Answer The Following Questions Briefly

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Answer the following questions briefly.

1. As a future teacher, when is adapting materials advisable? (5 points)

Here are some reasons when it is advisable to adapt materials:

 Not enough grammar coverage in general

 Not enough practice of grammar points of particular difficulty to learners
 The communicative focus means that grammar is presented unsystematically
 Reading passages contain too much unknown vocabulary
 Comprehension questions are too easy, because they sound too much like written material
being read out
 Not enough guidance on pronunciation
 Subject matter inappropriate for learners for a particular age and intellectual level
 Photographs and other illustrative materials not culturally acceptable
 Amount of materials too great or too little to cover in the time allocated
 No guidance for teachers on handling group work and role play activities with a large class
 Dialogues are too formal, and not really representative of everyday speech
 Audio material difficult to use because of problems with room size and technical equipment
 Too much or too little variety in the activities

2. Think of an activity that will promote language awareness to your intermediate students. Use the
sample activity presented in WEEK 4-5 as your reference in the presentation of your answer. (20
Make sure to provide the following:

C. step-by-step execution / process

D. explanation why such activity promotes language awareness

3. What are the factors to be considered in developing materials for beginners? (5 points)
For numbers 1 & 3


Content – 3
Grammar – 1
Mechanics – 1
Total – 5

For number 2

Execution– 10
Accuracy – 5
Grammar and Mechanics – 5
Total - 20

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