Bu-Sp-207-20-R1-Audit-Guide-Building-Fabricator-With-Coatings-Endorsement Español
Bu-Sp-207-20-R1-Audit-Guide-Building-Fabricator-With-Coatings-Endorsement Español
Bu-Sp-207-20-R1-Audit-Guide-Building-Fabricator-With-Coatings-Endorsement Español
This audit guide can be used during internal audits to identify “gaps” between your management systems and the updated
standard or as a starting point for implementing management systems to meet the certification requirements. It can also be
useful if you are considering adding additional certifications and/or endorsements. This audit guide includes all certification
programs and endorsements. The Governing Requirements for Certification Programs and the program specific
Supplemental Requirements are not included but should be reviewed as part of the internal audit to ensure compliance.
For users of the Certification Standard for Shop Application of Complex Protective Coating Systems (AISC 420-10/SSPC-QP 3)
the additional criteria are included with a reference to the general sections of 207-20.
Use Instruction
When a section contains new criteria or of significant change, the revised portion of the criteria will be in RED to make
identification of potential changes or gaps easy to identify. Chapter 6 is all new criteria and is not highlighted in red.
Please note the following changes that were included throughout the 207-20 but are not highlighted in red:
The word “product” has been replaced by “work” where applicable. Work encompasses any work done in fabrication,
the work accomplished by the erectors and the work performed by subcontractors or suppliers.
The phrases “shop drawings”, “erection drawings”, and “manufacturing drawings” have been replaced by “fabrication
documents”, “erection documents”, and “manufacturing documents”. This allows for a broader use of how this
information is conveyed.
Many terms have been revised or added to the Glossary and this section should be reviewed and used in conjunction
with this guide to gain a more complete understanding of the terminology in the Standard.
1.2 Scope
The requirements in this Standard shall apply as follows:
a) Chapters 1 and 2 shall apply to building fabricators, who fabricate and supply
the structural steel frames for buildings where elements of the frames are as
defined in AISC Code of Standard Practice Section 2.1.
b) Chapters 1 and 3 shall apply to metal component manufacturers, who
manufacture components that include bracing not designed for primary loads
(diaphragms, cross frames, and lateral bracing); camera, light, sign, and signal
support structures; bridge rail; stairs; walkways; grid decks; drains; scuppers;
expansion joints; bearings; ballast plates; and mechanical movable bridge
equipment. Manufacturers of camera, light, sign, and signal support structures;
high mast light towers; bridge rail; complex expansion joints; high load multi-
rotational (HLMR) bearings; and mechanical movable bridge equipment shall
also be required to meet specific supplemental requirements to this Standard.
c) Chapters 1 and 4 shall apply to bridge fabricators, who fabricate and supply
steel highway or railroad bridges.
d) Chapters 1 and 5 shall apply to erectors of structural steel.
e) Chapters 1 and 6 shall apply to hydraulic metal structure fabricators.
NOTE: The terms listed in the Glossary are to be used in addition to those in the AISC
Code of Standard Practice for Steel Buildings and Bridges, hereafter referred to as the
Code of Standard Practice; some commonly used terms are repeated here for
convenience and marked with an †. Where used, terms are italicized to alert the user that
the term is defined in this Glossary.
1.3 References
The reference documents and standards necessary to make personnel aware of work
requirements shall be consistent with the requirements of existing contract documents
and shall be readily available to those who need them. The ability to work to and meet
the requirements of the latest edition of the following documents shall be demonstrated:
A. ANSI/AISC 303 Code of Standard Practice for Steel Buildings and Bridges
B. RCSC Specification for Structural Joints Using High-Strength Bolts
C. Selected ASTM Standards for Structural Steel Fabrication, as published for
AISC, or equivalent content
D. AWS A2.4 Symbols
E. AWS A3.0M/A3.0 Terms and Definitions
F. AWS D1.1/D1.1M Structural Welding Code—Steel
1.4 Definitions
As used in this Standard, the words shall, must, or will denote a mandatory
requirement. The word should denotes a guideline or recommendation. The words may
or can denote an opportunity to make a choice.
