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Certified that this thesis report on “Twilight Groves: Senior Living Community“ is the
bonafide work of “Shubangi Suryanarayanan“ who carried out the thesis work under my
(Qe jw
I declare that this thesis titled “Twilight Groves: Senior Living Community” is bonafide
work done by me, under the supervision of Ar. K.V. SHIVAKUMAR at MEASI Academy
of Architecture, Chennai during the period December 2020 — May 2021.
I further declare that the work reported herein does not form part of any other thesis based
on which a degree or award was conferred on any earlier occasion.
Shulange Parca
The satisfaction that accompanies the successful completion of any task would be incom-
plete without the mention of the people who have made it possible. It is my great privilege
to express my gratitude and respect to all those who have guided and inspired me during
the course of this thesis project. First and foremost, | express my sincere gratitude to the
Director of MEASI Academy of Architecture, Prof. N. ALTAF AHMED, B.Arch., FILILA., M.R.S.H,.,
F.A.E.P, for providing the necessary facilities for the completion of my thesis project. | would
like to express my gratitude to the Dean of the institution Dr. AAN.SACHITHANANTHAN,
B.Arch., MT, PAD, FI-T.P FILA Cert. in Housing (London), for being a constant source of sup-
port, encouragements, and guidance through my years of undergraduate study that has
culminated in this Thesis.
My special thanks to the Head of the Department, Prof. S.KESAVALU (B.E (Hons),
M.Sc.M.LECert. in CAP & D. for his valued structural assistance, inspiration & guidance
during the progress of this project. | also express sincere thanks to my Internal Review Panel,
Prof. S. RAVI, for his encouragement and guidance. | am also thankful to Ar. KALPANA BALAJI,
for her suggestions and advice given during the various stages of my thesis review sessions.
| wish to express my sincere appreciation to my supervisor, Ar. K.V. SHVVAKUMAR, who con-
vincingly guided and encouraged me to be professional and do the right thing even when
the road got tough. Without his persistent help, the goal of this project would not have
been realised.
Finally, |! would like to thank Mr. Parameshwaran from Coimbatore who helped me formu-
late my study and Mr. Aravamudhan from Serene Adinath who showed me the practical
functioning of senior homes along with his team. My gratitude to Ar. Nirupama Suresh from
Natraj and Venkat Associates, for her thoughtful insights during my site study.
| wish to dedicate this work to my grandparents who were my inspiration to take up
this project, for they have given me many happy moments to look back to as we grew
older together. | would also like to acknowledge the support and great love of my fami-
ly and friends. They kept me going on and this thesis would not have been possible
without their input.
More often than not retirement communities are thought to be analogous to old age
institutions. This makes a few people sceptical when it comes to moving into such facil-
ities even when they are in dire need of it. Now, with a rising market for such commu-
nities, this thesis started with a quest to create a well-balanced old age in such places.
Throughout the project, in-depth literature reviews and case studies were compiled to
derive a set of design considerations for the elderly. Additionally a survey conducted
for people who live here and those who will in the near future gave an understanding
on the expectations from such facilities and their aspirations. With these in mind, a ho-
listic approach was adopted in designing ‘Twilight Groves: Senior Living Community!
Primary studies showed that the kinds of communities that exist in India are either
gated communities for the aged or intensive specialised facilities treating the semi-am-
bulatory. This design takes inspiration from the CCRC (Continuing Care Retirement
Communities) model that caters to the needs ofa wide age group of people in their
60s and beyond. The aim was to create a transitional living unit which accommodates
both assisted living and independent living within the same campus.
