address must
be increased and the leading 4 may be omitted.
Please refer to your PLC or program manual for more information. This determines the address sent
over the bus in the Modbus telegram. The Modbus starting address 450001 of the visualization data
may become bus address 50000 for example.

The visualization over Modbus is provided in a very fast data protocol where important system data like alarm
states, AC measurement data, switch states and various other information may be polled. According to the
DTSC Modbus addressing range, the visualization protocol can be reached on addresses starting at 450001. On
this ad-dress range it is possible to do block reads from 1 up to 128 Modbus registers at a time.

Modbus Read Description Multiplier Units

450001 Protocol-ID --
450002 Gen. voltage 1-N 0.1 V
............ ......... ..... .....
............ ......... ..... .....
............ ......... ..... .....
............ ......... ..... .....
450045 Battery voltage 0.1 V
Table 11-1: Modbus - address range block read

Table 11-1 is only an excerpt of the data protocol. It conforms to the data protocol, that is also used by
CAN bus. Refer to Data Protocol 4730 on page 79 for the complete protocol.

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The following exemplary ModScan32 screenshot shows the configurations made to read the visualization
protocol with a block read of 128 registers.

Figure 11-1: Modbus - visualization configurations

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Data Protocol 4730

Modbus Parameter Description Multiplier Units

Modicon Start addr.
start addr. (*1)

450001 450000 Protocol ID, always 4730 1 _

450002 450001 114 Gen. voltage 1-N 0.1 V
450004 450003 10106 Discrete input 1 Mask: 0x8000 Bit
Discrete input 2 Mask: 0x4000 Bit
Discrete input 3 Mask: 0x2000 Bit
Discrete input 4 Mask: 0x1000 Bit
Discrete input 5 Mask: 0x0800 Bit
Internal Mask: 0x0400 Bit
Internal Mask: 0x0200 Bit
Internal Mask: 0x0100 Bit
Internal Mask: 0x0080 Bit
Internal Mask: 0x0040 Bit
Internal Mask: 0x0020 Bit
Internal Mask: 0x0010 Bit
Internal Mask: 0x0008 Bit
Internal Mask: 0x0004 Bit
Internal Mask: 0x0002 Bit
Internal Mask: 0x0001 Bit
450005 450004 2564 Hours of service 0.1 h
450007 450006 144 Gen. Frequency 0.01 Hz
450008 450007 115 Gen. voltage 2-N 0.1 V
450010 450009 10107 Relay output 1 Mask: 0x8000 Bit
Relay output 2 Mask: 0x4000 Bit
Relay output 3 Mask: 0x2000 Bit
Relay output 4 Mask: 0x1000 Bit
Relay output 5 Mask: 0x0800 Bit
Relay output 6 Mask: 0x0400 Bit
Internal Mask: 0x0200 Bit
Internal Mask: 0x0100 Bit
Internal Mask: 0x0080 Bit
Internal Mask: 0x0040 Bit
Internal Mask: 0x0020 Bit
Internal Mask: 0x0010 Bit
Internal Mask: 0x0008 Bit
Internal Mask: 0x0004 Bit
Internal Mask: 0x0002 Bit
Internal Mask: 0x0001 Bit
450011 450010 116 Gen. voltage 3-N 0.1 V

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Modbus Parameter Description Multiplier Units

Modicon Start addr.
start addr. (*1)

450013 450012 2578 Number of transfers to gen 1 _

450014 450013 108 Gen. voltage 1-2 0.1 V
450016 450015 2540 Number of starts 1 _
450017 450016 109 Gen. voltage 2-3 0.1 V
450019 450018 147 Mains frequency 0.01 Hz
450020 450019 110 Gen. voltage 3-1 0.1 V
450022 450021 10200 State of System 1 _
450023 450022 121 Mains voltage 1-N 0.1 V
450025 450024 2558 Hours until next maintenance 1 h
450026 450025 122 Mains voltage 2-N 0.1 V
450028 450027 10110 Battery voltage 0.1 V
450029 450028 123 Mains voltage 3-N 0.1 V
450031 450030 10131 Internal Mask: 0x8000 Bit
Internal Mask: 0x4000 Bit
Internal Mask: 0x2000 Bit
Internal Mask: 0x1000 Bit
Internal Mask: 0x0800 Bit
Internal Mask: 0x0400 Bit
Internal Mask: 0x0200 Bit
Internal Mask: 0x0100 Bit
Internal Mask: 0x0080 Bit
Internal Mask: 0x0040 Bit
Alarm class F Mask: 0x0020 Bit
Internal Mask: 0x0010 Bit
Internal Mask: 0x0008 Bit
Internal Mask: 0x0004 Bit
Alarm class B Mask: 0x0002 Bit
Internal Mask: 0x0001 Bit
450032 450031 118 Mains voltage 1-2 0.1 V
450034 450033 10133 Internal Mask: 0x8000 Bit
Internal Mask: 0x4000 Bit
Internal Mask: 0x2000 Bit
Internal Mask: 0x1000 Bit
Alarm 31 Mask: 0x0800 Bit
(Unintended stop)

Internal Mask: 0x0400 Bit

Internal Mask: 0x0200 Bit
Alarm 51 Mask: 0x0100 Bit
(generator breaker close failure)

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Modbus Parameter Description Multiplier Units

Modicon Start addr.
start addr. (*1)

Alarm 52 Mask: 0x0080 Bit

(Generator breaker open failure)

Alarm 53 Mask: 0x0040 Bit

(Mains breaker close failure)

Alarm 54 Mask: 0x0020 Bit

(Mains breaker open failure)

