Epb Checklist CK

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Environmental Aspect Yes No Comment

1 Introduction
1.1 What is the total project cost?
1.2 What are the particulars of the
1.3 Who are contact persons for the project?
(Developers & EIA team leader)
1.4 What is the project proponents track record in the
1.5 What is the proposed date of project
1.6 What are proponents proposing to do?
1.7 What are the main objectives of the project?
2 Review of relevant legislation
2.1 What legislation need to be reviewed?
2.2 What is the correlation between each act & project
3 Project description
3.1 Where is the project site located?(include map &
GPS Coordinates)
3.2 Are the need for & objectives of project
3.3 What are the main components/phases of
described project?
3.4 What activities involved in these phases?
3.5 What raw materials are to be used during the
preparation & planning phases?
3.6 What energy sources will be used?
3.7 What are the products & by-products of the
3.8 What type of waste is likely to be generated?
(solid, liquid, gaseous emissions)
3.9 What are the project alternatives in tersm of
location, materials, processes, pollution control?
3.10 What are the consequences of NO project option?
3.11 What are the main reasons for choosing selected
4 Description of site
4.1 Where is the project site located?
4.2 What structures surround the site (natural or man-made)?
4.3 What is the regional climate?
4.4 What are main sources of surface and ground
4.5 What type of soil is found in & around project
site? (including
soil quality stability and erosion, drainage,, agricultural use and agricultural
land quality)
4.6 What type of rocks are found in & around the
project site?
4.7 What are the results of air quality analysis?
4.8 What flora & fauna are found in & around the
project site?
4.9 Are species populations and characteristics of
habitats that may be affected by the Project
described and are any designated or protected
species or areas defined?
5 Impact identification and mitigation/enhancement
5.1 What are the positive and negative socio-economic
impacts of the project?
5.2 What are the positive and negative environmental
impacts of the project?
5.3 What mitigation measures can be put in place to
minimize negative impacts?
5.4 What measures can be enforced to enhance
positive impacts?
6 Environmental Mgt. Plan
6.1 What measures can be taken to minimize/enhance
6.2 What is the time of each measure? (under which
project phases will the measure be implemented)
6.3 What will be used as a performance indicator?
6.4 How often will monitoring and reporting be done?
6.5 Who is responsible for providing oversight?

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