Commercial Tomato Production Handbook
Commercial Tomato Production Handbook
Commercial Tomato Production Handbook
Production Handbook
This publication is a joint effort of the seven disciplines that comprise the Georgia Vegetable Team. It is comprised
of 14 topics on tomato, including history of tomato production, cultural practices, pest management, harvesting,
handling and marketing. This publication provides information that will assist producers in improving the profitabil-
ity of tomato production, whether they are new or experienced producers.
Tomatoes are an important crop for Georgia growers; however, successful tomato production is not easily achieved.
Tomato production requires highly intensive management, production and marketing skills, and a significant in-
vestment. Per acre cost of production is high, and yields can be severely limited by pest problems or environment.
Tomato production is complex. Expertise in the areas of cultural practices, soils and fertility management, pest
control, harvesting, post-harvest handling, marketing, and farm record keeping is crucial to profitable production.
In writing this publication, the authors have strived to provide a thorough overview of all aspects of tomato produc-
tion. However, chemical pest control recommendations are not included, as these change from year to year. For
up-to-date chemical recommendations, see the current Georgia Pest Management Handbook.
Table of Contents
History, Significance, Classification and Growth....................................... 3
Culture and Varieties.................................................................................. 4
Transplant Production................................................................................ 9
Production Using Plastic Mulch................................................................11
Irrigation................................................................................................... 13
Physiological Problems............................................................................ 15
Lime and Fertilizer Management............................................................. 17
Sprayers.................................................................................................... 22
Diseases.................................................................................................... 28
Insect Management.................................................................................. 31
Weed Control............................................................................................ 36
Harvest, Handling and Sanitation............................................................. 38
Marketing................................................................................................. 43
Production Costs...................................................................................... 46
History, Significance,
Classification and Growth
William Terry Kelley and George Boyhan
Extension Horticulturists
Soil Requirements and hibitory effects on root growth can significantly reduce
tomato yields.
Site Preparation If a compaction pan exists just below or near mold-
Tomatoes can be produced on a variety of soil board plow depth, this hard pan can be disrupted by
types. They grow optimally in deep, medium textured subsoiling to a depth of 16 to 18 inches to allow the
sandy loam or loamy, fertile, well-drained soils. Avoid development of a more extensive root system. Subsoil-
sites that tend to stay wet. Also, rotate away from ing also helps increase water infiltration.
fields that have had solanaceous crops within the past If there is an abundance of plants or plant residues
3-4 years. Select sites that have good air movement (to on the soil surface, discing or mowing followed by
reduce disease) and that are free from problem weeds. discing is usually advised prior to moldboard plowing.
In field production, plants depend on the soil for This should be done 6 to 8 weeks ahead of planting to
physical support and anchorage, nutrients and water. bury residue and allow it to decay. Immediately prior
The degree to which the soil adequately provides these to plastic mulch installation or transplanting, perform
three factors depends upon topography, soil type, soil final soil preparation and/or bedding with a rotary til-
structure and soil management. ler, bedding disc or a double disc hiller in combination
For tomato production, proper tillage is crucial for with a bedding press or leveling board. This provides
adequate soil management and optimal yields. Land a crustless, weed-free soil for the installation of plastic
preparation should involve enough tillage operations mulch or the establishment of transplants.
to make the soil suitable for seedling or transplant Tomatoes are usually transplanted into plastic
establishment and to provide the best soil structure for mulch on raised beds. A raised bed will warm up
root growth and development. more quickly in the spring and therefore will enhance
The extent to which the root systems of tomato earlier growth. Since tomatoes do poorly in exces-
plants develop is influenced by the soil profile. Root sively wet soils, a raised bed facilitates drainage and
growth will be restricted if there is a hard pan, com- helps prevent waterlogging in low areas or in poorly
pacted layer or heavy clay zone. Tomatoes are consid- drained soils. Raised beds are generally 3 to 8 inches
ered to be deep rooted and, under favorable conditions, high. Keep in mind, however, that tomatoes planted
some roots will grow to a depth of as much as 10 feet. on raised beds may also require more irrigation during
The majority of roots, however, will be in the upper 12 drought conditions.
