Chiaradia Et. Al., 2011
Chiaradia Et. Al., 2011
Chiaradia Et. Al., 2011
The origin of andesite is an important issue in petrology because Petrographic, mineral chemistry, bulk-rock geochemical and isotopic
andesite is the main eruptive product at convergent margins, data indicate that the Pilavo magmatic rocks have evolved through
corresponds to the average crustal composition and is often associated three main stages: (1) generation of a basaltic magma in the mantle
with major Cu^Au mineralization. In this study we present petro- wedge region by flux melting induced by slab-derived fluids (aque-
graphic, mineralogical, geochemical and isotopic data for basaltic ous, supercritical or melts); (2) high-pressure differentiation of the
andesites of the latest Pleistocene Pilavo volcano, one of the most basaltic melt (at the mantle^crust boundary or at lower crustal
frontal volcanoes of the Ecuadorian Quaternary arc, situated upon levels) through sustained fractionation of olivine and clinopyroxene,
thick (30^50 km) mafic crust composed of accreted Cretaceous leading to hydrous, high-alumina basaltic andesite melts with a
oceanic plateau rocks and overlying mafic to intermediate Late tholeiitic affinity, enriched in incompatible elements and strongly
Cretaceous^Late Tertiary magmatic arcs. The Pilavo rocks are bas- impoverished in Ni and Cr; (3) establishment of one or more
altic andesites (54^57·5 wt % SiO2) with a tholeiitic affinity as mid-crustal magma storage reservoirs in which the magmas evolved
opposed to the typical calc-alkaline high-silica andesites and dacites through dominant amphibole and clinopyroxene (but no plagioclase)
(SiO2 59^66 wt %) of other frontal arc volcanoes of Ecuador fractionation accompanied by assimilation of the modified plutonic
(e.g. Pichincha, Pululahua). They have much higher incompatible roots of the arc and recharge by incoming batches of more primitive
element contents (e.g. Sr 650^1350 ppm, Ba 650^1800 ppm, Zr magma from depth. The latter process has resulted in strongly
100^225 ppm, Th 5^25 ppm, La 15^65 ppm) and Th/La ratios increasing incompatible element concentrations in the Pilavo basaltic
(0·28^0·36) than Pichincha and Pululahua, and more primitive andesites, coupled with slightly increasing crustal isotopic signatures
Sr (87Sr/86Sr 0·7038^0·7039) and Nd (eNd þ5·5 to þ6·1) and a shift towards a more calc-alkaline affinity. Our data show
isotopic signatures. Pilavo andesites have geochemical affinities that, although ultimately originating from the slab, incompatible
with modern and recent high-MgO andesites (e.g. low-silica ada- element abundances in arc andesites with primitive isotopic signa-
kites, Setouchi sanukites) and, especially, with Archean sanukitoids, tures can be significantly enhanced by intra-crustal processes within
for both of which incompatible element enrichments are believed a thick juvenile mafic crust, thus providing an additional process
to result from interactions of slab melts with peridotitic mantle. for the generation of enriched andesites.
KEY WORDS: andesite; assimilation; fractional crystallization; the possibility that its incompatible element enrichment is
recharge; Ecuador acquired from assimilation of mature continental crust.
The enriched geochemistry of Pilavo rocks resembles that
of modern low-silica adakites (e.g. Setouchi sanukite)
I N T RO D U C T I O N and, especially, that of Archean sanukitoids, from which
Establishing the origin of andesitic rocks is an important Pilavo differs, none the less, in having variably lower
goal of petrology because andesite is the main eruptive MgO and significantly lower Ni and Cr contents.
product at convergent margins, it corresponds to the Investigation of the Pilavo basaltic andesites thus has the
average crustal composition (e.g. Gill, 1981; Rudnick & potential to shed further light on the origin of enriched an-
Gao, 2004) and it is closely associated with major desitic rocks and their significance with respect to contin-
porphyry-related Cu^Au mineralization (e.g. Richards, ental crust formation processes, as well as on the coupled
2003). Various petrogenetic models have been proposed for occurrence of tholeiitic and calc-alkaline rocks within the
the genesis of andesite, including, among others, partial same arc and volcanic edifice (e.g. Hora et al., 2009).
melting of peridotite under hydrous conditions (e.g.
Kushiro, 1969; Hirose, 1997; Wood & Turner, 2009), partial
melting of the subducting oceanic crust (e.g. Taylor et al., GEODY NA M IC S ET T I NG A N D
1969), crystal fractionation of mantle-derived basalts (e.g.
Crawford et al., 1987; Mu«ntener et al., 2001; Grove et al., A RC M A G M AT I S M
2003), mixing between mantle-derived basalt and Present-day arc volcanism in the Ecuadorian Andes is the
crust-derived felsic melts (e.g. Tatsumi & Kogiso, 2003) or result of subduction of the 12^20 Myr old Nazca plate and
Continental basement
Oceanic basement
GFZ Volcano with historical activity
Volcano active since <10 ka
4°S Plio-Quaternary volcano
PERU Crustal fault/suture
et al., 2002; Mamberti et al., 2003). The oceanic plateau of slab fluids or melts towards the back-arc (the K^h rela-
crust represents an exotic terrane (e.g. Feininger, 1987; tionship: Dickinson, 1975).
