DRAFT Soal PAT Kelas 8 (No 1-15)
DRAFT Soal PAT Kelas 8 (No 1-15)
DRAFT Soal PAT Kelas 8 (No 1-15)
menghargai kinerja, meminta dan mengungkapkan pendapat; peserta didik dapat menentukan
ungkapan/respon yang tepat untuk melengkapi dialog tersebut
Disajikan beberapa gambar terkait kemampuan dan kemauan melakukan suatu tindakan, peserta didik
dapat menjodohkan gambar dengan kalimat yang tepat
No 2
- He can play the guitar and he will practice it in the music studio
No. 3
B : …………………………………………..
dan meminta informasi terkait himbauan, peserta didik dapat menentukan himbauan yang tepat untuk
pernyataan yang telah disajikan dengan tepat.
Tekstransaksional (Suggestion)
Konteks: SosialBudaya
No 4
Edo : Dayu, may I use the yellow paper to wrap my book? I just need a half of it.
Dayu : Sure. Cut it into two, please. Here are the scissors.
Edo : All right. I’ll do it. But I also need blue paper to wrap my English book. May I have it?
Dayu : Unfortunately, I don’t have the blue one.
Edo : Let’s go to the stationary store to buy the paper I need.
Dayu : OK. Let’s go there on foot. The store is near here.
Indikator Soal
Disajikan dua teks khusus dalam bentuk greeting card, peserta didik dapat
membandingkan fakta/rincian informasi yang ada dalam teks tersebut dengan
tepat dengan menyatakan benar atau salah.
Teks 1 Teks 2
Source : https://englishadmin.com/2020/11/contoh-soal-greeting-card-pilihan-ganda-dan-jawabannya.html
Based on the text 1 and text 2 above, state TRUE (T) or FALSE (F) the statements below.
(√) (√)
Sri and Beni passed the university entrance √
Sri and Beni failed on their study √
They give a support for their success and √
Text 1 and text 2 aim to give congratulation √
Indikator Soal
Disajikan sebuah teks rumpang sederhana berbentuk gambar tentang memberi dan
meminta informasi terkait orang, peserta didik dapat melengkapi teks tersebut
dengan bentuk singular atau plural
Dialog 1:
Beni : How many teacher in the picture ?
Siti : There . . . a teacher.
Dialog 2 :
Edo : How many students in the picture ?
Lina : There . . . four students.
3.6 Menerapkan fungsi sosial, struktur teks, dan unsur kebahasaan teks interaksi transaksional lisan dan tulis yang
melibatkan tindakan memberi dan meminta informasi terkait keberadaan orang, benda, binatang, sesuai dengan
konteks penggunaannya. (Perhatikan unsur kebahasaan there is/are)
Indikator Soal
Disajikan sebuah gambar disertai teks sederhana tentang memberi dan meminta informasi, peserta didik dapat
menentukan informasi tertentu terkait jumlah benda yang terdapat pada teks tersebut. (numerasi)
This is a picture of a classroom. In this picture there are twelve tables. There are ten chairs. In this picture
there is one door and there are two windows. The door’s color is white and the windows’s color is brown. There is a
cupboard with many books in there. There are shelves to keep other books. There is a blackboard in front the class.
Beside a blackboard there is a teacher’s desk and chair.
7. How many chairs are there if only 50 % of students are permitted to study?
Answer : 5chairs
3.7 Menerapkan fungsi sosial, struktur teks, dan unsur kebahasaan teks interaksi transaksional lisan dan tulis yang
melibatkan tindakan memberi dan meminta informasi terkait keadaan/ tindakan/kegiatan/ kejadian yang
dilakukan/terjadi secara rutin atau merupakan kebenaran umum, sesuai dengan konteks penggunaannya. (Perhatikan
unsur kebahasaan simple present tense)
Indikator soal
Disajikan gambar dan teks tentang informasi terkait keadaan/tindakan/kegiatan/kejadian, peserta didik dapat
melengkapi tabel yang berisi informasi-informasi tertentu yang terdapat pada teks.
Write down the activities according to the pictures using Simple Present Tense
No Pictures Activities
He wakes up at 5 o’clock every
He gets breakfast every morning
She goes to school by bycycle
Sukmawati, S.Pd
Mariana, S.Pd
Andi Murni,S.Pd
Hasnie Bade, S. Pd
Jumriati, S.Pd
Asniar, S.Pd
Kelompok 5
Penanggung jawab : Idhan Khalid, S.Pd, M.Pd
Anggota : A. Muswar, S.Pd
Ratna Dewi, S.Pd
Sima, S.Pd
Samsidar, S.Pd
Halipah, S.Pd
Herawati, S.Pd.I
Hartati, S.Pd
Ernagawati, S.Pd
Aniswati, S.Pd
9. Indikator : Disajikan sebuah teks interaksi transaksional lisan dan tulis yang melibatkan tindakan
memberi dan meminta informasi terkait keadaan/kegiatan yang sedang berlangsung, peserta didik dapat
menentukan fakta/rincian informasi dalam teks tersebut dengan tepat dengan menyatakan pernyataan
benar atau salah
Materi : Present Continuous.
Bentuk Soal : True False
Level :2
Based on the dialogue above state true or false the statements below.
