Montessori-Based Learning: Sacred Heart of Jesus Montessori School J.R. Borja Extension, Gusa, Cagayan de Oro City
Montessori-Based Learning: Sacred Heart of Jesus Montessori School J.R. Borja Extension, Gusa, Cagayan de Oro City
Montessori-Based Learning: Sacred Heart of Jesus Montessori School J.R. Borja Extension, Gusa, Cagayan de Oro City
Montessori-Based Learning
Learning Instructional Packets (LIPs)
S.Y _________________
Content Standard: The learners demonstrate an understanding of social sciences and applied social sciences
Performance Standard: The learner is able to … explain clearly public perceptions about the work of social sciences and
applied social science practitioners
Essential Question:
Analyze the basic concepts and principles of the major social sciences theories
a. Structural – functionalism b. Marxism c. Symbolic Interactionism
At the end of the lesson, 100% of the learners will be able to:
1. define the different concepts and principles of the three major social science theories
2. apply those concepts into a real-life situation and concerns by showing the skills; and
3. analyze the basic concepts and principles of the major social science theories
4. Integrate values (fruit of normalization of the month, beatitude & PVMGO);
5. obtain at least 75% mastery level
Lesson 4: Analyze the basic concepts and principles of the major social sciences theories
a. Structural – functionalism b. Marxism c. Symbolic Interactionism
1. LIPs
In this module, you will learn about the concepts and principles of the major social science theories, specifically the
Structural – functionalism, Marxism, and Symbolic Interactionism.
DIRECTIONS. Choose the best answer to the following questions/statements below. Write the chosen letter on a separate sheet of
2. For groups to be cohesive in a social context, positive membership attitudes and behaviors have to be produced and maintained.
It can be looked at on both an individual and group level at a group level is directly affected by the individual members. Which
of the following concepts describes the bonds that bring people together in a society?
A. Social Inequality C. Social Stability
B. Social Cohesion D. Social Cohesive
3. According to functionalism, society is a system of interconnected parts that work together in harmony to maintain a state of
balance and social equilibrium for the whole. Each of the social institutions contributes to important functions for society. Which
of the following institution can offer a way to transmit a society’s skills, knowledge, and culture to its youth?
A. Religion B. Economy C. Education D. Family
4. Robert Merton believes that 5 situations are facing an actor in Structural Functionalism. Which of the following statement is
A. Conformity occurs when an individual has the means and desire to achieve the cultural goals socialized into them.
B. Innovation occurs when an individual strives to attain the accepted cultural goals but chooses to do so in a novel or
unaccepted method.
C. Ritualism occurs when an individual continues to do things as prescribed by society but forfeits the achievement of
the goals.
D. Rebellion is the rejection of both the means and the goals of society.
5. It is the amount of socially necessary labor-time needed to produce an article under the normal conditions of production and with
the average degree of skill and intensity of the time.
A. Surplus value C. Labor theory of value
B. Exchange value D. Use value
6. What would Marx argue that needs to happen to transform a society's culture?
A. the economic foundation would have to be changed
B. new technologies would need to be introduced
C. the mass media would need to be changed
D. the economic foundation would remain the same
7. Which one of the following is a reason why Marx cannot be rejected because of his ideological orientation?
A. Marxism is the only sociological theory that is ideologically biased.
B. Marx tried to hide his ideological orientations.
C. Marx argued that a violent overthrow of capitalism is the only way to end exploitation
D. Marx was essentially a humanist, not a bloodthirsty revolutionary
9. According to symbolic interactionist, human beings differ from animals because __________________.
A. Humans show greater affection than animals
B. A human being can take the role of the other
C. Humans are only proactive and not reactive like animals
D. All of the above
10. Because Mead discusses generalized other, which of the following statements is true?
A. There is no “me” at birth, it is formed through continual symbolic interaction
B. The “I” is more important than the “me” informing our sense of self
C. The generalized other is really who we are, we just don’t understand what Mead is saying
D. Societal expectations have little impact on who we think we are.
Robert Merton identified two types of functions, the manifest function, and latent function.
Manifest functions are consequences that are intended and commonly recognized. In contrast,
latent functions are consequences that are
unintended and often hidden.
For example, the manifest function of education is to transmit knowledge and skills to society’s
youth. But public elementary schools also serve as babysitters for employed parents, and colleges
offer a place for young adults to meet potential mates. The babysitting and mate-selection
functions are not the intended or commonly recognized functions of education; hence they are
latent functions.
According to him, 5 situations are facing an actor. Conformity occurs when an individual has the
means and desire to achieve the cultural goals socialized into them. Innovation occurs when an
individual strives to attain the accepted cultural goals but chooses to do so in a novel or
unaccepted method. Ritualism occurs when an individual continues to do things as prescribed by society but forfeits the achievement
of the goals. Retreatism is the rejection of both the means and the goals of society. Rebellion is a combination of the rejection of
societal goals and means and a substitution of other goals and means.
The book contains theories about the nature of society and politics, that in their own words, "The
history of all as yet existing society is the history of class struggles". communism, to slavery,
feudalism, capitalism, and finally, industrial communism.