Jaillard et al., 1990, 1997; Spikings et al., 2005), derived
from the large Caribbean^Colombian Oceanic Plateau
(CCOP), which was accreted to the continental margin of LOC A L G EOLO GY
Ecuador during Late Cretaceous times (Vallejo et al., Pilavo volcano (0831’N, 78822’W) is located about 20 km
2006, 2009). trenchward of the main axis of the active volcanic front
Various studies have highlighted systematic compos- (Figs 1 and 2a), which follows the crest of the Western
itional changes in the lavas of the Ecuadorian arc from Cordillera of the Ecuadorian Andes. It is thus one of
the frontal to the back-arc region (e.g. Barragan et al., the closest volcanoes to the trench of the Northern Andes
1998; Bourdon et al., 2003; Bryant et al., 2006; Chiaradia subduction system, located about 230 km to the west of
et al., 2009). These variations have been interpreted as the Pilavo (Fig. 1). The deep basement of Pilavo, like that of
result of progressively smaller degrees of partial melting of several other frontal volcanoes of the Western Cordillera
the mantle wedge metasomatized by decreasing amounts of Ecuador, consists of oceanic plateau mafic crust
775000mE 80 85 90 95 0 5 10 15 20 25 30
(a) Figure 2b
Pilavo 60
Parulo Huanguillaro
Ibarra 40
0 10 km
accreted to the continental margin during the Late xenoliths in Pilavo lava flows, and are recrystallized to a
Cretaceous, and of overlying Late Cretaceous to Tertiary fine-grained mosaic of epidote and amphibole (5200 mm
(Eocene to Miocene) magmatic arcs (Vallejo et al., 2006, crystal size).
2009; Chiaradia, 2009). The exposed basement of Pilavo Pilavo volcano consists of some 30 lava flows, reaching
volcano (Fig. 2a) consists of Cretaceous marine sequences lengths up to 8 km (Fig. 2b), with a thickness of more than
(Pilato¤n Unit) of volcanic sand- and siltstones as well 40 m in many cases. Its morphology is closer to that of a
as breccias derived from erosion of the Cretaceous Rio shield than to that of a strato-volcano (Fig. 2b), with a
Cala basaltic arc (Chiaradia, 2009). These rock types are total average basal diameter of about 8 km and a height of
occasionally found as microcrystalline, millimeter-sized 650 m. Pyroclastic deposits associated with Pilavo have
not been observed (either they never formed, or they were if Parulo is earlier or later than Pilavo, based on field
scarce or, if related to early activity, they were buried by observations alone.
later lava flows). NNE^SSW- and NW^SE-striking struc-
tures appear to have controlled the location of eruptive
vents at Pilavo volcano, as well as at the neighbouring A N A LY T I C A L M E T H O D S
early Pleistocene andesitic Pulumbura volcano, the mid- Estimates of modal mineral abundances (Table 1) were ob-
to late Pleistocene Yanaurcu (andesite and dacite) and tained by image analysis carried out on thin sections with
Huanguillaro (andesite to rhyodacite) composite strato- an estimated uncertainty (1s) of 10%. Thicknesses of
volcanoes (Fig. 2a). Normal, NNE^SSW-striking faults are amphibole phenocryst reaction rims were measured under
also present in the area, affecting the Cretaceous^Eocene the microscope on 1^3 polished thin sections per sample,
basement (Silante Fm.), but their relation to volcanic activ- using both transmitted and reflected light. Table 1 also re-
ity is unknown. ports the average thickness and corresponding standard
Pilavo blocky lava flows consist mainly of fresh, gray deviation of the reaction rims measured around the entire
coloured, mostly non-vesicular, hornblende-, pyroxene-, amphibole population of each sample. Because we have
plagioclase-phyric basaltic andesites to andesites, which measured reaction rim thickness on all the amphibole
are covered by 1^2 m of soil with intercalated distal phenocrysts present in each thin section we assume that
the effects of oblique sections through amphibole rims are
Holocene pumice tephras (the youngest tephra, with an
similar for all samples. Although these measurements are
age of 58 ka, is from the Huanguillaro volcanic complex:
subject to some uncertainty (preventing a correct estimate
Aguilera, 1998). The morphology of lava flows is fairly
of ascent rates, which we therefore did not attempt to cal-
Table 1: Mineral modal abundances in volcanic rocks of Pilavo calculated from image analysis and average thickness of
reaction rims around amphibole phenocrysts with its corresponding standard deviation
Sample: E05064 E05065 E05066 E05067 E05148 E05149 E05150 E05151 E05152 E05153 E05154 E05155 E05156
Rock: Andesite Andesite Andesite Andesite Andesite Andesite Basaltic Andesite Basaltic Andesite Andesite Andesite Andesite
andesite andesite andesite
amph (modal %) 4 3 13 12 2 10 5 11 17 3 4 2 17
cpx (modal %) 20 13 5 8 27 6 20 1 15 14 27 20 5
plag (modal %)* 39 80 25 15 55 22 39 45 15 15 27 23 18
mt (modal %) 5 2 4 3 3 4 5 2 5 5 5 5 2
gm (modal %)y 32 3 53 62 14 59 31 41 48 63 38 50 58
Average thickness of reaction
rim around 130 183 44 28 80 75 183 96 72 90 68 90 18
amphibole (mm)
n 31 12 39 73 21 44 26 168 248 22 69 65 43
1s of thickness (mm) 103 78 29 7 33 53 39 55 38 40 44 42 3
fluorescence (XRF) at the University of Lausanne. The again. Additionally we also analyzed Sr and Nd isotopes
BHVO-1 basaltic standard was used for quality control. on a microdrilled amphibole phenocryst and its host
The 1s uncertainties based on repeated measurements of groundmass (sample E05156) to check for possible disequi-
this standard are 50·5% for all major elements (except librium between phenocrysts and groundmass. The ana-
MgO, 1·5%, and Na2O, 3·3%; Table 2) and 51% for trace lyzed material (c. 8 mg in both cases) was obtained by
elements. REE and additional trace elements (e.g. Th, U, drilling a cylinder of c. 3 mm diameter out of a 350 mm
Ta, Cs, Hf) were measured by LA-ICP-MS on the thick thin section using a diamond microdrill.