Internal Mask: 0x0010 Bit

Mask: 0x0008 Bit
Alarm 30
(Start fail)
Internal Mask: 0x0004 Bit
Alarm 40 Mask: 0x0002 Bit
(Maintenance hours)

Internal Mask: 0x0001 Bit

450035 450034 119 Mains voltage 2-3 0.1 V
450037 450036 10140 internal 1 _
450038 450037 120 Mains voltage 3-1 0.1 V
450040 450039 10202 Internal 13200 Value
Internal 13201 Value
Internal 13202 Value
Stop engine 13203 Value
Cool down 13204 Value
Mains settling 13205 Value
Start engine 13206 Value
Internal 13207 Value
Internal 13208 Value
GCB dead bus cls 13209 Value
MCB dead bus cls 13210 Value
Emergency run 13211 Value
Internal 13212 Value
Internal 13213 Value
Internal 13214 Value
Internal 13215 Value
450041 450040 10201 Internal Mask: 0x8000 Bit
Internal Mask: 0x4000 Bit
Internal Mask: 0x2000 Bit
Internal Mask: 0x1000 Bit
Internal Mask: 0x0800 Bit
Internal Mask: 0x0400 Bit
Internal Mask: 0x0200 Bit
Operating Mode STOP Mask: 0x0100 Bit

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Manual 37441C DTSC-50 - ATS Controller

Modbus Parameter Description Multiplier Units

Modicon Start addr.
start addr. (*1)

Operating Mode MANUAL Mask: 0x0080 Bit

Operating Mode AUTOMATIC Mask: 0x0040 Bit
Engine is running Mask: 0x0020 Bit
Internal Mask: 0x0010 Bit
Reply: MCB is iopen Mask: 0x0008 Bit
Internal Mask: 0x0004 Bit
Replay: GCB is open Mask: 0x0002 Bit
Internal Mask: 0x0001 Bit
450042 450041 10139 Internal Mask: 0x8000 Bit
Internal Mask: 0x4000 Bit
Internal Mask: 0x2000 Bit
Alarm 62 Mask: 0x1000 Bit
(User defined 4)

Alarm 63 Mask: 0x0800 Bit

(user defined 5)

Internal Mask: 0x0400 Bit

Internal Mask: 0x0200 Bit
Internal Mask: 0x0100 Bit
Internal Mask: 0x0080 Bit
Internal Mask: 0x0040 Bit
Internal Mask: 0x0020 Bit
Internal Mask: 0x0010 Bit
Internal Mask: 0x0008 Bit
Internal Mask: 0x0004 Bit
Internal Mask: 0x0002 Bit
Internal Mask: 0x0001 Bit
450043 450042 10134 Alarm 10 Mask: 0x8000 Bit
(Generator overfrequency)

Internal Mask: 0x4000 Bit

Alarm 11 Mask: 0x2000 Bit
(Generator underfrequency)

Internal Mask: 0x1000 Bit

Alarm 12 Mask: 0x0800 Bit
(Generator overvoltage)

Internal Mask: 0x0400 Bit

Alarm 13 Mask: 0x0200 Bit
(Generator undervoltage)

Internal Mask: 0x0100 Bit

Internal Mask: 0x0080 Bit
Internal Mask: 0x0040 Bit
Internal Mask: 0x0020 Bit

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Modbus Parameter Description Multiplier Units

Modicon Start addr.
start addr. (*1)

Internal Mask: 0x0010 Bit

Internal Mask: 0x0008 Bit
Internal Mask: 0x0004 Bit
Internal Mask: 0x0002 Bit
Internal Mask: 0x0001 Bit
450044 450043 10135 Internal Mask: 0x8000 Bit
Internal Mask: 0x4000 Bit
Internal Mask: 0x2000 Bit
Internal Mask: 0x1000 Bit
Internal Mask: 0x0800 Bit
Internal Mask: 0x0400 Bit
Internal Mask: 0x0200 Bit
Internal Mask: 0x0100 Bit
Internal Mask: 0x0080 Bit
Internal Mask: 0x0040 Bit
Internal Mask: 0x0020 Bit
Internal Mask: 0x0010 Bit
Internal Mask: 0x0008 Bit
Alarm 14 Mask: 0x0004 Bit
(Mains rotation field mismatch)

Internal Mask: 0x0002 Bit

Internal Mask: 0x0001 Bit
450045 450044 10110 Battery voltage 0.1 V

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Chapter 12.
Event Logger

The event logger is a FIFO (First In/First Out) memory for logging alarm events and operation states of the unit.
The capacity of the event logger is 15 entries. Additional event messages overwrite the oldest messages. Since
the DTSC-50 units do not include a clock module, the operating hours are stored with each event logger entry as
the timestamp.

The individual alarm messages, which are stored in the event history, are described in detail under Alarm Mes-sages
on page 33. The operation states, which are stored in the event history, are listed in Table 12-1 on page 85.

The event logger cannot be read out directly from the front of the unit. It can only be read out using the
program GetEventLog, which can either be used as a stand alone or within LeoPC1.

GetEventLog Software
Installing GetEventLog
GetEventLog can either be used as a stand alone or within LeoPC1. In order to call it up from LeoPC1, it must
be installed into the LeoPC1 installation path.

To install GetEventLog, start GetEventLog_vxxxxx.exe from the GetEventLog directory on the CD

delivered with the unit.
If you want to use GetEventLog from inside LeoPC1, it must be installed into the LeoPC1 installation directory.

