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Candida Freebie - Holistic Seedling Nutrition

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Getting Started with
Candida Overgrowth
Disclaimer & Copyright
All of the information in this ebook is to the best of my knowledge.
This ebook has not been approved or regulated by Health Canada.
The contents within this ebook are not a substitute for medical
advice from a qualified doctor. It is important that you check with
your physician before embarking upon any changes to your diet,
lifestyle, and supplement regime. Please do not discontinue or make
changes to your medical prescriptions unless you have been given
approval and are doing so under medical supervision. It is not within
my scope of practice to diagnose, treat, prevent, cure or prescribe
remedies for any disease. It is strictly prohibited to share or resell the
contents found within this ebook, as well as, to use the information
found within this ebook as your own.

Welcome, Meet Marisa!
Marisa is a Certified Holistic Nutritional Consultant™ professional who
specializes in gut health. She uses a holistic approach to help women get to the
root of their candida overgrowth and rebalance their gut microflora. She also
finds joy in creating delicious candida friendly baked goodies and healthy

Marisa was educated at the University of Calgary where she attained a

Bachelor's Degree in Sociology. She also attended the Canadian School of
Natural Nutrition in British Columbia where she obtained a diploma in Natural
Nutrition and Holistic Culinary Certificate.
What's 04
Included FOR GOOD





Do I have

There are numerous ways to assess if someone has a pathogenic overgrowth of

candida. I can tell if someone may have an overgrowth of candida through doing
an assessment with them. This entails doing a deep dive into their medical history
where we can explore the use of antibiotics, proton pump inhibitors, birth control,
accutane, etc., as well as look into lifestyle factors, such as exposure to mold,
stress, past trauma, diet, etc.

How can we use symptoms to detect candida?

The symptoms of candida overgrowth are extremely specific. They can range
anywhere from mild and moderate to severe and incapacitating. The severity of
the symptoms and how they manifest in the body vary greatly between
individuals, and this is due to several factors, such as how other bodily organs
and systems are functioning. One person may have severe symptoms with a mild
overgrowth and vice versa. For example, symptoms are often more intense if the
person has a weak immune system, where as those with strong immunity may
have very mild symptoms, but they could have a severe overgrowth.

Other factors that affect the intensity of symptoms include:

Whether the infection is localized to one area of the body or
if it is systemic.
The severity of the overgrowth/damage that has been done
to the gut lining.
Other health conditions that are present.
Genetic vulnerabilities.
How well the autonomic nervous system is functioning.

Do I have

Candida can affect a wide range of organs and body systems. For this reason, it
has the potential to be an underlying contributor to just about any symptom or
condition. Candida can be a root cause for the development of numerous health
conditions, such as:
Leaky gut (otherwise referred to as intestinal permeability).
Hypoglycemia (low blood sugar) and diabetes.
Skin conditions: eczema/psoriasis/acne.
Hormone imbalances: hypothyroidism and adrenal fatigue.
Inflammatory conditions, such as arthritis and autoimmune diseases.
Conditions associated with estrogen dominance, such as PMS, endometriosis,
Irritable bowel syndrome and inflammatory bowel disease (crohn's, colitis,
Yeast infections of vagina, nails, hair, skin, scalp, and other areas of the body.

If you want to learn more about specific candida symptoms, I

provide a comprehensive symptom chart as per the body
system in my Candida Guide eBook. I also go into depth
explaining the connections between how an overgrowth of
candida can lead to other body system imbalances.

Tips for Getting Started
on Your Candida Journey

It might be helpful to assess if there are other

1 body system imbalances or underlying

health conditions that you're dealing with
before you start your cleanse. This will
ensure you go about doing your cleanse
safely. For example, if you are struggling with
hormone imbalances like hypoglycemia or
adrenal fatigue, you may want to opt for a
non-restrictive candida cleanse to ensure
your hormones are being adequately

Figure out what your root cause is. This is

extremely important and should not be
overlooked before you start your cleanse.
Oftentimes the diet can be ineffective if the
root cause is not addressed. If you aren't sure
what a root cause for candida may be, I cover
many of the common root causes for
candida overgrowth in my Candida Guide

Figure out where to start. What you may

3 want to consider first is what your current

diet is like. If you aren't eating a whole foods
diet, making this switch is a great place to
start. Depriving the yeast of its food source
will contribute to starving it out. Start with
removing the top fungus forming foods, such
as gluten, dairy, processed sugar, refined
carbohydrates, vinegars, yeasted products,
alcohol, processed meat products,
processed oils, and junk food.