fused glass beads used for major element XRF analysis Sr, Nd and Pb separation was carried out using cascade
(Table 2). Operating conditions of the laser were: 10 Hz fre- columns with Sr-spec, TRU-spec and Ln-spec resins fol-
quency, 140 mJ energy, 120 mm spot size. CaO contents pre- lowing a modified method after Pin et al. (1994). Pb was
viously determined by XRF were used for internal further purified with an AG-MP1-M anion exchange resin
standardization by reference to an SRM612 NISTexternal in a hydrobromic medium. Pb, Sr and Nd isotope ratios
standard. Raw data were reduced off-line using the were measured on a Thermo TRITON mass spectrometer
LAMTRACE software. For each sample 3^4 points were on Faraday cups in static mode. Pb was loaded onto Re
measured and results were then averaged. Uncertainties filaments using the silica gel technique and all samples
(1s) between results of repeat points of the same sample (and standards) were measured at a pyrometer-controlled
were510% for REE and55% for the other trace elements temperature of 12208C. Pb isotope ratios were corrected
analyzed, whereas the 1s uncertainties of repeated meas- for instrumental fractionation by a factor of 0·07% per
urements of the SRM612 NIST glass were 55% for all a.m.u. based on more than 90 measurements of the
elements (Table 2). SRM981 standard and using the standard values of Todt
All 13 whole-rocks were analyzed for their Sr, Nd and Pb et al. (1996). External reproducibility of the standard ratios
isotopic compositions at the Department of Mineralogy, is 0·11% for 206Pb/204Pb, 0·12% for 207Pb/204Pb and
University of Geneva (Table 2). About 130 mg of powdered 0·20% for 208Pb/204Pb.
rock (570 mm) were dissolved in closed Teflon vials for Sr was loaded on single Re filaments with a Ta oxide so-
7 days on a hot plate at 1408C with a mixture of 4 ml lution and measured at a pyrometer-controlled tempera-
conc. HF and 1ml HNO3 15 M. The sample was then ture of 14808C in static mode using the virtual amplifier
dried on a hot plate, and re-dissolved in 3 ml of 14 M design to cancel out biases in gain calibration among
HNO3 in closed Teflon vials at 1408C and dried down amplifiers. 87Sr/86Sr values were internally corrected for
Table 2: Geochemical and isotopic data for the Pilavo lavas investigated in this study
Table 2: Continued
Table 2: Continued
Also reported are the averages and standard deviations of analyses obtained on the BHVO-1 basalt standard
(XRF analyses) and of the SRM612 glass standard (LA-ICP-MS analyses) under the same analytical conditions as used
for the analysis of whole-rocks (see text). Major elements, Cr, Ni and Zn were analyzed by XRF; all other elements by
LA-ICP-MS. b.d.l., below detection limit.
fractionation using a 88Sr/86Sr value of 8·375209. Raw glass coronas of quartz xenocrysts, which are diopsidic
values were further corrected for external fractionation by (Electronic Appendix 1). Excluding sector-zoned clinopyr-
a value of þ0·03ø, determined by repeated measurements oxene phenocrysts, whose compositional zoning may be
of the SRM987 standard (87Sr/86Sr ¼ 0·710250). External the result of rapid growth, and the clinopyroxenes that
reproducibility of the 87Sr/86Sr ratio for the SRM987 are related to melt^amphibole and melt^quartz reactions,
standard is 7 ppm. Nd was loaded onto double Re fila- relic clinopyroxene phenocrysts surrounded by a corona of
ments with 1M HNO3 and measured in static mode with amphibole display the highest Na and Alvi contents,
the virtual amplifier design. 143Nd/144Nd values were in- followed by unzoned clinopyroxene of the most primi-
ternally corrected for fractionation using a 146Nd/144Nd tive rock (E05065), by clinopyroxene associated with
value of 0·7219 and the 144Sm interference on 144Nd was amphibole and finally by clinopyroxene in clots (Fig. 4a).
monitored on the mass 147Sm and corrected using a In particular, relic clinopyroxene phenocrysts have system-
Sm/147Sm value of 0·206700. External reproducibility of atically higher Na and Alvi contents than all other clino-
the JNdi-1 standard (Tanaka et al., 2000) is 55 ppm. pyroxene types within each sample, suggesting that
they were formed under higher pressure conditions.
Concentrically zoned clinopyroxene, both in clots and in
P E T RO G R A P H Y A N D M I N E R A L isolated grains, usually displays normal zoning with more
C H E M I S T RY magnesian cores with respect to rims. The various textural
Pilavo andesitic lavas are porphyritic with phenocrysts of types of clinopyroxene defined above may coexist in the
amphibole, clinopyroxene and, especially in the least same sample.
and fairly large (up to a few tens of micrometers). In some Pilavo amphiboles can be classified as ferri-tschermakite
cases no residual amphibole is left (Fig. 3i). In a few cases to magnesio-hastingsite (Electronic Appendix 2) accord-
amphibole phenocrysts are surrounded by a corona of ing to the scheme of Leake et al. (1997). They are character-
equant clinopyroxene crystals (Fig. 3e), which in turn sur- ized by roughly constant Alvi with variable Aliv,
round the rim of plagioclase^pyroxene^oxide aggregate. suggesting the lack of pressure-sensitive Al-Tschermaks
(a) (b)
0.02 0.03 0.04 0.05 0.06 0.07 0.08 La Pr Pm Eu Tb Ho Tm Lu
Ce Nd Sm Gd Dy Er Yb
7 (d)
140 (c)
Sr (ppm)
exchange. In contrast, they display a broadly positive cor- amphibole displays systematic changes with the chemistry
relation between (Na þ K)A and Aliv suggesting a T-de- of the host-rock; for example, K2O, Sr and Rb increase
pendent edenite exchange. Therefore, the variable Al2O3 with increasing whole-rock K2O (Fig. 5b).