Starting GetEventLog
Connect the DTSC-50 to a free COM port on your computer using the DPC as described under Configuration
Us-ing the PC on page 50.
Start GetEventLog directly or call it up by selecting GetEventLog from the menu Tools in LeoPC1.
After starting GetEventLog for the first time, you must configure the communication settings. To do this, select
the Interface tab, configure the COM port according to the port, to which you have connected the DPC, and
enter the other settings as represented in figure Figure 12-1 since these are the default settings of the DTSC-50.

Figure 12-1: GetEventLog - interface configuration

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Reading Out GetEventLog

On the Eventlog tab of GetEventLog, click the Request Eventlog button to read out the content of the event
logger memory. The content of the event logger is displayed as shown in Figure 12-2.

Figure 12-2: GetEventLog - event logger content

The 15 latest events are displayed in chronological order and each entry is composed like this:
"sign";"operating hour";"alarm/state"

whereas "sign""+" indicates the occurrence and "-" indicates the disappearance or acknowledgement of the
alarm or state
"operating hour" serves as a timestamp and indicates the operating hour of the event
occurred "alarm/state" indicates the type of alarm or change of state that occurred
The alarm codes are the same as displayed on the unit and described under Alarm Messages on page 33.
The codes for the operation states are indicated in Table 12-1 below.
Example: The entry "+";"00008.4h";"00031A" means that alarm 31A unintended stop "00031A" oc-curred
"+" at operating hour 8.4 "00008.4h". The operating hours are indicated in decimals, i.e. 8.4 hours are 8 hours
and 24 minutes.
Number Operation state DTSC-50
70 Mode: Automatic 
71 Mode: Stop 
72 Mode: Manual 
73 GCB closed 
74 GCB opened 
75 MCB closed 
76 MCB opened 
77 Mains not in range 
78 Emergency mode active 
79 Engine run 
Table 12-1: Event logger - operation states

Storing Event Logger Data

Using the Save Eventlog button on the Eventlog tab, you are able to save the content of the event logger
in CSV format (comma separated values).

Resetting the Event Logger

The event logger can only be reset using LeoPC1. To do this, perform the following steps:

Connect the DTSC-50 with your PC and start LeoPC1 as described in Configuration Using the PC on page 50.
Set the parameter Factory settings to YES.
Set the parameter Clear Even Log to YES.
The event logger should be cleared.

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Chapter 13.
Technical Data

Name plate ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

1 2 3 1 S/N Serial number (numerical)

2 S/N Serial number (Barcode)
3 S/N Date of production (YYMM)
4 P/N Item number
5 REV Item revision number
6 Details Technical data
7 Type Unit name
8 Type Extended description
9 UL UL sign
4 5 6 7 8 9
(Example for a typical name plate)
480 Vac /∆
Measuring values ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Measuring voltages
Rated value (Vn) .......................................... 277/480 Vac
Maximum value (Vmax) ..................... max. 346/600 Vac
Rated voltage phase – ground ............................. 300 Vac
Rated surge voltage ............................................... 4.0 kV

- Linear measuring range ........................................................................................... 1.3 × Vn

- Measuring frequency Generator ................................................ 15.0 to 85.0 Hz
Mains ...................................................... 40.0 to 85.0 Hz
- Accuracy .................................................................................................................... Class 1
- Input resistance per path ........ .... .... .... .... .... .... .... .... .... .... .... .... .... .... .... .... .... .... .... .... ...
2.0 MΩ
- Maximum power consumption per path ................................................................. < 0.15 W
Ambient variables ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

- Power supply ............................................................................ 12/24 Vdc (6.5 to 32.0 Vdc)

Battery ground (terminal 1) must be grounded to the chassis
- Intrinsic consumption ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... .
max. 10 W
- Degree of pollution ............................................................................................................. 2
- Ambient temperature Storage ............................... -20 to +85 °C / -4 to +185 °F
Operation ........................... -20 to +70 °C / -4 to +158 °F
- Ambient humidity ............................................................................... 95 %, non condensing
Discrete inputs ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- isolated
- Input range (VCont, digital input) ............................... Rated voltage 12/24 Vdc (6.5 to 32.0 Vdc)
- Input resistance.............................................................................................. approx. 6.7 kΩ
Relay outputs ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- potential free
- Contact material ........................................................................................................ AgCdO
- General purpose (GP) (VCont, relay output)
AC..................................................... 2.00 Aac@250 Vac
DC...................................................... 2.00 Adc@24 Vdc
0.36 Adc@125 Vdc
- Pilot duty (PD) (VCont, relay output) 0.18 Adc@250 Vdc
AC B300
DC...................................................... 1.00 Adc@24 Vdc
0.22 Adc@125 Vdc
0.10 Adc@250 Vdc
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Interface ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Service interface .............................................................................................. non isolated
- Version ..................................................................................................................... RS-232
- Signal level ....................................................................................................................... 5V
Level conversion and insulation by using DPC (P/N 5417-557)

- Type---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ......................................................................................
Woodward easYpack 158x158
- Dimensions (W × H × D) ....................................................................... 158 × 158 × 40 mm
- Front cutout (W × H) ............................................................... 138 [+1.0] × 138 [+1.0] mm
- Connection ....................................................................... screw and plug terminals 2.5 mm²
- Recommended tightening torque
0.5 Nm Connectors............................................................
0.1 Nm Housing clamps ....................................................
use only 60/75 °C copper leads
use only class 1 cables (or similar)
- Weight ............................................................................................................. approx. 450 g
Vibration --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- Sinusoidal ............................................................................................. 4 G, 5 Hz to 100 Hz
- Endurance .................................................................................................. 4 G, 30 Hz, 1.5 h
- Random .............................................................................. 1.04 Grms, 10 Hz to 500 Hz, 2 h
Shock -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

- Shock .........................................................................................................
Protection --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- Protection system ..................... IP54 from front for proper installation with gasket pending
- Front folio .................................................................................................. insulating surface
- EMC test (CE) ................................................ tested according to applicable EN guidelines
- Listings ......................................................... CE marking; UL listing for ordinary locations
- Type approval ............................................ UL/cUL, Ordinary Locations, File No.: 231544
Standards --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- Shock ............................................................................................................ EN 60255-21-2
- Vibration ............................................................................ EN 60255-21-1; EN 60255-21-3
- Temperature ............................................ IEC 60068-2-30; IEC 60068-2-2; IEC 60068-2-1

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Chapter 14.