What to Consider Before
You Start Your Cleanse

Are you detoxing properly?

Below are some signs and symptoms that the level of toxicity in the body may
be high, which increases the risk of certain detoxification pathways being
Acne/skin rashes
Arthritis/joint pain
Autoimmune disorders
Cardiovascular disease
Chronic fatigue
Hormone imbalances
Inflammatory disorders
Neurological disorders
Body odour or bad breath
Sensitivity to fragrances, or intense reactions to food

If you identify with any of these, I highly recommend you seek professional
support to ensure that you approach your cleanse properly.

What happens when we don't prepare properly?

You might push detox pathways too hard. If one detoxification organ is clogged,
oftentimes another will pick up the slack. Therefore, if there is a high toxic load
in the body, and you start pushing the liver too hard, you may end up
experiencing extreme die-off reactions, which can really overwhelm the body.
Organs of elimination can buckle under the pressure of detoxification if the
approach is too intense at the start. For some, it can lead to a cleansing crisis,
and the person can shut down altogether, essentially elimination organs can
“seize up”.


How to Get Rid of
Candida For Good

As I mentioned above, in order for a candida

cleanse to be effective, you need to be detoxing
properly. If you are struggling with any of the signs
or symptoms that indicate your detox pathways
may be clogged, I'd recommend working on that
with a trained health professional first before
starting any antimicrobials, antifungals, or biofilm
disruptors to avoid intense die-off reactions.

Eat an antifungal diet. Please keep in mind that the
diet alone is not enough to fully eradicate your
candida overgrowth. The diet is meant to help with
starving out the yeast/not feeding it. As well as for
managing symptoms. The supplements do a lot of
the hard lifting.

Take the right supplements to support your

cleanse. This includes digestive supports
(digestive enzymes or digestive bitters). A
supplement to aid liver detoxification (milk thistle,
NAC, etc), a chelator (fiber, charcoal, etc), and
antifungals, antimicrobials or biofilm disruptors.
Please keep in mind that supplements work
differently for everyone, there is no one almighty
supplement to eradicate candida, the trick is to
find what works best for your specific overgrowth.


Q: How do I figure out what my root cause is for candida?

A qualified health practitioner will be able to help you figure out what your root cause is. I help
my clients discover what their root cause is through doing an intake with them. This includes
doing a deep dive into their medical history, symptomatology, and diet. If necessary, there are
various at home assessments we can use as well. The most common root causes I see in my
practice are stress/past trauma, low stomach acid, antibiotics, and birth control use.

Q: Do I need to do testing before starting a candida cleanse?

Oftentimes testing is not required, but it can be a helpful tool if you decide to go down that route.
A focused questionnaire delivered by a health practitioner, such as myself can be just as
effective at detecting candida. It is also important to understand that testing can sometimes be
inaccurate if the candida has developed biofilms and gone into hiding.

Q: Is it normal to experience intense die-off symptoms?

Whenever you are taking antimicrobials or antifungals to kill off pathogens in your body, it is
normal to experience an adjustment period. You may feel unwell for the first 3 days of your
cleanse, but afterwards it should resolve. If you are experiencing intense die-off reactions for
longer than a week I would reach out to a professional, as this can be an indication that a
detoxification pathway may be clogged or you may not be making proper use of chelators.

Q: How do I know if I have successfully eradicated my candida / when can I move

into the rebuilding stage?
Testing can be helpful here. However, I have found that using focused questionnaires to assess
symptomatology is a great tool. Assessing how you feel and how you are digesting is truly the
best indicator.



Q: How do I know if I have biofilms?

A good way to tell if you have biofilms is if you have done multiple candida cleanses, and every time
you feel you have successfully eradicated candida (symptoms gone + digestion is good), but when
you start to reintroduce non-candida friendly foods, the symptoms slowly start to come back. This
can be an indication that some of the candida pathogens may have gone into hiding during
treatment. If this has happened to you, I'd recommend booking in to work with me so that I can help
you successfully eradicate your persistent candida and biofilms.

Q: How do I work through a negative mindset / limiting beliefs on the cleanse?

