Kurukshetra University Student-Panel

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Est ablished by t he St at e Legislat ure Act XII of 1956

'A+' Grade, NAAC Accredit ed

Roll No.-Cum-Admit Card


Exam Held in : May 2021

Student Name : ANMOL KHAT TAR Roll No. : 191031810

Father's Name : RAM PARKASH Regn. No. : 19-AP-1178
Sr.No. Subject Name Date of Examination
1 BC-401 Corporat e Account ing-II
2 BC-402 Business St at ist ics-II
3 BC-403 Business Laws-II
4 BC-404 Company Law-II
5 BC-405 Comput erized Account ing Syst em
6 BC-406(I) Advert ising
7 BC-406(II) Ent repreneurship Development

Signature of Candidate Controller of Examination

Dat e of NOC Issuance: 08-Jul-2021

This Slip to be preserved by the candidate and show on demand on any day of the

Impor t ant '

Not e:
1. The candidate shall affix his/her latest passport size photo and place his/her signatures
on the Admit Card.
2. The candidate must check/verify the dates of examinations from the latest date-sheet
placed on the University Website i.e. www.kuk.ac.in.
3. The Ex-candidate will be required to register himself/herself in the college/institute as
allotted to him/her in the admit card by updating his/her name, University Roll No.,
Class/Semester, Subjects, E-Mail ID, Whatsapp No., etc. The candidate will be required
to deposit a fee of Rs. 50/- as registration charges to the concerned college/institute as
allotted to him/her.
4. On the basis of the registration and details submitted by the candidate, the
College/Institute/Department will supply the question paper to the candidate and will
also send him/her the link of Google Form for uploading the answer book.
5. Before attempting the question paper, the candidate shall ensure that the correct
question paper has been supplied to him/her by the College/Institute/Department
6. No complaint for attempting wrong question paper by the candidate will be entertained
later on.
7. The candidate will be required to attempt full paper carrying 100% marks as per
instructions printed on the question paper in his/her handwriting and the page limit
would be maximum 36 pages.
8. The candidate must ensure that he/she has the proper internet connectivity for whole
duration of examination. The candidate who doesn’t have the proper connectivity of
internet or any other problem regarding online exam will submit his/her request to the
concerned Chairperson/Director/Principal through E-Mail for offline examination for
which separate arrangement will be made as per COVID guidelines.
9. The candidate must use blue/black pen only.
10. The candidate will attempt questions serial no. wise and will write Question No. in the
centre of the Page so that the Question No. attempted is clearly visible. The candidate
will also mark Paper Code, Page No. & Roll No. on every page of the answer-book.
11. The candidate shall also place his/her signatures on every page of the Answer-Book.
Answer-Book without signatures will not be entertained/evaluated.
12. The candidate will save the PDF file by using a scanner or mobile app like Microsof t
Office Lens/Adobe Scan/vFlat App with the file name as his/her Roll No. and enclose
his/her Roll No. slip alongwith the Answer-Sheet as First Page and will submit his/her
scanned answer book through the Google Form link only.
13. The candidate will not mention his/her mobile number on the Answer-Book otherwise it
shall be termed as UMC (Unfair Means Case).
14. The time allotted will be 4 hours for examination including time of receiving of question
paper to uploading of Answer-Book through Google Form.


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