Parallel Studio Xe 2020 Install Guide Lin
Parallel Studio Xe 2020 Install Guide Lin
Parallel Studio Xe 2020 Install Guide Lin
1 Introduction .................................................................................................................................................................................2
1.1 Licensing Information ...................................................................................................................................................2
2 Prerequisites ...............................................................................................................................................................................2
2.1 Notes for Cluster Installation .....................................................................................................................................3
2.1.1 Selecting Installation Method .........................................................................................................................3
2.1.2 Establishing Secure Shell Connectivity .......................................................................................................4
3 Installation....................................................................................................................................................................................6
3.1 Using Online Installer ....................................................................................................................................................6
3.1.1 Storing Download Content ...............................................................................................................................6
• Offline Installer package that contains all the components of the product;
• Online Installer – a small installation file that downloads and installs only specified
components of the product. The installer downloads the components prior to the installation,
so you can install the product in the offline mode and/or on another machine.
The Intel® Parallel Studio XE installer automatically makes the appropriate selection of binaries, scripts,
and text files from its installation archive based on the Intel® architecture of the host system where the
installation process is initiated. You do not have to worry about selecting the correct software
component names for the given Intel® architecture.
As an additional consequence to this change as well as some changes to the license design, you will
need an updated license to use Intel® Parallel Studio XE. Additional information is provided here. If you
have further questions or concerns, please contact Technical Support.
If you have any questions on licensing, visit the Licensing FAQ page.
2 Prerequisites
Before you start the installation, you are recommended to complete the following prerequisite steps:
1. Go to Intel® Software Development Products Registration Center and register the product by
providing your e-mail and serial number. You can find the serial number (for example, C111-
12345678) within the e-mail receipt of your product purchase. Once the admission has been
Intel® Parallel Studio XE 2020 Installation Guide for Linux* OS
granted into the registration center, you will be able to manage your licenses and access the
Intel® Premier Support web page for software support.
2. As one of the product activation methods, you can choose the activation with a license file. To
obtain a license file from the Intel® Software Development Products Registration Center, you
need to provide the host name and host ID information for the host computer that you install
the associated license file on. For instructions on how to do this, see the related articles for
named-user and node-locked and floating licenses.
3. If your login account does not have administrative access, and the installation directory requires
system administrative write privileges (for example, /opt/intel), you may need the assistance
from your system administrator in installing the associated software packages on your system.
4. On the system where the Intel® Parallel Studio XE components are to be installed, you are
recommended to create a staging area in a directory such as /tmp. For example:
Extract the contents of the installation package to this folder using the command:
tar –xvzf <install_package>.tgz –C /tmp/psxe_staging_area
The Intel® Parallel Studio XE installation package has the following naming convention:
5. Before running an installation, review the available installer options to decide whether you want
to use any of them. To see the full list of available options, run the installer with the --help
option, or refer to the Installer Options section.
Once you complete all the prerequisite steps, you are ready to install Intel® Parallel Studio XE.
• An install of the software on a single file server that is accessible to all nodes of the cluster.
• A distributed install where the software components are installed on each node of the cluster.
For a distributed install, you need to create a machines.LINUX file, or use the existing
machines.LINUX file to deploy the appropriate software components amongst the nodes of the
cluster. The machines.LINUX file contains a list of the computing nodes for the cluster. The format is
one host name per line.
The host name should be the same as the result from the Linux command hostname. The following
shows an example of the content for the file machines.LINUX, where a contrived cluster consists of
eight nodes:
Intel® Parallel Studio XE 2020 Installation Guide for Linux* OS
A line of text in the example above is considered a comment line if the first column contains the “#”
symbol. The first node in the list is the master node. The remaining nodes are the compute nodes. The
text clusternode1 and clusternode2, for example, represent the names of two of the nodes in a
contrived computing cluster.
Put the resulting machines.LINUX file to the previously created staging area, where the installation
files reside. Otherwise, you will have to provide the path to this file during the installation.
If you encounter the “Command not found.” error message, you can download the Expect software
package from:
./sshconnectivity.exp machines.LINUX
The expect shell script creates or updates the ~/.ssh directory on each node of the cluster beginning
with the master node which is the first name listed in the machines.LINUX file. This script will prompt
you for your password twice. Upon successful completion of the script, the following message fragment
Node count = 4
Secure shell connectivity was established on all nodes.
A log of the transactions for this script is recorded in /tmp/sshconnectivity.<login-name>.log
where <login-name> is a placeholder for your actual login.
Intel® Parallel Studio XE 2020 Installation Guide for Linux* OS
The shell script sshconnectivity.exp removes the write access capability on the group and other
“permission categories” for the user’s home directory. Otherwise, a password prompt will continue to
be issued for any secure shell activity.
This process of establishing secure shell connectivity is demonstrated by the following graph. In this
graph, a vertex represents a cluster computing node, and an edge between two vertices connotes that
the two cluster computing nodes have exchanged public keys for secure shell connectivity.
The script sshconnectivity.exp calls the appropriate secure shell utilities to generate a private key
and a public key for each node of the cluster.