Measuring value Display Accuracy Notes

Generator fL1N, fL2N, fL3N 15.0 to 85.0 Hz 0.1 % -
Mains fL1N, fL2N, fL3N 40.0 to 85.0 Hz 0.1 % -

Generator VL1N, VL2N, VL3N, 0 to 600 V 1% Transformer ratio selectable
Mains VL1N, VL2N, VL3N, 0 to 600 V 1% Transformer ratio selectable

Operating hours 0 to 99,999.9 h -
Maintenance call 0 to 9,999 h -
Start counter 0 to 65,535 -
Battery voltage 6.5 to 32 V 1% -

Reference conditions (to measure the accuracy):

• Input voltage ............................ sinusoidal rated voltage
• Frequency ................................. rated frequency ± 2 %
• Power supply ............................ rated voltage ± 2 %
• Ambient temperature ................ 23 °C ± 2 K
• Warm-up period ....................... 20 minutes

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Appendix A.

Alarm Classes
The DTSC-50 provides only the alarm classes B & F:

Alarm class Visible in the display LED "Alarm" Relay "Close GCB" Shut-down engine Engine blocked until
& horn is de-energized ack. sequence has
been passed

B yes yes no --- ---

Warning Alarm
This alarm does not interrupt the operation. An output of the centralized alarm occurs:
Alarm text + flashing LED "Alarm" + Relay centralized alarm (horn).
F yes yes yes immediately yes

Responding Alarm
With this alarm the GCB is opened immediately and the engine is stopped.
Alarm text + flashing LED "Alarm" + Relay centralized alarm (horn)+ GCB open + Engine stop.

The alarm classes A, C, D, & E can be configured, but are intended for future software revisions and should
not be used. The behavior of the unit is the following if configured for these alarm classes:

Alarm class Visible in the display LED "Alarm" Relay "Close GCB" Shut-down engine Engine blocked until
& horn is de-energized ack. sequence has
been passed

A yes no no no no

Warning Alarm
This alarm does not interrupt the unit operation. A message output without a centralized alarm occurs at the unit:
Alarm text.
C yes yes yes after cool down yes

Responding Alarm
With this alarm the GCB is opened and the engine is stopped. Coasting occurs.
Alarm text + flashing LED "Alarm" + Relay centralized alarm (horn) + Coasting + GCB open + Engine stop.
D yes yes yes after cool down yes

Responding Alarm
With this alarm the GCB is opened and the engine is stopped. Coasting occurs.
Alarm text + flashing LED "Alarm" + Relay centralized alarm (horn) + Coasting + GCB open + Engine stop.
E yes yes yes immediately yes

Responding Alarm
With this alarm the GCB is opened immediately and the engine is stopped.
Alarm text + flashing LED "Alarm" + Relay centralized alarm (horn)+ GCB open + Engine stop.

If the control unit is in MANUAL operation mode, a cool down phase is not performed regardless of the
alarm class!

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Conversion Factors and Charts

Conversion Factors: Temperature

°C°F °F°C

1 °F = [Value °C × 1.8 )
°F °C + 32 °F 1 °C =
([Value] °F − 32 °F)
1.8 °F °C
Table 14-1: Conversion factor: temperature

Conversion Factors: Pressure

bar  psi psi  bar

1 psi = [Value] bar × 14.501 1 bar = [Value] psi
Table 14-2: Conversion factor: pressure

Conversion Chart: Wire Size

AWG mm² AWG mm² AWG mm² AWG mm² AWG mm² AWG mm²
30 0.05 21 0.38 14 2.5 4 25 3/0 95 600MCM 300
28 0.08 20 0.5 12 4 2 35 4/0 120 750MCM 400
26 0.14 18 0.75 10 6 1 50 300MCM 150 1000MCM 500
24 0.25 17 1.0 8 10 1/0 55 350MCM 185
22 0.34 16 1.5 6 16 2/0 70 500MCM 240
Table 14-3: Conversion chart: wire size

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Appendix B.
Front Customization

The DTSC-50 is designed language-independent, but can be customized to your demands using a paper strip.
The paper strip is intended for customization and may contain more detailed information about the display.

Figure 14-4: Paper strip

The unit is delivered with a English paper strip which contains the alarm messages.

A template for the paper strip can be found in the "Paper Strips" directory on the CD delivered with the unit. The
template is in Microsoft Word format and can be customized to your demands. Please note that the paper strip
ge-ometry must not be modified in the templates. Just edit the text in the paper strips, print them out, cut out the
pa-per strips where indicated, and insert them into the openings at the side of the unit.

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Appendix C.

If problems are encountered while commissioning or operating the DTSC-50, please refer to the troubleshooting
table below and LeoPC1 prior to contacting Woodward for technical assistance. The most common problems
and their solutions are described in the troubleshooting table. If problems are encountered between the DTSC-50
and its wiring and the engine or other devices, refer to the respective manuals for solving the problem.