We can develop limiting beliefs towards our body and its ability to heal (e.g. I am going to be dealing
with this forever) or we may feel negatively towards the foods we have to remove from our diet. A
great way to find relief is through doing exercises that challenge these limiting beliefs and replace
them with positive affirmations. This is something that I get most of my clients to practice because if
we hold on to limiting beliefs they can prohibit us from truly healing.

Q: Do I have to a follow a candida diet forever? Will I be able to eat non-candida friendly
foods ever again?
You do not need to follow a candida cleanse diet for the rest of your life. If the candida cleanse was done
properly and was successful, you should be able to reintroduce non-candida friendly foods afterwards.
Sometimes multiple rounds of cleansing are needed to fully eradicate the overgrowth, but they should be
done in cycles rather than prolonged over 6 months to a year. Extremely long and intense cleanses can
negatively affect your microbiome and actually prohibit you from being able to overcome candida.

Q: Can you eat out at restaurants when cleansing from candida?

Yes you can, but it is definitely tricky. My suggestions would be to have a look at the menu a head of time,
map out what you want to eat or what you think would be as closest to being candida friendly as possible,
then call the restaurant and ask some clarifying questions about ingredients. In my personal experience,
when I planned what I was going to eat ahead of time, this helped me feel less anxious around others at
the restaurant because I didn't have to ask a bunch of questions about the ingredients in front of others
who may not understand why I am cleansing.



Q: What simple and complex carbohydrates can I eat on the candida cleanse?
The amount and type of carbohydrates you should eat on the cleanse depends on several things such as....
The severity of the overgrowth/how long you have been struggling
Are there biofilms formulated
Is your candida systemic or localized to one area
What is the level of damage done to the lining of the gut/how are you breaking carbohydrates down
What is your preferred way of eating/are you following a plant based diet

Q: I've been cleansing from candida for years and getting nowhere, why?
Some things to consider are... You may have a negative mindset that is
Your cleanse might be too strict holding you back
You may be cleansing for too long without taking breaks Past unresolved trauma may not have
You may have overlooked your root cause been dealt with, which may be fueling your
You may have underlying health conditions that aren't be fight or flight response and keeping stress
addressed, but are affecting your ability to heal elevated in your body

Q: How do I deal with sugar cravings?

It will be helpful to keep your blood sugar balanced, so try not to go longer than 3 - 4 hours
without eating, as this can drive up blood sugar, which feeds candida and fuels cravings. You can
also keep some candida friendly baked goodies and treats on hand so that when you get a
craving you have something ready to go in the fridge or freezer. In my Candida Guide eBook I
have recipes for fudge fat bombs, chocolate bars, chocolate avocado pudding, and more!

Q: Once I get rid of my candida, is it more likely to come back?

For those of us who've had candida overgrowth, we will be susceptible to getting candida overgrowth
again. This is why it is so important to get to the root of what created the overgrowth in the first place so
that another overgrowth doesn't develop again. The whole point of the candida cleanse is to teach you
how to change your diet and lifestyle, it is not a quick fix. If you revert back to eating a pro
inflammatory, processed food diet post cleanse, you may run into digestion issues again in the future.




Thank you!
I really hope that you enjoyed reading through this guide.
If you feel like you need more support on your candida
journey please don't hesitate to reach out.

If you want to learn more about candida overgrowth, my

Candida Guide eBook is a great resource and provides
more in depth information about candida. This is up for sale
in my online shop.

If you are interested in working together, I have a 16 week

Multi-Phase Candida Program. We can work together 1-1 to
combat your candida for good. If you are interested in
learning more about my 1-1 program, you can head over to
the services page on my website to learn more. You can
sign up for the program through booking a discovery call
and filling out an application form.

Let's stay in touch


[email protected]




Flaxseed Pudding Parfait

35 minutes

Ground Flax Seed In a bowl, whisk together the ground flaxseed, cinnamon, and unsweetened
Cinnamon almond milk. Let sit for 30 minutes, up to overnight.
Unsweetened Almond Milk
To make the parfaits, set out glass cups or mason jars. Layer in the coconut
Unsweetened Coconut Yogurt
yogurt and flaxseed pudding in separate layers.
Pecans (crushed)
Top the parfaits with raspberries and pecans. Enjoy!

Refrigerate in an airtight container for up to five days.

Use pumpkin seeds or hemp seeds instead of pecans.
Add vanilla extract or a variety of berries.
Add liquid stevia or monk fruit.