For the complete graph example in the figure above, suppose there are nodes (vertices) 1 to n in the
cluster. For a given node i, nodes 1 to i - 1 and nodes i + 1 to n are provided with the public key
from node i. The user’s public keys for a given node are stored in the ~/.ssh folder associated with
the user’s home directory for that computing node. Since there are n - 1 edges to a given node i in
the figure above, the node i will have n- 1 public keys in the ~/.ssh folder that were provided by the
other n - 1 nodes in the cluster. This example represents a computing cluster that has a total of five
nodes. The edges connecting a node indicate that the node has received four public keys from the
Intel® Parallel Studio XE 2020 Installation Guide for Linux* OS
remaining computing nodes. Also looking out from a given node indicates that the given node has
provided its own public key to the remaining nodes that are reachable through the four edge paths.
If the home directory for a cluster is shared by all of the cluster nodes, for example, all of the nodes use
the same ~/.ssh folder, the connectivity illustrated in the figure above is represented through the
contents of the ~/.ssh/known_hosts file.
Once secure shell connectivity is established, you are ready to install Intel® Parallel Studio XE on your
3 Installation
Starting with the 2017 version, each product edition has its own online installer provided as a separate
.tgz package. To start the installation, extract the appropriate online installer package and run the
install[_GUI].sh script. On the first dialog, press Enter (in command-line mode) or select the first
radio button (in GUI mode) to install on the current machine.
Follow the installation wizard instructions to install the product. Installation from the command line,
through the graphical user interface, and silent installation are described in detail further in the
Intel® Parallel Studio XE 2020 Installation Guide for Linux* OS
4. Go to the download location and run the install[_GUI].sh script to start the installation.
Installation from the command line, through the graphical user interface and silent installation
are described in detail further in the document.
You can also use this package to install the product on another machine. If you are activating
the product with a license file, no internet connection will be required anymore.
1. Run the script located at the top level of your installation archive.
The Welcome dialog appears. Press “Enter” to continue.
2. Read and accept the terms of the End User License Agreement (EULA). After reading the EULA,
type "accept" and press "Enter" to continue the installation.
3. If your system is configured correctly, the installation proceeds to the activation step.
Otherwise, the Missing Optional Prerequisite(s) or the Missing Critical Prerequisite(s) dialog
You can continue the installation with missing optional prerequisites. However, if you are
missing any critical prerequisites, you need to fix the issue and restart the installation. When
you are done, proceed to the next step.
4. Choose whether you want to participate in the Intel® Software Improvement Program. If you opt
in, Intel will automatically receive anonymous information about how you use your current and
future Intel® Software Development Products. You can stop participating at any time using the
Intel® Software Manager.
5. In the following dialog, select the activation option you can use:
1. Use the existing license (default)
2. Use a serial number
3. Use a license file or Intel® Software License Manager
If you select option 4, the installer prompts to choose you between:
• Offline activation (using a license file)
• Activation using a license manager
If you choose offline activation, you can proceed to provide the path to the license file location.
6. (Cluster Edition only) Choose between installation on a single cluster node and a distributed
installation. By default, a single-node installation is selected.
If you choose the distributed installation, the following options are available:
• Configuration type
• File name for the cluster nodes list (see here for details)
• Number of parallel installations
Intel® Parallel Studio XE 2020 Installation Guide for Linux* OS
• Check for shared installation directory
7. Press the “Enter” key to start the installation. When all the selected components are installed,
the Complete dialog appears.
1. Run the script located at the top level of your installation archive.
The left-side panel of the installation window provides a progress report showing the current
stage of the installation process.
Read and accept the terms of the End User License Agreement (EULA) by selecting the
corresponding radio button. Click the Save button to save the text of the license agreement to
your system.
Click the Next button to continue.
2. Choose whether you want to participate in the Intel® Software Improvement Program. If you opt
in, Intel may automatically receive anonymous information about how you use your current and
future Intel® Software Development Products. You can stop participating at any time using the
Intel® Software Manager.
3. Review the Prerequisites dialog box to see whether your system is properly configured for the
Intel Parallel Studio XE installation. You can proceed with the installation if you are missing
optional prerequisites. However, if you are missing any critical prerequisites, you need to fix the
issue before you can continue. When you are done, click the Next button.
4. Choose one of the activation options by selecting the corresponding radio button:
• Use existing license – choose this option if you have a valid license file.
• Use serial number to activate and install product – choose this option if you have a
serial number. This option requires an internet connection.
• Choose alternative activation – choose this option if you want to do one of the
Activate offline (using a license file)
Use a license manager
When done, click Next to continue.
5. (Cluster Edition only) Choose between installation on a single cluster node and a distributed
installation on multiple nodes by selecting the corresponding radio button. If you decide to
install the product on all nodes of your cluster, you need to provide the path to the
machines.LINUX file that lists all nodes of your cluster (see here for details), and enter the
number of parallel installations you want to perform.
Intel® Parallel Studio XE 2020 Installation Guide for Linux* OS
6. Review the Installation Summary to see whether the selected installation options meet your
needs. To change the selection, click the Customize installation button and proceed to change
the following options:
• Choose an alternative installation directory.