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AISC 207-20 AUDIT GUIDE – Building Fabricator with Coatings Endorsement Programs
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AISC 207-20 AUDIT GUIDE – Building Fabricator with Coatings Endorsement Programs
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The management review record shall include the decisions and actions required for
implementation of:
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AISC 207-20 AUDIT GUIDE – Building Fabricator with Coatings Endorsement Programs
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AISC 207-20 AUDIT GUIDE – Building Fabricator with Coatings Endorsement Programs
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AISC 207-20 AUDIT GUIDE – Building Fabricator with Coatings Endorsement Programs
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The documented procedure for checking fabrication and erection documents shall
include comparison and compliance with project requirements.
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Detailers in training shall work under the supervision of a trained detailer or checker.
A qualified checker shall check the fabrication and erection documents before release for
fabrication. Qualification requirements for checkers shall be defined and documented and
include training and experience in connection selection. Demonstrated experience and
competency of employed and subcontracted individuals performing final checks shall be
documented by detailing management.
The function and authority levels that have responsibility for review and approval of
internal standards and documented procedures shall be designated.
The documented procedure shall describe the frequency and requirements for review
and updating, and establish a method to identify changes.
Revisions shall be reviewed for adequacy and approved by the same function and
authority level that authorized the original document.
Quality management system documents shall remain legible and easily identifiable. Access
Documents shall be available and readily accessible to all personnel responsible for
performing functions affecting the quality of the completed work. Communication
Changes and revisions shall be clearly communicated to all personnel responsible for
performing functions affecting the quality of the completed work.
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AISC 207-20 AUDIT GUIDE – Building Fabricator with Coatings Endorsement Programs
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The documented procedure shall require records (e.g., logs, files or master lists) that
show receipt of change data, incorporation, issue, and distribution of approved and
revised approval documents to all necessary departments and personnel at the
fabricator’s facility and necessary external organizations, subcontractors or suppliers. Communication
Changes and revisions shall be clearly communicated to all personnel responsible for
performing functions affecting the quality of the completed work.
1.9.1 Retention
The documented procedure for the maintenance of quality records shall define the
retention policy and provisions for the disposition of the records at the end of the
retention period.
1.9.2 Storage
Quality records shall be stored in a manner that minimizes damage, deterioration or loss.
1.9.3 Retrieval
Quality records shall be accessible in a reasonable time frame.
A documented procedure shall be developed to ensure that subcontractors and suppliers
provide contracted services and materials conforming to project requirements.
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AISC 207-20 AUDIT GUIDE – Building Fabricator with Coatings Endorsement Programs
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Subcontractors and suppliers shall be evaluated and selected on the basis of their ability
to meet subcontract requirements, the management system requirements, the applicable
requirements of this Standard, and the requirements of the approved construction
documents and referenced standards.
Coating materials (excluding metallic coating) shall be identified on the container by, at a
minimum, color (pigment description and federal standard number, or manufacturer’s
number), lot/batch number, ID/stock number, quantity of coating in container, date of
manufacture, date of expiration, and manufacturer’s name and address.
Fasteners shall be stored in containers clearly identified by type, grade, size and lot
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AISC 207-20 AUDIT GUIDE – Building Fabricator with Coatings Endorsement Programs
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1.12.1 Welding
The documented procedure for welding shall be developed that addresses the
management of:
B. Preheat requirements
D. Storage (including ovens) and identification requirements for welding
E. Welder, welding operator, and tack welder qualifications and qualification test
records in accordance with appropriate AWS requirements
F. Welder, welding operator, and tack welder performance records—to provide
objective evidence that the “period of effectiveness” has not been exceeded
and satisfactory performance is consistently achieved
G. Traceability of welds to the welders who produce them, as applicable.
WPSs shall be in close proximity to and used by the welders, welding operators or tack
The procedure shall define receipt, in-process, and final inspection of work furnished for
a project. Work determined during inspection and testing to be nonconforming shall be
addressed following the nonconformance procedure requirements in Section 1.1.5.
When inspecting less than 100% of the work, the procedure shall describe the
sampling plans for each type of inspection. The plans will adjust the level and
frequency of inspection at any time the required level of quality is not met.