Three guiding principles that helped shape this proposal were: (i) Sense of homeliness
(ii) Sense of independence (iii) Sense of community. Contrary to the earlier need for a
‘hotel-like treatment’in such facilities, the present generation of the 60+ population
are more active and view retired life as means to explore themselves. The idea of com-
munity gardening proposed in this campus makes recreational ‘family’ time productive
and overall, self-sustaining. While doing so, this thesis project also infuses Community
spaces with their dwelling units in an attempt to recreate their childhood backyard
PARES swe eneKeene aN eEeew hee ees OTe ee TEER (i)
Bonafide Certificate
WSSIAAUCHEY Gaciscactsesubaeeeceveeeseeeneae
dees eneeese tescanenenene 7
Literature Study oe an 5
Book Study
Building Type Basics for Senior Living
Anthropometric Study
Time Saver Standards for Building Types
Model Guidelines: Development Regulations for Retirement Homes (2019)
Survey Analysis
Comparitive Analysis
Site Analysis
Site and its Surroundings
Site Photos
Concept Developement ee ee ee ee
Area Statement
Concept Development
ce RR ee ee
Master Plan
Sector Cluster
Inner Circle Cluster
Plotted Development
Assisted Living
Respite Care
Adrninistration and HealthCare
Annexure and Bibliography «+++ +000 00eccse rere ener enn enn ewens 73
A huge new chapter in life begins when a person is retired, new changes in
life style and in social life starts. When previously the person was economically
earning his/her living now he/she becomes financially depended from the
governmental pension or other forms of income. Work retirement can also
mean social retirement.
The previous people and friends seen at work every
day are possible cut-off and great part of social network stops being part of
the senior's life and the sense of usefulness that the job offered and reasons
of existence being to be re-examined. Self-esteem is about accepting who
you are and what you have become through all the years of life. When a
person accepts, the current conditions and other alternative everyday
activities like taking care of the grandchildren when the parents are at work
becoming a new part of the seniors life, can bust his/her sense of importance
and feeling of being needed and begin to think of him/her self as an
important part of the society.
Times have changed and so has the definition of retirement. Today, senior citizens want to retire on their own terms and at a place of their
choice. So, when more and more of India’s younger generation is taking to work or study abroad or wanting to live an independent life devoid
of the responsibility of their ageing parents and grandparents in their own country, senior citizens are showing interest in living an independent
life away from the humdrum of the city even at the cost of being alone. This trend has given rise to the concept of retirement homes in the
country. Although, this concept is not new and quite popular in the West, it is now that India has started to look at it positively not long ago.
What is the relevance of senior living Why are senior living communities
communities in India? preferred?
* Migration of young couples from the rural areas to cities in * Elders living on the outskirts of the city enjoy the peaceful,
search of better employment opportunities to fend for themselves. expansive environment.
* Elders who have been in control of the household for a long time * Affordability: More willing to invest early for a secure
are unwilling to give up the responsibility to their children. future. Since land prices in the major metros are very high,
senior living has more potential to thrive in tier-ll cities
* Independent seniors who wish to live on their own but yearn for
where land value is less.
a security, community-oriented environment.
* Lesser congestion: environment which is crowd free, has a
* Youngsters on their part are sometimes resentful of the attitude
lower population density, lower traffic volumes and lower
of their parents.
presence of polluting industries.
* Many youngsters have moved to places far away from their native
* Large land parcels: Senior living is not just old age homes;
homes and in the recent past to many countries abroad. So even if
social infrastructure is important around these projects.
they want to they cannot accommodate their parents in their own
They require amenities such as large gardens, parks,
walkable green spaces and wheelchair-friendly pathways.
* Elders are sometimes too incapaciated or unwell to look after
* Healthcare accessibility: Availability and quality of
themselves or get medical care especially in an emergency.
healthcare. Most of the senior living projects have a
* The senior citizens today are faced with myriad complexities of day-care facility for minor ailments and regular check-ups.
modern social life — breakdown of joint family system, sense of Typically, senior living complexes should be in a radius of
insecurity, craving for companionship, loss of relevance within the 5-8 km or within 20-30 minutes distance from a good
family, increasing physical disability, difficulty to access transport, a secondary and tertiary care hospital.
need for quality health care, difficulty to access government
Who are the people required to work/ employed in an Old Age Home?
a = am a
A home for the aged Supporting staff such as A medical officer will be A nutritionist can play A professionally
will need an clerks, cashier cum needed to attend to the an important role by qualified social worker
administrator who will accountant, nursing health needs of the providing special is an essential member
be responsible for the staff, attenders, maids residents. It may be attention to the of the team of
running of the home. and a cook are the basic enough to avail the nutritional requirements personnel.