Symptom Possible cause Possible solution Verify

Unit does not power up. Power supply outside operating With power supply voltage con- Voltage must be no less than
range. nected to terminals 1(-) and 2(+) 6.5 Volts and no greater than
of the DTSC-50, measure the volt- 32 Volts.
age at these terminals.
Power supply polarity reversed. With power supply voltage con- Voltage measurement reads
nected to terminals 1(-) and 2(+) (+) polarity when meter is
of the DTSC-50, measure the volt- connected to terminal 1(-),
age at these terminals. and 2(+).
Engine does not start by Unit is in operating mode "Stop" Unit must be in operating mode Press the "Operating Mode"
pressing the "Start" button. and the "Stop" LED is lit. "Manual". button twice for selecting
manual mode.
Unit is in operating mode Unit must be in operating mode Press the "Operating Mode"
“AUTO”. "Manual". button twice for selecting
manual mode.

If the operation mode does not

change, please check whether
AUTO mode is selected via
discrete input 2. No voltage
may be applied to discrete in-
put terminal 17, if the user
wants to start the engine via
the “Start” button on the face-
Engine does not start by set- Unit is in operating mode Unit must be in operating mode Press the "Operating Mode"
ting the "Remote-Start" signal "Stop". "Auto" to be started via "Remote- button for selecting "Auto"
(discrete input 3). Start" signal. mode.
Unit is in operating mode "Man- Unit must be in operating mode Press the "Operating Mode"
ual". "Auto" to be started via "Remote- button for selecting "Auto"
Start" signal. mode.

Operating mode “Manual”

may not be set via discrete in-
put terminal 16.
"Remote-Start" signal is Measure the voltage between ter- If you set the "Remote Start"
miswired to the DTSC-50. minals 18/15. signal, you should measure a
voltage between terminals
18/15. If a voltage is present at
these terminals, everything is
wired correctly.

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Symptom Possible cause Possible solution Verify

"Generator Circuit Breaker "Generator Circuit Breaker Measure the voltage between ter- If the circuit breaker is closed,
Closed" LED is not lit, alt- Closed" signal is miswired. minals 20 and 15 on the DTSC-50. you should measure around 0
hough the Circuit Breaker is Volts between terminals 20
closed. and 15. If around 0 Volts are
measured, the "Generator Cir-
cuit Breaker Closed" LED
should be lit.
If the circuit breaker is open,
you should measure a voltage
similar to the battery voltage
in your system between termi-
nals 20 and 15. In this case the
"Generator Circuit Breaker
Closed" LED must not be lit.
Check whether you are using
an N.C. contact as breaker
aux. contact.
Wrong setting of Parameter "Ig- Use the Woodward "LeoPC1" con- Within the LeoPC1 configura-
nore Breaker Replies". figuration software to check for tion software, the parameter
correct setting of the Parameter "Ignore Breaker Replies" must
"Ignore Breaker Replies". be set to "No" to enable the
MCB reply state to be visual-
ized on the "Generator Circuit
Breaker Closed" LED.
If the parameter "Ignore
Breaker Replies" is set to
"Yes", the state of the CB re-
ply will not be recognized!
"Mains Circuit Breaker "Mains Circuit Breaker Closed" Measure the voltage between ter- If the circuit breaker is closed,
Closed" LED is not lit, alt- signal is miswired. minals 19 and 15 on the DTSC-50. you should measure around 0
hough the Circuit Breaker is Volts between terminals 19
closed. and 15. If around 0 Volts are
measured, the "Mains Circuit
Breaker Closed" LED should
be lit.
If the circuit breaker is open,
you should measure a voltage
similar to the battery voltage
in your system between termi-
nals 19 and 15. In this case the
"Mains Circuit Breaker
Closed" LED must not be lit.
Check whether you are using
an N.C. contact as breaker
aux. contact.
Wrong setting of Parameter "Ig- Use the Woodward "LeoPC1" con- Within the LeoPC1 configura-
nore Breaker Replies". figuration software to check for tion software, the parameter
correct setting of the Parameter "Ignore Breaker Replies" must
"Ignore Breaker Replies". be set to "No" to enable the
MCB reply state to be visual-
ized on the "Mains Circuit
Breaker Closed" LED.
If the parameter "Ignore
Breaker Replies" is set to
"Yes", the state of the CB re-
ply will not be recognized!

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Manual 37441C DTSC-50 - ATS Controller

Symptom Possible cause Possible solution Verify

Alarm "30A - Start fail" oc- Low fuel situation. Check, if enough Fuel is present to Fuel level is above fuel pick-
curs. run the engine. up and fuel system is properly
Fuel line connection to the en- Check whether the fuel line to en- No leaks in fuel system and
gine is not present. gine is installed properly. system is primed
Generator produces no voltage. Check, if the generator is excited While the crank is engaged the
properly. generator shall produce volt-
Engine start relay output of the Measure the resistance between If engine is not started, the re-
DTSC-50 is defective or terminals 8 and 9 on the DTSC-50. sistance between terminals 8
miswired. and 9 must be around infini-
tive Ohms.
If the DTSC-50 performs an
start, the resistance between
terminals 8 and 9 must be
around 0 Ohms.
Engine does not start Starting relay output of the Measure the resistance between If engine is not running, the
DTSC-50 is defective or terminals 8 and 9 on the DTSC-50. resistance between terminals 8
miswired. and 9 should read infinite
If the DTSC-50 performs a
start, the resistance between
terminals 8 and 9 must be
around 0 Ohms.
Alarm "13A - Generator Generator voltages are not Check generator voltages if engine Measure the generator voltag-
undervoltage" occurs, after properly connected to the DTSC- is started up. es on the terminals 29 / 31 /
the engine has fired. 50. 33 / 35 while the engine is
running. (Please refer to the
wiring diagram for your
DTSC-50 derivate, because
the terminal assignment is dif-
ferent from derivate to deri-
Wrong wiring selected for the Use the LeoPC1 configuration Check, which wiring you have
generator voltage measurement. software to check for settings of to use, and then set the param-
parameter "Generator voltage eter "Generator voltage meas-
measuring" uring" via LeoPC1 to one of
the following selections :

