List of Typographical Symbols and Punctuation Marks

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List of typographical

symbols and
punctuation marks

This is a list of t he most common typographical symbols and punctuation marks used wit h
Lat in script . For a far more comprehensive list of symbols and signs, see List of Unicode
charact ers. For ot her languages and symbol set s (especially accent s), see below

T his t able cont ains special charact ers. Without proper rendering support, you may see
question marks, boxes, or other symbols.
Typographical symbols and punctuation marks
Symbol Name of the Symbol Similar glyphs or related concepts

≈ Almost equal t o Equals sign, Approximat ion

& Ampersand

⟨⟩ Angle bracket s Bracket , Parent hesis, Great er-t han sign, Less-t han sign

'’ Apost rophe Quot at ion mark, Prime, foot (unit ), minut e

* Ast erisk

⁂ Ast erism Dinkus, Therefore sign

@ At sign

\ Backslash Slash (Solidus) (/)

Basis point (per t en

‱ Per cent , per mille (per 1,000)
t housand)

[ ], { } Bracket s Angle bracket , Parent hesis

• Bullet

‸⁁⎀ Caret The freest anding circumflex is somet imes called a caret .

⟨⟩ Chevrons 'Chevron' is an alias for Angle bracket

^ Diacrit ics
(freest anding)

: Colon

, Comma

⁒ Commercial minus sign Division sign, Per cent , Obelus

, (ɔ) Copyleft symbol Copyright sign; also (Unicode U+01F12F)


© Copyright symbol Sound recording copyright , Circled lat in capit al let t er C

¤ Currency sign various Currency symbols

†‡ Dagger Foot not es, Lat in cross, Obelus

–  — Dash Hyphen, Hyphen-minus, minus sign

° Degree Masculine ordinal indicat or

*** Dinkus Ast erism, Fleuron, Dingbat

(many) Dingbat Dinkus, Fleuron

⌀ Diamet er

" Dit t o mark Quot at ion mark

÷ Division sign Slash (Solidus) (/), Obelus

⹀⸗ Double hyphen

… Ellipsis

= Equals sign Equal t o

℮ Est imat ed sign

! Exclamat ion mark Invert ed exclamat ion mark, Int erobang

ª Feminine ordinal indicat or Masculine ordinal indicat or, Degree sign

❧ Fleuron Dingbat , Dinkus

. Full st op Int erpunct , Period

♀♂⚥ Gender symbol LGBT symbols

> Great er-t han sign Angle bracket

« » Great er t han Angle bracket s, quot at ion marks, Much great er t han

‐ Hyphen Dash, Hyphen-minus

- Hyphen-minus Dash, Hyphen, Minus sign

☞ Index Manicule, Obelus (medieval usage)

· Int erpunct Full-st op, Period, Decimal separat or

Int errobang (combined

‽ 'Quest ion mark' and Invert ed quest ion and exclamat ion marks
'Exclamat ion mark')

Invert ed exclamat ion

¡ Exclamat ion mark, Int erobang

¿ Invert ed quest ion mark Quest ion mark, Int erobang

< Less-t han sign Chevron,

◊ Lozenge Square lozenge

☞ Manicule Index, Obelus

Masculine ordinal
º Feminine ordinal indicat or, Degree sign
indicat or

− Minus sign Hyphen-minus

× Mult iplicat ion sign X mark

# Number sign Numero sign, Pound sign

№ Numero sign Number sign

Obelus Division sign, Dagger, Commercial minus, Index

() Parent hesis Bracket , Angle bracket

% Percent sign Per mille (per 1,000), Basis point (per 10,000)

‰ Per mille Percent , Basis point

. Period Int erpunct , Full st op

¶ Pilcrow Paragraph mark, paragraph sign, paraph, alinea, or blind P

('Pillow' is an informal nick-name for t he 'square lozenge'.)

⌑ Pillow
Currency sign is superficially similar

+ Plus sign minus sign

Plus–minus sign ('plus or

± Approximat ely equal t o

Apost rophe, quot at ion marks, foot (unit ), Inch, Minut e,

′″‴ Prime (symbol)

? Quest ion mark Invert ed quest ion mark, Int erobang

“ ”   " "
Quot at ion marks Apost rophe, Dit t o, Prime, Inch, Second
‘ ’   ' '

Regist ered t rademark

® Trademark symbol

§ Silcrow Sect ion sign, sect ion symbol, sect ion mark, double-s

; Semicolon

℠ Service mark symbol Trademark symbol

/ Slash Division sign, Backslash

/ Solidus Division sign

Sound recording
℗ Copyright sign
copyright symbol

⌑ Square lozenge

∴ Therefore sign Ast erism

⁀ Tie

~ Tilde (freest anding) Almost equal t o, Wave dash

™ Trademark symbol Regist ered t rade mark

_ Underscore

| Vert ical bar

| or / Virgule Virgule (disambiguat ion)

See also

Ast ronomical symbols

Chemical symbols

Chinese punct uat ion

Currency symbols

Diacrit ics (accent s)

Hebrew punct uat ion

Logic symbols

Mat h symbols
List of mat hemat ical symbols

Japanese punct uat ion

List of Japanese t ypographic symbols

Physics symbols
List of common physics not at ions

List of t ypographic feat ures

Korean punct uat ion

Ordinal indicat or (for t he st yle 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th or as superscript , 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th).

External links
The Comprehensive LaTeX Symbol List (ht t p://www.ct ex-archive/info/symbols/compr

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Last edited 1 day ago by 2001:569:FB63:B100:3029:8788:B398:4A1D

Content is available under CC BY-SA 3.0 unless

otherwise noted.

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