required staff for efficient services ofa Doctor, of the residents. At least
running. who works there a part-time nutritionist
part-time. should be appointed.
| would like to focus on the commercial
side of this industry. A rising need is seen
due to the advent of gated specialised
| wish to have typologies specific to user
groups but with international standards. :
The local context shall be kept in mind too. Literature Case
. Study Study Analysis
Intention = —— — —@ & &
® ee ————_@__®
Design and Concept Area Site
Presentation Development Statement Analysis
Understand needs of
seniors and the Provide Relationship between Self-sustained
present ageing comprehensive spaces hospitality and community
generation for all their needs healthcare
Creating a transitional punctuated with spaces
Baby boomers are more Old age is a new era of living unit which for recreation, learning
active than their parents exploration and interests accomodates assisted and healthy ageing
generation living.
Statistics of Senior Living in India
Although, more than 50 per cent of the Indian population falls below the age of 25, the country is
also ageing rapidly. According to the projections, Indias older population would rise significantly by
the middle of the century and there would be 323 million seniors by the middle of the century. In
fact, as per the United Nations Population Division, people aged 60 and above may increase from
eight per cent in 2010 to 19 per cent in 2050. Thus, the numbers speak for themselves and it would
not be wrong to say that there is huge scope for development and growth of retirement homes in
the country. growth rate of senior
populaiton every year as
While, during the period of 1980s-90s, senior care in India was confined to old-age homes only, things compared to country’s
have changed drastically. Now a growing realization amongst urban households, who in the last 20 - overall population (1.8
25 years have witnessed a marked increase in nuclear families , that families are no longer equipped percent).
to take care of their aged family members. In this changing social environment, concepts such
contemporary retirement resorts are becoming acceptable and popular.
of the older persons. This Policy is
being revised suitably, in keeping with
the demographic changes in Ageing
population, technological fastest growing
advancements etc. demographic segment
in the world
« The Maintenance and Welfare of
Elderly Population (%)
14.86 Parents and Senior Citizens Act was
enacted in December 2007 to ensure
Elderly populaiton in India, 2016 need based maintenance for parents.
Aspirational well-heeled Aging retiree facing early or Non Resident coming back mC melee
empty nester couple wanting
a better quality life
Erte emer Le
healthcare needs
ieee ieee lcm are | PU
Uae Les
PU eel EL mleD me)
months a year 7 mittion
Estimated seniors
* Offers suburban lifestyle * 636 of seniors
in India have * Requirements
are similarto © * Travelling
NRI's coming to
* Couple would find ihe concept some form of dementia well-heeled ampty nester India on short stays due to need specialized
of campus
living appealing * Family not able to take good couples weather, visits, functions or medical care
* Values
being part of peer care of senior in their limited + Large customer segment in religious requirements.
group of fike-minded
people / resources Middle East, North America, © * Possible
to also attract
similar social strata * Brings relief to second Europe and Australia to come and stay
* Willing to pay premium
for generation from care giving - Focused
reach through NRI in such projects
owing to
good project design and and still allows connect on a regional groups cost advantage offered vis-
24/7 basis * Both
- (a) seniors stayi é-vis sim@ar facilities
in the
proper brand
* Seniors staying alone who + Values professional
care abroad wanting
to come back -«Se"e4aped nations,
lke the campus like social environment
which is required © as well as (b) children staying * ‘Health
& wellness stay
environment at this stage abroad;
with parents here will = * Rehabilitation
& recuperation
* Appreciates
long term + Highly relevant where support ‘fuel demand
for projects stay
healthcare requirements systemis absent
Paranjape Schemes, Impact Senior Living Estate, Covai Properties, Brindavan Senior Citizen BS.F96ol the eiderty penne \
unaware of their righes ."
Foundation and Classic Promoters. They have launched such retirement community projects in
Over 23.3% found ~~
major metros with few proposed also. fiving In inhuman condition
Tatas, LIC Housing Finance and the Max Group have also entered the sector. some other Only GBB
to necessary
here WolaTiog
oF Urban areas | rural area!
