Top 5 Anadrol Cycles For Huge Gains - Inside Bodybuilding

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Top 5 Anadrol
Cycles For Huge
November 17, 2021

By: Inside Bodybuilding

Disclaimer: The following

article is for educational
purposes only and NOT to
promote the use of illegal
steroids. If you have any
questions or concerns, Dr. Touliatos is
currently available for consultations.

Anadrol (oxymetholone) is a bulking steroid,

taken by weight lifters wanting to build large
amounts of muscle size (hypertrophy) and

Anadrol’s anabolic power is unrivaled, with

it even having the ability to add exceptional
size to ectomorphs or ‘hard gainers.

The only steroid that can stand

toe to toe with anadrol, in
terms of weight gain, is

As Anadrol is best utilized in the off-season,

the following cycles in this article are
tailored for bulking. Anadrol can also be
used for cutting; however, because of
potential water retention and bloat — it is a
less common protocol.

Anadrol is a very harsh steroid, thus it

should only be cycled by experienced
steroid-users (unless beginners take small
doses). Beginners preferably should opt for
lighter compounds, such as testosterone
during their first few cycles.

Contents [hide]

1 Top 5 Anadrol Cycles

1.1 1. Anadrol-Only Cycle
1.2 Anadrol-Only Cycle (Advanced)
1.3 2. Anadrol and Deca Durabolin
1.4 Anadrol and Deca Cycle
1.5 3. Anadrol and Testosterone
1.6 4. Anadrol and Winstrol Cycle
1.7 5. Anadrol and Dianabol Cycle
1.8 6. Anadrol, Trenbolone and
Testosterone Cycle
2 Female Anadrol Cycles
2.1 Anadrol-Only Cycle (Women)
2.2 Anavar & Anadrol Cycle (Women)
3 How to Take Anadrol
4 Post Cycle Therapy
5 Anadrol Before and After
6 Summary

Top 5 Anadrol Cycles

These cycles will be in the order of weakest

to strongest. Thus, as the list goes down,
the side effects will become harsher. The
very bottom cycles are only for seasoned
steroid-users, who have already taken
powerful cycles before.

1. Anadrol-Only Cycle

This is a mildly-dosed cycle, tailored for


If a users’ side effects are quite significant

on 50mg per day, refrain from increasing the
dose to 75mg on week 4 (continuing with

100mg doses should be strictly avoided

during a first Anadrol cycle.

Despite a lower dose being administered

during this cycle, massive increases in size
and strength will be experienced, due to the
body not having used this compound before.

A beginner taking this cycle is likely to gain


Anadrol-Only Cycle
This Anadrol cycle is for experienced users

If someone has previously used Anadrol

and their body’s adapted to this compound,
they may want to cycle it again, but at a
higher dose and a longer period of time (for
increased gains).

This cycle is only for those who are in good

health and have regular checkups with their
doctor, prior to taking this cycle.

If someone currently has bad health and

then takes this cycle, it will deteriorate

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2. Anadrol and Deca

Durabolin Cycle

Deca Durabolin is an effective injectable

steroid that users can stack with Anadrol,
increasing muscle hypertrophy and strength.

Deca Durabolin is not a toxic steroid like

Anadrol, thus side effects won’t be a lot
more severe than running Anadrol by itself.
However, testosterone will be more
suppressed post-cycle, thus a powerful PCT
should be used.

These are fairly modest doses, therefore

this cycle may be utilized after cycling
Anadrol a couple of times by itself.

The main side effect to prepare for on Deca

Durabolin is very low libido and erectile
dysfunction, notoriously known as ‘Deca
dick’. Deca can cause this effect due to its
stimulating effect on prolactin levels.

To combat this and maintain optimal sexual

function, men can take Dostinex, otherwise
known as Caberglobine. This is a drug that
doctors use to effectively treat
hyperprolactinemia, a condition where the
body produces too much prolactin. Dostinex
increases sexual libido and erection quality
relatively quickly (1).

Anadrol and Deca Cycle


With this Deca and Anadrol cycle, the user

is utilizing higher doses. Thus, results will be
increased and so will the severity of side

3. Anadrol and
Testosterone Cycle
Testosterone is another powerful bulking
steroid that will significantly enhance muscle
and strength gains when stacked with
Anadrol. This duo is one of the best
combinations for mass.

Testosterone is an injectable steroid and

thus there won’t be any (significant)
additional liver strain with the inclusion of

However, natural testosterone levels will

become more suppressed post-cycle, in
contrast to taking Anadrol alone.
Furthermore, the risk for gynecomastia
(gyno), high blood pressure, acne and hair
loss will increase.

To combat the onset of gyno during a cycle,

a SERM may be taken (such as Nolvadex),
to reduce heightened estrogen levels in the
breast tissue.

anti-aromatase drugs will not be effective in

combating high estrogen levels during this
cycle, because Anadrol (unlike
Testosterone) does not aromatize. Instead,
Anadrol targets the estrogen receptors

4. Anadrol and Winstrol

This stack could be used as a bulking or
cutting cycle.

Winstrol will increase lean muscle gains,

whilst drying users out and enhancing fat

This initially seems like a strange stack,


Winstrol is a cutting steroid

Winstrol dries the body out, whereas

Anadrol often causes significant amounts
of water retention

However, when Anadrol isn’t used in

conjunction with a high-calorie diet (with lots
of sodium), water retention is minimal. If
calories and sodium are low, users often
report no additional water retention at all;
hence why various men’s physique
competitors cycle Anadrol before a show,
making their muscles appear as full as

Therefore, if your diet accommodates

Anadrol in a way that doesn’t cause any
fluid retention (low calories/low sodium), the
body can remain to look relatively dry; whilst
packing on large amounts of muscle.