- 1Ph2W
- 1Ph3W
- 3Ph3W
- 3Ph4W

See "Chapter 6 - Connections

- Voltage measurement Gen-
erator" for further details.
Voltage regulator is not set cor- Adjust voltage regulator rated
rectly voltage or remote voltage setting.
Alarm 12 "Overvoltage" oc- Voltage regulator is not set cor- Adjust voltage regulator settings Refer to your AVR manual.
curs on startup. rectly for proper response.

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Appendix D.
List of Parameters

Unit number P/N _____________________________ Rev _______________________________

Version DTSC-________________________________________________________________
Project _____________________________________________________________________
Serial number S/N _______________ Date ______________________________

Parameter Setting range Default value Customer setting

HMI Password 0000 to 9999 random
(ID 10400)

Rated system frequency 50/60 Hz 50 Hz
(ID 1750)
Rated voltage generator 50 to 480 V 400 V
(ID 1766)
Rated voltage mains 50 to 480 V 400 V
(ID 1768)
3Ph 4W 3Ph 4W 3Ph 4W
Generator voltage measuring 3Ph 3W 3Ph 4W 3Ph 3W 3Ph 3W
(ID 1851) 1Ph 2W 1Ph 2W 1Ph 2W
1Ph 3W 1Ph 3W 1Ph 3W
3Ph 4W 3Ph 4W 3Ph 4W
Mains voltage measuring 3Ph 3W 3Ph 4W 3Ph 3W 3Ph 3W
(ID 1853) 1Ph 2W 1Ph 2W 1Ph 2W
1Ph 3W 1Ph 3W 1Ph 3W

Ignore CB reply YES/NO NO YN YN
(ID 3422)
2nd GCB close Delay time 0.00 to 650.00 s 0.20 s
(ID 12993)
2nd MCB close Delay time 0.00 to 650.00 s 0.20 s
(ID 12994)
Startup in mode Auto Stop
(ID 1795) Manual

Start/stop automatic
Cool down time 0 to 999 s 30 s
(ID 3316)
Engine monit. delay time 0 to 99 s 8s
(ID 3315)
Engine start fail delay 0 to 999 s 60 s
(ID 3349)

GCB frequency window 0.2 to 10.0 % 2.0 %
(ID 3350)
GCB voltage window 1 to 100 % 10 %
(ID 3351)
Gen. settling time 0 to 99 s 2s
(ID 3415)
Transfer time GCB<->MCB 0.10 to 99.99 s 0.10 s
(ID 3400)

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Manual 37441C DTSC-50 - ATS Controller

Parameter Setting range Default value Customer setting


On/Off ON/OFF ON 10 10
(ID 2802)
Mains fail delay time 0.20 to 99.99 s 3.00 s
(ID 2800)
Mains settling time 0 to 9,999 s 20 s
(ID 2801)
Bypass mains settling timer
on Genset fail YES/NO NO
(ID 3443)

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Parameter Setting range Default value Customer setting

Time until horn reset 0 to 1,000 s 180 s
(ID 1756)
Generator protection
Voltage monitoring generator 4 phase 4 phase n/a n/a
Generator: Overfrequency
Monitoring ON OFF n/a n/a
(ID 1900)
Limit 50.0 to 130.0 % 110.0 %
(ID 1904)
Delay 0.1 to 99.9 s 1.0 s
(ID 1905)
Alarm class B B n/a n/a
Self acknowledge NO NO n/a n/a
(ID 1902)
Generator: Underfrequency
Monitoring ON OFF n/a n/a
(ID 1950)
Limit 50.0 to 130.0 % 90.0 %
(ID 1954)
Delay 0.1 to 99.9 s 5.0 s
(ID 1955)
Alarm class B B n/a n/a
Self acknowledge NO NO n/a n/a
(ID 1952)
Delayed by engine speed YES YES n/a n/a
Generator: Overvoltage
Monitoring ON OFF n/a n/a
(ID 2000)
Limit 50.0 to 125.0 % 110.0 %
(ID 2004)
Delay 0.1 to 99.9 s 2.0 s
(ID 2005)
Alarm class B B n/a n/a
Self acknowledge NO NO n/a n/a
(ID 2002)
Delayed by engine speed NO NO n/a n/a
Generator: Undervoltage
Monitoring ON OFF n/a n/a
(ID 2050)
Limit 50.0 to 125.0 % 92.0 %
(ID 2054)
Delay 0.1 to 99.9 s 5.0 s
(ID 2055)
Alarm class B B n/a n/a
Self acknowledge NO NO n/a n/a
(ID 2052)
Delayed by engine speed YES YES n/a n/a
Mains protection
Monitoring ON ON n/a n/a
Mains phase rotation CW (+)/CCW (–) CW +– +–
(ID 3974)

Delay 2s 2s n/a n/a

Alarm class B B n/a n/a
Self acknowledge YES / NO NO YN YN
(ID 3972)