to 24 inches of soil. Since root development is severely
limited by compacted soil, proper land preparation
should eliminate or significantly reduce soil compac-
tion and hard pans. Cover Crops and Minimum Tillage
Tillage systems using the moldboard (“bottom” Winter cover crops help protect the soil from water
or “turning”) plow prepare the greatest soil volume and wind erosion. When incorporated into the soil as
conducive to vigorous root growth. This allows the de- “green manure,” cover crops contribute organic matter
velopment of more extensive root systems, which can to the soil.
more efficiently access nutrients and water in the soil. Soil organic matter consists of plant and animal
Discing after moldboard plowing tends to recompact residues in various stages of decay. Organic matter
the soil and should be avoided. improves soil structure (helps to reduce compaction
Compaction pans are present in many soils. They and crusting), increases water infiltration, decreases
are formed principally by machinery and are normally water and wind erosion, increases the soil’s ability to
located at or just below plow depths. Although com- resist leaching of many plant nutrients, and releases
paction pans may be only a few inches thick, theirin- plant nutrients during decomposition.The planting of
Table 1. Tomato varieties that have exhibited acceptable performance either in variety trials or in grower fields in Georgia.
Variety Days to Maturity Fruit Size Shape Disease Resistance
Large Round
Amelia 78 L, XL Oblate F123, ST, TSWV, V, FCR
BHN 444 80 L, XL Globe F12, TSWV, V
BHN 640 80 L, XL Globe F123, TSWV, V
Biltmore (trial) 80 L Deep Oblate F12, ST, ASC, V
Carolina Gold 78 L, XL Deep Oblate F12, V
Crista 78 XL, L Round F123, TSWV, V
Florida 47 R 75 VL Deep Oblate F12, GLS, ASC, V
Florida 91* 72 L Deep Oblate F12, GLS, ASC, V
Mountain Crest 75 XL, L Flat-Globe F12, V, FCR
Mountain Spring 78 XL Deep Oblate F12, St, V, FCR
Sebring 75 XL, L Deep Oblate F123, ST, FCR, V
Solar Fire* 75 L Flat-Round F123, ST, V
Solar Set* 75 M, L Flat-Round F12, ASC, GLS, V
Solimar 78 L Globe F12, ASC, GLS, V
Talladega (trial) 78 XL, L Globe F12, TSWV, V
Tygress (trial) 78 L Deep Oblate F12, V, GLS, TYLC
Cherry Grande 65 Cherry Globe F1, ST, ASC, V
Mountain Belle 68 Cherry Round-Oval F1, V
BHN 685 75 Roma Blocky Globe F123, TSWV, V
Plum Crimson 75 L, XL Saladette F123, V
Plum Daddy 75 Roma Elongated Roma F1, V
Puebla 72 M Elongated Cyl. F12, ST, ASC, V, BS
F = Fusarium Wilt; ST = Stemphylium; TSWV = Tomato Spotted Wilt Virus; V = Verticillium Wilt; FCR = Fruit Cracking;
ASC = Ascomycetes; GLS = Gray Leaf Spot, BS = Bacterial Spot; TYLC = Tomato Yellow Leaf Curl
* hot-set varieties
Potassium Ratings
Recommended K 200 150 100 50
P - Represents pounds of P2O5 recommended per acre; K - Represents pounds of K2O recommended
per acre.
Note: If soil testing is done by a lab other than the University of Georgia Soils Testing Laboratory, the
levels recommended above may not apply because of potentially different methodology and definition
of fertility ranges among labs.
Table 5. An example fertilizer injection schedule for a Coastal Plains soil that is low
in potassium. The schedule is for a 14-week crop. Extended harvests will
require additional injection applications.
Total Preplant Crop Stage in Weeks (lbs/A/day)
Nutrient (lbs/A) (lbs/A) 1-2 3-4 5-6 7-10 11-12 13-14
Nitrogen 225 50 1.0 1.5 2.0 2.5 2.0 1.0
Potassium 225 50 1.0 1.5 2.0 2.5 2.0 1.0
Table 7. Plant tissue analysis ranges for various elements for tomato sampled at the first ripe fruit stage with most recently
mature leaves.
N P K Ca Mg S Fe Mn Zn B Cu Mo
Status Percent Parts per Million
Deficient < 2.0 0.2 2.0 1.0 0.25 0.3 40 30 20 20 5 0.2
Adequate 2.0-3.5 0.2-0.4 2.0-4.0 1.0-2.0 0.25-0.5 0.6-0.6 40-100 30-100 20-40 20-40 5-10 0.2-0.6
High > 3.5 0.4 4 2 0.5 0.6 100 100 40 40 10 0.6
Table 8. Sufficiency ranges for petiole sap tests for tomato at various stages
of crop development.
