The Department of Environmental Health Engineering at Sri Ramachandra University was established in 1998 with funding from the United Nations to provide occupational health services to industries in Tamil Nadu. It has since expanded its research and training activities to a broad range of environmental health issues. The department now functions as a WHO collaborating center and research center focused on air quality, climate and health. It offers a part-time Master's program in Industrial Hygiene and Safety to allow working professionals to expand their knowledge in occupational and environmental health. The 3-year curriculum includes classroom and practical training to develop skills in anticipating, recognizing, and controlling workplace health hazards.
The Department of Environmental Health Engineering at Sri Ramachandra University was established in 1998 with funding from the United Nations to provide occupational health services to industries in Tamil Nadu. It has since expanded its research and training activities to a broad range of environmental health issues. The department now functions as a WHO collaborating center and research center focused on air quality, climate and health. It offers a part-time Master's program in Industrial Hygiene and Safety to allow working professionals to expand their knowledge in occupational and environmental health. The 3-year curriculum includes classroom and practical training to develop skills in anticipating, recognizing, and controlling workplace health hazards.
The Department of Environmental Health Engineering at Sri Ramachandra University was established in 1998 with funding from the United Nations to provide occupational health services to industries in Tamil Nadu. It has since expanded its research and training activities to a broad range of environmental health issues. The department now functions as a WHO collaborating center and research center focused on air quality, climate and health. It offers a part-time Master's program in Industrial Hygiene and Safety to allow working professionals to expand their knowledge in occupational and environmental health. The 3-year curriculum includes classroom and practical training to develop skills in anticipating, recognizing, and controlling workplace health hazards.
The Department of Environmental Health Engineering at Sri Ramachandra University was established in 1998 with funding from the United Nations to provide occupational health services to industries in Tamil Nadu. It has since expanded its research and training activities to a broad range of environmental health issues. The department now functions as a WHO collaborating center and research center focused on air quality, climate and health. It offers a part-time Master's program in Industrial Hygiene and Safety to allow working professionals to expand their knowledge in occupational and environmental health. The 3-year curriculum includes classroom and practical training to develop skills in anticipating, recognizing, and controlling workplace health hazards.
Engineering, Sri Ramachandra University (EHE- SRU) was set up, as a part of the Basic Science SRI RAMACHANDRA Research Wing of the university, in 1998 with the INSTITUTE OF HIGHER EDUCATION aid of financial assistance provided by the United AND RESEARCH Nations Industrial Development Organization. The (DEEMED TO BE UNIVERSITY) department originally set up to provide (Declared under section 3 of the UGC Act, 1956) occupational safety and industrial hygiene Accredited by NAAC with ‘A’ Grade (CGPA 3.62 on a 4 point scale) monitoring services to the leather/tanning industry WHO Global Network of CCs in Occupational Health in Tamil Nadu, has since then expanded to include a MASTER variety of R&D and training activities, that cover a OF broad spectrum of environmental health concerns. INDUSTRIAL HYGIENE & SAFETY The department now functions as a WHO Collaborating Centre for Occupational & EHE-SRU joined the ranks of WHO Part- time (3 Years) Collaborating Centers in 2007. Being one of Environmental Health and SRU_ICMR center for only 3 such centers in the South East Asia 2019-2020 Advanced Research in Air Quality, Climate and region, the center is a leading contributor to research and training in recognition, Health. Over the last decade it has established itself evaluation and management of DEPARTMENT OF as a pioneering centre for environmental and environmental and occupational health risks. ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH occupational health research and training. Multi- ENGINEERING disciplinary faculty expertise, involvement in In 2010, The Indian Council for Medical several national and international extra-mural Research created the first Center for A World Health Organization Collaborating Center research projects, multiple inter-institutional Advanced Research in Environmental for linkages, and administration of post-graduate and Health at EHE-SRU with a specific focus on Occupational & Environmental Health doctoral level training programs and collaborations Air Pollution. EHE-SRU also serves as an and ILO-CIS center, an accredited training SRU-ICMR Center for Advanced Research on with a network of nearly 150 industries within and center for the Associate Fellowship in outside India for on-site projects represent some of Air Quality, Climate and Health Industrial Health (AFIH) for DGFASLI, Govt. of India, the National Board of the unusual strengths of this department. Using a Occupational Safety and Health combination of basic science and applied (NEBOSH), UK, and as an Air Pollution population research, the department has been Related Disease Diagnostic Center for GAIL, India. involved in several local, national and global efforts in thrust areas of environmental and occupational With collaborators in over 100 national and health identified by the Government of India and international organizations, SRU’s mission the World Health Organization. in this arena strives to drive the scientific evidence for effective and efficient public health policies. Course Structure M.Sc (Industrial Hygiene & Safety) The course is offered over 6 semesters in three Course Eligibility years on a part-time modality with classes Candidates for admission to the M.Sc. (Industrial conducted over weekends and holidays at Sri Hygiene and Safety) Course shall be required to Introduction and objectives Ramachandra University. The course work will possess any one of the following qualifications: B.E. / include class room sessions, field work, Industry B.Tech / B.Sc. (Physics or Chemistry or Mathematics The M.Sc. (Industrial Hygiene and Safety) visits, practical sessions, assignments and as Major or Allied subject) degrees of any course has been designed in response to the projects. institution/university recognized by the AICTE/UGC. growing awareness among industries for the need The course will normally commence on the 1st of to employ qualified professionals to assess and July every year. Course Fees and Admission: manage work-related health risks. Being a part- The tuition fee per academic year is Rs. 75,000/- time programme, the course will allow new and Course Outline for the General/Foreign/NRI Category. Students are experienced professionals to acquire and expand Occupational and Environmental Health admitted on the basis of marks obtained in the Physiology and Industrial Toxicology qualifying examination and a personal interview. their knowledge of industrial hygiene and safety. Students will be given comprehensive training in Legislations: Environment, Health and Safety Career Options the anticipation, recognition, evaluation, and Professional Skills Development Graduates can expect positions as Faculty members/ control of chemical, physical, biological, Industrial safety Safety professionals/ Industrial Hygienists/ psychosocial and ergonomic stressors in the Industrial Hygiene (Physical, Chemical, Occupational Health Specialists and/or Research workplace environment that are responsible for positions in Academic Institutions, Health care Biological hazards, Ergonomics & Psychosocial) sectors, Industries, Labour organizations, State & causing injury, disease, or discomfort to workers. Biostatistics for Occupational Safety and Health Central regulatory bodies, Consultancies, Research Epidemiology for Occupational Safety and Organizations, International organizations and NGOs. The course curriculum has been Health developed under the technical guidance of Safety Engineering Our Alumni also have been placed in key positions advisory committee members drawn from the Advanced Industrial safety across the globe in various MNCs and international Directorate General Factory Advisory Services organizations. Ergonomics (The Regional Labour Institute), Govt. Of India; Occupational Safety and Health Management Directorate of Industrial Safety and Health, Govt. of Contact Information Electives (from Health, Hygiene, Safety and Dept. of Environmental Health Engineering Tamil Nadu; Tamil Nadu Pollution Control Board; Environment disciplines) SRIHER (DU) The Central Leather Research Institute; Anna Dissertation Porur, Chennai – 600 116 University; The National Safety Council; The Safety Tamil Nadu, Engineers Association and Industry Course Facilities India. Representatives. An elaborate network of EHE- EHE-SRU is equipped with a state of the art Phone: 044- 45928547 (EHE) SRU’s collaborators from academic institutions industrial hygiene, safety and occupational health Mobile: 9941005560 (Dr. S. Sankar) worldwide has also contributed to the design of laboratory with the full range of field sampling the course modules. and analytical instrumentation. EHE-faculties are Email: [email protected] drawn from the disciplines of toxicology, These components have been supported Website: (EHE) industrial hygiene, industrial safety, occupational : (SRU) extensively by the Indo-German GTZ-CIM medicine, environmental health, epidemiology programme and the ITREOH Program of Fogarty and biostatistics. A network of nearly 80 International Centre, NIH, USA. industries supports the academic training.