• Select target architecture(s) for your applications to run on. By default, IA-32 and Intel®
64 architectures are selected.
• Select the components to install.
• Configure advanced options of the product components.
To proceed with the installation, click the Install button.
7. If applicable, review the list of the open-source components to be installed with this product.
The Installation of Open Source Components dialog box displays your selection.
8. Click Next to start the installation. When all the selected components are installed, the
Complete window is displayed.
3. Install
intel-parallel-studio-xe-trace- Intel(R) Trace Analyzer and Collector Available in Cluster edition only
analyzer-and-collector- for Linux* OS
intel-parallel-studio-xe- Intel(R) Cluster Checker for Available in Cluster edition only
cluster-checker-version Linux* OS
Intel® Parallel Studio XE 2020 Installation Guide for Linux* OS
intel-parallel-studio-xe- Intel(R) C++ Compiler for Linux* Not available in Fortran-only
icc-32bit-version editions
intel-parallel-studio-xe-mpi- Intel(R) MPI Library for Linux* Available in Cluster edition only
Intel® Parallel Studio XE 2020 Installation Guide for Linux* OS
3.5 Silent Install Mode
You can install Intel® Parallel Studio XE using the silent installation mode that does not require human
1. Revise the silent.cfg configuration file according to your needs. This file is provided in the
installation package.
Make sure you have changed the ACCEPT_EULA value to accept to start the installation.
2. Run the installation script with the --silent=<path_to_silent.cfg> option.
To generate a configuration file, use the following installer option when running an interactive
installation: --duplicate=<config_file>.cfg
The configuration file with the specified name will be created. Use this file for silent installation.
Some advanced features that use event-based sampling require the latest OS kernel or sampling driver
to be installed. Intel® Atom™ processors also require this driver for analysis.
To install the driver on a system with a genuine Intel processor, launch the installer as root or ask your
system administrator to install the driver later. For information on building and setting up the drivers,
4 Installation Folders
Following a successful installation, the files associated with Intel® Parallel Studio XE appear on your
host system. The table below indicates the default installation folder structure.
The folder contents may vary depending on the edition of Intel Parallel Studio XE you have installed. In
the table below, folders belonging to each edition are marked as follows:
imb Subdirectory for Intel® MPI Benchmarks packages (old versions) and
symbolic links (newer version)
impi Subdirectory for Intel® MPI Library packages (old versions) and
symbolic links (newer version)
include Symbolic link to Intel® Parallel Studio XE compilers and libraries
include subdirectory
inspector Symbolic link to the latest version of Intel® Inspector
inspector_2020 Symbolic link to the latest update of Intel® Inspector
inspector_2020.x.x.xxxx Subdirectory for Intel® Inspector
Intel® Parallel Studio XE 2020 Installation Guide for Linux* OS
itac Subdirectory for Intel® Trace Analyzer and Collector
itac_2020 Symbolic to link to the latest update of Intel® Trace Analyzer and
itac_latest Symbolic link to the latest version of Intel® Trace Analyzer and
lib Symbolic link to the Intel® Parallel Studio XE compilers and libraries
licenses Subdirectory containing license files
man Symbolic link to the Intel® Parallel Studio XE Composer Edition
manuals subdirectory
mkl Symbolic link to the Intel® Math Kernel Library subdirectory
parallel_studio_xe_2020 Subdirectory for Intel® Parallel Studio XE with the uninstall scripts and symbolic links to the installed components
For clusters based on the Linux* OS, you can verify the cluster configuration and performance using
Intel® Cluster Checker. If issues are found, Intel® Cluster Checker diagnoses the problems and may
provide recommendations on how to repair the cluster. For more details, refer to the Intel® Cluster
Checker documentation available at: <install_dir>/clck/<version>/doc
After invoking this script, follow the prompts for the uninstall process.
7 Installer Options
Option Description
Intel® Parallel Studio XE 2020 Installation Guide for Linux* OS
8 Notices and Disclaimers
No license (express or implied, by estoppel or otherwise) to any intellectual property rights is granted
by this document.
Intel disclaims all express and implied warranties, including without limitation, the implied warranties of
merchantability, fitness for a particular purpose, and non-infringement, as well as any warranty arising
from course of performance, course of dealing, or usage in trade.
This document contains information on products, services and/or processes in development. All
information provided here is subject to change without notice. Contact your Intel representative to
obtain the latest forecast, schedule, specifications and roadmaps.
The products and services described may contain defects or errors known as errata which may cause
deviations from published specifications. Current characterized errata are available on request.
Intel, VTune and the Intel logo are trademarks of Intel Corporation in the U.S. and/or other countries.
This software and the related documents are Intel copyrighted materials, and your use of them is
governed by the express license under which they were provided to you (License). Unless the License
provides otherwise, you may not use, modify, copy, publish, distribute, disclose or transmit this software
or the related documents without Intel's prior written permission.
This software and the related documents are provided as is, with no express or implied warranties,
other than those that are expressly stated in the License.
Intel® Parallel Studio XE 2020 Installation Guide for Linux* OS