contents of the Pilavo amphiboles reflect T rather than P Amphibole with optically distinct growth zones displays
changes. None the less, the overall high-Al2O3 ( 12 wt Mg-number (TiO2, K2O) increase and Na2O decrease
%) Pilavo amphiboles are similar in composition to the (Fig. 5c) from the core to the adjacent outer zone. Rims
high-Al2O3 amphiboles of Mount St. Helens, which are can be either more or (slightly) less magnesian than the
considered to have crystallized at depths 415 km preceding zone, but are generally more magnesian than
(Thornber et al., 2008). cores (Fig. 5c). Optically homogeneous amphiboles are
REE patterns of amphiboles are similar to those of generally richer in Mg than cores of zoned amphiboles
clinopyroxene, with slope increasing from La to Nd and and often as Mg-rich as their rims (compare E05153 and
slightly decreasing from Sm to Lu and no significant Eu E05066: Fig. 5c and d). They are characterized by a slight
negative anomalies (Fig. 5a; Electronic Appendix 7). decrease of Mg-number and K2O and by an increase of
REE concentrations of amphibole are comparable with to TiO2 from core to rim (Fig. 5d). Amphiboles with variably
slightly lower than those of clinopyroxene (Figs 4b and Mg-rich cores may also coexist in the same sample. Pilavo
5 a; Electronic Appendixes 6^7). Like clinopyroxene, amphiboles, especially the rims of crystals from the most
Fig. 5. (a) REE patterns of Pilavo amphiboles. (b) Sr variations of Pilavo amphiboles vs K2O contents of the corresponding host whole-rocks.
(c, d) Mg-number, TiO2, K2O and Na2O concentration profiles in optically zoned and unzoned amphiboles from Pilavo lavas. Reported dis-
tances (mm) are always from the core (0 mm). (e, f) Correlations between average reaction rim thickness around amphiboles and their average
Sr and Ba contents (error bars represent the associated standard deviations).
evolved rocks, can have high F contents, ranging from 0·1 and hercynite components are highest in the magnetite
to 2·7 wt % (fluor-magnesio-hastingsite). hosted by amphibole, in which MgO and Al2O3 can
The average thickness of the reaction rims of the amphi- reach concentrations up to 11wt % (Fig. 7c; Electronic
bole population in each thin section (Table 2) shows a Appendix 4). Also, hemoilmenite has high contents of
broad inverse correlation with average incompatible elem- MgO (up to 8 wt %) and Al2O3 (up to 3·5 wt %;
ent content of the amphibole (Fig. 5e and f). Electronic Appendix 4).
Application of the magnetite^ilmenite thermometer and
Plagioclase oxygen barometer [using the ILMAT software of Lepage
We have distinguished three texturally different types of (2003)] for the magnetite^hemoilmenite pairs of the
plagioclase, as follows. amphibole phenocrysts [which have all passed the equilib-
rium test of Bacon & Hirschmann (1988)] yields tempera-
(1) Plagioclase phenocrysts (up to a few millimeters in
tures ranging between 850 and 9008C, with one pair
size) consisting almost entirely of a heavily
yielding a significantly higher temperature of 9758C
sieve-textured core, which is corroded and overgrown
(Fig. 7d; Electronic Appendix 4). Oxygen fugacities calcu-
by a thin clear rim (Fig. 6a). The cores of these plagio-
lated from these pairs are high to very high, ranging
clase phenocrysts are anorthite-rich (An480 and up
from NNO þ1·5 to NNO þ 3·3, where NNO is the nickel^
to An92) with the sieve-filling plagioclase being
nickel oxide buffer.
An35^45 (Fig. 6a and b; Electronic Appendix 3).
The clear outer rim, with concentric zoning, is usually
An-poorer than the core (Fig. 6a; Electronic Quartz xenocrysts
(a) (b)
pl 1
pl 2
90 90
An (mol%)
An (mol%)
pl 1
60 70
60 pl 2
(c) (d)
Srplagioclase (ppm)
90 600 800 1000 1200 1400
SrWR (ppm)
An (mol%)
100 200 300 400
Distance (µm)
Fig. 6. Anorthite zoning of plagioclase phenocrysts for large phenocrysts with intensely sieved cores (a) characterized by albite-rich fillings of
the sieves (An30^40) (sample E05065), phenocrysts with weakly sieved cores (b) (sample E05067), and microcrysts in the groundmass (b and
c) (sample E05067); (d) variations of Sr in plagioclase with whole-rock Sr content.
Rock/Primitive Mantle Pilavo (a) (b)
corona glass
Cs Ba U Ta La Pb Sr Nd Sm Ti Y Lu La Pr Pm Eu Tb Ho Tm Lu
Rb Th Nb K Ce Pr P Zr Eu Dy Yb Ce Nd Sm Gd Dy Er Yb
100 1000
(c) (d)
Setouchi sanukites 10
0.1 Sanukitoids
Continental crust
0.01 1
Rb Ta Ce Sr Zr Ti Yb Cr La Pr Sm Gd Dy Yb
Ba K Pb P Sm Dy Lu Ce Nd Eu Tb Er Lu
Nb La Pr Nd Eu Y Ni
Fig. 8. (a) Primitive mantle-normalized trace element variation diagrams for the Pilavo rocks and of the corona texture glass around quartz
xenocrysts (sample E05155) compared with those of Pichincha and Pululahua. The corona texture glass is the average of 12 LA-ICP-MS spot
measurements. Normalizing values are from Sun & McDonough (1989). (b) Chondrite-normalized REE patterns of the Pilavo lavas and of
the corona texture glass around quartz xenocrysts (sample E05155) compared with those of Pichincha and Pululahua. The corona texture
glass is the average of 12 LA-ICP-MS spot measurements. Normalizing values are from Sun & McDonough (1989). (c) MORB-normalized
trace element patterns of the Pilavo lavas compared with those of the average continental crust (Rudnick & Gao, 2004), Setouchi sanukites
(Shimoda et al., 1998; Tatsumi et al., 2003), and sanukitoids (Martin et al., 2005). The fields of Setouchi sanukites and sanukitoids represent 1
standard deviations around the averages of element concentrations. It should be noted that compared with (a) some elements have been
removed because they are not available in the sanukitoid and sanukite databases and Cr and Ni have been added. MORB-normalizing values
are from Kelemen et al. (2004). (d) Chondrite-normalized REE patterns of the Pilavo rocks and of the corona texture glass around quartz xeno-
crysts (sample E05155) compared with those of the average continental crust (Rudnick & Gao, 2004), Setouchi sanukites (Shimoda et al., 1998;
Tatsumi et al., 2003), and sanukitoids (Martin et al., 2005). The fields of Setouchi sanukites and sanukitoids represent 1 standard deviations
around the averages of element concentrations. Compared with (c) Pr and Ho have been removed because they are not available in the
sanukitoid database (see Martin et al., 2005). Normalizing values are from Sun & McDonough (1989).