Fresh Petiole Sap Concentration
Crop Development Stage NO3 - N K
First Flower Buds 1000-1200 3500-4000
First Open Flowers 600-800 3500-4000
Fruits 1-inch Diameter 400-600 3000-3500
Fruits 2-inch Diameter 400-600 3000-3500
First Harvest 300-400 2500-3000
Second Harvest 200-400 2000-2500
Figure 1. Air-assisted boom sprayer. Figure 3. Use one nozzle over the row up to 8 inches, then change to three nozzles for
optimum coverage of the tomato plant.
Figure 2. Hydraulic boom sprayer. Figure 4. Add more pairs of nozzles as the plants grow taller and thicker.
Figure 5. Leaf lesions caused Figure 6. Chlorotic leaves Figure 7. Fruit lesions from Figure 8. Bacterial wilt causes
by bacterial spot. caused by bacterial spot. bacterial spot. rapid wilting.
Figure 9. Bacterial stream- Figure 10. Plants on left Figure 11. TSWV ring-spots on Figure 12. Dark streaks caused
ing from infected plant cut and stunted by TSWV. foliage. by TSWV.
placed in water.
Figure 13. Chlorotic spots Figure 14. Small plant is se- Figure 15. “Mouse-eared” ap- Figure 16. Marginal leaf chloro-
caused by TSWV. verely stunted by TYLCV. pearance of leaves on plants sis associated with TYLCV.
infected with TYLCV.
Figure 17. Leaf lesions from Figure 18. Complete yellowing Figure 19. Vascular discolor- Figure 20. Southern stem blight
early blight. and wilting from Fusarium wilt. ation from Fusarium wilt. mold and reproductive structures
on stem.
Figure 21. Adult thrips. Figure 22. Adult winged aphid. Figure 23. Adult flea beetle. Figure 24. Hornworm larva.
Figure 25. Cabbage looper Figure 26. Winding mines in Figure 27. Adult spider mites Figure 28. Speckled leaf
larva. leaf created by leafminers. and eggs (highly magnified). caused by spider mites.
Figure 29. Sweetpotato whitefly Figure 30. Late instar fruit- Figure 31. Early instar fruit- Figure 32. Late instar beet
nymphs on the underside of a worm larva. worm larva. armyworm.
Figure 33. Beet armyworm egg Figure 34. Yellowstriped army- Figure 35. Southern green stink Figure 36. Southern green stink
mass hatching. worm larva. bug adult. bug nymph (late instar).
Figure 39. Field heat retained Figure 40. Infiltration of pathogens into a tomato. Figure 41. Partial submersion of tomatoes
in packed tomatoes can speed in a dump tank.
up the breakdown of fruit.
Figure 42. Using ORP meter Figure 43. FDA regulations Figure 44. Testing pH regularly Figure 45. Commercial tomato
to measure chlorine activity in require that portable toilet and will help maintain the maximum sizing rings.
wash water. hand washing facilities be avail- disinfectant activity of chlorine in
able within ½ mile of working wash or cooling water.
field crews. [Photo courtesy of
Trevor Suslow, UC-Davis]
Figure 46. Barcoding facilitates Figure 47. Commercial forced Figure 48. Blotchy coloring,
traceback and sanitizing of reus- air cooling system. surface pitting and black mold
able plastic containers. decay are evidence that these
tomatoes were stored at too low
a temperature.
Figure 49. Georgia Tomato Area Planted, Harvested and Yields, Figure 50. Georgia Tomato Production and Average Seasonal
1983-2004. [Source: Georgia Agricultural Statistics Service/USDA, Prices, 1983-2004. [Source: Georgia Agricultural Statistics Service/
2002 Census of Agriculture Georgia Profile. Also see USDA, 2002 Census of Agriculture Georgia Profile. Also see http://]]
Figure 51. U.S. Import Value of Tomatoes: Selected Countries Figure 52. U.S. Average Tomatoes Retail Prices by Month: 2000-
and the World ($1,000). [Source: ERS/ USDA Vegetables & Melon 2003. [Source: ERS/USDA Vegetables & Melon Outlook/VGS-298,
Outlook/VGS-2003, July 2003.] August 21, 2003]
Table 9. Wastage of fresh tomatoes in Greater New York retail stores and in consumer samples (1974-1977).