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The quality records produced shall be filed and retained as defined in the procedure
required by Section 1.9. Inspection records shall clearly show what was inspected, the
result of the inspection, and who performed the inspection.
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AISC 207-20 AUDIT GUIDE – Building Fabricator with Coatings Endorsement Programs
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If the treatment is rework or repair, the result will be inspected per project requirements,
as well as per the quality control process.
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AISC 207-20 AUDIT GUIDE – Building Fabricator with Coatings Endorsement Programs
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Personnel responsible for functions that affect quality, including, but not limited to, project
managers, field/shop supervisors, detailers , inspectors, welding personnel, fitters,
painters, riggers, signal persons, and crane operators, shall receive appropriate initial
and periodic documented training . Training records shall be controlled in the same
manner as quality records. Personnel providing training shall have appropriate training or
experience in the subject they are teaching. Training course outlines include the subject
and the key points.
2.3 References The ability to work to and meet the requirements of the latest edition of the
following documents shall be demonstrated:
(a) ANSI/AISC 360 Specification for Structural Steel Buildings
(b) ASTM F3125/F3125M Standard Specification for High Strength Structural
Bolts, Steel and Alloy Steel, Heat Treated, 120 ksi (830 MPa) and 150 ksi
(1040 MPa) Minimum Tensile Strength
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AISC 207-20 AUDIT GUIDE – Building Fabricator with Coatings Endorsement Programs
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Firms seeking initial certification (or recertification after a lapse in certification) to the
Sophisticated Painting Endorsement shall demonstrate capability by painting a steel
member or component using a customer specification of their choice on the day of the
initial audit. The item can be for a project that may or may not require a sophisticated
painting system.
● Fabricators shall choose a shape with a minimum length of 20 ft that either has
or simulates at least one bolted connection or bolted clip and one stiffener with
a snipe.
● Component manufacturers must paint a complete unit.
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AISC 207-20 AUDIT GUIDE – Building Fabricator with Coatings Endorsement Programs
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When required by the contract, the selected subcontractor shall have either this AISC
Sophisticated Painting Endorsement or SSPC-QP3 certification. The Customer or
specifier shall approve (in writing) any subcontracted entity that does not have this AISC
Sophisticated Painting Endorsement or SSPC-QP3 certification on projects requiring this
Alternatively, expired paint can be retested and used without waiver. In the event the
Firm obtains written authorization from the manufacturer to extend the shelf life, the
owner shall be notified in writing.
The Certificate of Conformance shall be retained by the Firm as part of its quality
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AISC 207-20 AUDIT GUIDE – Building Fabricator with Coatings Endorsement Programs
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Pertinent piece marks shall be properly transferred, and heat numbers shall be
transferred as required by contract documents.
1.5.4 5.3.3, 5.3.4 Process Equipment, Inspection, Measuring and Test Equipment
1.12.5 Equipment shall include, but not be limited to:
● Blast cleaning equipment, which includes conventional abrasive blast
● Power tools or hand tools for surface preparation
● Compressors
● Conventional or airless spray equipment
● Power agitators
● Lifting equipment
● Provisions for loading and blocking
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AISC 207-20 AUDIT GUIDE – Building Fabricator with Coatings Endorsement Programs
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AISC 207-20 AUDIT GUIDE – Building Fabricator with Coatings Endorsement Programs
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1.4 4.10 Enclosed
A permanent or semi-permanent facility, enclosure or building (four continuous walls to a
grade/floor with a roof) where surface preparation and painting activities are conducted in
a controlled environment with fixed or portable ventilation systems. The environment is
controlled when ambient conditions (temperature, humidity, dew point and the
introduction of contaminants) are controlled to meet the manufacturer’s requirements.
This environment is not subject to outdoor weather conditions and/or blowing dust, or
subject to shop related conditions where the surface preparation or painting activities are
in jeopardy of contamination. Choosing not to paint on days where the environment is not
controlled is not a control option for this category. Surface preparation and/or painting
operation occur outside the enclosure only with advanced written authorization from the
owner’s representative.
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