HUMAN 65% 57%
developers include Golden Estate, Goldman Sachs Group and Chennai Homes. Some charitable
Mistical taciiehes
organisations have also forayed into the development of these complexes. Some Retirement Lackot respect frost Lamiy
Housing projects in India are Ashiana Utsav Retirement Resort (Bhiwadi), Brindavan Hill View
® No access ieomedaone ad
(Coimbatore), Serene Covai Properties (Coimbatore, Pondicherry, Chennai & Hyderabad), and
Golden Nest(Pune) etc. Tata Group has also announced its project “Tata Riva "in Bangalore.
Facilitating an active life: Hassle-free living:
Retirement homes generally To ensure a hassle-free life,
have various indoor and most of the senior living
outdoor sports events, day-trips projects have maintenance
and festival celebrations. They services offered by the
also have swimming pools, in-house maintenance staff.
games area, Yoga classes, Electricians and plumbers are
meditation classes and other made available on call.
As opposed to small space, cramped roads, a
fitness options at the gym and
suffocating environment and lack of safety measures
activity centres, oer ;
Twilight Groves : Senior Living Community | Introduction
Medical facilities:
Y 9
Safe and secure environment:
24X7 Emergency care are They are guarded 24x7 by trained and
readily available with a equipped security staff and have CCTV
nurse, a dactor on-call and cameras for round-the-clock surveillance.
ambulances. They even have emergency response
system in each and every apartment to
ensure added safety to the elderly,
What makes senior living projects different from normal real estate projects?
An Elder-friendly Community engages in
a community building process that A
involves assessment, planning that
anticipates and prepares for the aging of
its citizens, and implementation. This
results in policies and actions that > | Senior communities or congregate care housing *****.
maximize opportunities to age “ These are apartment complexes restricted by *
successfully age, usually 55 and older. Rent may include *
community services such as recreational ;
* Meeting their basic food, | programs, transportation services, and meals ‘
shelter, medical, and safety served in a communal dining room.
needs. | Se
* Self-sufficient &
| Congre
* Physically, mentally, and Retirement homes/retirement communities +++++++++6
spiritually healthy, are groups of housing units restricted for “
those over a certain age often 55 or 62 and *
* Living in a safe and older These housing units can be single .
farnily hornes, duplexes, mobile homes, .
townhouses, or condominiums if you decide
Elder-Friendly Community Indicators to buy a unit, additional monthly fees may *
have been designed to elicit cover services such as outside maintenance,
information about older adults in the i
community- how they live, what issues
are important to them, how the
community organizes its services and
physical environments in relation to
their needs, and ultimately, what are
the community values in relation to
older adults who live in or visit the Senior Apartm
community. total freedom with ac
other seniors, entertai
and emergen
Home Life
socailisation, entertainm
\9/ The bubble graph shows how different types of senior care
overlap and the relationship between level of care and its cost
Community Life
Types of Independent Living
There are many types of independent living facilities,
from apartment complexes to separate houses,
which range in cost and the services provided.
dailyy supervision
@seseeeweeeseeeeeee Continuing Care Retirement Communities
If you or your spouse are relatively healthy
now, but anticipate significant health
problems down the line, you may want to
consider a CCRC. These facilities offer a
spectrum of care from independent living to
nursing home care in the same community. If
residents begin to need help with activities of
daily living for example, they can transfer from
independent living to an assisted living or
skilled nursing facility on the sarne site. The
main benefit of a CCRC is thatyou only need
ort at to relocate once to a new environment and
al Cale can maintain your independence for as long
entertainment and meals, and housekeeping are routinely
_ llc Ol COC rll llr Err Tl rrErEll—E Cl
provided. Three meals per day are often
served waiter-style in a common dining
room. Residents live in their own Level of Care
apartments, which frequently have a small
Metabolic Syndrome:
@) Rye
Ol ¢
Obesity and other related issues sr
during old age are mainly due to
metabolic syndrome. This may further Organ feilitiis
lead to Type 2 diabetes,
cardiovascular disease, cancer and : ®
high blood pressure. : ul
Incontinence Urinary:
Heart problems ari dHeart attack: Incontinence is one of the most
age thelessheart and bload vessels
efficient even in the
annoying hearth problems of old agé
people where control of the bladder is
Movement Impairment
absence of obvious diseases, The heart lost.
tends to get enlarged and the pumping
action decreases. The blood vessels.
become less pliable and elastic. Malignant hypertension:
an emergency condition resulting fram
untreated primary hypertension, can be
. lethal. Hypertension can cause certain .