enrichment in all incompatible elements. In a mid-ocean are characterized by a moderately steep LREE to middle
ridge basalt (MORB)-normalized diagram including com- REE (MREE) slope, a flat MREE to HREE slope and
patible elements (Fig. 8c) Pilavo lavas display some affi- the absence of negative Eu anomalies (Fig. 8b), and,
nities with high-MgO andesites such as Setouchi sanukites except for the two least evolved rocks, are shifted to
(and average continental crust), from which they differ higher concentrations (especially LREE) compared with
markedly in having higher Sr and P and significantly Pululahua and Pichincha. In the context of their REE pat-
lower Cr and Ni contents. Pilavo rocks, especially the terns the Pilavo rocks show significant affinity both with
most enriched ones, display a remarkable affinity with Archean sanukitoids (the most enriched rocks) and with
Archean sanukitoids, from which they differ only in terms Setouchi sanukites (the least enriched rocks) (Fig. 8d).
of their lower Ni and Cr contents (Fig. 8c). REE patterns The affinity with Setouchi sanukites and Archean
10 4
(a) (b) TH
Trachy- 29 Okmok
Trachy- dacite CA
Na2O+K2O (wt.%)
Basalt. andesite 3
trachy- Parinacota
andesite 25
6 Trachy-
basalt 2
4 andesite
Basalt Pilavo 1
2 Pululahua Lassen
Pichincha Setouchi Piip Peak
0 0
45 50 55 60 65 70 75 48 52 56 60 64 68
SiO2 (wt.%) SiO2 (wt.%)
10 9
(c) 30 28 26 plag (d) mt
24 22
9 cpx 24 22 28 26
Fe2O3 (wt.%)
8 30
CaO (wt.%)
K2O (wt.%)
cpx mt
plag 1.5 cpx plag
3 30 26
amph 30
28 26 1.0 amph
24 22 22
2 0.5
1 2 3 4 5 1 2 3 4 5
MgO (wt.%) MgO (wt.%)
Fig. 9. (a) Total alkalis^silica diagram (Le Bas et al., 1986) for Pilavo lavas compared with Pichincha and Pululahua. (b) FeOtot/MgO^SiO2
diagram (Miyashiro, 1974) for Pilavo lavas compared with other arc volcanoes (TH, tholeiitic; CA, calc-alkaline). Sources of data: Piip,
Yogodzinski et al. (1994); Okmok, Finney et al. (2008); Lassen Peak, Clynne et al. (2008); Parinacota, Hora et al. (2009); Pululahua
and Pichincha, Chiaradia et al. (2009). (c^j) MgO versus selected major and trace elements for Pilavo lavas compared with Pululahua and
Pichincha. Modeled fractional crystallization trends of an average continental arc basalt (Kelemen et al., 2004) fractionating 33% olivine,
64% clinopyroxene, and accessory amounts of Cr-rich spinel (1%) and magnetite (2%) are indicated by continuous lines. Tick marks
and corresponding numbers represent the crystallized fraction (see Tables 4^6 for further details). Modeled fractional crystallization
trends for amphibole, clinopyroxene, magnetite and plagioclase starting from the composition of a melt corresponding to 25% fractionation of
the continental arc basalt according to the above model are indicated by the dashed lines (see Tables 4^6 for further details). (k) Modeling of
repeated recharge and assimilation^fractional crystallization (AFC) processes in Ba^La space (see Table 7 for details). (l) Sr/Y vs K2O for
Pilavo lavas.
(g) 1300 (h)
Sr (ppm)
Th (ppm)
900 cpx
10 700 24 22
cpx, amph amph 30 28 26 plag
5 mt plag 500
32 26 22
0 300
(i) 160 (j)
Cr (ppm)
Ni (ppm)
30 22 80 22
40 60
20 1 40
500 1000 1500 2000 0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0 2.5
Ba (ppm) K2O (wt.%)
Fig. 9. Continued.
sanukitoids extends also to major elements (Table 3), with et al., 2005). Adakitic indices (e.g. Sr/Y, but also La/Yb
the exception of Fe2O3 (higher at Pilavo) and MgO and Dy/Yb), increase regularly with the degree of differen-
(lower at Pilavo, but only with respect to Setouchi tiation (e.g. K2O; Fig. 9l).
Some of the Pilavo rocks can be classified as adakite-like Sr, Nd and Pb isotopes
in terms of their Sr/Y (40^80) and La/Yb (10^40) values, The Sr, Nd and Pb isotopic compositions of the Pilavo
but compared with Pichincha and Pululahua they rocks (Table 2) show little variability (87Sr/86Sr ¼ 0·70377^
have higher concentrations of Y (15^20 ppm) and Yb 0·70390, 143Nd/144Nd ¼ 0·51292^0·51295, eNd ¼ þ5·5 to
(1·2^2·0 ppm), which, for some samples, are beyond the þ6·1, 206Pb/204Pb ¼19·02^19·08, 207Pb/204Pb ¼15·57^15·62,
threshold of adakites (Y 18 ppm; Yb 1·8 ppm; Martin Pb/204Pb ¼ 38·63^38·85) and are always more depleted
Table 3: Comparison of average major element compositions of Pilavo lavas, Archean sanukitoids and Setouchi sanukites
SiO2 TiO2 Al2O3 Fe2O3 MgO CaO Na2O K2O P2O5 FeO/MgO
Sanukitoid average
(n ¼ 31) 58·76 0·74 15·8 5·87 3·9 5·57 4·42 2·78 0·39 1·35
1s 2·90 0·30 0·90 1·50 1·30 1·50 0·70 0·80 0·10 0·42
Setouchi sanukite
average (n ¼ 30) 57·38 0·6 15·87 6·23 7·22 6·59 3·15 1·74 0·15 0·78
1s 1·85 0·11 0·78 0·7 1·34 0·54 0·39 0·36 0·02 0·22
Pilavo average
(n ¼ 13) 56·29 0·75 17·22 8·55 3·42 7·51 3·07 1·81 0·28 2·25
1s 1·16 0·04 0·46 0·48 0·21 0·34 0·11 0·45 0·03 0·08
Residual difference
Pilavo – sanukitoids (%) ¼ ¼ þ0·3 þ8·2 ¼ þ1·3 –17·6 ¼ ¼ þ17·8
Residual difference
Pilavo – sanukite (%) ¼ ¼ þ0·6 þ13·3 65·8 0·5 ¼ ¼ 28·6 52·0
with respect to Sr and Nd but more radiogenic for Pb than such enrichment might have occurred. Finally, we discuss
rocks of companion frontal volcanoes (i.e. Pululahua and the tholeiitic affinity and the incompatible element enrich-
Pichincha; Fig. 10). In both Sr^Nd (Fig. 10a) and Sr^Pb ment of Pilavo basaltic andesites in a more general context.
