Materials Today: Proceedings: Avinash Ojha, Lokesh Gupta
Materials Today: Proceedings: Avinash Ojha, Lokesh Gupta
Materials Today: Proceedings: Avinash Ojha, Lokesh Gupta
a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t
Article history: One of the most consumed materials on planet Earth is concrete. With the surge in environmental con-
Received 15 March 2020 cerns, researchers are searching for new alternate material. Utilization of polymer-based binder material
Received in revised form 10 April 2020 would be an eventual option in civil infrastructural works since traditional cement production is extre-
Accepted 29 April 2020
mely energy-intensive. Replacement of coarse aggregates in the geopolymer concrete with recycled
Available online xxxx
coarse aggregate from demolition sites has the potential to reap financial as well as environmental ben-
efits over conventional concrete with natural coarse aggregates. This study aims to ascertain the impact
of recycled aggregates on mechanical properties of fly ash-based geopolymer concrete and to see whether
Geopolymer concrete
Fly ash
it can be utilized in place of conventional concrete. The result of the experimental investigation depicts
Recycled aggregates the acceptable performance of the geopolymer concrete over conventional concrete. Although the com-
Conventional concrete pressive strength and splitting strength of geopolymer concrete remains less than the conventional con-
Compressive Strength crete, they are well within the permissible range. Based on test results in this study geopolymer concrete
can be a suitable alternative of conventional concrete.
Ó 2020 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Selection and peer-review under responsibility of the scientific committee of the International Confer-
ence on Aspects of Materials Science and Engineering.
1. Introduction that of conventional aggregate concrete [7]. Galvin and Lloyd con-
cluded in their study the rise in shrinkage as the proportion of
The construction industry is the second largest industry in India recycled aggregate increases but were well within the prescribed
after the agricultural industry [1]. Concrete is one of the most uti- limits as per AS3600 [8]. Geopolymer concrete is an apt replace-
lized materials on earth because of its outstanding durability and ment of conventional concrete and environment-friendly too. Nat-
ability to mould in the desired shape [1–3]. Geopolymeric based ural resources are scarce and its over-exploitation by some
binder is also a cementing material. It is prepared by an intimate companies and individuals posed a grave danger to the ecosystem
mixture of aluminosilicate and NaOH solution [4]. Malhotra and and the environment in principle [9]. Safiuddin et al. examined the
Mehta, reports portland cement (PC) is utilized as the binder for utilization of recycled coarse aggregate partially or fully into the
manufacturing concrete. The environmental hazards associated concrete. They predominantly studied the physical, mechanical,
with the manufacturing of the OPC are not unknown. Since it con- durability and chemical properties. They also identified the gaps
tributes 5% total CO2 produced in the world which is one of the pri- which needed to be explored [10,11]. Zhen et. al. study shows that
mary gases responsible for global warming [5,6]. At the same time, the Poisson’s ratio, young’s modulus and compressive strength,
over-exploitation of traditional coarse aggregate aggravates its reduces as the water-cement ratio of geopolymer concrete with
availability. Recycled aggregates from demolition sites can solve recycled coarse aggregate increases. When the minimum water-
the problem of scarcity of natural aggregates and can be utilized cement ratio is utilized the geopolymer concrete shows better
for concrete production by replacing conventional aggregates. Life properties (mechanical) than the ordinary Portland concrete. The
cycle assessment (LCA) methodology was utilized to gauge the author also suggests that no well developed interfacial transition
environmental impact of recycled aggregate by (ISO, 2006) and zone (ITZ) was found between new geopolymeric paste and old
outlined the impact was slightly larger for recycled aggregate than cement paste [12]. Peem et. al. reports that in geopolymer concrete
recycled coarse aggregate provide high compressive strength
⇑ Corresponding author. between 30.6 and 38.4 MPa which are slightly less than the same
E-mail address: [email protected] (A. Ojha). concrete with crushed limestone coarse aggregate. Also,
2214-7853/Ó 2020 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Selection and peer-review under responsibility of the scientific committee of the International Conference on Aspects of Materials Science and Engineering.