The only problem with this cycle is that it will

be very harsh on the body.

Winstrol and Anadrol are oral steroids, with

both of them being hepatotoxic. These are
also very suppressive compounds in
regards to testosterone, and will have a
deleterious effect on the heart; with elevated
LDL and reduced HDL cholesterol scores.

This is possibly one of the worst cycles for a

bodybuilder when weighing up the pros vs
cons. This is because Winstrol won’t make
a tremendous difference; yet will exacerbate
the side effects of Anadrol significantly.

However, it remains a common cycle among

bodybuilders who favour orals vs

5. Anadrol and Dianabol

Two of the best bulking steroids on the
planet combined in one single cycle.

This cycle will produce the most weight

gain and size of any two steroids. This
stack will blow users’ muscles up to the
point, where they will probably be afraid to
perform supersets during their workouts.

It is likely users will lose a noticeable

amount of size post-cycle; however, most of
this will be water weight, gained from these
two wet steroids.

This is one of the worst cycles for your

liver, with both of these steroids being orals
(and thus c 17 alkylated compounds).
Therefore if your liver is not in great
condition, do not perform this cycle.

However, there is research to suggest that

Anadrol’s effects on the liver are not as bad
as the bodybuilding community suggests.
Furthermore, the liver can take a battering
and still recover easily, compared to other
organs. The key with steroids and the liver
is to not take lengthy cycles, giving enough
rest for it to regenerate post-cycle.

For those interested in this cycle, they

should supplement with TUDCA
(tauroursodeoxycholic acid), with doses of
500mg per day, for up to 3 months, being
very effective for inhibiting liver damage (2).

TUDCA should be taken during and after

cycles to offer as much protection to the
liver as possible. Also, alcohol should be
strictly avoided.

Conservative dosages have been used in

this sample cycle, with the risk of liver strain
(and other side effects) in mind.

Regular cardio is highly recommended to

minimize large increases in blood pressure.
Blood pressure should be monitored
regularly throughout this cycle, as large
amounts of water retention and cholesterol
shifts are inevitable.

6. Anadrol, Trenbolone and

Testosterone Cycle

This trio of steroids stacked together will

surely give users the best gains of their
life; however, it will also produce very
harsh side effects and thus should be used
very sparingly (if at all).

Rich Piana stated this was the best cycle he

had ever taken.

The main problems with this cycle are

extreme testosterone suppression, very high
elevations in blood pressure, the risk of
gynecomastia and considerable hair
thinning/loss on the scalp. There will also be
some liver toxicity; however, with the
presence of two injectable steroids (test and
tren), it will be less hepatotoxic than the
Dianabol/Anadrol cycle.

Anadrol and Trenbolone is another common

and powerful steroid cycle, which can be
taken together like Anadrol and test.

Female Anadrol Cycles

There is ample research to suggest that

Anadrol is actually one of the best steroids
for women — in regards to those who want
to avoid virilization. However, many people
believe the opposite to be true and that
women should stay away from Anadrol.

In clinical research, when women take mega

doses of Anadrol for extremely long periods
of time, masculinization does not occur. In a
study, doses of 100-150mg were taken for
30 weeks and no virilization effects were
seen in any of the female subjects (3).

It is commonly believed that because

Anadrol produces harsh side effects in men
(some being androgenic), that it will also
cause the same masculine effects in
women. However, in practical settings, it
does not.

The reason for this may be due to Anadrol

simultaneously increasing estrogen levels,
whilst failing to bind strongly to SHBG (sex
hormone-binding globulin). High SHBG
levels in women are notorious for causing
masculine side effects.

Women may cycle Anadrol alone, or in

conjunction with Anavar, for further muscle
gains (and fat loss).

Anavar is another female-friendly steroid,

that is safe for minimizing the risk of
virilization when taken in short cycles.

Anadrol-Only Cycle

This cycle contains cautious doses of

Anadrol, despite research indicating higher
doses could possibly be taken without any
further risk of virilization.

However, these doses are sufficient for

significant muscle and strength gains. This
is also a very short cycle, in comparison to
those conducted in studies.

Anavar & Anadrol Cycle


If women have taken Anavar or Anadrol

alone in cycles before and would like to
build even more muscle; they can stack
both compounds together.

Conservative doses are used for each of

these steroids, in a 6-week cycle. Anavar
doesn’t want to be run for too long, as
masculinization has been seen in women
running long cycles.

How to Take Anadrol

Anadrol typically comes in 50mg pills. To

keep optimal levels of oxymetholone in your
bloodstream, it is advised to take 2 doses
throughout the day (instead of one).

Therefore, if you are taking 100mg per day

you can simply take 2 pills.

For a total dose of 50mg per day, you can

use a pill cutter to split the pills in half.

For a total dose of 75mg per day, the best

practice would be to take 3 x 25mg pills.

Important: Anadrol pills should be taken on

an empty stomach. This is because the
tablets are fat-soluble (like other anabolic
steroids). Thus taking it with foods,
containing dietary fat, will reduce Anadrol’s

There is evidence to suggest the opposite is

true when taking Anadrol with grapefruit
juice, which potentially may increase its bio-
availability, due to the fruit inhibiting
CYP3A4, an enzyme in the liver which
significantly reduces the absorption of many
drugs (including anabolic steroids).

Therefore, if you do take Anadrol with

grapefruit juice, be wary of overdosing, as a
result of increased absorption.

Post Cycle Therapy

A powerful PCT is required when taking

Anadrol to help restore endogenous
testosterone production as quickly as

Well-being, sexual health and results tend to

suffer post-cycle; however, a PCT will help
to reverse these adverse effects.

There are three recommended medications

to take for a PCT, these are:




All of these drugs will increase natural

testosterone levels significantly.
If a user is shut down severely, it is
recommended to take all three of these

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