Location of loss and Causes of loss (% by weight)
type of packaging Bruise decay Physical injuries Physiological disorders Total
Prepackaged 4.2ab* 1.5a 0.6a 6.3a
Loose 3.8b 2.0a 0.9a 6.7a
Prepackaged 6.5a 1.1a 0.3a 7.9a
Loose 3.8a 0.7a 0.2a 4.7b
* Numbers followed by the same letter are not significantly different at 5% probability level.
In recent years major retailers such as WalMart, fans and extra refrigeration capacity needed. However,
Kroger, etc., have requested growers to pack their proper utilization of forced-air coolers significantly en-
produce in reusable plastic containers (RPCs) because hances quality and shelf life. Once pre-cooled, colored
containers offer more durability and versatility, can and ripe tomatoes must be held between 50-55 degrees
be properly sanitized, and contain bar codes for easy F and 95 percent relative humidity for a 7-10 day shelf
traceback purposes (Figure 46, page 25). life. Pre-cooling tomatoes before loading into tran-
Containers must provide good ventilation, with sit trailers is critical. Truck coolers are not designed
at least 5 percent of any container side being open so to remove field heat from tomatoes. They have only
as not to restrict air movement through the container. enough refrigeration capacity to maintain temperature
Avoid packing in second-hand or used containers, once tomatoes are cooled. Tomatoes loaded in a transit
which are unacceptable to buyers. Shipping containers trailer at 90 degrees F will likely arrive at the market at
must not be under- or over-filled since this will result 90 degrees F. Tomatoes will be soft and overripe and
in short weights and bruise damage to the tomatoes buyers will not accept them.
upon stacking. Use eye appealing, reinforced contain- Tomatoes are subject to chilling injury when held
ers giving the name and address of the packer and at temperatures below 50 degrees F if held longer than
having the size or weight of the product clearly marked 2 weeks, or at 45 degrees F if held longer than 6-8
on the package. days. The consequences of chilling injury are failure
to develop full color and flavor, blotchy, irregular
Cooling and Shipping color development, surface pitting, increased decay
Since the tomato is a tropical fruit, it is adversely (especially black mold caused by Alternaria spp.),
affected by exposure to refrigeration temperatures and browning of seeds (internal) (Figure 48, page 25).
(less than 50 degrees F) during storage. While several Tomatoes are also susceptible to water loss through
cooling methods can be used, “forced air” cooling is the stem scar. Shriveling becomes evident with as little
recommended. Tomato cartons and RPCs are placed in as three percent loss in weight if held at less than 85
parallel rows in front of exhaust fans in specially de- percent relative humidity.
signed refrigerated rooms. A canvas covering is spread Tomatoes are moderate to heavy ethylene produc-
over the top containers, draping to the floor as shown ers. Ethylene is a natural ripening gas produced by cer-
in Figure 47, page 25. When the exhaust fans are tain fruits and vegetables that can cause physiological
turned on, a negative air pressure is produced, which and pathological disorders in ethylene-sensitive com-
in turn pulls the cold air through the containers and is modities. Shipping “mixed loads” of tomatoes with
then lifted up toward the refrigerated units for recool- other sensitive commodities such as cucumbers, pep-
ing. This circular process allows faster cooling of the pers, lettuce, and other leafy greens can cause quality
product. Once tomatoes are cooled to the appropriate problems (i.e., loss of chlorophyll, accelerated decay)
storage temperature, a solenoid switch turns the fans in these commodities and should be avoided.
off and the room becomes a storage cooler. Forced
air cooling is more advantageous than room cooling Resources
because field heat is removed more rapidly, permitting Ceponis, M.J., and Butterfield, L.E. “Losses
longer shelf-life of the product. in fresh tomatoes at the retail and consumer levels in
Forced-air coolers are slightly more expensive to greater New York area.” Journal of the American Soci-
build than conventional room coolers because of the ety for Horticultural Science 104:751-754. 1979.