Delayed by engine speed NO NO n/a n/a

Mains failure limits
High voltage threshold 50.0 to 130.0 % 130.0 %
(ID 2704)
Low voltage threshold 50.0 to 130.0 % 90.0 %
(ID 2709)
Voltage hysteresis 0.0 to 50.0 % 2.0 %
(ID 2710)
High frequency threshold 70.0 to 160.0 % 110.0 %
(ID 2754)

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Parameter Setting range Default value Customer setting

Low frequency threshold 70.0 to 160.0 % 90.0 %

(ID 2759)
Frequency hysteresis 0.0 to 50.0 % 2.0 %
(ID 2760)
AND characteristics ON / OFF OFF
(ID 2711)
GCB monitoring ON / OFF ON
(ID 2600)
GCB monitoring delay 0.1 to 5.0 s 2.0 s
(ID 3420)
MCB monitoring ON / OFF ON
(ID 2620)
MCB monitoring delay 0.1 to 5.0 s 2.0 s
(ID 3421)

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Parameter Setting range Default value Customer setting

Engine: Start fail
Monitoring ON ON n/a n/a
Alarm class B B n/a n/a
Self acknowledge NO NO n/a n/a
Engine: Unintended stop
Monitoring ON OFF
(ID 2650)
Alarm class B B n/a n/a

Discrete input [DI1] manual mode
DI 1 operation N.O. N.O. n/a n/a
DI 1 delay 0.1 s 0.1 s n/a n/a
DI 1 alarm class Control Control n/a n/a
DI 1 delayed by eng. speed NO NO n/a n/a
DI 1 self acknowledge NO NO n/a n/a
Discrete input [DI2] auto mode
DI 2 operation N.O. N.O. n/a n/a
DI 2 delay 0.1 s 0.1 s n/a n/a
DI 2 alarm class Control Control n/a n/a
DI 2 delayed by eng. speed NO NO n/a n/a
DI 2 self acknowledge NO NO n/a n/a
Discrete input [DI3] remote start
DI 3 operation N.O. N.O. n/a n/a
DI 3 delay 0.02 s 0.02 s n/a n/a
DI 3 alarm class Control Control n/a n/a
DI 3 delayed by eng. speed NO NO n/a n/a
DI 3 self acknowledge NO NO n/a n/a
Discrete input [DI4] reply MCB or freely configurable
If parameter "Ignore CB reply" is set to "YES", this input is freely configurable
DI 4 operation N.O. N.O.
N.O. / N.C. N.C.
(ID 1261) N.C. N.C.
DI 4 delay
(ID 1260) 0.02 to 650.00 s 0.00 s
DI 4 alarm class
(ID 1262) A/B/C/D/E/F/Control Control
DI 4 delayed by eng. Speed
(ID 1263) YES/NO NO YN YN
DI 4 self acknowledge
(ID 1264)
Discrete input [DI5] reply GCB or freely configurable
If parameter "Ignore CB reply" is set to "YES", this input is freely configurable
DI 5 operation N.O. N.O.
N.O. / N.C. N.C.
(ID 1281) N.C. N.C.
DI 5 delay
(ID 1280) 0.02 to 650.00 s 0.00 s
DI 5 alarm class
(ID 1282) A/B/C/D/E/F/Control Control
DI 5 delayed by eng. Speed
(ID 1283) YES/NO NO YN YN
DI 5 self acknowledge
(ID 1284) YES/NO YES YN YN

Relay 1 Command: open MCB open MCB n/a n/a
Relay 2 Command: engine start engine start n/a n/a
Relay 3 Command: close GCB close GCB n/a n/a
Relay 4 Free configurable
(ID 12995)
Relay 5 Free configurable
(ID 12996)
Relay 6 Free configurable
(ID 12997)
Relay 7 internal relay

© Woodward Page
Manual 37441C DTSC-50 - ATS Controller

Parameter Setting range Default value Customer setting

Maintenance hours 0 to 9,999 h 300 h
(ID 2550)
Reset maintenance period h YES/NO NO YN YN
(ID 2562)
Counter value preset 0 to 99,999.9 h -
(ID 2515)
Set operation hours YES/NO NO YN YN
(ID 2554)
Number of starts 0 to 65,535 -
(ID 2540)
Transfer to Gen. 0 to 65,535 -
(ID 2578)

Modbus Slave ID 0 to 255 1
(ID 3185)
Baudrate 9.6 kBaud 9.6 kBaud

Comissioning level code 0000 to 9999 0003
(ID 10413)
Factory settings ON / OFF OFF 10 10
(ID 1704)
Clear event log ON / OFF OFF 10 10
(ID 1706)
Set default values ON / OFF OFF 10 10
(ID 1701)
Display level 1 to 3 1
(ID 4107)
Serial number Info ---
Boot item number Info ---
Boot revision Info ---
Boot version Info ---
Program item number Info ---
Program revision Info ---
Program version Info ---

The output signals, which may be selected from the list of configurable parameters for the discrete outputs
3 and 4, are listed in Table 10-1 on page 70.

All parameters shaded in gray color are fixed parameters and cannot be configured by the operator.
The "light gray" parameters for DI4 and DI 5 can be configured if the parameter "Ignore CB reply" is set
to "YES".

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Appendix E.
Service Options

Product Service Options

The following factory options are available for servicing Woodward equipment, based on the standard
Woodward Product and Service Warranty (5-01-1205) that is in effect at the time the product is purchased from
Woodward or the service is performed. If you are experiencing problems with installation or unsatisfactory
performance of an installed system, the following options are available:

• Consult the troubleshooting guide in the manual.

