List of Typographical Symbols and Punctuation Marks
List of Typographical Symbols and Punctuation Marks
List of Typographical Symbols and Punctuation Marks
symbols and
punctuation marks
This is a list of t he most common typographical symbols and punctuation marks used wit h
Lat in script . For a far more comprehensive list of symbols and signs, see List of Unicode
charact ers. For ot her languages and symbol set s (especially accent s), see below
T his t able cont ains special charact ers. Without proper rendering support, you may see
question marks, boxes, or other symbols.
Typographical symbols and punctuation marks
Symbol Name of the Symbol Similar glyphs or related concepts
& Ampersand
⟨⟩ Angle bracket s Bracket , Parent hesis, Great er-t han sign, Less-t han sign
'’ Apost rophe Quot at ion mark, Prime, foot (unit ), minut e
* Ast erisk
@ At sign
• Bullet
‸⁁⎀ Caret The freest anding circumflex is somet imes called a caret .
^ Diacrit ics
(freest anding)
: Colon
, Comma
⹀⸗ Double hyphen
… Ellipsis
« » Great er t han Angle bracket s, quot at ion marks, Much great er t han
Masculine ordinal
º Feminine ordinal indicat or, Degree sign
indicat or
% Percent sign Per mille (per 1,000), Basis point (per 10,000)
“ ” " "
Quot at ion marks Apost rophe, Dit t o, Prime, Inch, Second
‘ ’ ' '
§ Silcrow Sect ion sign, sect ion symbol, sect ion mark, double-s
; Semicolon
Sound recording
℗ Copyright sign
copyright symbol
⌑ Square lozenge
_ Underscore
See also
Chemical symbols
Currency symbols
Logic symbols
Mat h symbols
List of mat hemat ical symbols
Physics symbols
List of common physics not at ions
External links
The Comprehensive LaTeX Symbol List (ht t p://www.ct ex-archive/info/symbols/compr
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