42 UGA Cooperative Extension Bulletin 1312 | Commercial Tomato Production Handbook
Esendugue Greg Fonsah
Extension Economist
Budget Uses
In addition to estimating the total costs and break-
Types of Costs even costs for producing tomatoes, there are other
Total costs of producing any crop include both uses of the budget. Estimates of the cash costs (out-of-
variable and fixed costs. The variable or operating pocket expenses) provide information on how much
costs vary with the adopted cultural practices. Com- money needs to be borrowed. The cash cost estimates
mon variable cost components include seed, fertilizer, are helpful in preparing cash flow statements. In the
chemicals, fuel, and labor. instance of share leases, the cost estimates by item can
Variable costs are further broken down into pre- be used to more accurately determine a fair share ar-
harvest (Table 12) and harvesting and marketing rangement by the landlord and tenant.
operations (Table 13) in the hypothetical budget. This
provides you an opportunity to analyze the costs at dif-
ferent stages of the production process. Risk Rated Net Returns
Fixed costs include items such as equipment own- Since yields and prices vary from year to year, an
ership (depreciation, interest, insurance, and taxes), attempt is made to estimate the riskiness of producing
management, and general overhead costs (Table 14, tomatoes. The Extension Agricultural Economics De-
page 50). Most of these costs are incurred even if little partment uses five different yields and prices to calcu-
production takes place and these costs should be con- late risk (Table 16). The median values are those prices
sidered when planning production costs. and yields a particular tomato grower would anticipate
Land cost may either be a variable or a fixed cost. to exceed half the time.
Because it varies significantly from county to county, Half the time, the grower would anticipate not
from region to region, and whether it is irrigated or reaching below these prices and yields. Optimistic
non-irrigated, it is not included in this hypothetical values are those prices and yields tomato growers
budget. Even if you own the land, there is a cost. Land would expect to reach or exceed one-year-in-six.
is a fixed cost in this budget even though no cost has The pessimistic values are poor prices and yields that
been recorded. A fixed cost per hour of use shows would be expected one-year-in-six. The best and worst
ownership costs for tractors and equipment (deprecia- values are those extreme levels that would occur once
tion, interest, taxes, insurance and shelter). Overhead a lifetime (1 in 49).
Variable Costs
Plants Thou 5.00 183.75 918.75 919
Lime & gypsum Acre 1.00 45.00 45.00 45
Fertilizer (base & side dressing) Ton 1.00 250.00 250.00 250
Plastic1 Roll 2.80 98.00 274.40 274
Fumigation Acre 1.00 520.00 520.00 520
Insecticide 2
Appl 20.00 21.20 424.00 424
Fungicide Appl 4.0 38.50 154.00 154
Herbicide Acre 3.00 10.00 30.00 30
Stakes & string Acre 1.00 125.00 125.00 125
Labor, mach operation Hr 5.00 5.50 27.50 28
Labor, transplant Hr 100.00 5.00 500.00 500
Cleanup (plastic & stakes) Acre 1.00 150.00 150.00 150
Machinery Acre 1.00 25.76 25.76 26
Irrigation Acre 1.00 202.71 202.71 203
Land rent Acre 1.00 0.00 0.00 0
Interest on operation capital $ 3,647.12 0.09 164.12 164
Pre-harvest variable costs 3,811.24 3,811
*Fertilizer amount and application rates should be based on soil test recommendations.
Metalized plastic for fall planting costs $210 per roll or $378 for 1.8 rolls per acre.
Fall planting includes injectable insecticides and fertigation.
Table 16. Risk rated return for tomatoes yield and prices.
Best Opt Median Pess Worst
Yield (cartons) 2400 2200 2000 1600 1400
Price per carton 10.00 8.00 6.50 5.00 4.00
Table 17. Tomato production risk rated returns over total costs net return levels (top row); the chances of obtaining this level
or more (middle row); the chances of obtaining this level or less (bottom row).
Best Optimistic Expected Pessimistic Worst
Returns ($) 5,645 4,082 2,519 956 -506 -1,968 -3,430
Chances 7% 16% 30% 49% 49% 49% 49%
Chances 51% 32% 16% 6%
Bulletin 1312 Reviewed January 2017
Published by the University of Georgia in cooperation with Fort Valley State University, the U.S. Department of Agriculture, and counties of the state. For more information, contact your local UGA Cooperative Extension office.
The University of Georgia College of Agricultural and Environmental Sciences (working cooperatively with Fort Valley State University, the U.S. Department of Agriculture, and the counties of Georgia) offers its educational programs,
assistance, and materials to all people without regard to race, color, religion, sex, national origin, disability, gender identity, sexual orientation or protected veteran status and is an Equal Opportunity, Affirmative Action organization.