(Fig. 10b) isotope spaces the Pilavo compositions are slight-
ly shifted towards the Galapagos Islands field compared Mantle source processes
with those of companion frontal arc volcanoes, but, like In agreement with the geodynamic setting of the volcano,
the latter, plot fully within the field of granulites and am- the available geochemical data indicate that Pilavo
phibolites of the Western Cordillera of Ecuador, which rep- magmas are subduction-related (strong negative Nb and
resent the metamorphic equivalents of the oceanic plateau Ta anomalies; LILE enrichment). Therefore, following es-
rocks accreted to the continent in the Late Cretaceous tablished models (e.g. Tatsumi, 1989) and in the absence of
(Amo¤rtegui et al., 2005; Chiaradia et al., 2009). The Sr and primitive magmatic rocks, the most reasonable parent
Nd isotopic compositions of the microdrilled amphibole magma of the Pilavo basaltic andesites is a hydrous basalt
phenocryst and groundmass of sample E05156 are identical derived from partial melting of the mantle wedge metaso-
within error and are also similar to the whole-rock com- matized by a slab component. The most primitive samples
position (Table 2). from Pilavo have Ba/La (50) and Pb/Ce (0·25^0·30),
Despite being characterized by a small range of isotopic ratios similar to those of the most primitive magmas of
variability the Pilavo lavas show significant correlations the adjacent frontal arc volcanoes in Ecuador (Pululahua
of Sr and Nd (not Pb) isotopes with incompatible elem- and Pichincha; Fig. 12a), indicating that the aqueous(?)
ents and their ratios (Fig. 11). In general, 87Sr/86Sr values (Ba and Pb are aqueous fluid-mobile elements; e.g. Kessel
increase whereas 143Nd/144Nd values decrease with increas- et al., 2005) slab component contribution was probably
ing incompatible element concentrations and their ratios similar for all three volcanoes. None the less, the more
(Fig. 11). primitive isotopic compositions and significant enrichment
in aqueous fluid-immobile incompatible elements (e.g. Th,
La, Zr, Nb) as well as their ratios (e.g. Th/La, Th/Nb) in
DISCUSSION the Pilavo lavas, compared with those of Pichincha and
The main focus of this study is the petrogenesis of the Pululahua (Fig. 12b and c), might suggest a fundamental
Pilavo basaltic andesites and, in particular, the processes difference in the slab component or in the mantle source.
responsible for their enrichment in incompatible elements. High Th/La values (0·28^0·36) and Th concentrations (4^
Below, we discuss the steps, from magma source to 24 ppm), like those of the Pilavo andesites, are usually con-
magma differentiation at various crustal levels, at which sidered to reflect a subducted sediment (melt) component
DMM Ecuadorian oceanic terranes (a)
EPR (Western Cordillera and coastal plain)
143Nd/144Nd GIs Early Tertiary
HIMU Macuchi island arc
0.702 0.703 0.704 0.705 0.706
Western Cordillera
granulites and
0.704 amphibolites
Ecuadorian oceanic terranes
EPR (Western Cordillera and coastal plain)
18 19 20
Fig. 10. Nd^Sr (a) and Sr^Pb (b) isotope variation in the lavas of the studied volcanoes in comparison with fields of various potential source
reservoirs and rocks (data from Zindler & Hart, 1986; White et al., 1993; Litherland et al., 1994; Mamberti et al., 2003; Amo¤rtegui et al., 2005;
M. Chiaradia, unpublished data). DMM, Depleted MORB Mantle; EPR, East Pacific Rise; GSC, Galapagos Spreading Center; HIMU,
high m; GIs, Galapagos Islands; BSE, Bulk Silicate Earth; EMI, Enriched Mantle I.
in the mantle source (e.g. Plank, 2005) and therefore might and Carnegie Ridge lavas (Harpp et al., 2005) have low
suggest a higher subducted sediment melt contribution at Th/La values (0·021^0·15 and 0·034^0·092, respectively),
Pilavo than at Pichincha and Pululahua. However, the implying that the high Th/La values of the Pilavo rocks
high Th/La values and Th concentrations of Pilavo lavas are not the result of sediment and/or oceanic crust melting
are inconsistent with their isotopic signatures, which are and might, instead, be the result of intracrustal magmatic
more depleted than those of Pululahua and Pichincha processes (see also Plank, 2005). This, however, does not
(Figs 10a, b and 12 c). Furthermore, subducting sediments exclude the possibility that the metasomatizing agent re-
at adjacent trench locations (Colombia and Peru, Plank sponsible for mantle wedge flux melting in the subduction
& Langmuir, 1998; no geochemical data are available for zone beneath Pilavo may be a hydrous melt, as suggested
sediments of the Ecuadorian trench to our knowledge) for subduction zones in general by thermal modeling of
0.70395 0.70395
(a) (b)
0.70390 0.70390
0.70385 0.70385
0.70380 0.70380
0.70375 0.70375
500 1000 1500 2000 600 800 1000 1200 1400
Ba (ppm) Sr (ppm)
0.70395 0.70395
(c) (d)
0.70390 0.70390
0.70385 0.70385
0.70375 0.70375
50 100 150 200 250 5 10 15 20 25
Zr (ppm) Th (ppm)
0.70395 0.70395
(e) (f)
0.70390 0.70390
0.70385 0.70385
0.70380 0.70380
0.70375 0.70375
35 40 45 50 55 60 65 70 75 80 85 25 30 35 40 45 50 55
Sr/Y Ba/La
0.51296 0.51296
(g) (h)
0.51295 0.51295
0.51294 0.51294
0.51293 0.51293
0.51292 0.51292
1.0 1.5 2.0 2.5 50 100 150 200 250
K2O (wt.%) Zr (ppm)
Fig. 11. Correlations between whole-rock radiogenic isotope compositions and various incompatible trace elements and ratios (for discussion
see text).
