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Research Chapter 3

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This chapter contains the data on the profile of each

grade level in General de Jesus College is about experiencing

depression or have a depression before. The data are presented

is a tabular form and substantiated by analysis and


1. Profile of the respondents

This section describes the profile of each respondent

according to their age, sex and grade level.

1.1 Age

This distribution of the respondents according to their age

is shown in table 2.

Table 2: Distribution of the respondents by age

Age Frequency PERCENTAGE

12 years old 8 13.3%

13 years old 11 18.3%

14 years old 8 13.3%

15 years old 9 15.1%

16 years old 7 11.7%

17 years old 6 10%

18 years old 11 18.3%

total 60 100%
Based on the figure, the total of respondents is 60. Most of

them are 13 and 18 years old which is equivalent to 18.3%.

There are also 9 of them in age 15 years old which is

equivalent to 15.1%. it is also followed by 12, 14 and 16

years old which is equivalent to 13.3% and 11.7%. And lastly

the one of the respondents who has a lowest age is 17 years

old which is equivalent to 10%.In all it is total to 100%.

1.2 Sex

This table shows the distribution of the respondents

according to their sex.

Table 3:Distribution of respondents according to sex.

Sex Frequency Percentage

Male 23 38.3%

Female 37 61.7%

Total 60 100%

Based on the table that is shown, there are 60

respondents. It shows that there are 37 respondents who are

female and it is equivalent to 61.7% while there are 23 male

respondents which is equivalent to 38.3%. In all the total

is 100%.
1.3 Grade level

This table shows the distribution of respondents according

to their grade level.

Table 4: Distribution of respondents according to grade


Grade level Frequency

Grade 7 10

Grade 8 10

Grade 9 10

Grade 10 10

Grade 11 10

Grade 12 10

Total 60

2. Students experiencing depression be described in terms of:

This part deals with the students who experience depression,

how frequent they experience depression or do they

experience it, the symptoms that shows that they are

experiencing depression, the main causes of their depression

and how do they deal with it.

2.1 How often do the students experience depression.

This part deals with students who experience depression

of how frequent do often do they experience it.

2.2 Signs and symptoms of depression.

This part deals with the signs and symptoms of

depression that the students are experiencing.

Table 5: Factors that shows how often do the students

experience depression and its signs and symptoms.

Items Weight Verbal

means interpretation

1. Have experienced depression. 2.08 sometimes

2. Feel sadness in a long period of 2.53 sometimes


3. Experience anxiety 2.97 sometimes

4.Feel belittled 2.38 sometimes

5.Have hard time performing daily 2.35 sometimes


6.Losing interest in hobbies, 2.18 sometimes

enjoyable activities and etc.

7. Have paranoia 2.93 sometimes

8. Feel tired even I just woke up 2.78 sometimes

9. Feel like crying 2.4 sometimes

10. wants to be alone 2.47 sometimes

Average weighted mean 2.51 sometimes

The table 5 shows that the average of weighted mean obtained

from 10 items is 2.51 |sometimes|. Ten out of ten items in

this table have a verbal interpretation “sometimes”. The

item 1 “have experienced depression” in the table shows that

it has a weighted mean of 2.08, stating that the respondents

experience depression “sometimes”. On items 2-10 in the

table are the signs and symptoms. According to the finding

that is stated in the table, the item 3 “have experienced

anxiety” have the highest rated mean among items 2-10, next

to this is item 7 “have paranoia” with weighted mean 2.93,

item 8 “feel tired even I just woke up”, item 2 “feel

sadness in a long period of time with weighted mean 2.53,

item 10 “wants to be alone” with weighted mean 2.47, item 9

“feel like crying” with weighted mean 2.4, item 4 “feel

belittled” with weighted mean 2.38, item 5 “have hard time

performing daily activities with weighted mean 2.35, and the

last items is item 6 “losing interest in hobbies, enjoyable

activities and etc”, with weighted mean 2.18. According to

the findings that is shown in the table the respondents

experience depression with a verbal interpretation of

“sometimes” and also experience those signs and symptoms

from items 2-10 with also an average verbal interpretation

of “sometimes”.

3. The main causes of depression.

This part deals with what are the main causes of depressions

of the respondents.

Table 6: Main causes of depression

Items Frequency Percentage rate

Conflict with family, friends 24 18.3% 2nd

and etc.

Death or loss of a loved one. 7 5.3% 7th

School works problems. 33 25.2% 1st

Family problems. 20 15.3% 3rd

Serious illness. 3 2.3% 9th

Financial problem. 8 6.1% 6th

Disturbing/ stressful event. 17 13% 4th

Chemical imbalance 2 1.5% 10th

Trauma 6 4.6% 8th

Victim of bullying 10 7.6% 5th

Others: 1 0.8% 11th

Relationship problem

Total 131 100%

Based on the table above, it shows that “school work

problems” has the highest percentage, with the percentage of

25.2% with the frequency of 33, second to the highest is

“conflict with family, friends and etc” with the percentage of

18.3% and a frequency of 24, next is “family problems” with a

percentage of 15.3% and a frequency of 20, “disturbing/stressful

event” with a percentage of 13% and a frequency of 17, “victim of

bullying” with a percentage of 7.6% with a frequency of 10,

“financial problem” with a percentage of 6.1% and a frequency of

8, “death or loss of a loved one” with a percentage of 5.3% and a

frequency of 7, “trauma” with a percentage of 4.6% and a

frequency of 6, “serious illness” with a percentage of 2.3% and

frequency of 3, “chemical imbalance” with a percentage of 1.5%

and frequency of 2 and last is “relationship problem” with a

percentage of 0.8% and a frequency of 1.

Based on the gathered data above it shows that the top 3

main causes of depression of the respondents are school work

problems, conflict with family friends and etc, and family

problems. These 3 causes usually happens on daily basis and must

be the reason why it is the most causes of depression of the


3.1 Possible activities or medications use to cure or deal with


This part deals with the possible activities or medication

that can be used to cure or to deal with depression. On

table 7 presents the response of the respondents on how they

deal with depression with some certain activities or


3.2 Table 7: Possible activities or medications use to cure or

deal with depression.

Items Frequency Percentage rate

Getting social support from 30 33.3% 2nd


Self support/medication 33 36.7% 1st

Doing lifestyle changes 18 20% 3rd

Psychotheraphy 5 5.6% 4th

Others: Doing hobbies, 4 4.4% 5th

punching the wall, playing

volleyball, keeping quiet,

doing nothing

total 90 100%
Based on the data that is shown at the table the “self

support/medication” have the is the first in the rating

with a percentage 36.7 and a frequency of 30, second is

“getting social support from other” with a percentage

33.3% and a frequency of 30, next is “doing lifestyle

changes” with a percentage of 20% and frequency of 18,

next is “psychotheraphy” with a percentage of 5.6% and

a frequency of 5 and last is others “doing hobbies,

punching the wall and etc” with a percentage of 4.4%

and a frequency of 4.

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