Statements True False
1. Carol is calling Hanna the first.
2. Hanna is busy at the moment.
3. Carol is just cooking Fried chicken.
4. Hanna is not doing anything.
5. Carol is cooking for dinner.
10. Indikator : Disajikan sebuah teks interaksi transaksional lisan dan tulis yang melibatkan tindakan
memberi dan meminta informasi terkait keadaan/kegiatan yang sedang berlangsung, peserta didik dapat
menemukan fakta/rincian informasi yang terdapat pada teks dengan tepat
Materi : Present Continuous.
Bentuk Soal : Pilihan Ganda
Level :2
There are two persons . their names are Ambo nai and Malla. Ambo nai is 150 cm tall and Malla is
175 cm tall. So,Ambo nai is shorter than Malla.
a. thirty-one.
b. thirty-two.
c. twenty-five.
d. twenty-three
KD : 3.10
Indikator Soal : Disajikan sebuah teks interaksi transaksional tulis yang melibatkan tindakan memberi dan
meminta informasi terkait kejadian yang terjadi diwaktu lampau, peserta didik dapat
menentukan fakta/rincian informasi dari teks tersebut dengan benar.
Soal :
I spent my last holiday in Bantimurung Waterfall, in Maros Regency,South Sulawesi with my friends. We
explore the stunning waterfall and the beautiful landscapes. We had fun, felt relax and also ate good food.
Nowadays we can still see the beauty of colorfull butterflies with many species. We went to shopping for some
souvenirs. We had a wonderful experience in Bantimurung. It was the best trip of my life.
12. How was the writer’s feeling when he or she spent holiday in Bantimurung?
No 13
Text 1 Text 2
My First Experience Came late to school
At that time, I was 16 years old. I asked my Last Wednesday, I was late for school. That’s
father to give me a gift which is a motorcycle. because I played online games until 3:00 a.m.
However, my wish was rejected by my father At 5:30 a.m., my mom tried to wake me up.
because I was still a teenager. Then, I asked But, I ignored mother’s words and continued to
my father to teach me to ride a motorcycle. sleep again. Suddenly, I was jolted from my
Initially, my father refused my request and sleep and saw it was after 06:30. Without
promised to teach me next year, but I sulked. thinking, I took a towel and immediately ran
Finally, my father taught me to ride a towards the bathroom. I saw breakfast that had
motorcycle in a field near the house. Father been served by my mother. But, I didn’t have
gave instructions on how to drive it. First, my time to have breakfast.
father led me from behind and I was riding on
my father. Over time, I want to try it myself. I Usually, I go to school with my mother. But,
was happy and proud to be riding a mother had gone to the office before I woke
motorcycle. up. Finally, I went to school by public
A few days later, I tried to ride a motorcycle on
the narrow street of my house. I was nervous It showed at 06.49, the public transportation
when there was another motorcycle in front of that I wanted arrived. The trip to school took
me. Unexpectedly, my motorcycle hit the wall about 8 minutes. Because it was busy, the
which made me fell from the motorbike. streets began to jam and made my trip a longer
I was afraid of being scolded when I got home.
But the reality, my father was very proud of I arrived at school at 7:10. While the class
me. I was also given advice to be calmer in starts at 07.00. I ran to the classroom, but the
driving. teacher didn’t let me in because it was past
Resource :https://www.nesabamedia.com/contoh-recount-text/
Read the texts above, then tick (√) yes if the statement is true and no if the statement is false based
on the texts.
No Statements Yes No
1 The writer was not happy and proud to be riding a motorcycle. √
2 The writer was embarrassed because came late to school. √
3 The writer didn’t have time to have a breakfast. √
4 The writer stood outside the classroom and lost one lesson. √
5 The writer’s father was being scolded at him/her when the writer got home. √
Indikator Soal:
Disajikan dua buah teks khusus dalam bentuk pemberitahuan (notice) yang ada ditempat umum, peserta
didik membandingkan fakta/rincian informasi yang terdapat pada teks tersebut dengan tepat.
Materi : Notice
Level :2
14. Compare the two notices. Where do you usually find these notices?
Notice A
Notice B
Indikator : Disajikan sebuah lirik lagu terkait kehidupan remaja, peserta didik dapat
menafsirkan makna yang tepat dari lirik lagu tersebut
One Direction
You gotta help me, I'm losing my mind
Keep getting the feeling you wanna leave this all behind
Thought we were going strong
I thought we were holding on
Aren't we?
No, they don't teach you this in school
Now my heart's breaking and I don't know what to do
Thought we were going strong
Thought we were holding on
Aren't we?
You and me got a whole lot of history (oh)
We could be the greatest team that the world has ever seen
You and me got a whole lot of history (oh)
So don't let it go, we can make some more, we can live forever
a. Love
b. Sorrow
c. Happiness
d. Friendship
Answer key:
d. Friendship, ditunjukkan dalam lirik “You and me got a whole lot of history”
Kelompok 10
1. Hj. Hasriyati, S.S
2. Marwah, S.Pd
3. Nining Sartina, S.Pd
4. Syafriani Nur DP, S.Pd
5. Selvy Sudianty, S.Pd
6. Ilnawati Ilyas, S.Pd