St sg es organs (called target organs), including Arthritis and Rheumatism:
The Ischemic stroke is a sudden block in the kidney, eyes, and heer, © Arthritis simply means ‘inflammation
the blood supply to the brain, causing an deteriorate over time: of the joints. The word rheumatism is
infarct (damage) to the brain and ; even more general, and is used to
Hemorrhagic stroke is a sudden rupture Ca ncer: describe aches and pains in joints,
of artery within the brain leading to brain bones and muscles, The symptoms
Itisa generic tenm fora group of more include pain, swelling and stiffness in
hemorrhage leadingto paralysis of one 2 ve
than a hundred diseases that affect
knee with limitation of joint
side of the body, different parts of the body. Among eenernerit
i elderly men, cancers of the prostrate i :
and colon are the most common while :
for women it is breast cancer. ;
Kidney disease: .
is disorder that affects the functioning Osteoporosis:
Change to a stress-free of the kidneys. It can be characterized as Osteoporosis is a condition in which
lifestyle and live a hereditary, congenital or acquired. bones become very fragile. This will
healthy life. Chronic kidney disease is known to increase the chance of fracture due to
Undergoing medical affect the elderly and is associated with decreased bone density,
check-ups regularly is a high risk of kidney failure, :
‘ cardiovascular disease and death. *
equally vital. . .
Constant medical .
monitoring of routine :
activities and diet 2
Psychological Dementia:
is. a syndrome in which there is
deterioration in memory, thinking, Glaucoma:
behaviour and the ability to perform is due to an increase in the fluid
everyday activities. Although dementia pressure Inside the eye, This increased
mainly affects alder people, itis nota pressure will cause damage to the optic
normal part of ageing. nerve resulting in loss of vision
Emotional disturbance:
Hearing Loss:
Health problems of old age are not
limited to physical disabilities. Old age Hearing loss is an important issue that
can affect your mental health also Alzheimer's disease: many senior citizens face. The most
Once you get Alzheimer's disease, your common form of age-related hearing
because of various social aspects. This
may create discomfort both to you and ability to remember and think will be loss is presbycusis, Older people may
affected. Memory lapse is the common need a hearing aid because the ability
your family.
problem that will be noted in the early to hear high frequency sound may
stage. decrease over time.
& &
Cognitive Impairment:
Cognitive impairment will cause
Mental Illnesses: memory loss and your ability to
Senior Citizens are susceptible toa correlate things and do calculations will Natural process so all
variety of mental illnesses. Depression is decrease over time. The affected person spaces must provide
the most common of these. Symptoms will be confused and the ability to take information by using
of depression include- Lack of interest in up more than one task at a time will be more than one sense,
activities you enjoyed doing. Sadness or affected,
such as visual and
unexplained crying spells, jumpiness or auditory alarms
irritability, Loss of memory, Inability to
concentrate, confusion or disorientation,
Thoughts of death or suicide, Change in
appetite and sleep patterns, Persistent
fatigue, lethargy, aches and other
+ Avoid shiny surfaces, which reflect light
unexplainable physical problems,
Dementias and Pseudo/dementias. Walking ward off mental sources and cause glare
decline: Exercise improves
blood flow to the brain and - Increase all light levels to provide
Twilight Groves ; Senior Living Community | Literature Study
may help build new brain sufficient lighting for general activities and
cells, recent studies show. task-specific needs
Perkins Eastman
Single Men
Single Women
Typical Resident Mix Residential
environments that :
Alzhenneir’s are specifically Services
Special Cane tailored to seniors’ emaigency respon
needs and tastes systems, assistance with
Assisted insurance claims, laundry
services and
transportation services
also may be included
at oe oo ~ Supportive services
Ser =
750-800 GSF per resident
(total built up area req) Residents care needs increase over time,
he/she will be able to move to the next level-assisted living
or, if needed, the nursing home-without relocating
geographically, since all levels of housing and supportive
healthcare provided by the CCRC