Candida Friendly Tofu Curry

30 minutes

Coconut Oil (Unrefined) Take the tofu out of the container, drain the excess water. Wrap the tofu in
Onion Powder paper towel, then place the wrapped tofu in between two plates for 15
Ginger, Minced minutes. Then cut into desired size choice of cubes. Set aside.

Garlic, Minced
Heat up a medium sized pan, then add 1 tsp of coconut oil to the pan. Then add
Lite Coconut Milk
in the cauliflower rice and garlic. Season with sea salt, pepper, and onion
Thai Red Curry Paste
Coconut Aminos
Cauliflower Rice Cook the cauliflower rice for 10-15 minutes until slightly brown. Remove from
Organic Tofu the pan when done and cover to keep warm.
Red Bell Pepper, Sliced
Yellow Bell Pepper, Sliced Heat up another medium sized pan, add in 1 tsp of coconut oil and ginger.
Cook for about 1 minute. Then add in the peppers, zucchini, carrots, and
Zucchini, Sliced
broccoli. Cook until the vegetables have reached desired tenderness. (you can
Carrots, Chopped
add the tofu in with the vegetables here or you can serve the tofu raw).
Sea Salt & Black Pepper, To Taste
In a small pot, add in the coconut milk, curry paste or powder, and coconut
aminos. Bring the mixture to a simmer, stirring occasionally.

To serve, add the cauliflower rice to a bowl, top with vegetables, tofu, and
sauce. Enjoy!

Substitute for curry powder.

Opt for organic non-GMO sprouted tofu, if possible.
Substitute for liquid aminos.

Liver Loving Salad

50 minutes

Sablefish Fillet (6 ounces each) Preheat the oven to 400 F. Prepare the beets by removing the stems, wash, and
Beet peel the beets. Then place in a baking dish with just enough water to cover the
Mixed Greens (kale & arugula bottom. Cover with a lid or foil and bake for 45 - 55 minutes or until the beets
mix) can easily be pierced with a fork. Remove from the oven and allow it to cool
enough to handle. Set aside.
Radishes (chopped)
Brussels Sprouts
Bring a medium sized pan to medium-high heat. Prepare the brussel sprouts by
Red Onion (finely diced)
washing them and chopping the ends off, then cut them in half. Add them to a
Broccoli Sprouts (wash before large mixing bowl. Drizzle with avocado oil, sea salt, and black pepper. Once
use) the pan is hot, add the brussel sprouts to the pan. Move the brussel sprouts
Lemon Juice around frequently so they don't burn.
Garlic Powder
Onion Powder Bring another medium sized pan to medium heat. Wait for the pan to heat up
Avocado Oil (you can test this out by adding a pinch of water to the pan, it is ready when the
water sizzles once it hits the pan). Then prepare the sablefish by placing the
Sea Salt & Black Pepper (to taste)
fillet onto a cutting board. Pat dry with a paper towel, then wash your hands.
Sprinkle the top of the fillets with garlic powder, onion powder, sea salt, and
black pepper. Rub the spices in with your hands, then wash your hands again.

When the pan is ready, add the avocado oil. Then add the fish skin side down.
Allow to cook for about 10 minutes. Then flip and allow to cook on the other
side for about 5 minutes. Remove from the pan and transfer to a plate when

In the meantime, check on your brussel sprouts. Once you can pierce them
through with a fork, bring the heat down to medium, add the onion and lemon
juice. Cook until the onion is translucent, then remove from heat.

When the beets are cool enough to handle, chop them up, and assemble your
plate by adding mixed greens, radishes, beets, sablefish, brussel sprouts, and
sprouts to your plate. Top with tahini dressing, if desired.

Substitute for halibut or cod.

Add some quinoa, buckwheat, sweet potato, rutabaga, or spaghetti squash.

Lemon Garlic Tahini Dressing

5 minutes

Tahini Whisk all ingredients together in a mixing bowl. Season with additional salt or
Water (warm) lemon juice if needed. Transfer to an airtight jar or container and refrigerate
Lemon Juice until ready to use.

Garlic (clove, small, minced)

Fresh Dill (optional)
Sea Salt Refrigerate in an airtight container for up to five days.
One serving is equal to approximately two and a half tablespoons.
If the dressing is too thick, add water one tablespoon at a time
until your desired consistency is reached.
Substitute for 1 tsp dried.

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