Friedrich Engels (1820 – 1895) was a German social scientist, author, political theorist,
philosopher, and father of Marxist theory, together with Karl Marx. He wrote Das Kapital. He
organized Marx's notes on the "Theories of Surplus Value," which he later published as the "fourth
volume" of Capital. He wrote the Origin of the Family, Private Property, and the State (1884),
presents the evolution of humankind from primitive communism, to slavery, feudalism, capitalism,
and finally, industrial communism.
Marx and Engels examined the conflict generated by the increasing wealth of the capitalists
(Bourgeoisie) at the expense of the working class (Proletariat) who only sunk deeper into poverty.
Violence and repression could reinforce legal power if the peasantry resisted handing over the
surplus. They viewed social change as an evolutionary process marked by a revolution in which
new levels of social, political, and economic development were achieved through class struggle. A
class is defined in terms of the relationship of people's labor to the means of production. Each
mode of production produced characteristic class relationships involving a dominating and a
subordinate class.
Historical materialism is a methodology used that focuses on human societies and their development through history, arguing that
history is the result of material conditions rather than ideals. It is principally a theory of history that asserts that the material conditions
of a society's mode of production, the union of a society's productive forces and relations of production, fundamentally determine
society's organization and development. It is materialist as it does not believe that history has been driven by an individual's
consciousness or ideas but rather subscribes to the philosophical monism that matter is the fundamental substance of nature and
henceforth the driving force in all of world history.
Dialectical materialism is a philosophy of science and nature developed in Europe and based on the writings of Marx and Engels.
Marxist dialectics emphasizes the importance of real-world conditions in terms of class, labor, and socioeconomic interactions. Marx
supposed that these material conditions contained contradictions that seek resolution in new forms of social organization. Dialectical
materialism accepts the evolution of the natural world and the emergence of new qualities of being at new stages of evolution. Change
within a society is seen as the result of contradictions arising between the forces of production and the relations of production. Such
contradictions are seen to emerge as a struggle between distinct social classes.
Symbolic interactionism is a sociological theory that develops from practical considerations and suggests to people's
particular utilization of dialect to make images and normal implications, for deduction and correspondence with others. This
perspective relies on the symbolic meaning that people develop and build upon in the process of social interaction . The interpretation
process that occurs between interactions helps create and recreate meaning. It is the shared understanding and interpretations of
meaning that affect the interaction between individuals. A theory analyzes society by addressing the subjective meanings that people
impose on objects, events, and behaviors. Subjective meanings are given primacy because it is believed that people behave based on
what they believe and not just on what is objectively true. It looks at individual and group meaning-making, focusing on human action
instead of large-scale social structures.
It is a social theory of the self or a looking glass self. It studies meaning and
communication and they tend to use qualitative methods. It has been criticized for failing to
take into account large-scale macro-social structures and forces.
For example, studies find that teenagers are well informed about the risks of
tobacco, but they also think that smoking is cool, they will be safe from harm, and smoking
projects a positive image to their peers. So, the symbolic meaning of smoking overrides the
facts regarding smoking and risk.
The Three Basic Premises by Herbert Blumer (1969) set out three basic premises of the perspective:
1. "Human’s act toward things based on the meanings they ascribe to those things." includes everything that a human being may note
in their world, including physical objects, actions, and concepts. Essentially, individuals behave towards objects and others based on
the personal meanings that the individuals have already given these items.
2. "The meaning of such things is derived from, or arises out of, the social interaction that one has with others and the society." arises
out of, the social interaction that one has with other humans.
3. "These meanings are handled in, and modified through, an interpretative process used by the person in dealing with the things
he/she encounters." We naturally talk to ourselves to sort out the meaning of a difficult situation.
Activity # 3: I REFLECT!
DIRECTIONS: Your task is to write a reflection paper on of the three (3) major social sciences theories:
Structural – Functionalism (How important is structural functionalism in understanding the different institutions in society?),
Marxism (How our society influence or affect an individual’s principle?) and
Symbolic Interactionism (Does symbolic interactionism affect our daily life? Why?).
5 4 3 2 1
Demonstrate a conscious Demonstrate a Demonstrate a Demonstrate a limited Demonstrate a
and thorough understanding thoughtful basic understanding of the little or no
of the subject matter. This understanding of understanding of subject matter. The understanding of the subject
Depth of reflection can be used as an the subject matter. the subject matter. reflection needs revision matter. The reflection needs
reflection example for other students revision
Use specific and convincing Use relevant Use examples Use incomplete or vaguely No examples
examples from the text examples from the from the text to developed examples to only from the text are used and
Use of textual studied to support claims in text studied to support most partially support claims claims made in your writing
evidence your writing, making support claims in claims in your with no connections made are
insightful and applicable your writing, making writing, with between unsupported and irrelevant
connections between texts applicable some connections texts to the topic at hand
connections between made between
texts texts
PRE-TEST 1. A 6. A 2. B 7. C 3. C 8. D 4. D 9. D 5. C 10. D