• Contact Woodward technical assistance (see "How to Contact Woodward" later in this chapter) and discuss
your problem. In most cases, your problem can be resolved over the phone. If not, you can select which
course of action you wish to pursue based on the available services listed in this section.

Returning Equipment For Repair

If a control (or any part of an electronic control) is to be returned to Woodward for repair, please contact Wood-
ward in advance to obtain a Return Authorization Number. When shipping the unit(s), attach a tag with the fol-
lowing information:

• name and location where the control is installed;

• name and phone number of contact person;
• complete Woodward part numbers (P/N) and serial number (S/N);
• description of the problem;
• instructions describing the desired repair.

To prevent damage to electronic components caused by improper handling, read and observe the pre-
cautions in Woodward manual 82715, Guide for Handling and Protection of Electronic Controls, Printed
Circuit Boards, and Modules.

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Packing a Control
Use the following materials when returning a complete control:

• protective caps on any connectors

• antistatic protective bags on all electronic modules
• packing materials that will not damage the surface of the unit
• at least 100 mm (4 inches) of tightly packed, industry-approved packing material
• a packing carton with double walls
• a strong tape around the outside of the carton for increased strength

Return Authorization Number RAN

When returning equipment to Woodward, please telephone and ask for the Customer Service Department in
Stuttgart [+49 (0) 711 789 54-0]. They will help expedite the processing of your order through our distributors
or local service facility. To expedite the repair process, contact Woodward in advance to obtain a Return
Authoriza-tion Number, and arrange for issue of a purchase order for the unit(s) to be repaired. No work can be
started until a purchase order is received.

We highly recommend that you make arrangement in advance for return shipments. Contact a
Woodward customer service representative at +49 (0) 711 789 54-0 for instructions and for a Re-
turn Authorization Number.

Replacement Parts
When ordering replacement parts for controls, include the following information:
• the part numbers P/N (XXXX-XXX) that is on the enclosure nameplate
• the unit serial number S/N, which is also on the nameplate

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Manual 37441C DTSC-50 - ATS Controller

How To Contact Woodward

Please contact following address if you have questions or if you want to send a product for repair:

Woodward GmbH
Handwerkstrasse 29
70565 Stuttgart - Germany

Phone: +49 (0) 711 789 54-0 (8:00 - 16:30 German time)
Fax: +49 (0) 711 789 54-100
email: [email protected]

For assistance outside Germany, call one of the following international Woodward facilities to obtain the address and
phone number of the facility nearest your location where you will be able to get information and service.

Facility Phone number

USA +1 (970) 482 5811
India +91 (129) 409 7100
Brazil +55 (19) 3708 4800
Japan +81 (476) 93 4661
The Netherlands +31 (23) 566 1111

You can also contact the Woodward Customer Service Department or consult our worldwide directory on
Wood-ward’s website (www.woodward.com) for the name of your nearest Woodward distributor or service
facility. [For worldwide directory information, go to www.woodward.com/ic/locations.]

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Manual 37441C DTSC-50 - ATS Controller

Engineering Services
Woodward Industrial Controls Engineering Services offers the following after-sales support for Woodward
prod-ucts. For these services, you can contact us by telephone, by e-mail, or through the Woodward website.

• Technical support
• Product training
• Field service during commissioning

Technical Support is available through our many worldwide locations, through our authorized distributors, or
through GE Global Controls Services, depending on the product. This service can assist you with technical ques-
tions or problem solving during normal business hours. Emergency assistance is also available during non-
business hours by phoning our toll-free number and stating the urgency of your problem. For technical engineer-
ing support, please contact us via our toll-free or local phone numbers, e-mail us, or use our website and
reference technical support.

Product Training is available on-site from several of our worldwide facilities, at your location, or from GE
Global Controls Services, depending on the product. This training, conducted by experienced personnel, will
as-sure that you will be able to maintain system reliability and availability. For information concerning
training, please contact us via our toll-free or local phone numbers, e-mail us, or use our website and reference
customer training.

Field Service engineering on-site support is available, depending on the product and location, from our facility in
Colorado, or from one of many worldwide Woodward offices or authorized distributors. Field engineers are
expe-rienced on both Woodward products as well as on much of the non-Woodward equipment with which our
prod-ucts interface. For field service engineering assistance, please contact us via our toll-free or local phone
numbers, e-mail us, or use our website and reference field service.

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Manual 37441C DTSC-50 - ATS Controller

Technical Assistance
If you need to telephone for technical assistance, you will need to provide the following information. Please
write it down here before phoning:

Your company ____________________________________________________

Your name _______________________________________________________

Phone number ____________________________________________________

Fax number ______________________________________________________

Control (see name plate)

Unit no. and revision: P/N: ____________________ REV: _____________

Unit type DTSC- _____________________________________

Serial number S/N _______________________________________

Description of your problem







Please be sure you have a list of all parameters available. You can print this using LeoPC1. Additionally you
can save the complete set of parameters (standard values) and send them to our Service department via e-mail.

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We appreciate your comments about the content of our publications.
Please send comments to: [email protected]
Please include the manual number from the front cover of this publication.

Woodward GmbH
Handwerkstrasse 29 - 70565 Stuttgart - Germany
Phone +49 (0) 711 789 54-0 • Fax +49 (0) 711 789 54-100
[email protected]



Woodward has company-owned plants, subsidiaries, and branches, as well as authorized

distributors and other authorized service and sales facilities throughout the world.

Complete address/phone/fax/e-mail information

for all locations is available on our website (www.woodward.com).


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