Functional Group Tests
Functional Group Tests
Functional Group Tests
Test Reagents
Ignition Test Importance Positive Result Notes
Distin guish aliphatic and Aliphatic- non-sooty smoke
Bromine in arom atic Cmpds. Arom atic- yellow flame, sooty
Br2 in CCl4 Test for Unsaturation (alkenes, Decolorization of Brom ine color al so perform Baeyer Test.
CCl4 Test alkymes)
Baeyer Test dil. KMnO General Test for Alkenes and Formation of red-brown solid *room temperature
Lucas Test HCl in ZnCcl2
Alkynes (Mn02)
Test for alcohols Appearance of a cloudy second 3° alcohols-1-3 mins
layer or emul sion (alkylhalide) 2 alcohols -5-10 mins
1 alcohols - no reaction
insoluble cmp ds
in the reagent
Chromic acid Chromic acid (Jones Test for alcohols and From
are not applicable.
Test ReagentCrOs in
yellow to blue-green 3° alcohols-no reaction
(or Jones
aldehydes sol'n'suspension (Cr3+) Phenols give a dark colored
H:SO:) Aldehydes develops in 5 - 15 solution which is not blue- green
2,4 seconds. like a positive test.
2.4 Test for aldehydes and ketones Fom ation of a
yellow to oran ge Some allylic alcohols are oxidized
Dinitrophenylhy Dinitroph enylhydrazine precipitate, hydrazone or osazone by the reagent to aldehydes and
drazine Test in conc.HSO
Iodoform test lodine in KI+ NaOH Test for Test for
mehyl Form ation of yellow giveapositive test.
substituted keton es and (CHI3, iodoform)
Alcoholic Siver AgNO3 in 296 ethanol + General test for alkyl halides.
Alky halide-Form ation ofsolid
Nitrate heat AgX salt.
Hydroxam ic Hydroxylam ine HCl in
acid test 959% eth anol and 6M
General test for esters. Also
positive for acyl halides and
Formation of a magenta-color *Some carboxylic acids give a
complex. positive result.
NaOH acid anhydrides and am ides.
Ester form ation Alcohol in sulfuric acid+
Gen er al test for carboxylic Fom ation of oily layer on top of large MW carboxylic acids form
heat acids the solution, and a sweet, fruity odorless ester.
Bromine water Brom ine in water Test for
phen olic compounds Decolorization of brom ine &
test form ation of insoluble white cmpd
Fecl test FeCl sol'n Test for phen ol ic compoundsForm ation of red colored complex _