Table 4: Compositions of primitive melts used for the modeling curves reported in Figure 9
Primitive melt* Model SiO2 TiO2 Al2O3 FeOtot MnO MgO CaO Na2O K2O P2O5 Cr Ni Th Sr Total Ref.
Continental arc 1 51·33 0·98 15·7 8·72 0·17 9·48 9·93 2·61 0·88 0·22 398 159 2·03 426 100·10 1
E05065 2 56·07 0·71 17·85 8·22 0·16 3·73 7·97 3·01 1·13 0·23 13 6 4·5 666 99·08 2
Model 1
cpx Run 10 49·35 0·34 7·49 0·03 5·65 0·16 15·57 21·24 0·32 0·01 100·16 1
olivine E05024-8 39·59 0·03 0·05 11·11 0·24 48·64 0·08 0·01 0·27 100·01 2
spinel Run 10 0 0·3 42·13 13·85 24·83 0 14·08 0·21 0·03 0·13 0 95·56 1
Magnetite E05151_1_2 0·07 5·58 3·49 0·02 77·79 0·50 7·79 0·03 95·27 3
Model 2
cpx E156a_6-2 49·71 0·590 4·690 0·050 9·75 0·430 13·38 20·89 0·460 0·010 0·020 99·98 3
amphibole E05067_2_1 41·66 1·74 12·70 0·01 13·09 0·12 13·44 11·27 2·00 0·02 1·26 97·31 3
magnetite E05151_1_2 0·07 5·58 3·49 0·02 77·79 0·50 7·79 0·03 95·27 3
plagioclase E05067 47·09 0·01 33·15 0·64 0·05 16·43 1·78 0·09 100·01 3
References: 1, Kägi (2001), mineral compositions are from experimental runs on calc-alkaline basalt at 1 GPa and
1170–12008C; 2, unpublished data (M. Chiaradia) from olivine of a basaltic andesite of Chacana (Eastern Cordillera of
Ecuador); 3, this study.
(see above). A dynamic process of RAFC (e.g. Bohrson & have produced the typical zoned corona textures with
Spera, 2003) with continuous homogenization of the evol- glass around the quartz xenocryst and clinopyroxene on
ving magmas, their partial solidification to form uncon- the outer part through reaction with the recharging mafic
solidated crystal mushes or proto-plutons and their magma. It is unlikely that they represent xenocrysts
assimilation by recharges of more mafic magma is more derived from mature continental crust because the
appropriate for the petrogenesis of the Pilavo lavas, as Western Cordillera of Ecuador is floored by mafic oceanic
indicated by the systematically changing petrographic, plateau crust (e.g. Feininger & Seguin, 1983; Vallejo et al.,
geochemical and isotopic compositions of whole-rocks and 2006, 2009; Chiaradia, 2009) and assimilation of a
minerals. quartz-rich mature continental crust should result in a sig-
Petrographic evidence for magma mixing (or mush or nificant shift of radiogenic isotope compositions, which
proto-pluton incorporation) in the Pilavo lavas is provided are instead primitive for all rocks (see above).
by the coexistence of texturally and compositionally differ- Amphibole and clinopyroxene phenocrysts in the Pilavo
ent pheno- or xenocrysts in the same thin section: (1) lavas display systematic correlations in their incompatible
unzoned to normally zoned Mg-rich amphibole pheno- element contents with whole-rock chemistry (Figs 4^6).
crysts and inversely multi-zoned large amphibole; (2) The intra-sample variability (e.g. standard deviation) of
amphiboles with or without equant clinopyroxene coronas, these elements is similar for all samples and somewhat
perhaps indicative of heating (Rutherford & Devine, less than the inter-sample variability. Because each sample
2003); (3) clinopyroxene associated with amphibole in investigated represents a different lava flow (Fig. 2b), this
clots (perhaps residues of magma mushes), as isolated suggests that amphiboles and clinopyroxenes have crystal-
1400 0.70395
(a) (b)
1200 0.70390
Sr (ppm)
1000 0.70385
800 0.70380
600 0.70375
10 30 50 70 90 10 30 50 70 90
plagioclase (modal %) plagioclase (modal %)
1400 0.70395
(c) (d)
1200 0.70390
Sr (ppm)
1000 0.70385
600 0.70375
0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70
groundmass (modal %) groundmass (modal %)
1400 0.70395
(e) (f)
1200 0.70390
Sr (ppm)
1000 0.70385
800 0.70380
600 0.70375
0 4 8 12 16 20 0 4 8 12 16 20
amphibole (modal %) amphibole (modal %)
25 0.70395
(g) (h)
amphibole (modal %)
0 0.70375
0 40 80 120 160 200 0 40 80 120 160 200
average reaction rim thickness (µm) average reaction rim thickness (µm)
Fig. 13. (a^f) Correlations between modal mineralogy and geochemical and isotopic composition of the whole-rocks. A noteworthy feature is
the high amphibole modal content (11%) in sample E05151, which is ‘anomalous’ for being characterized by a low Sr content (700 ppm) but a
radiogenic Sr isotope signature (0·703859). (g, h) Correlations between the average thickness of reaction rims around amphibole and corres-
ponding Sr isotopic composition and amphibole modal abundance of the whole-rocks.