Please cite this article as: A. Ojha and L. Gupta, Comparative study on mechanical properties of conventional and geo-polymer concrete with recycled
coarse aggregate, Materials Today: Proceedings,
2 A. Ojha, L. Gupta / Materials Today: Proceedings xxx (xxxx) xxx
of the concrete than the OPC based one. After 28 days geopolymer
slag concrete achieved approximately 2.0 N/mm2 more strength
than the OPC bases concrete. Similarly, GPC based slag concrete
with recycled aggregate achieved nearly 0.6 N/mm2 more tensile
strength and 5% more flexural strength than the ordinary portland
cement-based slag concrete [15–17]. Liu at el. in their research
study utilized both fine and coarse recycled aggregates to produce
a new kind of concrete (green) with geopolymer (fly ash-based).
After conducting various testing’s on the new concrete the author
received a reduction in values of the Poisson’s ratio, Young’s mod-
ulus and compressive strength [12]. Nuaklong et al. measured the
effects on the properties of geopolymer concrete with recycled
coarse aggregate (100%) obtained from crushing laboratory sam-
ples on the addition of metakaolin. In geopolymer binders, meta-
kaolin was partially replaced with high calcium fly ash. The
Fig. 1. Mixing and casting of geopolymer concrete.
results revealed that the concrete with metakaolin showed acid
resistance, porosity, better strength and water absorption [13]. Vis-
intin, et al. in its paper utilized a recently found segmental
approach (mechanics based) forecasting reinforced concrete beams
shear capacity which is applied to geopolymer concrete beam
(without stirrups). The results are astounding out of total eight
tests on reinforced geopolymer concrete beam (without stirrups)
shows low levels of confinement. On the other hand, direct shear
test results show properties related to shear-friction fall within
the range of shear-friction properties of Portland concrete
[18,21]. Various authors have found the flexural strength of con-
crete with recycled aggregate lesser with respect to concrete with
Table 1
Physical properties of natural and recycled coarse aggregates.
absorption and the volume of permeable voids of geopolymer con- S. No. Characteristics Coarse Aggregate Type
crete were badly affected with the rise in recycled coarse aggregate Natural aggregates Recycled aggregates
[14]. Nella SK and Gone P report slump value of recycled coarse
1 Impact 19% 23%
aggregate-based geopolymer slag concrete (GPC) slightly less than 2 Crushing 24% 30%
the ordinary Portland cement (OPC) based slag concrete with nat- 3 Los Angeles Abrasion 25% 34%
ural coarse aggregate. The author also obtained high early strength
Please cite this article as: A. Ojha and L. Gupta, Comparative study on mechanical properties of conventional and geo-polymer concrete with recycled
coarse aggregate, Materials Today: Proceedings,
A. Ojha, L. Gupta / Materials Today: Proceedings xxx (xxxx) xxx 3
For achieving the above-stated objectives recycled crushed The present study is aimed to prepare geopolymer concrete by
coarse aggregates are utilized with having a maximum size of replacing natural coarse aggregates with recycled coarse aggre-
20 mm. These aggregated are obtained from construction demoli- gates and determine its impact on various mechanical properties.
tion sites. Both types of coarse aggregates natural and recycled Based on the limited study carried out, the following conclusion
are tested as per Indian Standards (IS) IS:383-1970 and their differ- are drawn-
ent properties are tabulated below in Tables 1 and 2. In the present
study class-F fly ash having specific gravity 2.18 is used to make The average compressive strength for conventional concrete
the geopolymer concrete in addition to chemicals i.e. sodium with natural coarse aggregates (CC) M-25 tested is 30.3 MPa
hydroxide pellets (97% purity) and sodium silicates (Alkaline as can be observed from Fig. 3. Whereas, the average cube-
grade). compressive strength for geopolymeric concrete with natural
coarse aggregates (GC-25) specimen came out to be slightly less
3.2. Concrete mix production and curing at 28.8 MPa.
Split tensile strength for conventional concrete with natural
In this study, M-25 conventional concrete mix has been utilized coarse aggregates (CC) (M-25) is 3.4 MPa and for geopolymeric
with OPC 43 Grade with a specific gravity of 2.6, satisfying IS concrete (GC-25) specimen is 3.1 MPa.
Table 5
Test results of conventional concrete (M-25) and geopolymer concrete (GC-25) with natural and recycled coarse aggregates.
Please cite this article as: A. Ojha and L. Gupta, Comparative study on mechanical properties of conventional and geo-polymer concrete with recycled
coarse aggregate, Materials Today: Proceedings,
4 A. Ojha, L. Gupta / Materials Today: Proceedings xxx (xxxx) xxx
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Please cite this article as: A. Ojha and L. Gupta, Comparative study on mechanical properties of conventional and geo-polymer concrete with recycled
coarse aggregate, Materials Today: Proceedings,