Table 7: Parameters used for modelling repeated recharge and assimilation^fractional crystallization processes at Pilavo
(refer to Fig. 9k)
Crustal assimilation and melting (see Fig. 10 and Chiaradia et al., 2009) and thus consistent
Petrographic and geochemical evidence that plagioclase with the small isotopic shifts observed within the Pilavo
pressures below 150^100 MPa (e.g. Rutherford, 2008). The remain high and vary between NNO þ 0·5 and about
thickness of the reaction rims developed around amphibole NNO þ 2.
phenocrysts, as well as the size and shape of the replacing The high fO2 of the Pilavo lavas might indicate oxidiz-
mineral phases (plagioclase, pyroxene, Fe-oxides), depends ing conditions in the mantle source, although further oxi-
on the magma ascent rate (e.g. Rutherford & Hill, 1993; dation may have occurred within the crust. In fact, in
Browne & Gardner, 2005). Thicker reaction rims indicate H2O-rich magmas that are crystallizing amphibole, like
longer exposure times (slower ascent rates) at disequilib- those of Pilavo, fO2 increases owing to liberation of free
rium between amphibole and the surrounding melt and O2 during amphibole crystallization (Frost & Lindsley,
are usually accompanied by equant and larger sized repla- 1991). The inverse MgO zoning in the Pilavo amphiboles
cing mineral phases (Browne & Gardner, 2005). In con- and associated opacitization of the rims at each subsequent
trast, thinner rims with a smaller grain size of the growth zone would be consistent with increasing fO2
replacing minerals and acicular shapes are typical of during magmatic evolution (e.g. Mason, 1978).
faster and continuous ascent rates (Browne & Gardner,
2005). Reaction rims around amphibole phenocrysts there- General model
fore provide qualitative information about the path of the Mantle-derived basaltic magmas initially underwent
magma between the depth of initial amphibole breakdown high-pressure fractionation of dominant olivine and clino-
and the effusion at the vent. pyroxene with lesser amounts of Cr-rich spinel and mag-
We note that the average thickness of reaction rims on netite at the mantle^crust interface and/or at lower
the amphibole population of each sample correlates broad- crustal levels (Fig. 14). This fractionating assemblage drove
derivative liquids into the tholeiitic field (Fig. 9b) and to-
depth of
destabilization magmatic chambers
high-alumina basalts
40 km
with tholeiitic affinity
produced by
Stage a Stage b Stage c
Fig. 14. Conceptual model of the magmatic plumbing system at Pilavo volcano, inspired by the deep hot zone model of Annen et al. (2006) (for
discussion see text). Lighter colors indicate progressively enriched magmas. Stages a, b, c do not necessarily correspond to systematically
younger stages of volcano evolution. At Pilavo, the volcanic stratigraphy seems to suggest that Stage b postdates Stage a, but there is no con-
straint on the temporal relationships between Stage b and Stage c. The model may also be valid for Stage a postdating Stage b as a result of a
changing plumbing system in which magmas short-circuit (Stage a) or not (Stages b and c) the mid-crustal chamber(s).
clinopyroxene fractionation under high pH2O conditions in progressively evolving magmas, as indicated by their
(P 0·4 GPa), accompanied by assimilation of felsic correlations with radiogenic isotopes (Fig. 11) and amphi-
magmas, crystal mushes or proto-plutons as well as bole abundance (Fig. 13), and as supported by our model-
mixing with incoming batches of mafic magma (RAFC ing (Fig. 9k). Magmas were driven towards the
processes), is marked by the appearance of multiply zoned calc-alkaline field as a result of such processes (Fig. 9b).
amphibole in lavas of the main volcanic stage, increasingly Correlations of average amphibole reaction rim thickness
Sr-rich plagioclase (coexisting with Sr-poor plagioclase) with amphibole mineral chemistry, whole-rock geochem-
and magmatic quartz xenocrysts. During these RAFC istry and isotopic compositions suggest that increasingly
processes incompatible elements became strongly enriched enriched magmas were amalgamated in the mid-crustal
reservoir and ascended to the surface with steadily faster fractures affecting the extent of partial melting of the
ascent rates above the depths of amphibole stability, prob- mantle wedge; Miller et al., 1992), or to changes in struc-
ably owing to their increasingly H2O-rich nature. The tural features of the overriding plate affecting its response
above model is also valid for the case in which Stages a, b to subduction-induced stress (e.g. Singer & Myers, 1992).
and c of Fig. 14 represent plumbing systems at different,
but not sequential, times, in which magmas short-circuit Implications for continental crust
(Stage a) or not (Stages b and c) the mid-crustal cham- formation processes
ber(s) (see also Hora et al., 2009). Enriched high-MgO andesites (e.g. Kelemen et al., 2003)
and intrusive equivalents of Archean age (sanukitoids)
have geochemical features remarkably similar to those of
CONC LU DI NG R E M A R K S the average continental crust. Therefore, studying their
The main focus of this work has been to understand the petrogenesis helps to understand the processes responsible
formation processes of the enriched basaltic andesites of for the formation of the continental crust. In a
Pilavo. We have shown that Pilavo is distinct from adjacent subduction-related context the genesis of this type of rocks
frontal arc volcanoes in Ecuador in having a tholeiitic af- is usually explained by either partial melting of mantle
finity and a strong enrichment in incompatible elements. peridotite metasomatized by slab melts (e.g. Shirey &
Below we briefly discuss these features in a broader context Hanson, 1984; Martin et al., 2005; Tatsumi, 2006) or incom-
through comparisons of Pilavo with other tholeiitic and plete reaction of slab melts with mantle peridotite
andesitic arc volcanoes and with other types of enriched (Kelemen et al., 2003; Rapp et al., 2010). In both cases in-
andesites (e.g. Setouchi sanukites and sanukitoids).
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